Devouring Heaven Chant

Chapter 56: Xuanhuang Pagoda


After saying hello to Xi Yunsheng, he returned to his cave, pulled out Xiemei, and Chen Xuan stroked the blade. The blade became more rosy than before, and there were many more formations on it, and it was closer to the top grade.

I didn't expect that Xie Mei could absorb the other party's spirit weapon and absorb all the essence of the other party's spirit weapon. As long as Xie Mei continues to absorb it, he will reach the top-grade spirit weapon on his own. Now Ling Feng must be crazy. His Yushui Sword Being sucked dry by one's own evil charm, it has now become an ordinary weapon.

After resting for one night, Chen Xuan came to the residential area of the outer disciples again at dawn the next day. Many disciples greeted Chen Xuan while walking on the road, and some of them looked in awe.

"Do you know? His name is Chen Xuan. Yesterday he went to Dou Lingfeng alone and rescued a man named Xi Yunsheng. I heard that Xi Yunsheng is an outer disciple, and he has nothing to do with Chen Xuan. To actually offend Ling Feng of Dou Lingfeng for an outside disciple, this time is really relieved, they Dou Lingfeng has always looked down on our Lianshan Peak, fortunately, Senior Brother Chen gave us an outlet this time. Especially this Ling Feng and others How many years old disciples have been oppressed by him, and they have been domineering among inner and outer disciples for so many years, this time they finally suffered a loss."

"Morning, Senior Brother Chen."

Several young people greeted Chen Xuan. In the cultivation world, regardless of age, the strong are respected. As long as you are strong, you will be respected.

"Senior Brother Chen really displayed his majesty and power yesterday. Li Chang of Dou Lingfeng worshiped Senior Brother Chen. This time, we will definitely get a good result in this competition." Several young people flattered.

Chen Xuan nodded, yesterday's news should have spread throughout the inner and outer gates of Danxuanmen, so that he can gain a firm foothold in Danxuanmen, yesterday I felt that several strands of spiritual consciousness swept over the bucket Lingfeng should be some core disciples.

The core disciples generally do not interfere with the inner disciples. Every core disciple is superior and unruly. Chen Xuan has not seen a core disciple so far. They usually practice in Xuanhuang Pagoda, or experience outside.

Xi Yunsheng came out early this time.

"Chen Xuan, you are here, let's go." Xi Yunsheng said.

"This time I plan to practice in the Xuanhuang Pagoda for a month, and reorganize the experience of the past few days. I have summed up some new things during the battle during this period. I want to consolidate it thoroughly. You are also practicing in the Xuanhuang Pagoda. Let’s try to break through the Spirit Martial Realm this month.”

Chen Xuan began to have a kind of domineering, no matter what he said or did, he no longer looked forward and backward in everything before, and he had to move forward in practice. Now standing beside Chen Xuan, Xi Yunsheng felt that he was too small .

It was the first time for both of them to go to the Xuanhuang Pagoda to practice. After asking about the way, they rushed towards the back mountain of the main peak. Along the way, they saw Chen Xuan's disciples dodging, and some powerful ones nodded.

Soon came to Xuanhuang Pagoda. Standing in front of Chen Xuan was a golden tower that pierced into the sky. It covered an area of about ten mu, and there were exits in front, back, left, and right. Bathed in the golden light, the pores of the whole body seemed to be opened, and the body sucked the milk like a newborn baby with this yellow halo.

This Xuanhuang Pagoda is really amazing, the yellow light actually has the effect of cutting hair and washing the marrow, although it is only a little bit, but practicing in it for a long time is still of great benefit to oneself.

"Brother, which floor do you want to go to practice?" The other disciples who came with Chen Xuan said at this time.

"How many floors can inner disciples go up to?"

"The highest one can go up to the fifth floor, unless there are special circumstances." The disciple next to him said.

"Senior Brother Chen, if you want to go up to the fifth or sixth floor, you have to go through the east gate. The south gate is on the third and fourth floors, the west gate is on the first and second floors, and the north gate is on the seventh floor. Since Senior Brother Chen wants to go up to the fifth floor, you have to go through the east gate. We Go up to the third floor, don't pass here." A few people next to him greeted Chen Xuan.

After the few people separated, Chen Xuan and Xi Yunsheng came to the east gate, and there was a special person guarding the door.

"Are you together? Please show the token."

The old man who guarded the door said that the old man is also a cultivation base of Lingwu Realm.

Chen Xuan took out the inner disciple's token, and the old man checked it. It showed that there were more than one million mission points, and only when the mission points reached 50,000 could he go up to the fifth floor.

"You can go up to the fifth floor, someone will arrange your room on the mountain side." After speaking, let the two of you go in.

The passage at the east gate directly leads to the fifth floor. The two of them quickly arrived at the fifth floor. Chen Xuan glanced at the fifth floor. There are marks on the door, and if someone has a spirit stone on the door, it will glow.

"This is our token, give us two rooms, we need a month." Chen Xuan handed over the token.

"You came at the right time. There are only two rooms left. Now many disciples want to show their strengths in this competition, and they are actively making the final sprint, so there are relatively few rooms now."

"This is the key to open the stone gate. You just need to hit the task point on the spirit stone on the stone gate, and then take the key to open the stone gate."

Chen Xuan took the key and gave Xi Yunsheng one.

"The old man gave us two rooms."

At this time, two rough men in their thirties hurried up from the corridor.

"Ba Liming, there are no more rooms, and the last two rooms have been given to these two little brothers." The old man who handled Chen Xuan's room said.

"What, there are no more rooms. The two of us just came back from the Heavenly Demon Battlefield. This time, the two of us teamed up to kill ten spirit-level Old Demons on the Heavenly Demon Battlefield. We just rushed over after changing the mission point. How dare you say There are no more rooms."

From what this man said, the two of them should often go to the fifth floor to practice, otherwise the old man would not know the name of the person who came.

The two looked at Chen Xuan and Xi Yunsheng.


The two burst out laughing.

"A boy in the middle of the Spiritual Martial Realm, a yellow-haired kid who hasn't even reached the Spiritual Martial Realm, also ran to the fifth floor to practice. Old man Huang, you didn't open the back door for them. Where did they get the mission point to practice on the fifth floor." The man named Baliming said.

"Give me your key, boy. I'll give you 500 Yuanling Pills each. Go to the first floor." Baliming said to Chen Xuan.

Xi Yunsheng wanted to rush to the mountain to update their theory, but was stopped by Chen Xuan.

"The rules of the Xuanhuang Pagoda are that anyone who has a task point can come in to practice, and we arrived earlier than you, why should we give it to you, I will give you five thousand Yuanling Pills each, and you also roll to the first floor to practice " Chen Xuan said arrogantly.

As soon as the two listened to what Chen Xuan said, they were so angry that the three corpses jumped violently.

"Boy, what did you say to tell us to go, you haven't heard of the reputation of our Bashi brothers in Danxuanmen, right?"

These two people only came back from the Heavenly Demon Battlefield, so they probably didn't know about Chen Xuan's trespass to Dou Ling Peak yesterday.

"Boy, I will throw you down from the fifth floor right now."

Ba Liming's big hand caught Chen Xuan and dared to attack me here.

"Break it for me."

Chen Xuan's fist hit Ba Liming's hand, and both of them tried it out. At this time, many practitioners in the room opened the stone door to see what happened outside, and a few of them had very strong auras. They should be the core disciples practicing here.

"Isn't that the Bashi Brothers? Why are they still fighting with others?"

A man leaning against the stone gate said to a man standing next to the stone gate looking into the field.

"The kid has a hand, and he was able to break my grappling hand. I only used half of my strength just now."

In fact, Chen Xuan had only exerted 30% of his strength just now, and he didn't even reach it.

"Capturing the Dragon Hand."

Ba Liming grasped with one hand, surpassed Chen Xuan again, this time the power was much stronger than last time.

"A thousand miles of red flames."

Chen Xuan punched Baaliming's left chest with his right hand, and his left hand also turned into a palm and intertwined with Baaliming's dragon-capturing hand.


The left chest was hit by Chen Xuan's punch, and Baaliming flew upside down. Some people standing at the Shimen watching the fight between the two opened their eyes wide, and some of them even rubbed their eyes. They couldn't believe it, Baalim Ming was knocked into the air with one move.

"I heard that the Bashi brothers are both in the late stage of Lingwu. This kid only has the strength in the middle stage of Lingwu. How could he knock Baaliming into the air? When did our Danxuan sect produce such a powerful disciple again?" . " The crowd may have been careless in their discussion, but they still couldn't believe it when they were successfully attacked by this kid.