Devouring Heaven Chant

Chapter 57: Ye Yun


Baaliming, who was knocked into the air, drew an arc in the air and landed on the ground, his eyes were bloodshot, looking at Chen Xuan like a wild beast.

Take out a big knife from the ring. The knife is two meters long and the handle is one meter. The whole big knife is three meters long.

"Boy, I'm going to chop you up."

"Look, Ba Liming even took out his middle-grade spiritual weapon Overlord Knife. It seems that this kid's strength is really good, and he didn't succeed in a sneak attack just now."

"I'll let you taste my soul-destroyer knife, Huowu will kill the sky."

The big knife mixed with fireballs came towards Chen Xuan. The power of this knife was enough to split the air in half. In just one breath, the big knife hit the top of Chen Xuan's body, splitting Chen Xuan in half.

"I will not be polite to the spirit weapon that is delivered to the door."

Pulling out the knife, a red light flew towards Baaliming's fireball.


Baaliming's long knife appeared to be corroded sound appeared.

"not good."

Ba Liming went back to collect his Overlord Sword.

Ba Liming withdrew his long knife, dense dots appeared on the long knife, one-third of the spiritual energy of the blade was sucked away, and the quality of the entire knife dropped by half, turning it into a low-grade spiritual weapon. Looking at his own knife Being destroyed by Chen Xuan, Baaliming was so angry that he wanted to tear Chen Xuan to pieces.

"Brother, this kid's knife is weird. Let's go together. I will take his knife as compensation for mine."

Ba Liming said to the man who came up with him.


At this time, a broken drink came from one of the stone gates.

"Ba Liming, you can't deal with a middle-stage Lingwu with a late-stage Lingwu, and you are so embarrassed to ask the two to join forces. Are you bullying us and there is no one on the mountain?"

At this time, Chao Chen Xuan came over with four or five people.

"Senior Brother Pei, Senior Brother Shi, Senior Sister Wang, Senior Brother Lu, why are you all here?"

Pei Wenliang was still laughing and joking, so he came upstairs to Chen Xuan for a while.

"Chen Xuan, I haven't seen you for a month, and your strength is comparable to ours. You are too perverted."

"Let me introduce you, this is Ye Yun, our senior brother of Lianshanfeng." Several people introduced to Chen Xuan.

"I have seen the big brother."

When Chen Xuan and the others came over, he realized that Ye Yun's strength was unfathomable, at least half a step of true martial arts strength.

"Well, they all came back and told me about you. You are very good. You have reached the middle stage of Lingwu in just one month. You can be regarded as a rare genius in a hundred years."

"What happened between you, why did Baaliming attack you, why did you fight in Xuanhuang Pagoda." Ye Yun asked.

Chen Xuan recounted what happened just now. He had obtained the qualification to practice in the Xuanhuang Pagoda, but this man named Ba Liming wanted to forcibly take my qualification to practice. I disagreed, so we fought .

"Leave the rest to me." Ye Yun said.

Chen Xuan didn't bother to wipe his ass by himself, since someone stood up for him, why not do it.

"Ba Liming, the two of you brothers actually disregarded the sect's rules and disrupted the order of cultivation. Chen Xuan was originally qualified to practice in the Xuanhuang Pagoda before you, but you wanted to rob them openly. One is not an opponent, and the two of you need to join forces. , Do you see that we have no one on the mountain?"

Ye Yun shouted at the Baaliming brothers.

"Ye Yun, others are afraid of you, but our two brothers are not afraid of you. Don't think that you are Lian Shanfeng's senior brother. The two of us are not your opponents. When our senior senior brother leaves the customs, we can hold you down with one finger." Die, last year you lost at the hands of our senior brother, this year our senior brother will be one step closer to the true martial arts realm."

"Go back and tell Luo Yunfei that I will defeat him in the competition this year, and now you can go." Ye Yun said coldly.

The two of them saw that they had no chance to practice on the fifth floor of Xuanhuang Pagoda this time.

"Let's go, let's go to the fourth floor." The two went downstairs in despair.

At this time, everyone watching the excitement also closed the stone gate, leaving only Chen Xuan and the others on the fifth floor.

"Chen Xuan, tell me, how did you improve so quickly in a month? It took me a year of continuous training from the early to the middle stage of Lingwu to achieve it."

Chen Xuan briefly talked about what happened to him on the Heavenly Demon Battlefield, and they chatted together for half an hour.

"Chen Xuan's competition this time, I heard that there is a special reward for the top ten, so this time, most of our disciples even in the mountain are in retreat, trying to get a place for the top ten. Some news that the peak master revealed to me, I hope that we even have disciples from the mountain to enter the top ten this time. Last time I was defeated by Luo Yunfei, none of the disciples from even the mountain entered the top ten, and I was the only one in the ranking. Fourteenth, so in the end we ranked fourteenth with the mountain.”

"Okay, let's hurry up and practice, and try to make a breakthrough in the last month." Ye Yun said to everyone.

Everyone returned to their practice room, and Chen Xuan and Xi Yunsheng also went into their own practice room. Chen Xuan scored 50,000 mission points towards the spirit stone of Shimen, and a keyhole appeared in Shimen.

"Brother Xi, you can practice here. This is a one-month mission. You should try to break through to the Spiritual Martial Realm, otherwise the disciples of Dou Lingfeng will trouble you."

"Chen Xuan, I'm the one who caused you a lot of trouble this time, you can rest assured that I will break through to the Spiritual Martial Realm this time." Xi Yunsheng said.

"It has nothing to do with you. Sooner or later, I will step on this Ling Feng. Go in quickly."

Inner disciples have to do a lot of tasks to practice on the fifth floor in order to get enough mission points. Chen Xuan took out 50,000 mission points and said he would give them away. If other inner disciples know this, What a shame.

Chen Xuan took out the key and inserted it into the hole of the stone gate, the stone gate opened automatically, and a thick aura spread over the surface, the aura inside was more than ten times stronger than the outside, the environment inside was huge, and there was even his own training field, so that he could I can also practice martial arts here, and I will try to practice Spiral Slash to a great success before I go out, so that I have another hole card in the big competition.

Since entering the Xuanhuang Pagoda, Chen Xuan sacrificed the cauldron furnace in the dantian. The cauldron furnace frantically absorbed the spiritual energy of the Xuanhuang Pagoda and sent it all to Chen Xuan. The throughput was dozens of times faster than outside.

Chen Xuan's current spiritual power is also growing rapidly. Five months have passed, and it has only been half a month outside. This Xuanhuang is really amazing. He actually has a time rule. Now he is stronger than when he first came in. It has increased by more than four or five times, and now the spiritual power in the dantian has begun to liquefy.

But it is still far from meeting the requirements for breaking through the late stage of Lingwu. This is still related to the cultivation in Xuanhuang Pagoda. is out of reach.

It seems that Tiantian Jue has brought powerful dantian and spiritual power, but the demand for dantian is also huge, which is comparable to the sum of dozens of spirit martial realms. If it is said, it will at least scare a group of people to death. It will hold the spiritual power of dozens of people.

In the past few months, I have also made a summary of the battles during this period of time, and my understanding of martial arts is more profound than before. The second move, the four reincarnations, is comparable in power to the second cut of his own Seven Killing Saber.

Time is passing fast, Chen Xuan will have a large amount of spiritual energy sucked into the cauldron with every breath, and the spiritual power in the dantian has also begun to reach its peak, as long as it takes an opportunity to break through to the late stage of Lingwu, there are two more In the next month, I will hone my spiral cut and strive to achieve great success in the time after the meeting.

Two months passed by in a flash, today is my full month, and it's time to go out, Spiral Slash himself is infinitely close to Mahayana.

Pushing open the stone gate, Chen Xuan came out, and the spirit stone on the stone gate also began to become dim, it's time, Chen Xuan, you came out, Xi Yunsheng came out a little earlier than Chen Xuan.

"You have reached the Spirit Martial Realm." After coming out, Chen Xuan saw that Xi Yunsheng was already waiting for him.

"I made a breakthrough two months after entering, and now my realm has stabilized. Why can't I understand your strength after breaking through the Lingwu realm? How did your strength improve so much this time?" Xi Yunsheng said in surprise.

"Although there is no breakthrough in the realm this time, the strength has also improved slightly. Today should be the day when the Zongmen Grand Competition starts to register. Let's also register. Let's go out." Chen Xuan walked downstairs after speaking.