Devouring Heaven Chant

Chapter 6: Swallow the sky



it hurts!

Heart-piercing pain!

The tendons in the body seemed to be cut back and forth by thousands of small knives. The severe pain caused Chen Xuan to sweat profusely, and he almost yelled.

The tendons and veins were torn bit by bit, and after being repaired bit by bit by the energy of the soul stone, it kept going round and round.

"I can't give up!"

There were a few times when Chen Xuan almost fainted, and every time when he was about to faint, Mr. Li would come out to stimulate Chen Xuan.

There was a fishy white in the eastern sky, and it was gradually getting brighter. Chen Xuan lay on the bed panting heavily, and he walked back and forth countless times at the gate of hell that night.

"Boy, are you all right?"

"Old man, are you a human being? You are not afraid of training me to death!" Chen Xuan said weakly on the bed.

"If you want to become a strong person, you have to pay what others can't bear. If you can't bear the pain even after practicing, then I can only lose my soul. Get up and see if there is any change in your tendons! "

Chen Xuan took a look inside and was almost startled. His tendons had doubled in size compared to yesterday, and they had also become tougher. If the meridians used to be considered a small ditch, they are now a small river, and his body is full of pain. There was a foul stench.

"Is this washing the marrow and cutting the hair?"

Chen Xuan jumped off the bed excitedly.

"Boy, don't be too happy, this is just the beginning, this is enough!" Li Lao said to attack Chen Xuan.

At this time, Chen Xuan had already run away and disappeared, and found a small river to take a quick bath.

In the next month, Chen Xuan underwent earth-shaking changes. His body was full of masculinity, his veins were widened by the soul stone like a torrential river, flooded, and his flexibility was much stronger than before.

"Well, good boy, I originally planned to not achieve this effect in two months, faster than I thought, and then let's change the training method!"

Old Li nodded in Chen Xuan's soul sea.

"What's the next training?" Chen Xuan put away his horse and asked immediately.

"What weapon do you like!"


Chen Xuan spat out a word.

The sword, the king of soldiers, is also the courage of soldiers, which is why Chen Xuan chose the sword.

"Okay, just take a knife, practice your knife every day, and put it away, I want you to land on the same position every time you use the knife!"

Elder Li gave Chen Xuan a new training task.

"Old man, when will I be able to cultivate my true strength? My tendons have widened now, shouldn't it be time to practice!"


Old Li thought for a moment.

"It's time to think about it now, will you practice the set of exercises I told you last time!"

"It's the one with no grades!"

"Why don't you want it? Let me tell you, boy, if you want to quickly improve your level, this set of exercises is the most suitable. This set of exercises has appeared once in the past. How many people died because of this set of exercises, but so far no one Complete cultivation has been successful, it seems that everyone has never succeeded in cultivation!"

"Really? Tell me! It sounds very powerful!"

"You concentrate and I will pass on the formula to you!"

Chen Xuan restrained himself, only to see a lot of words and images appearing in his mind, flying around, a cup of tea passed and all the words formed a book.

"Tian Tianjue, what kind of exercise is this!" Chen Xuan asked.

"Boy, I don't know. I don't know who created this set of exercises. It swallows the sky. It can swallow the sky. It's amazing. The most powerful thing is not this. He can still swallow the sky." If you want to quickly improve the true strength of someone who devours others, this set of exercises is just right for you!"

"Practice, that's all!"

With the sword out, with the sword in, Chen Xuan practiced this posture over and over again every day. He knew that Mr. Li told him to practice, there must be a reason!

One thousand and fifty.

Chen Xuan practiced the knife tens of thousands of times a day.

Chen Xuan made a mark on the tree, and every time he slashed at the mark, he hit it once out of ten times. After five or six days, Chen Xuan managed to hit about half of it out of ten times.

Blowing out the candles, sitting cross-legged, Chen Xuan was running Tun Tian Jue, and thick spiritual energy came towards Chen Xuan from all directions.



The refined spiritual energy flowed into the dantian bit by bit, and the true power of the dantian changed from the thin state at the beginning to the current viscous state.

In three days, Chen Xuan was promoted to the third grade of Houtian. If it was said, no one would believe it if he was killed. He was promoted to a grade in three days. This is the benefit brought by Tiantian Jue.

Pushing open the door, Chen Xuan came out.

"Father, why are you here!"

Chen Xuan said to his father standing outside the door.

"Well, I came to see you. You have been training very hard every day during this time. Don't wear yourself out. Your mother asked me to come and see you. Cultivation is not something that can be accomplished overnight, but should be done step by step. You Don't act too hastily, your body is important!"

"It's okay, I know, I'll take care of myself!"

"You have reached the third grade of the day after tomorrow!"

At this time, Chen Xuan's father came up and grabbed Chen Xuan's shoulder.


Chen Xuan's father said three good words in a row.

"I just broke through yesterday!" Chen Xuan said with a smile.

"Well, yes, keep working hard, but you must also pay attention to your body!"

Although Chen Xuan's strength is considered the lowest in the family, Chen Xuan's father is still very happy to see his child improving.

In the previous life, Chen Xuan had no parents. In this life, he must take good care of his relatives. Relatives are Chen Xuan's reverse scales. If anyone dares to touch them, kill them...

A month has passed, and Chen Xuan hit the target at least nine times out of ten times, and Chen Xuan's physical training level has also been raised from the third rank to the fifth rank.

"Old Li, should we go out and find someone to practice with, my current cultivation has hit a bottleneck!"

"Your boy can barely meet my ideal qualification standard. It is time to go out. Only through actual combat can your potential be better stimulated. Before you go out, you should prepare. You must at least reach the eighth rank of the day after tomorrow to go out this time." return!"

"Old man, are you kidding me!"

Chen Xuan knew how difficult it was not to be promoted to the first rank. Those with good talents would have to be promoted to the first rank within half a year at the earliest, and those with mediocre talents might not be able to improve within a year. He was so fast, and it was all due to Tun Tian Jue's concern.

"Are you motivated, hurry up and prepare!" Old Li growled.