Di Daughter’s Rebirth: Sheng Shi Wang Fei

Chapter 117: Detoxification


The emperor took the initiative to invite, this is also an extremely rare opportunity, naturally Concubine Li would not refuse, "The emperor has this kindness, naturally the concubine will accompany me!" Anyway, she will figure out this matter, and we will talk about it when the time comes, Don't be in a hurry, the most important thing is to hold the heart of the person in front of you.

"Okay then, let's go!" The emperor smiled, and directly dragged Concubine Li away without even looking at Mingyue. The concubine heard that the divine doctor cured her, so is Sister Xianfei all right now?"

"Well, of course it's all right, Concubine Xian cares about Concubine Xian very much!" Concubine Xian was poisoned, but it was still such a secret poison, anyone in the palace could possibly be poisoned. Naturally, the emperor will not forget to investigate this matter, he will definitely give Concubine Xian an explanation!

"Naturally, Sister Xianfei is also very good to my concubines on weekdays. When my concubine heard that Sister Xianfei was ill, she was very anxious."

"That's why I met the Divine Doctor Mingyue just now, so I stopped her and wanted to ask her clearly?" Although the emperor was speaking with a smile, Concubine Li felt that something was wrong and smiled, "Hehe, I happened to meet, naturally I just asked, and knowing that Concubine Xian's sister is fine, the concubine felt relieved."

"Really?" Looking at the bright woman in front of her, she didn't know if it was Concubine Li's illusion. She always felt that the emperor's eyes were cold at the moment, "Of course it is, sister Xianfei is fine, the emperor can rest assured Now, the concubine can rest assured."

"It's getting late, and it's so cold. My concubine should not freeze, go back and rest. I still have some official documents to read, so I have to go to the imperial study!" Suddenly stopped, under the dim light, the emperor's Concubine Li's face was a little cold, which made Concubine Li a little scared, "Your Majesty..." What's wrong? Why did she suddenly change her face when she was doing well

"My dear concubine, go back. It's cold in the night, and I will feel bad if it's freezing. Send Li Concubine back, so I can take care of you!" The emperor left after speaking, leaving Li Concubine standing there unwillingly, and finally I can only go back. As soon as she returned to her palace, Concubine Li was very anxious, "Have you found out what happened to Concubine Xian?"

"Returning to your mother, I heard that the emperor sent people to the House of Internal Affairs to get things today."

"What is it?"

"This, the slave doesn't know."

"Trash, can't you handle just such a little thing?" Originally, Concubine Li was annoyed by the emperor, but now she was naturally even more annoyed.

Wouldn't it be very embarrassing to leave her behind just like that? If other people in the palace know about this, why don't you laugh at her to death

The emperor is really cruel, so many years of friendship between husband and wife, if you say you will change your face, you will change your face! Could it be that she said something wrong

After much deliberation, Concubine Li didn't notice anything wrong, and now she had nowhere to vent her anger, so she could only get angry at her servants.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me. This time, the people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs are very strict. I have tried many methods but failed to find out. I have tried my best. I hope your Majesty will forgive me!"

"I can't do this little thing well, go and get twenty boards by myself!"

"Your Majesty, spare me!" Twenty boards, wouldn't he want to be ripped apart

"If you can't do something well, you still want to be rewarded, don't you? Hurry up and pull it down!"

"Yes!" He dragged him down without saying a word, and the eunuch could only beg for mercy, but there was nothing he could do.

"Cover his mouth, don't dirty my ears!"

"Yes!" It was quiet all of a sudden, only hearing the powerful sound of the board, and nothing else.

"What do you mean by this, the emperor? Why did you keep it from telling me what you took from the House of Internal Affairs?" And what's wrong with Concubine Xian? So much fanfare to invite Mingyue to come over, what is going on

"Your Majesty, let's leave this matter alone. The emperor's attitude just now was there. It was because your empress talked too much, which made the emperor angry. This matter has nothing to do with us, so we better not worry about it."

"But I feel that this matter is strange. If I don't figure it out, I feel a little uneasy." Concubine Li is very clear about what is going on in the House of Internal Affairs. I don't know why, it just doesn't feel right.

"Your Majesty, Concubine Xian is seriously ill now, and everyone in the palace is watching, but they are also afraid of being involved, and they are all far away. According to this old slave, it is better for Your Majesty to wait and see. The bright moon left is only It’s nothing more than a folk doctor, is it possible that he can reach the heavens?”

"You're right, the emperor annoyed me today, and I was too eager. Although others were eyeing him, they didn't see any action. Today, I'm also in a hurry."

"It's good for your empress to understand. Your empress is deeply favored. With the sixth prince beside you, the emperor loves your empress very much. As long as your empress spends more time on the emperor, you don't have to worry about it."

"It was Mammy who woke me up. This matter is because I was impatient. Mammy went to ask someone to cook some tremella porridge. I am going to give it to the emperor. It is extremely hard for the emperor to revise the memorial late at night."

"Your Majesty cares about the Emperor so much, she is very happy to think about coming to the Emperor."

"Well, I still understand the emperor's temperament." The emperor likes the tranquility and peace of the harem, and hates those open and secret battles the most. Concubine Li was also anxious before, which violated the emperor's taboo.

"Then the old slave is going to prepare!"


++++++Plot Transformation

After finally getting out of the palace, Mingyue finally breathed a sigh of relief. Concubine Li's aggressiveness just now made Mingyue really worried.

This Concubine Li...

Some doubts about Concubine Li's behavior, Mingyue couldn't care less at the moment, and hurried to find Shen Jingshu at the agreed place. He walked quickly in a carriage along the way, and finally came to a deep alley. Seeing that there was a carriage waiting for a long time, Mingyue quickly got out of the carriage, "Master!"

"Is something available?"

"Master, don't worry, I've got it." It was also Shen Jingshu who was cautious and let her take advantage of the poison on Concubine Xian, and let Concubine Xian accept their favor by the way. Mingyue really admired Shen Jingshu.

She really can't even learn the skills of the master. If it wasn't for the master this time, she wouldn't be so successful!

"No trouble?"

"No, everything is going well." Mingyue thought about the matter of Concubine Li, and decided to say to Shen Jingshu, "There is just one thing that I find a little strange." She didn't have much contact with Concubine Li. But she stopped her, as if deliberately, Mingyue had to be vigilant.

"whats the matter?"

"When I left the palace today, I saw Concubine Li. She didn't seem to want me to leave right away. She stopped me from talking for a long time, and she insisted on asking me to check her pulse!"

"Concubine Li? Is it the Concubine Li of Dongyang Marquis Mansion?" Princess Duan also came from Dongyang Marquis Mansion, and she and Concubine Li are cousins. Could there be some connection between them

"Yes, master, but what's wrong?"

"I'll talk about this matter later. You should hurry back to the Charity Hall and don't enter the palace for the next few days. If someone invites you to enter the palace, just shrug off your discomfort and wait until a few days later!"

"Don't worry, master, I understand."

"Okay, I still have some things to do, so I'll go first, you go back and be careful!"

"Master, go slowly!" Shen Jingshu was sent away, and Mingyue did not delay, and soon went back to the Charity Hall, and then washed and slept as if nothing had happened, but she was still a little doubtful in her heart.

What does the master suddenly want Qisehua for? And so anxious

Although Mingyue had these doubts in her heart, Shen Jingshu didn't say anything, and she didn't ask, she just tried her best to complete Shen Jingshu's orders.

Here Mingyue has already fallen asleep, but she couldn't sleep for a long time, while Shen Jingshu over there rushed to Duanwang Shizi's suburban house overnight with seven-color flowers.

In the dim night, Shen Jingshu made many detours along the way, specially picking out secluded places, and finally came to Duan Wangshizi's house, entered from the back, and the person who opened the door saw that it was Shen Jingshu, who was a little surprised, "Miss Shen , you..." What is Miss Shen doing here in the middle of the night

"Then the master is resting?"

"Master is still reading in the study, Miss Shen, where are you coming?" It was really surprising that Shen Jingshu came here at such a late hour despite the wind and cold.

Is there anything I have to rush to talk about right now

"Take me to meet your master!" Although Qisehua arrived, she really asked about some things carefully!

Is that person worried about his body at all? Obviously there are in the palace, why didn't he say it

"Yes, Miss Shen, please come with your servant!" Coming in the middle of the night is indeed an interruption, and it is very impolite. But the other party was Shen Jingshu, and the servants didn't dare to neglect, so they hurriedly went to pass the message, and then led Shen Jingshu there.

When Shen Jingshu came to the study, she saw that the light in the study was still on, she was already angry, but now she was even more angry.

Doesn't this person know that he is poisoned now? It's so late, why don't you rest

Shen Jingshu herself didn't know that she cared so much for Prince Duan. At this time, she was very worried about Prince Duan and his body. However, when she saw the man, the words of concern were also direct. He just said it, "Why haven't you rested so late? Don't you know that you are a patient at this moment?"

"Why are you here?" With a smile, Prince Duan was only wearing a blue jacket today, because at home, he didn't have too many decorations, and his hair was simply tidied up. The whole person said no. Lazy, but also with a little bit of charm.

This is the first time that Shen Jingshu, the son of Prince Duan, has seen such a prince, and Shen Jingshu's face suddenly feels uncomfortable, "Of course I have something to come to you."

"Important matter?" It was so late, and Shen Jingshu came in a hurry, naturally there was something important.

"Of course it is." After Shen Jingshu finished speaking, she took out the seven-color flower, "This is the seven-color flower for detoxification, you can see for yourself!"

"This..." Looking at the things Shen Jingshu took out in amazement, Prince Duan never thought that Shen Jingshu got the seven-color flower so quickly.

Thinking of Shen Jingshu's hasty departure that day, and there has been no news in the past few days, Duan Wangshizi also understood a little bit at this moment, "Thank you for your hard work, in fact, you don't have to do so much for me. "He was very moved, Prince Duan was very happy to see that Shen Jingshu didn't care about him.

But why? Why does she always keep him out of her heart when she clearly cares about herself

"Don't you ask me, where did I get it?" Seeing Duan Wang Shizi like this, Shen Jingshu became angry. It's obviously something related to life, and this person knows where it is, but he doesn't say it, making her anxious, is it on purpose

"You can get it so quickly. I think you got it from the palace, Shu'er, you shouldn't take risks for me." There is one in the palace, he knew it early on, and if he wanted it, the emperor would know it without asking. for him. But he was selfish, so he deliberately didn't say anything.

Because he likes that Shen Jingshu cares about his appearance, and he wants to know how much weight he has in the other party's heart! So even if he had to bear this torture, he didn't say anything, just because he was too greedy for this warmth!

"You, don't you have anything else to say?" I was almost pissed off, and the other party still looked so calm, Shen Jingshu was really impatient at the moment.

"Shu'er, what do you want me to say? I thank you very much, but this is too risky." Prince Duan was very moved by Shen Jingshu's ability to enter the palace to get seven-color flowers for him, but also worried.

Fortunately, the other party is fine, otherwise what would he do

It's just that now that the seven-color flower has been found, and his poison has been cured, will he no longer have this warmth and concern in the future

"You, why don't you explain it. It's in Mingming Palace. Why didn't you say it at first? Let us worry, I'm afraid, I'm afraid of you..." This person is really hateful. He obviously didn't tell them that the Seven Color Flower was close at hand. Didn't she know she was so worried and guilty before

"Aren't I okay? Shu'er, don't worry."

"Are you so indifferent to your body? Can life be played casually?"

"No one cares about me. I care about myself. What's the point?" A little bit of sadness flashed across his eyes. The person who cared about him left when he was very young. Prince Duan still remembers the arrival of Princess Duan. His despair before death. At that time, he was still so young, and there were not many people in the palace who were sincere to him. How many lives and deaths had he experienced since he was a child, before he grew up? These Prince Duan's sons don't remember anymore, he thought that he would be so lonely in his life, but he happened to meet the woman in front of him, it's just that King Xiang is affectionate and Goddess has no intention, what else can he do

"How do you know that no one cares about you? Are you just humiliating yourself like that? How sad your mother and concubine must be?" Feeling that something is wrong with Prince Duan today, Shen Jingshu couldn't tell, but she If you don't want to see the other party like this, you must try to comfort him.

"Hehe, yes, only the concubine who left still cares about me, but it's a pity that her old man has also left..." Today's prince Duan seems to be particularly sad, and it is completely different from usual. The son made Shen Jingshu feel pity, "You..."

"Shu'er, thank you very much, thank you for bringing me seven-color flowers even though you took the risk, I'm really happy, you still care about me, don't you?"

"Naturally, yes." Shen Jingshu really couldn't say no to such a son of Prince Duan.

"Hehe, it's a good thing Shu'er cares about me. I'm really happy. It's just that you sympathize with me, don't you?"

"No, of course not."

"What is that? Shu'er, if you didn't sympathize with me, why did you treat me so coldly before, and now you care so much about me? Just sympathy?"

"No, I don't sympathize with you, and you don't need sympathy!" She just, she just...

"What is that? It's not sympathy, what is that? Guilt? But Shu'er, I never need your guilt. I did all of this willingly, and even without you, I would do it." Yes." There was a little bit of bitterness at the corner of his mouth, Prince Duan didn't look at Shen Jingshu again, "Leave these colorful flowers, I owe you a favor today, I will remember it."

"Yu Wenjin, do you have to talk like this?" She finally understood her intentions, but she still didn't know what to do. If this person is still like this, do you have to force her

"Shu'er, you..." Seeing that Shen Jingshu was so angry that her face was a little red, a little bit of joy flashed across Prince Duan's face, and she wanted to say something, but Shen Jingshu avoided it, "You go back to the room first, I'll make medicine for you, after the medicine is finished, I'll treat your wound, your injury is caused by me, I must be responsible for healing you!" Shen Jingshu left after finishing speaking, leaving Prince Duan stunned Sitting there, there was a kind of smirk on his face.

Shu'er, is she caring about him? So regardless of the woman's reserve, you are still here to boil medicine to detoxify him at such a late hour? Does this mean that, in fact, Shu'er still has some thoughts for him in her heart

Knowing this, Duan Wangshizi was very happy, regardless of thinking that he did this deliberately just now, he was a little bit annoyed immediately.

But now when Shen Jingshu went out, a look of annoyance flashed across her face. Looking back at this moment, Shen Jingshu realized that Prince Duan did it on purpose just now.

That person is firm and indifferent, how could he have such fragile thoughts? I was simply deceived by the other party!

She was really annoyed, Shen Jingshu could only boil medicine for Prince Duan at the moment, this poison was hard to cure, Shen Jingshu was naturally very caring. After carefully brewing the medicine, after three times of boiling water, Shen Jingshu asked someone to bring the medicine to Prince Duan. As soon as she entered the room, she saw the man sitting at the table waiting for her. Seeing her coming, she immediately Showing a smile, "You're here? You've worked hard." Seeing the exhaustion on Shen Jingshu's face, Duan Wangshizi felt a little distressed.

"Drink the medicine first!" Fascinated by the other party's smile, Prince Duan seldom smiled, especially after two years, the experience in the army made the other party more ruthless and decisive, and his facial features became more profound and three-dimensional. When she is smiling, it makes people feel very difficult to get close to, but when she laughs, it also makes people's hearts flutter.

"Hmm!" Although the medicine was very bitter, Prince Duan drank it without blinking. Shen Jingshu took out the silver needle at this moment, "Take off your shirt, and I will force the poison out for you." After being poisoned for a long time , After drinking the medicine, you have to give acupuncture, so that the poison can come out at once, and it will not hurt the lungs.

"Okay!" He took off his clothes without hesitation, in front of Shen Jingshu, Prince Duan was not uncomfortable, but Shen Jingshu, looking at the other party's strong body, felt a little uncomfortable, "Turn around! "

"Well!" Very cooperative, maybe a little guilty, Duan Wang Shizi is very obedient and honest at the moment, he will do whatever Shen Jingshu asks him to do, and even Shen Jingshu deliberately gave the needle heavily in order to vent her anger, Duan Wang Shizi felt the pain, but didn't change his expression.

Shen Jingshu looked at Prince Duan like this, and finally lost her mind. After finishing the acupuncture, she looked at the large and small wounds on Prince Duan's body. A little bit of black blood was spilled, and Shen Jingshu hurriedly asked Prince Duan to wash it, "I have prepared a medicinal bath, you go and wash it, so that the poison will be completely cleared."

"Okay!" After taking the medicated bath, Prince Duan finally felt a lot more relaxed. Then Shen Jingshu took off his bandages, looked at the wounds, and nodded, "The wounds are no longer inflamed. , the poison has been cured, the wound should be healed soon, but you have to rest well these few days, don't drag the wound any more, you know?"

"I know, don't worry!"

"Although the poison has been cured, you still need to take good care of it. I will come back tomorrow to change your medicine!"

"Shu'er, really?" His eyes were full of joy, Prince Duan did not hide his happiness at all.

"Of course it's true. You are my patient now, and I have to take care of your body." Shen Jingshu said this. Although Prince Duan was a little disappointed, he was very happy to see Shen Jingshu. "Okay, Shu'er, you are so kind!" As long as Shen Jingshu is willing to see him, he is confident that Shen Jingshu will finally agree to him!

"Okay, it's getting late, I'm going back, and you should have a good rest!"

"I'll send you off!"

"No need, it's more convenient for me to go back alone!"

"No, someone will send you better. Nongyue knows martial arts, and she will send you back directly, so as not to alarm others." Knowing that Shen Jingshu must have come out secretly, if someone who knows martial arts sends her back, it will be natural. Much less trouble.

"Well, that's good!" Duan Wangshizi was right, he didn't know martial arts, and it would take a lot of effort to go back, so Shen Jingshu didn't object anymore.

"Let Nongyue come in!" Nongyue hurried in when she heard Prince Duan's son calling her, "Master!"

"Send Miss Shen back, you must ensure Miss Shen's safety, you understand?"

"Yes, master!" Now that Shen Jingshu has rescued Prince Duan and detoxified Prince Duan, Nong Yue's attitude towards Shen Jingshu has become better.

"Well, let's go, it's late!"

"Yes, master, Miss Shen, please, this servant will take you back!"

"It's troublesome!" Along the way, Nongyue set up a carriage, and when she was about to arrive at Shen's mansion, Nongyue parked the carriage in a corner, "Miss Shen, I will take you in, I'm offended!"

"Nongyue, thank you for your hard work."

"Miss Shen, this is what a servant girl should do!" After making a gesture of invitation, Shen Jingshu didn't feel awkward, and just let Nongyue carry her in. Although Nongyue is a woman, she is a martial artist after all, and her strength is tight. After carrying Shen Jingshu in, she also carried Chunmei in. Shen Jingshu really thanked, "Nongyue, thank you!"

"Miss Shen, I have offended you so much before, and I still hope that Miss Shen will forgive me. This servant thanked Miss Shen for the master. If it wasn't for Miss Shen, the master's poison would not be cured so quickly!" At this moment, Nongyue said to Shen Jingshu, She is also sincerely grateful, Shen Jingshu saved Prince Duan's son, and Nongyue is sincerely grateful.

"I should do this, it's late, you should go back too!"

"Miss Shen, take a good rest, and my servant will leave!" She quickly disappeared into the night, and Chunmei, who was at the side, couldn't help feeling emotional when she saw it, "The martial arts of playing the moon are really good, such a thin and weak woman can actually recite We can come and go freely, there are so many capable people around you. If Missy has such a person by her side, it will save a lot of worry!" It is indeed very convenient to have someone who knows martial arts by your side.

"Okay, let's go back quickly, it's so late, Chun Ye and the others should be worried." When she came out, she asked Chun Ye and others to cover her, and they should be worried when she came out for so long.

"Miss is very right, let's go back quickly, don't be discovered by others." The two went out secretly, so naturally they couldn't disturb others.

Fortunately, Nongyue sent Shen Jingshu back to the yard directly, and the two did not encounter any trouble along the way. Shen Jingshu quietly returned to her room, and she saw Chun Xiao and Chun Ye anxiously walking back and forth there "Miss, you are finally back! The servants are worried to death!"

"Nothing happened?"

"It's nothing wrong, miss, everything is going well, right?"

"It's all going well, don't worry."

"That's good, that's good! Thank goodness!"

"Okay, I know you've worked hard, go back and rest, I'll give you a day off tomorrow!"

"Miss is the best!" After being worried for quite a while, Shen Jingshu came back safely, and everyone put their hearts back together. They heard that they were very happy for the holiday, so they went back to sleep. Shen Jingshu tidied up by herself and went to sleep, but thinking about Prince Duan's behavior today, the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, and in the end she felt a little more helpless.

This person, even at this time, did not forget to plot against her! It made her worry, really!

Is it just me, does it really make the other person so uneasy

Shen Jingshu thought about her behavior, and she also understood the reason why Duan Wangshizi did this, and finally didn't care about it.

That's all, since her heart can no longer control herself, what else can she do

On the third day, when Shen Jingshu went to change the dressing for Prince Duan, her attitude changed a lot, "I see that you have lost weight recently, but you don't have much appetite? Just tell me what you want to eat, and I will order the kitchen to make it for you!"

"Shu'er, you..." I didn't expect Shen Jingshu to care so much about herself, and Prince Duan would find it hard to accept it all of a sudden

Shu'er What does this mean? Are you going to accept him

Really? Is he really that lucky