Di Daughter’s Rebirth: Sheng Shi Wang Fei

Chapter 78: ready to leave


Seeing that Chunxiao was made shy by herself, Shen Jingshu only thought it was funny. Now the maidservants around her are getting older, logically speaking, they have already reached the age of marriage, but she is still young, so she has not made any arrangements.

But this time when she went to Beijing, she also had to make preparations, and she didn't want to delay so much for the older ones. Of course, if she stayed in Jiangnan, she would certainly not refuse.

"Miss makes fun of your servants like this, so let's not talk about it!" Speaking of Shen Jingshu, she is very good to the maids around her, and she has a noble status, so the lives of these maids are better than those of the daughters of small households. A few more points. There is also Shen Jingshu's caring, and the maids still maintain their hearts. Although Chun Xiao is a big girl now, her innocent temperament is still the same.

"You girl, are you really angry? Am I wrong? Or do you really want to comb your hair for the rest of your life and never marry again?" , but also reluctant to separate. Usually, when such a maid grows up, she must be the steward's nanny next to the master, and her status is naturally unusual. But Shen Jingshu didn't want the girl beside her to be like that.

A person who is helpless all his life, even with the grace and care of his master, but what about when he grows old in the future? It's a bit bleak!

"Miss, the servant will not marry, the servant will always follow the eldest lady, marry with the eldest lady, and then serve the eldest lady for the rest of her life!" Of course Chun Xiao couldn't bear to part with Shen Jingshu, and of course she couldn't bear to hear that Shen Jingshu wanted to marry her .

"Fool, can you still follow me for the rest of your life? Even if you are married, you can still serve me. What are you in a hurry for?"

"Miss, you, you know how to make fun of slaves!" There is really nothing to do with Shen Jingshu. Now that Shen Jingshu is getting older, she is no longer the child she used to be. She always likes to make fun of them with these words. Chun Xiao was also very distressed sometimes, "Missy always bullies slaves, is it true that Missy doesn't want slaves anymore, because she dislikes slaves for doing things badly?"

"Okay, just kidding, can I really not want you? I promise you, if you don't want to marry, no one will force you. Is this okay?" Although several maids have reached the age of marriage , but the maids of rich families married at an older age. Some people are also willing to marry these maids. They are sensible and calm, which is much better than those small families.

"Hehe, I'm so kind!" Chun Xiao was considered the youngest among them, and it was fine to keep her for a few years if she wanted to. In addition, this girl has not enlightened so far, she just wants to follow Shen Jingshu and take care of Shen Jingshu, why do she think so much

"Then I promise you, are you still angry with me?"

"How dare I be angry with the eldest lady?" Chun Xiao pouted, she really felt that she was lucky. Today's Shen Jingshu is calm and calm, but many people can't compare to her. If she can follow such a master, her life will be smoother in the future!

"Since you're not angry anymore, there's one more thing, should I say it?" Smiling, Shen Jingshu looked at Chun Xiao, but Chun Xiao's expression changed at the moment, "Miss, I'm telling you, Miss, can you Don't worry!" For the past two years, Shen Jingshu has been asking them to pay attention to the news of the capital, and the news of Prince Duan's son is not let go. Although Chun Xiao doesn't know what Shen Jingshu is thinking, but after all these years with Shen Jingshu, she still has some worried.

"Come on, but what happened?"

"Miss, I heard that the Turkic invasion from the north caused Prince Duan to be seriously ill, so he sent Prince Duan's son to fight." Looking at Shen Jingshu, she was really worried that something was wrong with Shen Jingshu, but Shen Jingshu just smiled faintly. , although the smile was a bit forced, "Really? Then this matter is confirmed? Has the imperial decree come down?"

"It should have come down, right? Now everyone is talking about it. There has been no news about Prince Duan's son since he returned to Beijing. This time he will take the place of King Duan. Many people say that Prince Duan's son has inherited King Duan's great talents. Everyone is talking about it!"

"Really?" That man has had a hard time in the past two years, right? Now he has to go to war in command, I really don't know if that Duan Wang really loves him, or did it on purpose.

"Miss, don't worry too much, Prince Duan is an intelligent person, he will be fine." Going to war means danger, not to mention that Chunxiao has never heard that Prince Duan led troops to fight, so People who go to the border, isn't it close to death

"Well, I know. Well, let's go. My parents have received a letter from Kyoto at this moment. I'm afraid they have plans. Let's go and have a look!" Although Shen Jingshu is fine on the surface, she is very worried in her heart. Chun Xiao glanced at Shen Jingshu and wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything and just followed Shen Jingshu away.

When they came to the lobby, Shen Wenhua and Shan Yuerong had just finished reading the letter, and their expressions were not very good. Shen Wenhua was a little helpless, but Shan Banyan knew that this matter would not be delayed, so she was also a little sad.

She has lived in Jiangnan for more than ten years, and she has long regarded this place as her own home. Here, she can make complete decisions and have a pair of lovely children. She is really happy. Now that he wants to go back, he has to face those people, and there is also a mother-in-law who doesn't like him, Shan Banyan has a headache thinking about it.

It would be great if they could stay here for the rest of their lives, but it's a pity that they will go back after all.

Shen Jingshu saw this scene as soon as she entered the door, and she understood Shan Banyan's thoughts in her heart, but there are some things that cannot be avoided after all, "Father, mother, I heard that there is a letter from Kyoto, what is it?"

"Shu'er is here?" Shen Wenhua was full of pride when he saw his daughter who had grown into a graceful figure.

His daughter has grown up, and now she looks like a lady from a great family, but she is inferior to many others. She really deserves to be his daughter!

"Daddy, but grandma wrote a letter, what did she say?" Over the years, Mrs. Shen has urged them to go back. In the past few years, due to the majesty of the emperor, she only expressed her miss for her eldest son between the lines, and dared not What to say. However, as the situation in the south of the Yangtze River became more and more stable in the past few years, Shen Wenhua's official prestige became more and more prosperous. Mrs. Shen didn't want her eldest son to stay outside for too long, so that she would not be able to control herself, so every time she sent a letter, she would urge them to go back. In previous years, Shen Wenhua used the situation in the south of the Yangtze River as an excuse, but this year, Mrs. Shen used her trump card, and Shen Wenhua really didn't know what to say.

"Your grandmother said that she misses us, and she has been ill recently. She has been in poor health for the past few years. She is worried that she will not be able to see us. Let us go back and see her." Old Mrs. Shen said so, seeing Shen Wenhua's tenure It is almost full, if they are not re-elected, Mrs. Shen will probably keep them when they go back this time.

Shen Wenhua has been evading it for a few years, and now seeing that Mrs. Shen is seriously ill, if he keeps evading it, he will be unable to justify it, and he feels a little embarrassed.

"Daddy means, are we going back?" Counting it, she hasn't gone back for many years. In the past few years, there are always seven or eight things that make them unable to get away, so seriously, Shen Jingshu I haven't been back since I was reborn.

In the past, she felt that her wings were not yet full, and she could only be slaughtered when she went back, but now, who would dare to do anything to her

"Let's go back and have a look before we talk!" Knowing that going back is inevitable, the capital is the Shen family's home after all. When Shen Wenhua came out, it was also for his wife and daughter not to be wronged. Now that he has a son and a daughter who has grown up, he has stayed here long enough, and it is time to go back.

Everything there is his after all, isn't it? Could he still hide here with his wife and daughter for the rest of his life

"Wen Hua..." Shan Banyan knew that this time it was inevitable, Shen Wenhua's words were just to comfort her, and she was very grateful.

"Then Daddy, when are we leaving?" Shen Jingshu never doubted returning to Beijing, it was just a matter of time. Now that the time has come, it's time to pay back what those people in the previous life owed her!

"Going back years ago, there are still many things to deal with. Now the imperial decree has not yet been issued, and everything has to wait until we go back." Although Shen Wenhua said so, but based on Shen Wenhua's understanding of the emperor, he has stayed here long enough, Now I'm afraid it's time to go back.

It's just a matter of time. Now that the prince is getting older, he has always been a loyal minister for the new king. In the past, the emperor allowed him to stay here to let him avoid those whirlpools. But now, I'm afraid it's time. .

"Well, Daddy, are we going to start preparing?" Shen Jingshu had waited too long for this day.

Those people in Kyoto are enjoying their things now, how could she let those people continue to enjoy themselves

"Well, if anyone of you needs to say goodbye, get ready, but you can't just leave." Knowing that her daughter still has good friends, these years here, Shen Jingshu has her own circle of friends, Shen Wenhua is really I was worried that Shen Jingshu would not get used to it when she went back.

The place is unfamiliar to my daughter, and many of them need to start from scratch. I just hope my daughter can adapt, right? After all, for her daughter, Kyoto is where she should belong.

Shen Wenhua only had such a daughter, so of course she was reluctant to let her daughter marry far away. Now that Shen Jingshu is getting older and is about to marry, it is a good time to go back at this time.

"Okay Dad, I understand, I will meet Huilan and the others in a few days!" Shen Jingshu was also reluctant to leave her friend. However, there is no permanent banquet in the world, and Shen Jingshu knows it very well.

In the future, they will meet again, won't they? Even if they can't see each other, they can still exchange letters, so Shen Jingshu is not worried.

"Well, then this matter is settled like this. Let's clean it up slowly, and don't worry about it." They have lived in Jiangnan for many years, and naturally there are many things that need to be cleaned up. The people in this yard also need to be cleaned up. They are going to be brought back, and some people are going to be kept. There must be a plan for this, so Shen Wenhua will make everyone ready early.

"Wenhua, don't worry, I'll take care of it." Smiling, Banyan Tree is already very satisfied with having lived for so many years. Now that she has a son and a daughter, she feels that she can't be happier. What dissatisfaction would there be

"I've wronged you, Rong'er."

"Wenhua, I know how good you have been to me all these years, and now I can no longer drag you down!" Sanyuan Jidi back then had been wronged here for too long because of her. Shan Banyan knew that Shen Wenhua was also a person with ideals and ambitions, so how could she drag him down

"Fool, fame and fortune belong to me, but it's just passing by. You are the most important." Shen Wenhua made this point very clearly. Although he also wanted to show his ambitions, what he valued more was the people he cared about.

"After all, I have to go back. I have stolen the past few years. Now that I have Brother Han, I believe that my mother and the elderly will feel more at ease. Don't worry, I can do it." Although I am still a little nervous, but now It has become a foregone conclusion, Shan Banyan is not the kind of cowardly person.

"Don't worry, I will protect you!"

"En!" The relationship between the husband and wife is getting better and better now, Shan Banyan has both children now, what else is there to worry about

In the following days, Shan Banyan began to prepare for returning to Beijing. There were a lot of things that needed to be brought. Shan Banyan had to carefully consider what to bring.

Of course, Shen Jingshu is also helping these days. Over the years, she has gradually helped Shan Banyan's housekeeper, and now she has a good appearance, things are gradually tidied up, and people are gradually becoming reasonable. Of course, she still follows her own ideas. Some slaves bought locally are willing to stay, and some who are already married are naturally willing to stay, but there are also some who are willing to follow Shan Banyue and the others to Beijing to fight for their future... There are all kinds of things. Shan Banyan and Shen Jingshu naturally have to choose carefully. Kyoto is not comparable to Jiangnan. A part was left, and the rest was gradually released. For those who were willing to stay in the house, Shan Banyan also gave them a generous reward to guard the house, and in a blink of an eye, the entire Shen residence was quite empty.

Seeing that the day of leaving was getting closer, Shen Jingshu hosted a banquet for the daughter who had frequent visits on weekdays. Everyone knew that Shen Jingshu was leaving, so they were quite reluctant.

"Ms. Shen is leaving. I'm afraid it will be difficult to see you again in this life. I really miss the old days. I just don't know when we can play the piano and laugh together again?"

"There will be a chance, remember to look for me when you come to Kyoto in the future!"

"Hehe, the capital is prosperous and prosperous. Miss Shen is finally going back, which makes people very envious."

"That's right. Now that everyone is getting older, we're all getting married. Ms. Shen, I'm afraid there is a bigger marriage waiting for you!"

Everyone was laughing, Shen Jingshu looked at these familiar faces, thinking about the little things in the past, she was a little bit reluctant, "In the future, we will often contact each other by letter. Although I am gone, we met once. This fate can't be just forgotten. Understand."

"Okay, as long as Miss Shen doesn't forget about us."

A farewell banquet was over, all the ladies left one after another, and finally only Shen Jingshu, Yang Huilan and Kong Xinhe were left.

"You are leaving in a blink of an eye. Your marriage will definitely be in Kyoto in the future. I am afraid that there will be no chance to see you again in this life." Yang Huilan suddenly became a little sad, thinking about Shen Jingshu's departure, recalling all the past, Yang Huilan felt as if it was just yesterday, "Now Xinhe and I are both married, but I have taken root here in Jiangnan. Xinhe married Chen Feng, so I can meet you often, don't forget Me!" She will be alone in the future, and Yang Huilan really can't bear to part with it.

"What are you talking about? We will definitely meet again in the future, so why don't you go to see me in the capital?" This time when they came to Beijing, Kong Xinhe and Chen Feng decided to go with Shen Jingshu and the others. After all, Shen Jingshu is the real big owner of the Charity Hall, and the Charity Hall in Kyoto is also the base camp. Of course, the two of them will go with them.

Of course, it was also because Master Kong always came to Chen Feng and asked for such and such, but Kong Xinhe couldn't see it, so he planned to stay away from here.

"Of course I will go, but I am envious that Xinhe can go with you, but I can only be here now. I could talk to you before, and when you are gone, who else should I talk to?" What about?" Although she is married and has a certain circle of friends, Yang Huilan can no longer find such close friends as Shen Jingshu and Kong Xinhe.

Perhaps this has something to do with their previous experience? When married, the husband's family is the most important thing, and many interactions are tainted with interests, and it is rare to see a bit of sincerity.

"Haven't I left yet? Jingshu and the others are leaving first. We have to deal with some things and we will leave in a few days. What are you in a hurry? And you haven't written to me yet? Could it be that we are separated? Not friends anymore?"

"Of course not, I'm just not used to seeing you all go away." Yang Huilan was in a rather depressed mood, and when Shen Jingshu saw her, she was a little skeptical, "Huilan, did your husband take a concubine again?" She is greedy for novelty, although Yang Huilan's husband's family treats her well, it does not prevent her from taking concubines.

For a regular wife, she has all the respect that the other party should have, but in the end it's the bad nature that makes Shen Jingshu sometimes hate iron for steel.

"Hehe, if he wants to take a concubine, can I stop him? In fact, sometimes I really envy Xinhe. It's worth my life to get someone who treats her sincerely!" Yang Huilan was one of the three. The one who got married the first among them also lived a very happy life. She now has a son and a daughter, but Kong Xinhe and Chen Feng are still two people, but their states of mind are different.

"Whelan, I said that you have changed a lot after you got married. Where did you go before? Since you don't like it, just say it. Your husband-in-law respects you too. Could it be that if you don't want to, he still It has to be a concubine?" Shen Jingshu knows that there are very few people in this world who are as self-disciplined as her father, but Shen Jingshu knows that Shen Wenhua's not taking a concubine has something to do with her own mother.

If a woman really captures her husband's heart, will she still worry that her husband will take a concubine

Shen Jingshu used to think that Yang Huilan was quite a straightforward person, but how did she change after getting married? Instead, Kong Xinhe's bravery was lost.

"Hehe, Jingshu, I also want to be as wanton as a girl's family, but my mother said that once married, the husband's family is the most important thing. It is only natural for a husband to take a concubine. Can I stop it?" She smiled wryly, but Yang Huilan didn't stop her, and she just swallowed the bitter fruit herself. Seeing that Shen Jingshu really hated iron and steel, "Then you are like this? Since you envy Xinhe, you should show your own skills, I See, your husband is not that impatient, and he respects you a little bit, if you really don't like it, can he force it?"

"Really? But my mother-in-law..." The old man also hopes to have more children and more blessings. In the past, when she had no eldest son and daughter left, her mother-in-law did not let her husband live in her room, but now...

"Whelan, I just want to ask you, do you want to be a virtuous wife or a happy wife?"

"Nature is happy!"

"That's it. Look at my mother, have you been happy all these years?"

"A woman like Mrs. Shen is something I have always wanted to envy!" Shen Wenhua has been with Shan Banyan Tree for more than 20 years, how can people not be envious

"Since that's the case, why do you care about these things? My grandmother also disliked my mother, but with my father's protection, my mother has lived at ease all these years? Huilan, it's best to be happy by yourself. Don't worry about those false names. Aren't you tired? You obviously don't want to, but you still look at me eagerly, I think your smile is much less than before. "

"Jingshu, did I do something wrong?" Can she really mention it to Xianggong

"Whelan, a husband and wife are one body. If you don't tell me, how do you know it's impossible? Why don't you give it a try, just take it as a chance for yourself? Do you want to see more people come to rob you of your husband? That Is the day you imagined?"

"Of course not." She was actually very unwilling. Although she knew that it was natural for a man to take a concubine, she still felt uncomfortable seeing her husband take a concubine like this.

"Since you don't want to, then try to communicate. Now that you have sons and daughters, and your waist is straight, what are you afraid of?" Knowing that Yang Huilan was brainwashed by Mrs. Yang, she changed a lot, Shen Jingshu You have to turn the opponent around.

"Jingshu, I know what to do." Yang Huilan really listened to it. When she went back the next day, she saw that her husband was going to the concubine, and she looked sad. Later, when her husband asked, she Only then did she tactfully express her jealousy, which aroused her husband's joy. When he learned that his little wife was jealous, her husband did not go to the concubine's place for several days. Being pregnant with an heir, Yang Huilan immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Since then, she and her husband have been sweet and loving, but they have licked another son, and her husband loves her even more. Although there are several concubines in the family, few of them go there. Yang Huilan's mother-in-law was a little bit critical at first, but seeing that her daughter-in-law was pregnant again so quickly, she didn't say anything. When her grandson fell to the ground, she went to caress her grandson with a smile, so how could she care so much

Of course, this is something for later. Yang Huilan was able to do this in the end after some ups and downs and grievances. Of course, she endured it all. At this moment, she has made up her mind and has a plan. It's just that at the time of parting now, she doesn't want to bother Shen Jingshu with her own affairs all the time, "Jingshu, don't worry about me, I will take good care of myself."

"Well, as long as you know, remember to write letters if you have anything to do in the future." Several friends have been exchanging letters, but they have exchanged a lot of experience, especially Kong Xinhe and Yang Huilan. Kong Xinhe gave Yang Huilan a lot of ideas, and Yang Huilan naturally agreed. I did it as a reference, and the results are good, and the relationship with my husband is getting better and better. Although there are still concubines at home, they are almost all decorations.

"Okay, don't worry. It's just that we haven't seen each other for a long time since you left, Jingshu, how about we get drunk today?" It hasn't been so happy in a long time, and Yang Huilan really misses the time when she was a girl. Willfulness is the truest self!

"Okay, remember the peach blossom wine we brewed seven years ago? How about we break it all apart and drink it today?"

"Okay, this wine has been around for seven years. We have drank a lot in the past few years, and now we are going to part ways. It's good to drink all of it!"

"Okay, if you don't get drunk, you won't go home!"

Parting is always sad. Although we all know that this day will come, we all hope that this day will be slower, slower, slower.

However, it finally came, and the parting mood was very uncomfortable, so the three of them had a tacit understanding and chose to get drunk together, which could at least dilute a little sadness.

There are still three bottles of peach blossom wine left, and the girls really drank it all, and finally got very drunk and passed out at Shen Jingshu's house. Shan Banyan and Shen Wenhua shook their heads when they saw it, saying that they were wasting It's been a long time, but a few girls are unconscious.

Waking up the next day with a splitting headache, Shen Jingshu thought about the wine they drank together yesterday, and went to find Yang Huilan and Kong Xinhe in a daze, but they were still sleeping, but their husbands came to look for them. They were all drunk, and their faces were rather bad.

"Jingshu, let's go first." Yang Huilan was drunk, and she was still a little unconscious at the moment. Seeing her husband's worried expression, she smiled, but ignored her.

Jing Shu is right, she can't always go along with him, she still needs to have the petty temper she should have, otherwise don't you think she has no temper

"Well, let's go, let's rest!" Shen Jingshu knew that it was normal for a man to take a concubine. In the eyes of Yang Huilan and Kong Xinhe, it is normal, so Yang Huilan endured the grievance before. Kong Xinhe was lucky to meet Chen Feng. In fact, it's just that she can't see it.

Perhaps, she was too deeply influenced by her parents? Coupled with what happened in her previous life, she really didn't want to let herself fall into that situation again!

"Well, you should rest!" Waving her hand, Yang Huilan felt a little dizzy, and asked the servant girl to support her. Waiting for Kong Xinhe to say hello and leave together, "Jingshu, when you leave, we will go see you off together!". Kong Xinhe was leaning directly in Chen Feng's arms right now, it was really enviable!

"Okay!" Seeing how worried their husbands were, Shen Jingshu was also relieved. The two friends were happy and happy, and she would have one less worry in the future.

Although there will be some regrets, Huilan is not her after all, and there is no room for sand in her eyes, so, she believes that Huilan will handle it well.

"Then let's go!"

"Be careful!" Sending off a few people, Shen Jingshu rubbed her aching temples and asked someone to prepare hangover soup, which made her feel better.

"Miss, do you still want to rest?" Chunmei was really worried seeing Shen Jingshu like this.

"No, pack up, we're going to meet someone." There was one more person, and she wanted to say goodbye in person.

"But Master Hui?"

"Well, thanks to the master these years, I am what I am today. Now that I want to leave, I naturally have to say goodbye in person."

"The servant girl is going to prepare now!"

"Yeah!" After tidying up, I came to Master Hui's house. It has been seven or eight years now, and Master Hui's house is still the same as before, low-key and elegant. Just as Shen Jingshu asked Chunmei to knock on the door, someone The door opened, "Miss Shen is here, Madam is waiting for Miss Shen, please come in!"

"Master knows that I'm coming?" Master Hui has always been a wise elder, and has a keen eye for gold. He has always taught Shen Jingshu with all his heart, and his affection for his teacher, Shen Jingshu is naturally unusual.

"The madam has been waiting for the young lady, please, the young lady!"

"Okay!" After walking in, Shen Jingshu smelled the faint fragrance of tea, and seeing Master Hui making tea, Shen Jingshu walked in quietly. Just approaching, although Master Hui didn't look up, he said, "Here you come? Sit down!"

"Thank you master!"

"This is my newly brewed tea, how about trying it?"

"Thank you master!" After taking a sip, it was bitter at first, but after a while it was sweet, and Shen Jingshu couldn't help but her eyes lit up, "The taste of this tea is strange."

"Tell me."

"It was bitter at first, but it became sweet when you tasted it. Master, what kind of tea is this?"

"It's just a newly found tea. I think it tastes good. I thought of you coming today, so I brewed it and drank it. Do you like it?"

"Well, although the taste is a bit strange, I still like it very much!"

"Since I like it, I don't have anything to give you. There is still a pack here, so let's take it as a gift for you to practice!"


"This time in Beijing, I know you have a lot of things to do, but remember to be anxious about everything, and protecting yourself is the most important thing." Unexpectedly, Master Hui usually doesn't say anything, but he understands everything, and Shen Jingshu's heart is full. I was moved, "Master, thank you!"

"You and I are mentors and apprentices, and I also hope that you will be happy and happy. When you encounter troubles in the future, you can calm down and taste this bitter tea. Although it tastes bitter, it will become sweet in the end, just like our life , There are bitterness and sweetness, there are setbacks and tribulations, if you get through it, it will be sunny after the rain.”

"Master, this disciple understands."

"I've taught you everything I can teach you as a teacher. I don't know if I'll see you again in this life. This jade pendant is something I carry with me. Just think about it!"

"Master, I can't accept this!" Master Hui has kept this thing by his side for a long time, how can she take it

"Take it, I have no children in this life, you are like my daughter, you take it, and you can look at it when you miss me!" Master Hui's attitude was very firm, and in the end Shen Jingshu had no choice but to accept it. , "Thank you, master. I have worn this jade bracelet since I was a child. Master also keeps it. Let's think about it!" He took out the bracelet in his hand. Shen Jingshu likes this bracelet very much. Shen Jingshu has been wearing it for several years. Well, she didn't expect that when she came today, Master Hui gave a gift, why didn't she return the gift

"You child, do you still care so much about me? You take what I gave you, why do you give it back?" Seeing Shen Jingshu like this, Master Hui really couldn't laugh or cry.

"Master, just accept it, as the master said, just think about it!"

"Okay, that's all, I'll keep it." Knowing that she wouldn't take it, Shen Jingshu was afraid that she would be too embarrassed to take her own things, so Master Hui also took it.

"Master, I will come to see you again in the future!" The circles of her eyes turned red immediately, Shen Jingshu did not expect that Master Hui would actually give such an explanation before she left.

"Fool, when you enter Beijing, many things are out of your control. Now that you are a big girl, the family will take care of many things for you. As a teacher, I only hope that you can live happily. Your parents love you. What will happen in the future?" Remember to tell them about the matter, don't wrong yourself, you know?" Although Master Hui didn't say everything about the Shen family's affairs, he still knew a general idea. Shen Jingshu came to Beijing this time, and to be honest, she was a little worried.

But what should go, will go after all, she can only remind more. Fortunately, this child has been extremely intelligent since he was a child, and he can get through the difficulties if he thinks about it!

"Thank you master, I understand. I will remember the teachings of the master, and I will never forget it! It's just that the master is gone, and the master should pay attention to his body. In the future, the apprentice will often write letters to the master!"

"Okay, okay, you will have to go on your own in the future, and I will pray for you as a teacher. I hope you will be happy and healthy, and have a safe life!"

"Thank you, Master..." With moist eyes, Shen Jingshu held back tears and looked at Master Hui. Although she knew that this day would come sooner or later, she was prepared, but when it really came, she realized that she was here , There are already so many things that cannot be let go.

"Okay, there is no banquet in the world that lasts forever, so you don't have to be too sad. We master and apprentice have a good talk, and we don't know when we will see you again in the future." Maybe we will never see each other again, Master Hui these years She has always regarded Shen Jingshu as her direct disciple, sometimes like her half daughter, now that her daughter is leaving, how can she be willing

I thought that she would have nothing to worry about in this life, but in the end, she was still held by a little girl. However, she is also happy!

"Okay, master!"

After talking with Master Hui for a long time, Shen Jingshu didn't leave until late at night. Before leaving, Shen Jingshu looked at Master Hui's courtyard, and then at the bustling Jiangnan, and her reluctance deepened.

She will come back, but before that, she still has a lot of things to do, and when everything is dusted, she will come back and take a look!

Master, Huilan, goodbye, and Jiangnan, goodbye, thank you for giving me so many years of happy time!