Di Daughter’s Rebirth: Sheng Shi Wang Fei

Chapter 86: Add people again


Shen Wenhua and Shan Banyan discussed it, and they agreed that this matter should not be told to Mrs. Shen, so as not to obstruct Mrs. Shen, so Shan Banyan called Guo Yuanshuang to discuss it the next day, "Sister and sister, I have something to do. I want to trouble you to help me!"

"Sister-in-law said this, if you want to help or not, you just say it. I will do it naturally if I can." The housekeeper is good at this, not to mention some benefits, others have to give her some points Respect, she also has some face.

"It's like this. We are back in Beijing now, and there are not many people around. Now that I have a child in my stomach, I naturally have to make preparations in advance. My master and I mean to buy some people first, and the child will be born in the future. You can also have someone to take care of you. Now that Zihan is getting older, she should have more people by her side, and Shu'er, seeing that she is about to reach her age, and the maids around her are also getting older, so there are many things that need to be prepared Yes, brother and sister, don’t you think so?”

"Hehe, sister-in-law is right, but I have to talk to my mother about this matter." Knowing Shan Banyue's meaning, Guo Yuanshuang also knew why Shan Banyong asked her to discuss.

Don't you just want to avoid your mother? Hehe, she's not that stupid yet!

"Why bother my mother with such a small matter? I will tell my mother about this. Now I just ask my brothers and sisters to help us call people over and bring some smart people. I can choose."

"But my mother will say something, maybe it's not good? After all, buying people is a big deal, not to mention that there is no shortage of people in the house now. If sister-in-law needs it, you can tell me and I'll send some people over." Guo Yuanshuang Not stupid, how could she let go of such a good opportunity to give away eyeliner

"Even though that's the case, what the master means is that he doesn't want to trouble you anymore. There are a certain number of people in each house, and they are all used to serving. If you come here, won't you be short of manpower? It's better to buy some people, It's almost done after a little training." If people in the family could be used, they would have used them long ago. But now that many years have passed, people's hearts can change, and the people in their own house are more trustworthy.

"Look at what my sister-in-law said, there are many people who are useful, and there are naturally enough people. If you need anything, I will go and prepare it for my sister-in-law, and I will definitely deliver it tomorrow!" Guo Yuanshuang planned to leave after finishing speaking Shan Yuerong saw Guo Yuanshuang's unwillingness to cooperate, and felt a little helpless, knowing that the second sister-in-law was not easy to get along with, so she would definitely not easily agree to her wishes at this moment. Never thought that Shen Jingshu came in at this moment, looked at Guo Yuanshuang, and immediately smiled, "Second Aunt, are you here? Why don't you sit down for a while?"

"Hehe, my sister-in-law said that there is a shortage of people in the big house. I don't want to make preparations, but send someone over for you? Now my sister-in-law is pregnant, but she can't be sloppy at all."

"Hehe, is that right? Second Aunt is too polite. I see that everyone in each room is doing their own thing. We can easily mess it up. We can just buy the manpower. Why bother?"

"No trouble, no trouble. People who buy from outside are better than those from the family? There are all kinds of them. How can they compare with the home-born children who have been trained since childhood, so you can rest assured when you use them?" She was still worrying. There is no chance to send some people over. Of course, she must seize such a good opportunity.

"Hehe, Second Aunt is really thoughtful. It's just that we need a lot of people, so it's better to buy some. It's almost the end of the year now. If there are not enough people, it will be terrible."

"It doesn't matter, don't worry, I will arrange it."

"Hehe, Second Aunt is still capable!"

"Look at what you said. I just want to do my job well. Now that my mother has entrusted me with this house, of course I will do my best."

"That's right, mother, you see that the second aunt is so hardworking, we should feel relieved, shouldn't we?"

"Sister-in-law, you can rest assured that I will definitely take care of this matter for you!"

"Hehe, then please." I didn't expect my daughter to agree, Shan Banyan was a little strange, but Shen Jingshu's next words made her understand, "Second Aunt, this matter will trouble you, this is our I hope that my second aunt will accept it with a smile!" She took out a gold bracelet with a smile on her face, and Shen Jingshu knew that Guo Yuanshuang was greedy for money, so she naturally wanted to do what she wanted now.

"Hehe, why are you so embarrassed? This is too precious, not good, not good." He pretended to decline, but Guo Yuanshuang's eyes were almost glued to it.

This big house really has a lot of good things, the elder brother has been the magistrate in Jiangnan for more than ten years, Jiangnan is so rich, I think the big house is very rich now. just pity them...

"Second Aunt, don't be polite, this time it's going to be a lot of trouble!" Seeing the greed in Guo Yuanshuang's eyes, Shen Jingshu smiled coldly, but Guo Yuanshuang didn't see it, and really wanted to wear the bracelet on his hand and go out to show off , but like this, she still has to do something, "Jingshu, look at you, sister-in-law, how can I..."

"Brothers and sisters, just accept it, this time it is really troublesome for you."

"Hey, then I'll accept it, sister-in-law is really polite!" Guo Yuanshuang quickly accepted Shan Banyong's words without stopping, and Shan Banyong was amused for a while, "brother and sister, you It’s good to help with all my heart, but although the family can send some people over, I’m not too troublesome. I also want to choose some people first, and then I can use them directly after being trained, what do you think, brothers and sisters?”

Money is easy to do things, this is also very true, Guo Yuanshuang just refused to agree, but now he has taken things, it is not easy to talk, "Sister-in-law said that although there is no shortage of People, but it is true that so many people will not be available at once. Especially since the Chinese New Year is approaching, there is indeed a shortage of manpower, it seems that we still need to add some talents. It’s just for my mother..." Although Guo Yuanshuang was a little relieved, Guo Yuanshuang was not stupid, she I don't want Dafang to really get what he wants, and just leave the matter to Mrs. Shen, anyway, she won't be such a high-ranking person.

"Look at what my younger siblings said. The family hasn't hired anyone for many years, right? Now that many maidservants are getting older, I'm afraid they have to make preparations earlier. What do you think, younger siblings?"

"It is indeed this gift."

"Siblings, why don't you do this? The family really needs to add some people now, why don't we add them together? Brother Jing Yaqi is growing up too, so don't you worry about having more people to serve you?" This speaks to Guo Yuanshuang's heart Come on, now that Shen Ziqi is getting older, he really needs more people. Guo Yuanshuang has also been thinking about this issue for the past few days, but now for the sake of his son, he let go, "Hehe, sister-in-law is more thoughtful."

"It's a matter of trouble for you. Now that Brother Qi is older, he should be enlightened earlier. My father knows a lot of good teachers. If my younger siblings don't mind, I can help recommend one or two." Once again Throwing the bait, how could Guo Yuanshuang refuse this time, "Hehe, Mrs. Lao will worry about it then. The master Shan Daru knows is very good, so I can rest assured."

"Then this matter..."

"Don't worry, sister-in-law, I will tell my mother about this!" Maybe he felt a little unhappy before, but now that he has got something, he will benefit his son, and his family will also get some benefits along the way. Guo Yuanshuang is of course happy.

"Hehe, then this matter is settled. I also know that this year's customs will cost a lot. The people in our house, we pay for it ourselves, and don't bother our younger siblings." When he said this, Guo Yuanshuang smiled. Immediately, he got angry again, "Sister-in-law, how is this good? We haven't separated yet, we are all communal..." Although Guo Yuanshuang said this, Guo Yuanshuang had already started to make calculations in his heart.

In this way, wouldn't she get some more money? Hehe, it's not a bad thing.

"It's okay, younger siblings can do the same. When the time comes, just ask someone to come. I also want the children to choose by themselves. It's a gift for them!"

"Sister-in-law is really a good mother!" If there was a little bit of displeasure before, Guo Yuanshuang is completely gone now. She also gained a lot of benefits from this double-edged sword, and Guo Yuanshuang was also happy about it!

"Hehe, don't siblings do the same? As mothers, we naturally think about our children in everything."

"Isn't it? In the future, Mrs. Lao will take care of Qi Geer." Who is Shan Daru, and there are too many students in this world who are his students. Although Shan Daru had never been an official in the court, he had a great influence on the Qingliu faction. If my son can get his recommendation for enlightenment, he will have more opportunities than others in the future.

"Brothers and sisters, don't worry!"

After discussing this matter, Guo Yuanshuang left with a smile on his face. As soon as he returned to the house, he couldn't wait to take out the bracelet given by Shen Jingshu and put it on. Just full of smiles. He couldn't put it down and looked at it again and again, and felt that the bracelet was more and more exquisite, and Guo Yuanshuang was also full of envy and hatred.

The life of the sister-in-law is really good. The elder brother has been in the south of the Yangtze River for many years, so I am afraid that he has made a lot of money, right? Now it's just such a bracelet, I have been a housekeeper for so many years, I don't know how much I got so little, it is really incomparable!

But now it seems that it is really a good thing to be a housekeeper, it's not like my sister-in-law is so kind to her. If it wasn't for her housekeeper, why did this benefit fall on her

Determined in his heart to firmly hold on to the power of the housekeeper, Guo Yuanshuang also planned to take advantage of what his housekeeper could make as much as he could. After all, after passing this village, there would be no such shop.

Here Guo Yuanshuang's careful thinking, Shen Jingshu more or less guessed, Guo Yuanshuang was born in a small family, his vision is not high after all, and he is especially concerned about money. Seeing that the days of the housekeeper are shortening day by day, Guo Yuanshuang will definitely speed up the pace of corruption, so she doesn't have to worry about it. Guo Yuanshuang was just right, otherwise how could she find an excuse to take back the power of housekeeper

This Shen residence belongs to them. In her previous life, her second uncle and aunt took everything that belonged to their first house and treated her like this. In this life, she will never make the second house so happy!

Thinking of the miserable days in her previous life, Shen Jingshu certainly won't let the second room continue to be proud!

Guo Yuanshuang had benefited from the matter of buying someone, so he naturally rushed to deal with it, and went to Mrs. Shen to tell her. Although Mrs. Shen was not happy, seeing that Guo Yuanshuang had agreed, Mrs. Shen only felt that the second daughter-in-law was too much. I was a little disappointed, "It's not that there is no one in the house, why buy it? If there is a lack of people, I can send some over here. Now that I am old, I don't need so many people to wait on me!"

"Mother, how can you say that? Now is the time for your old man to enjoy the blessings. You are used to serving people around you. Who else can you miss? Now Ruan Yu and Ye Yu have gone to sister-in-law's place. We can’t be short of people anymore, it’s not that the daughter-in-law is unfilial. What’s more, there is indeed a lack of people at the end of this year. Besides, some people in the family are also old, so it’s better to prepare earlier.” Guo Yuanshuang is good at coaxing people, old man Shen She also knows people's reactions, and now that she said this, Mrs. Shen did feel a little better in her heart, "You're right, if that's the case, then buy more and train them well, When it’s time to use it, you can also put it on top!”

"Mother, don't worry, I will take care of this matter!" With Mrs. Shen's permission, Guo Yuanshuang immediately contacted Ren Yazi. The Shen family is also a big family. Many people.

It stands to reason that Mrs. Shen picked some, and then the big house. Although Guo Yuanshuang wanted to choose earlier, but after all, he couldn't get past the big house. Guo Yuanshuang could only endure it, "Sister-in-law, you choose first!"

"Brothers and sisters are welcome, let's go together!"

"Sister-in-law, how good is this?" It's good to be together, Guo Yuanshuang doesn't want to choose the rest of Banyan Tree.

"It's okay, family, there's no need to be so polite, just pick whoever you like."

"Okay, okay, thank you sister-in-law!" Guo Yuanshuang was not polite, and directly chose the person he valued, and returned it to his daughter and son. Guo Yuanshuang was extremely satisfied when he saw the crowd.

Seeing Guo Yuanshuang like this, Shan Banyan was not annoyed, but slowly picked. He looked at the people in front of him, took a look, and picked out those who stood upright without squinting, asked them one by one, and chose a few. When it was Shen Jingshu's turn, she let Shen Jingshu choose. , "Chunxiao and the others are older, you should choose some people to prepare." This is to exercise Shen Jingshu's ability to see people. Shen Jingshu is also happy to be able to choose people by herself, but Shen Jingya is a little dissatisfied.

Why doesn't mother let her choose? I chose it for her, but she didn't like it very much!

In fact, Guo Yuanshuang is also thinking about Shen Jingya. Now that Shen Jingya is getting older, she naturally needs a girl by her side, but that girl can't go past Shen Jingya. Guo Yuanshuang is worried that her daughter will not choose, and she is also worried that the good ones will be chosen by Shan Banyan. Yes, naturally we must act first. Seeing Shan Banyan asking Shen Jingshu to choose by herself now, Guo Yuanshuang also has the attitude of watching the show, and the rest are either too thin or too beautiful, she doesn't like it!

But Shen Jingshu didn't mind, seeing Shan Banyan asked her to choose, she didn't refuse, she just walked over, looked at it, asked a few random people and asked a few questions, "How old are you this year?"

"The slave is thirteen this year."

"Is there anyone else at home?"

"The servant's hometown has flooded, and now the servant is alone."

"Well, what will happen?"

"The servants know some simple needlework, and they can do all the work."

"Show me your hands!"

"Yes!" Looking at the girl's hand, the fingertips were calloused, and she was indeed doing things often, Shen Jingshu nodded, "Well, what's your name?"

"Slave lotus."

"You stay, now that you are in Shen's residence, you can call him Hexiang!"

"Thank you for the name, Miss!" He Xiang was very happy to be able to stay. Losing her home and her parents, she has been living an extremely miserable life these days. Being able to work as a maid here is much better than wandering outside.

"Yeah." Nodded, then looked at another woman, compared to other women, this woman looks much better, one can tell at a glance, "How old are you?"

"Slave Thirteen."

"Look at you, you don't look like a worker. Who else is there in your family?"

"My maidservant's mother died early and was sold by her stepmother. This maidservant hopes that Miss will take pity on her. Buy this maidservant!" She hurriedly knelt down. This woman knew that she was good-looking. If she was not bought by Shen Jingshu, her fate would be determined. One can imagine.

She would rather be a maid for a young lady than a concubine for someone else, let alone go to those dirty places!

"You want me to buy you, but why do you?"

"This servant is a good female celebrity, and this servant can do everything! This servant is willing to suffer!" Shen Jingshu is her only hope, of course she must grasp it!

"These other people will do it too. What else is there for me to buy you?" Looking at the other party, Shen Jingshu saw a trace of unwillingness in this woman's eyes. Such a person is often a person with ambition, No matter what she looks like, she will definitely have her own ideas in the future.

"My servant swears that this servant will be loyal to Miss throughout her life and will never betray her!" Seeing Shen Jingshu's eyes, the woman also made up her mind and swore on the spot. Shen Jingshu laughed immediately, "Okay, very good, from now on, your name will be Qiuyue, would you like it?"

"Thank you, miss, for letting the slaves start again, thank you, thank you!"

Then Shen Jingshu picked two more girls, both of whom were thirteen or fourteen years old. Shen Jingshu was very satisfied with these girls. Seeing that her daughter had a good eye, Shan Yuerong also nodded and asked Shen Zihan to choose too. A few, Shen Zihan looked at these girls, feeling a little embarrassed, he chose a few ordinary-looking girls at random, and didn't say anything.

Shan Yuerong didn't express any opinion on his son's choice, the young master of this other family might have a housemate who said it, but Shan Yuerong was willing to see Shen Zihan's own opinion.

After picking some more one after another, Shan Banyan paid the money directly. The man didn't expect Shan Banyan to be so generous, but he was grateful for a while, "Thank you Madam, thank you Madam, if you need anything in the future, just come to the folk woman, folk woman There are still many good resources in hand!"

"Of course, the people you brought this time are all good, and they will come to you if necessary!"

"Thank you, thank you!" Ren Yazi took the money and took away the rest of the people. At this moment, Guo Yuanshuang also had a smile on his face, "Sister-in-law, why are you so embarrassed? How about we buy people in the house?" Cost you a lot too?"

"This time it is indeed a trouble for you, it should be!"

"Sister-in-law, don't say that. I'll return the money to you when I get back soon!"

"We are all a family, so there is no need to be so polite. This time, I will take it as a thank you for helping me." If Guo Yuanshuang is to help, and he is willing, Banyan Tree alone will have to be willing. Otherwise, next time, Guo Yuanshuang may be the one It's not easy to talk like that.

"Hehe, since that's the case, thank you sister-in-law for letting me take advantage of it!" When it comes to taking advantage, Guo Yuanshuang is the most happy, and now he has saved a lot of money. Didn't he go to her pocket again

"This is also my heart. This matter was originally bought because of our big house. Naturally, it is not easy to let everyone spend money."

"Don't worry, sister-in-law. I take care of sister-in-law's thoughtfulness this time. If there is any need for help in the future, sister-in-law, just say it!"

"After that, I will have to trouble you!" What Guo Yuanshuang was waiting for was the words.

"No trouble, no trouble, I have to talk to my mother about this matter. Don't worry, sister-in-law. I will tell my mother about the money this time!" Shan Banyan paid all the money this time, and Guo Yuanshuang originally paid back the money. Thinking about how to cover it up in front of the old lady for a while, so as to prevent the old lady from changing her view of Shan Yuerong, she never thought that Shan Yuerong would just say, "This is just to thank my younger siblings, so I don't need to tell my mother."

"How is this good? After all, you paid for Dasou." There are quite a few people who bought it, and this is a lot of money!

"It's good if you have your mind, siblings understand the most important thing."

"Hehe, well, mother, I will figure it out!" Of course, I will not talk about it. Guo Yuanshuang is not stupid, so he will not give Shan Banyan a chance to win the favor of Mrs. Shen.

"Well, brothers and sisters, let's go to work!"

"Okay, I'll come to see you some other day!" As soon as the mother and daughter left, Shen Jingya said with an unhappy face, "Mom, why don't you let me choose by myself? Look at the elder sister, she doesn't care. I chose it myself, I don’t like what you choose for me!” None of the women Guo Yuanshuang chose for her were particularly good-looking, and Shen Jingya envied the Qiuyue that Shen Jingshu chose.

That maid looks so good, and she looks like a female celebrity, so good for herself!

"You are still young, what do you know? These girls may be your dowry in the future, what do you want such a good looks?" To compete for your daughter's favor

"Mother, what are you talking about?" Speaking of this matter, Shen Jingya was really embarrassed.

"Mother used to look at you as a child, so she didn't tell you many things. But don't envy your elder sister, that girl named Qiuyue is so good-looking, and you can tell that she is a seductress at a glance. Some of your elder sister will suffer in the future!"

"Then, why didn't you say that just now?"

"Eldest sister-in-law didn't say anything, but what my aunt said made people feel like meddling for no reason." Of course Guo Yuanshuang would not be so kind to remind her, anyway, in her opinion, she was happy when the eldest house was unlucky!

"Hehe, that's what mother said, but why didn't my aunt say it?"

"She naturally thinks that her daughter is like a fairy, and that Qiuyue is incomparable. And she has been going smoothly all these years, how could she think so much?" Yes, her husband has no concubine, and the people around Shan Banyan are beautiful. It's all good, Shen Wenhua didn't seem tempted, maybe that's what he thinks, he thinks men are reliable!

But she has experienced it herself. Back then, her dowry, even those who were a little bit pretty, were touched by her husband. She didn't want her daughter to follow in her footsteps!

"Eldest sister is really good-looking!" Thinking of the first time she saw Shen Jingshu, Shen Jingya had to say that she was very jealous. Especially after Shen Jingshu came back, she felt that she was being compared by the other party in everything. She was a little bit competitive, and of course she didn't like Shen Jingshu very much.

"She is good-looking, but she is a no-brainer. Do you think that all the men in the world are like big brothers? I want to see how she will cry!" Thinking of Qiuyue's beautiful face, Guo Yuanshuang can't help thinking of it. Knowing that she is a man-pleaser, she can almost foresee Qiuyue's ending.

"Mother, it's not good for us to say big sister like that?" Although she didn't like Shen Jingshu, Shen Jingya didn't have much contact with Shen Jingshu, so she was still a little thin-skinned.

"It's just the two of us here, what are you afraid of? Now that you are getting older, I should tell you some things. You have to remember that you are not her, and your status is not comparable to her. So in the future, you will have to do everything yourself Go fight for it, Mother will give you the best, but you have to fight for yourself, you know?" Although Shen Jingya is also the daughter of the Shen family's prostitute, she is far behind Shen Jingshu in status, if she wants to marry well, she must Easy, so Guo Yuanshuang also spent a lot of thought on his daughter.

"Mother, I know!" Guo Yuanshuang is a small family after all, and sometimes he speaks bluntly. Now that Shen Jingya is young, she naturally listens to Guo Yuanshuang in many things, and she is gradually led astray.

"Well, so don't blame the people your mother chose for you. Mother is doing it for your own good. Those few are honest. You can control them in the future. Mother will tell you slowly then!"

"Okay!" Knowing that Guo Yuanshuang would not harm himself. Although Shen Jingya felt a little uncomfortable, she still didn't say anything, and followed Guo Yuanshuang to talk to Mrs. Shen with a smile.

Guo Yuanshuang briefly talked about what happened this time, but she was smart enough not to say that Banyan Tree paid for it. Naturally, all the money went into her pocket. The mother and daughter were talking and laughing with Mrs. Shen, but they coaxed the old lady very happily. Although Mrs. Shen didn't approve of buying people, they bought everyone, and didn't say much, just smiled, This thing is over.

Day by day, the capital is getting colder and colder. Shen Jingshu is really not used to the biting cold weather these days. She always stays in the room and burns a warm earth dragon, but she still feels cold.

"Miss, this wind is just like the ice skate, but it makes people uncomfortable!" After adding to the fire, several maids gathered around the fire, and they didn't want to go out much.