Diamond Candy

Chapter 20: Xianxi Diamond


The air suddenly became quiet.

Xie Cheng's eyes were as big as bells. He couldn't believe that the girl he had been thinking about for so long was actually kissed in front of others!

What a blow and humiliation this was for him.

After being shocked, Xie Cheng was furious at being slapped in the face. He was speechless and just walked away:

"A bunch of lunatics!"

He walked out while talking, and just as he opened the door of the equipment room, Zhou Qinyao kicked him from behind calmly.

The door was closed again:


Xie Cheng turned back angrily: "What are you doing?!"

Zhou Qinyao's face was indifferent. He leaned over and lowered his voice: "I don't want anyone to talk about Tang You in school about what happened today."

Knowing that he was warning him not to talk nonsense, Xie Cheng moved his lips arrogantly: "Why do you care about me?"

Zhou Qinyao smiled suddenly.

At the passionate age of seventeen or eighteen, it would be embarrassing to be kissed in front of the girl you like.

In this situation, it is even more difficult to get him to listen to me.

Zhou Qinyao was taller than Xie Cheng, and he overshadowed him in terms of momentum. He didn't want to spend time talking too much to a student, so he unzipped his jacket, put his hand on Xie Cheng's shoulder, and said something ambiguous -

"Look carefully, my brother is not to be trifled with."

Xie Cheng glanced in the direction he was looking and his face suddenly turned pale with fear.

Zhou Qinyao was wearing too little, with only a black work vest under his coat. His muscular body and a violent tattoo that appeared and disappeared on his shoulder showed off his strong muscles.

He looks like a gangster in every way.

A good young man, a refined boy who studies saxophone, has never seen these things.

Xie Cheng opened and closed his lips for a few seconds, and his face, which had just been dignified, was instantly tinged with fear. But he saw Cheng Xuan and Tang You looking at him from the corner of his eye, and he forced himself to keep his mouth shut again.

A few seconds later—

"You win." Xie Cheng tried his best to say this calmly.

Zhou Qinyao smiled calmly: "That's good to know."

"… "

Although he was unwilling, Xie Cheng still left the equipment room trembling.

After he left, Cheng Xuan asked curiously, "Brother Yao, what did you say to him that scared him so much?"

Zhou Qinyao pulled up his coat as if nothing had happened: "I wish him good academic performance and top marks in every subject."

"I don't believe you!" Cheng Xuan jumped down from the table tennis table with a smile, and said with relief: "But that move you just made was so fucking cool, I think Xie Cheng's face was twisted with anger."

After saying that, he winked at Tang You: "Yes, yes, are you happy?"

Tang You didn’t know what Cheng Xuan meant by “cool”.

This word made her feel awkward. She didn't know how to respond, so she could only push it back to her: "It was your idea."

"What does it have to do with me?" Cheng Xuan said without hesitation: "I asked Brother Yao to help, but I didn't ask him to kiss you, hahaha."

She left tactfully after saying that. Before closing the door, she bent her thumbs together and touched them together, hinting ambiguously: "If you two didn't have enough fun just now, you can continue."

Tang You: “…”

Cheng Xuan ran away again.

The door slammed shut, leaving only her and Zhou Qinyao alone.

The previous intense atmosphere gradually subsided, the classroom became empty and quiet, and a subtle emotion emerged in Tang You's heart.

She is thin-skinned and has been following the rules for 18 years. She was kissed in public and then her best friend said ambiguous words to her.

An inexplicable feeling of shame came over her, and the little girl's thoughts went into a dead end, her face flushed.

Zhou Qinyao came over, but she lowered her head and avoided him.

"I'm leaving too. Uncle Yang is still waiting for me."

"… "

Zhou Qinyao was stunned and realized that her mood seemed a little wrong.

He stretched out his hand to block Tang You, "What's wrong?"

Tang You pushed his hand away and opened the classroom door.


The three words were spoken softly, as if they were really nothing.

But Zhou Qinyao keenly sensed that there was something wrong, but Tang You was unwilling to say it now.

The little girl quickened her pace, deliberately trying to get ahead.

Zhou Qinyao saw her intention, stopped and did not follow her.

He frowned where he was, wondering what went wrong.

Everything was fine just now.

Tang You ran to the school gate in one breath and got into the nanny car.

My heart is still pounding and I can't calm down.

It was not until the car drove some distance that her panicked thoughts gradually calmed down.

The situation just now made her embarrassed and annoyed, especially the words Cheng Xuan said before he left, which made her feel overwhelmed many times more.

But when Tang You arrived home and Uncle Yang opened the door for her to get out of the car, the cold wind blowing down her head calmed her down again.

She abandoned Zhou Qinyao.

Ten minutes ago, she left behind the person she loved who came to help him get rid of trouble.

Tang You returned home, with conflicting emotions in his mind. He thought absentmindedly for a long time, and gradually felt a sense of guilt.

At 1:20, Aunt Rong came to ask her:

"Miss, Uncle Yang is waiting for you. It's time for you to exercise."

Tang You was reminded and then remembered that it was almost half past one.

Every Sunday afternoon in the past month, Tang You would go out and play with Zhou Qinyao on the pretext of exercising, and Zhou Qinyao would also take her to various places to relax and decompress.

Half past one has become a tacit time between the two.

But she treated him like that at school just now, so he probably won’t go today.

Tang You scratched his hair in annoyance.

In fact, after she had digested the emotion just now, she already regretted it in her heart.

I still remember the look in Zhou Qinyao's eyes when he asked her what was wrong. He must have looked a little hurt.

Although she didn't know whether he would go or not, Tang You still changed into sportswear as usual and rushed to the gym.

After getting off the bus, she went to the place behind the gym where they often met. Usually Zhou Qinyao would wait for him there in advance, but today...

A narrow path with only occasional passers-by.

Tang You stood there and watched for a long time, his eyelids drooping, secretly blaming himself in his heart.

This feeling of loss made her feel very uncomfortable, and when she thought that this situation was caused by herself, the sadness became even worse.

After standing there blankly for a while, Tang You decided to go home.

But I didn't expect that when I turned around, I didn't know how long that person had been standing behind me: "Are you here?"

Tang You stared at Zhou Qinyao in front of him in a daze.

The man looked at her with a smile, his eyes full of tolerance and warmth.

Tang You's heart suddenly collapsed.

"I'm sorry." She stepped forward, twisting her hands together in bewilderment, wanting to explain herself, to express herself, but she didn't know how to say it:

"I was at noon... I just..."

Zhou Qinyao touched her head calmly and said, "I know."

Tang You looked at him with clear and surprised eyes: "You know?"

"Your classmates and friends are here. I was too direct and didn't consider your feelings." Zhou Qinyao bowed slightly towards her and said in a coaxing voice:

"I apologize. I won't be angry anymore, okay?"

"..." Tang You's nose suddenly felt sore, and after being understood, he felt even more guilty, "I shouldn't have ignored you, I should have told you nicely, I'm sorry."

After meeting Zhou Qinyao, Tang You's peaceful life was like standing on a diving board, each time getting higher and more exciting.

The wanton and bold kiss in front of everyone at noon pushed her to the limit of endurance, and after the limit, there was a strong rebound.

Her thoughts were in a mess at that moment, and she couldn't find a way to release them. Surprise, shyness, embarrassment... all kinds of conflicting emotions were fighting in her heart, so she regarded Zhou Qinyao as the outlet for venting.

To put it bluntly, the introverted girl was unable to accept the act of showing her private and tender feelings to others in such a strong way.

Zhou Qinyao realized this problem belatedly when he returned.

Tang You is like a flower in a greenhouse. She has received an elegant and noble education since childhood. Although she longs for freedom in her heart, the thinking and habits she has developed over the years are still there.

Men and women are different.

Zhou Qinyao was too impulsive.

"Sorry, I will think more carefully next time."

Zhou Qinyao apologized, but still told Tang You:

"But when dealing with someone as persistent as Xie Cheng, it's useless to talk too much. You have to be rough and decisive."


Tang You nodded thoughtfully: "I understand."

Then her mood suddenly turned from gloomy to bright, and she smiled with her dimples: "So where are we going to play today?"

They only had less than three hours of free time, and they were delayed because of this incident. They couldn't play for long if they drove out. Zhou Qinyao thought for a moment, his eyes fell on her sportswear, and he suddenly made a decision:

"No play today."


Zhou Qinyao led everyone to the gym: "Let's really do some exercise today."

"… "

Having used the gym as an underground meeting place for so long, today was the first time Tang You came in to work out.

After getting two cards, a personal trainer heard the news and came over. After taking a look at Zhou Qinyao's figure, he gave up the idea of lobbying him and focused his attention on Tang You.

"Miss, do you need a personal trainer? A personal trainer can better design courses based on your physique and needs."

"No need." Zhou Qinyao coldly pushed the muscular man away, "I am her personal trainer."


The tough guy burst into tears: Are there still colleagues who come to our store to steal our business these days

There are a lot of equipment in the gym. This is Tang You's first time to work out. Zhou Qinyao first asked her to do ten minutes of warm-up exercises. After her body was stretched to a certain extent, he took her to a treadmill.

"It's your first time, so practice running first."

Zhou Qinyao started at the slowest speed. After running a few steps, Tang You felt her body was relaxed and she adapted well. She even felt that fitness was not that difficult.

But when Zhou Qinyao slowly increased her speed, she gradually began to feel exhausted.

After a few minutes, he started panting.

A few minutes later, the little girl turned around and said cautiously: "I can't run anymore..."

Young people can often run one kilometer on their first try.

Even if the girl gets a 50% discount, she still has to run half a kilometer.

But she only ran 300 meters.

Zhou Qinyao frowned: "Hold on for a while, and run another 200 meters."

Tang You's hands were dangling on the handles of the treadmill, and she seemed to be about to fall off. She kept shaking her head, begging for mercy with a bit of coquettishness:

"No, I really can't do it anymore."

"… "

Her voice was so soft that it made Zhou Qinyao feel an electric current rolling through his body, igniting a fire at the very center of his body.

Damn, what are you thinking about!

People just said something casually.

Zhou Qinyao hid the fleeting thought that had crossed his mind, coughed calmly, and slowly adjusted the speed of the treadmill until it stopped.

The little girl was sweating all over. She must have worked really hard.

"Wipe your sweat." Zhou Qinyao handed her the towel. Although he restrained himself, he couldn't forget the words he had just said.

After a pause, he subconsciously said: "Your physical strength is a little low..."

Tang You thought he was laughing at her, and felt a little embarrassed, so she immediately tried to save face:

"I have failed physical education exams since I was a child. Maybe it's because I was born with poor physical strength. There is nothing I can do..."

"What about doing other sports in the future?"

"Ah?" Tang You blinked: "What sport?"

"… "

The girl is really purer than the water in my hand.

never mind.

Zhou Qinyao shook his head, hiding his smile, and handed her the prepared water: "Rehydrate first."


After drinking the water, Tang You went to the bathroom.

Zhou Qinyao sat on the leather sofa next to the treadmill waiting for her. He also opened a bottle of water and just took two sips when a charming voice came into his ears:

"Brother, are you busy?"

Zhou Qinyao glanced sideways.

A woman wearing a sports bra and with unusually plump figures stood opposite him. She didn't look like she was standing properly, but clung to the treadmill like a water snake.

He withdrew his gaze calmly and screwed the bottle cap back on: "Busy."

When ordinary people hear this word, they generally know that it means rejection.

But water snakes are not ordinary people.

She is a well-known expert in flirting in the gym. She has a hot body and is very courageous. Once a man who comes here to work out is targeted by her, she will never fail to seduce him.

A group of personal trainers in the gym secretly named her "the goddess of flirting"

Shuishe has seen many men who reply like Zhou Qinyao. He is just maintaining a false nobleness on the surface to make himself appear more self-respecting than others before entering the game.

When Zhou Qinyao came in, Shuishe had already set him as her target for today. After asking at the card issuing office, she was told that he was the accompanying personal trainer.

Since she is a fitness coach, Shuishe, who hangs out in the gym, is naturally more confident in flirting.

After waiting for the people around him to leave, the water snake finally found the opportunity to attack.

How could I give up just because I’m “busy”

Changing the angle, she said in a charming voice: "Just now I saw you teaching others very professionally, can you teach me?"

She leaned down slightly and pretended to look at the water in Zhou Qinyao's hand: "What kind of water are you drinking?"

As she leaned down, her breasts drooped in all directions, passionate and madly teasing the male's vision.

Zhou Qinyao leaned back in disgust, "Stay away from me."

Over there, Tang You came back from the toilet on the first floor.

As soon as she reached the corner of the second floor, she saw a sexy woman standing next to the treadmill and talking to Zhou Qinyao with an ambiguous look on her face.

She paused for a moment, not knowing whether to go over or not.

But the woman quickly bent down and got very close to Zhou Qinyao, with her breasts almost touching his face.

Tang You saw that Zhou Qinyao was obviously disgusted and dodged for a moment.

She held a tissue in her hand and rubbed it for several seconds, then suddenly remembered what Zhou Qinyao had said to her:

When dealing with people who are persistent, you must be rough and decisive.

The little girl seemed to have gotten the truth instantly. She took a deep breath, threw the tissue heavily into the trash can next to her, and walked towards the treadmill.

The water snake saw her coming back and showed no intention of leaving.

Tang You, on the other hand, got on the treadmill without saying a word, pretending to run, and pushed away Shui She's hand on it.

"This is mine."

It’s like when you were a kid and someone stole your toy, you would snatch it back in a stingy way and claim your sovereignty.

Shui She withdrew her arm awkwardly and glanced at Tang You's sweatshirt.

She sneered.

She was wrapped so tightly that she looked like a little girl, a little girl who didn't understand romance.

The water snake didn't take her too seriously. After a pause, it twisted to Zhou Qinyao's side and said, "Little brother, why don't we—"

Before she finished her words, the unromantic figure next to her suddenly flashed over again.

Then, sit down in front of her.

Water snake: “???”

Tang You sat on Zhou Qinyao's lap, as if occupying his own territory, with his hands open, quietly and obediently blocking the heavily made-up woman who intended to invade:

“This is mine, too.”

Zhou Qinyao: “…”

The author has something to say: Brother Yao: My heart is blossoming.jpg

I hope everyone will leave comments, don’t keep it up… The serialization depends on everyone’s subscription to get the corresponding list. Oftentimes, if everyone keeps it up, the data of the article will become unpopular, and it will not be ranked on the list. The author will have a hard time. Thank you for not keeping it up. If you don’t keep it up, there must be genuine buoyancy! ! This article is really not long, muah!


◎ The Senzio Diamond is one of the world's top ten famous diamonds. The Senzio Diamond is a light yellow pear-shaped diamond weighing 55 carats, with a double rose cut, and is a diamond with symmetrical faces. Legend has it that the Senzio Diamond originated from ancient India and originally belonged to the Valois Dynasty of the Duchy of Burgundy in France. It has been kept in the hands of the French government and is exhibited in the Louvre Museum in France.