Diamond Candy

Chapter 22: The Graff Pink


When Zhou Qinyao heard the name, his mind moved slightly, but it did not show on his face.

Tang You continued:

"I was a little hostile to him at first, but I didn't expect him to be so easy to talk to."

Zhou Qinyao smiled lightly, with a vague sense of familiarity: "He is indeed easy to talk to."

"Yes, without him I wouldn't be able to see you today."

Tang You didn't realize the deep meaning behind Zhou Qinyao's words at all. She was still excited and looked at her watch.

"It's almost half past eight. Zhou Yan allowed me to play until ten o'clock before calling mom, so where should we go now?"

The girl blinked her eyes, her eyes as clear and dazzling as the stars in the mountains.

When people see her, they always want to hold her in their hands, love her and cherish her.

"Let's go to the top of the mountain." Zhou Qinyao said as he rented an extended down jacket from the store owner and put it on Tang You: "It will be cold up there, put it on."

Tang You let him put it on without saying a word.

There had been an accident at Tiantai Mountain before, and the road around the mountain was rugged and steep at night. Even on New Year's Eve, only five or six tickets were sold that night.

Seeing Tang You didn't say anything and zipped up his pants, Zhou Qinyao asked with a smile: "What's wrong, are you scared?"

The little girl shook her head and replied softly: "I'm not afraid as long as you are here."

Zhou Qinyao: “…”

My heart seemed to be hit by something all of a sudden, and it felt soft and warm.

He couldn't help but pinch her face and said in a deliberately calm voice: "Aren't you afraid of selling you?"

Tang You knew he was joking, and said with a playful smile: "Who is so stupid to buy me? I can't do anything except playing the violin."

The air was quiet for a few seconds, and the wind blew between the two of them.

"I'll buy it." The man suddenly said softly.

Tang You: “…”

Zhou Qinyao produced a lollipop from nowhere: "Is one of these enough?"

Tang You pursed her lips and smiled, took the candy and put it in her mouth, blushed and shyly turned her back and walked towards the motorcycle: "You are too stingy, only one."

Looking at her back, Zhou Qinyao couldn't help but smile.

He followed slowly, and when they reached the car, he suddenly held Tang You's hand and pulled her to the trunk.

"Close your eyes."

"?" These four words were very ambiguous. Tang You was inexplicably nervous and his heartbeat accelerated: "What are you going to do?"

"Be good, shut it."

The man's voice was sweet and warm. Tang You bit her lower lip lightly and closed her eyes.

I seemed to hear the door of the motorcycle trunk being opened with a "click".

"Okay, open your eyes."

Tang You obediently opened her eyes and saw Zhou Qinyao pointing at the trunk and asking her:

"Is this enough?"

Follow the sight -

Tang You: “…”

Under the dim light of the mobile phone's flashlight, the trunk was filled with all kinds of cute candies.

The colorful candy wrappers reflected the light, embellishing the dark and lonely night.

Tang You looked at it in a daze and joy, took one in his hand, then put it down and replaced it with another one.

At this moment, Zhou Qinyao whispered in her ear again:

"There are gifts under the candy."



Before one wave of surprises has passed, another wave comes.

The little girl's expression became excited, her eyes shining, and she immediately reached into the pile of candies to look for it. After a while, she touched something with a very smooth surface.

She used both hands to dig out the gifts hidden in the pile of candy.

When Tang You got it in his hand, he was stunned.


Zhou Qinyao took his helmet from the steering wheel and put it on, tapping the surface of the helmet with his hand as if suggesting it.

Tang You then realized that his was black and the one in his hand was pink.

And it’s the same style.

In other words, it is a couple's style.

"I know that Xiaoyang's Pleasant Goat is a little small for you, so I've always wanted to buy you a new one, and today I just happened to find a women's version."

Zhou Qinyao picked it up while speaking and helped Tang You put it on his head.

Just like the first time I helped her put on the helmet, I buckled it carefully and asked gently, "Does it fit?"

"… "

The wind is in your ears, and love is in your ears too.

My heart seemed to be melted by honey and I don’t know where to start.

Tang You just lowered her head and nodded, hiding the sweetness in her heart.

"Shall we set off then?"


Starting the motorcycle, the two headed straight for the top of the mountain from the foot of the mountain. In the quiet valley, they could hear the roar of the engine and Tang You singing a little song.

She was in a good mood today and didn't sing "Thank You" again, but instead sang another song.

The temperature in the mountains was below zero and the night wind was biting, but the girl's voice made people feel that there was a rare warmth in the biting cold.

"Can you hear the brightest star in the night sky

The person looking up, the loneliness and sigh in his heart.

The brightest star in the night sky, can you remember

The figure that once walked with me and disappeared in the wind..."

Zhou Qinyao had heard this song on TV before, but he didn't pay much attention to the lyrics at the time. But when Tang You sang it word by word, he felt a lot of emotions as he listened.

This song seems to be Tang You’s story, and also seems to be my own story.

“Whenever I can’t find the meaning of existence,

Whenever I get lost in the night,

The brightest star in the night sky,

Please light my way forward..."

Her voice is firm and brave. She is definitely not the kind of girl who can only sing "Thank You" in a silly way.

Zhou Qinyao didn’t know why she suddenly sang this song, perhaps out of desire, or perhaps out of release.

But his heart was shaken by this little power.

The singing and the sound of the wind went hand in hand. Tang You stretched out her hand to embrace the darkness in the wind, embracing the brightest world for her.

Zhou Qinyao could feel that she was very happy at this moment.

And her happiness is his happiness.

In less than twenty minutes, the car reached the top of the mountain.

Tang You got out of the car and opened his eyes to look at the vast world in front of him.

Here you can breathe the freshest air and enjoy the quietest world.

You can overlook the prosperous night scene of the entire city C, and look up to see the dazzling starry sky.

“So beautiful…”

The girl looked up and stared for a while, then waved at Zhou Qinyao as if she had discovered something surprising: "Look, there are so many stars here!"

Zhou Qinyao smiled faintly, looked up at the starry sky, and was silent for a while:

"I came here often when I came to City C two years ago."

"Really?" Tang You turned around, "Alone?"

"Yeah, alone."

"… "

Coming to the top of a mountain alone to enjoy the scenery is a very lonely thing just by listening.

Tang You thought of a doubt hidden in his heart and couldn't help asking:

"I've known you for so long, why have I never seen you talk about your family?"

Zhou Qinyao paused, looked away, said nothing, took out a cigarette and lit it.

Tang You guessed that maybe she mentioned a topic that he didn't want to mention, so she didn't ask any more questions.

The two of them quietly looked at the lights of thousands of homes in the distance.

Suddenly, Zhou Qinyao laughed in a low voice with no clear emotion: "I don't have any family."

Tang You: “…”

The man turned around and looked at her: "Will you be my family?"

Tang You stared back at him blankly.

…no family

Is he an orphan

Being alone, no wonder I always want to go to the top of the mountain.

The kind girl didn't think much about it and nodded in less than a second: "Yes."

But Zhou Qinyao added the next second: "The kind that goes into the household registration book."

Tang You: “?”

Only then did I understand what he meant by family, and turned away embarrassedly: "Stop joking..."

"I'm not kidding."

Zhou Qinyao grabbed her hand from behind and turned her so that she was facing him.

A deep voice fell: "Yes, I am serious about you."

The atmosphere suddenly became serious.

There was a deep and blazing light in the man's eyes, as if they contained countless energies. Tang You lowered her head, unable to resist, after only one glance.

Just like when they first met in the alley, she called him and he turned lazily away from the freezer.

The look they exchanged at that time might have determined the story that followed.

"I know, but..."

Tang You is very sorry. I have been thinking about these words in my heart for a long time:

"Give me a little more time, please. Wait for another two months, until my professional exams are over, until I am truly free, until I am able to take responsibility for your feelings."

The wind messed up Tang You's hair. The girl's eyes were clear and sincere. She really cared about this relationship.

The word "responsible" was actually used.

Zhou Qinyao couldn't help but smile, raised his hand to smooth her hair, and said softly: "Okay."

As long as we can be together, I can wait as long as it takes.

At 9:30 in the evening, the two started to descend the mountain from the top of the mountain.

When the car reached halfway up the mountain, it was suddenly stopped. There was a group of people gathered in front. Zhou Qinyao went forward to ask and found out that because it rained last night, several pieces of rubble had fallen here. In order to ensure the safety of tourists, the person in charge of the scenic area has sealed off this area and is carrying out emergency repairs.

"How long will it take?"

"If it's fast, it will take three or four hours. If it's slow, it will definitely be done by tomorrow morning."

"… "

"There is a hotel on the top of the mountain. It is open to everyone for free tonight. You can rest first. Someone will come to notify you when it is repaired. We are really sorry." A staff member kept explaining to Zhou Qinyao and the trapped young people.

This sudden situation left Tang You dumbfounded.

She had agreed with Zhou Yan to go home at 10 o'clock, but as things stand now, it seems she won't be able to go home tonight...

Knowing that Tang You would be in trouble if he couldn't go back, Zhou Qinyao frowned and asked, "Where is the cable car we used for sightseeing?"

"No one has been sitting here for a long time, and the equipment has not been maintained. I suggest you wait until the road is cleared before going back."

What the staff member meant was that the broken thing had been in disrepair for a long time and no one rode it, so if you weren't afraid of falling off in mid-air, then go for it.

Zhou Qinyao had no choice but to reject this decision.

The two looked at each other.

"If we want to go home, we will go back." Zhou Qinyao left the decision to Tang You.

Tang You knew exactly what he was thinking and shook his head.

"Since there is danger on the road now, how could I be so selfish as to let you take risks for me."

She took a deep breath of fresh air and smiled casually: "Since this is God's arrangement, let's accept it."

Zhou Qinyao: “…”

We returned to the top of the mountain and found the small hotel that the staff had mentioned. To put it nicely, it was a hotel, but in fact it was just an ordinary farm house with two floors and six rooms in total.

When Zhou Qinyao and Tang You arrived, there was only one room left.

The boss threw the door card to them and said, "You are a couple anyway, so just squeeze in for one night."

Zhou Qinyao: “…”

Tang You: “…”

I used the door card to open the door. There was a TV, a 1.5-meter double bed, and two chairs in the room.

There was a worn-out air conditioner on the wall. Zhou Qinyao took the remote control to make the room warmer, but the air conditioner didn't work very well and could only cool but not heat.

The facilities are so old that they seem like a guesthouse from the last century. The only good thing is that although the conditions are simple, it is generally clean and tidy.

Zhou Qinyao had no choice but to give up the air conditioner.

Sitting on the bed, he asked Tang You: "What are you going to do with your mother?"

Tang You looked at the time, it was five minutes past ten.

In other words, five minutes ago, Zhou Yan must have called Fang Lai to ask him to send him back.

She sighed, but still forced a smile to Zhou Qinyao and teased herself: "No big deal, just chill."

Zhou Qinyao: “…”

Tang You took out his secret phone and thought for a long time. He thought about the choice between not notifying and being scolded tomorrow and notifying and still being scolded tomorrow. He decided to send a WeChat message to Fang Lai:

Mom, I met a classmate on the way back. We will celebrate the New Year together in the city center. We may not be back until the night. Go to bed early. Good night.

After sending it, he was afraid that Fang Lai would be really worried, so he had to add another sentence -

There are Xie Cheng and other classmates.

After all, with one more person Fang Lai likes and trusts, perhaps the situation tomorrow won't be so bad.

Now we can only pray that the road can be repaired as soon as possible.

Although I don’t know how to face Fang Lai tomorrow, but...

Tang You took a deep breath, put down his phone, and smiled at Zhou Qinyao, as if to reassure him.

Let’s talk about tomorrow’s matters tomorrow.

Their happiness right now is real.

After watching TV for a while, Tang You felt a little sleepy and yawned several times.

But this room is really too small. Just like the boss said, we can only make do with it.

It is not appropriate for a man and a woman to be alone in the same room, especially when there is only one bed in the room.

Zhou Qinyao gave the bed to Tang You, and put two chairs together and leaned them against the bed.

He lay down and turned off the light: "Go to sleep, someone will call me to wake you up."

The moonlight on the top of the mountain is bright, shining into the room like a veil, making it hazy and moving.

They were facing each other and could see each other's faces.

Tang You hid in the bed, thinking about something, and suddenly whispered: "Zhou Qinyao, can you sleep?"

Of course Zhou Qinyao couldn't sleep.

Any normal man would not be able to sleep at this time.

But the little girl trusts him so much, he must control himself, purify all irrational thoughts, and be a serious person.

So I replied calmly: "I can sleep well."

"Oh." Tang You stopped talking.

There was only one quilt in the room, and Zhou Qinyao covered her with it.

He was covered with the down jacket he rented from the foot of the mountain.

Zhou Qinyao was tall, and Tang You knew without even looking that he could only cover half of it.

He must be very cold, Tang You thought.

He turned to the left, and after two minutes, turned back.

The little girl was very conflicted.

Zhou Qinyao heard the sound of tossing and turning in bed and asked her, "Can't you sleep?"

After an unknown amount of time, Tang You softly responded, "Yeah."

Zhou Qinyao stood up slightly and looked at her: "What's wrong?"

"A little... cold."

When Zhou Qinyao heard this, he immediately took off his down jacket and put it on her.

"Is this warmer?"

Tang You's voice was very, very low, and inexplicably a little shy, like a kitten hiding in the quilt: "No."

"… "

Zhou Qinyao sat up immediately, wondering if there was anything in the room that could keep his little girl warm.

One minute later—

He sat on the bed, pulled back the covers and lay down beside her.

He put his hand under her neck and gently held her in his arms:

"How about this?"

The author has something to say: Everyone, are you in love? I will give you a couple helmet, take you to the top of the mountain to see the stars, and also be your human warm-up machine.

The lyrics in this article come from the song "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky"


Ding ding ding~ I’m recommending an article written by a gay friend to everyone. If you are interested, you can go and take a look!

Teacher Chi Chen's "I Just Want to Own Her Heart"


High and cold, sultry, white and black, naughty, loving and clever

·The male protagonist is actually very lustful

·The heroine is actually very cowardly

Lin Ruobai, a recognized three-good student by all teachers and students in the school, is a positive, gentle and warm-hearted school idol that everyone loves.

What happens behind the scenes is not what we see on the surface.

Like all people of this age

Lin Ruobai smokes and drinks, lonely and rebellious

There is warmth and a girl hidden in my heart.

In the year of the college entrance examination, Lin Ruobai gave up the admission to Tsinghua University for Xu Xin.

After the college entrance examination, when it was time to fill out the application form, the provincial top scorer Lin Ruobai once again gave up the invitations from Tsinghua University and Peking University for Xu Xin and went to the city where she lived.

Xu Xin will never know what kind of mood Lin Ruobai was in on the day of the college entrance examination when he wrote a whole page of the word "heart" on the draft paper.

As the curtain of the college entrance examination fell, this secret love was locked in his heart.

That night, they were all drunk in the KTV box.

Amid the deafening music, he said in a hoarse voice under the influence of alcohol: "Xinxin, I have decided that you are my lifelong love."

Xu Xin asked stupidly: "How long is your lifetime?"

— "Until the day I die."

His love was humble, cautious, deep, abstinent and exclusive. It was like an eternal secret buried in his heart, waiting for her to open it with the key one day.

And he believed that one day, he would lock her tightly in his arms and dote on her to the utmost.

The shameless and funny heroine who only flirts but is not responsible x the dark and sultry hero who takes full responsibility for flirting


◎ The Graff Pin diamond is one of the most important diamonds owned by Graff, weighing 23.88 ct. It was sold to an anonymous buyer by American jeweler Harry Winston in the 1950s and was bought by Laurence Graff at an auction in 2010 for $46 million.

After Laurence Graff bought this pink diamond, he re-cut and polished it, designed the ring setting for the pink diamond, used a gold base to set off the warmth of pink, and used small round brilliant-cut pink diamonds to outline the base, with a teardrop diamond inlaid on each end, and finally got the perfect Graff Pink ring.