Diamond Candy

Chapter 32: Hope Blue Diamond


Wu Meng used to be Zhou Zelin's assistant. Later, she got promoted and gave birth to a child for him. Zhou Zelin had a son in his old age, and with the affairs of his ex-wife and eldest son, he obviously did not have as much energy as before. In the past two years, he gradually shifted his focus to his family and slowly handed over the company to Wu Meng. No one expected that her greedy nature would cause such a big mess.

As for Zhou Zelin, Zhou Qinyao fulfilled his last blood obligation and visited him in the hospital once.

Standing at the door of the ward, I heard the nurse say that although he was still unconscious, he was not seriously ill for the time being, and then I left without even going in.

He did not return to the Zhou family villa, but lived in Zhou Yan's apartment, temporarily occupying a room.

Zhou Qinyao needs time to turn this family back to the state it was in two years ago, or even better than that time.

In the evening, Zhou Yan poured him a cup of hot milk: "Brother, you are too tired, take a rest."

Zhou Qinyao took it and asked him, "Do you have any clues about the phone number I asked you to check last time?"

After Song Xiaoyang was attacked, Zhou Qinyao gave the number of the silent call to Zhou Yan, hoping that he could find some clues.

But Zhou Yan said: "I checked, there is no real-name authentication, it seems that there is nothing unusual, but..."

Zhou Yan paused and said hesitantly: "I heard from my assistant that Wu Meng's ex-boyfriend was from Liancheng."

This news made Zhou Qinyao a little concerned.

The accident happened to Song Xiaoyang when he pointed out the problematic necklace at the jewelry show. Wu Meng was forced to make all the changes, resulting in a lot of losses.

Immediately afterwards, Song Xiaoyang was beaten.

Zhou Qinyao came to an uncertain conclusion—

"It was Wu Meng who was warning me."

Zhou Yan: "No way...?"

Thinking of the strange figures in the alley that night, Zhou Qinyao felt a chill down his spine.

If my guess is correct, Wu Meng is using Song Xiaoyang to intimidate me and stop meddling in other people's business. If Tang You didn't have Fang Lai's face behind her, she might not have been spared.

There may be a myriad of connections involved.

Once he thought of this possibility, Zhou Qinyao didn't dare to let it go. He said to Zhou Yan: "Go and find out the name of Wu Meng's ex-boyfriend, and send the number to Brother Nan to see if he can find the person."

Zhou Yan: "Okay."

The two brothers chatted until late at night, and after finalizing their plans for the future, Zhou Qinyao finally slept for a few hours.

Claims from cooperating merchants, order returns from customers, and huge fines from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau have all made Zhou Qinyao feel suffocated, and the group's current liquidity is simply unable to operate.

The stock market continues to fall, and no one will be willing to invest at this time. According to the current situation, bankruptcy is only a matter of time.

Zhou Qinyao didn't sleep well at all during this sleep.

He is in urgent need of money now, and he urgently needs to pull the precarious Zhou family out of the abyss.

The next day, Zhou Qinyao, who was looking at reports in the office, greeted a long-lost friend.

Xia Sumu was wearing a high-end dress, very dignified and generous. She didn't even inform the secretary, she just pushed the door open and walked in, her tone was angry:

"Zhou Zhan, you finally decided to come back?!"

Zhou Qinyao looked up and saw that the woman's face was slightly red and she looked very excited.

The last time they met was half a year ago when Xia Sumu found City C and asked him to come back.

Xia Sumu is the daughter of the Xia family in Haicheng. The Xia family mainly engages in the clothing industry. Xia Sumu grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth and was used to being indulged. The two families have a good relationship, and everyone in the circle knows that she has always liked Zhou Qinyao.

However, Zhou Qinyao had always been indifferent and lukewarm towards her, and it was Xia Sumu who always took the initiative in their interactions.

"Please sit down." Zhou Qinyao said.

Xia Sumu sat across from him familiarly: "If my dad hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known you were back."

Zhou Qinyao nodded and continued to look down at the information in his hand.

Xia Sumu moved closer to him and called softly, "Zhou Zhan."

Zhou Qinyao raised his head.

"I really miss you."

Although the two of them were from aristocratic families and Xia Sumu and Zhou Qinyao were very familiar with each other, this was the first time that Xia Sumu had spoken so frankly.

But Zhou Qinyao frowned.

Tang You’s face suddenly popped up in my mind. I remembered her smile, her dimples and crescent-shaped eyes, and everything about her.

He missed her too.

I don’t know what the little girl is doing now, whether she is doing her homework, practicing the piano, or daydreaming on the balcony.

Fang Lai did not allow the two to contact each other. On the night they separated, Zhou Qinyao specifically said that he was going to a militarized closed-management place and would not be able to contact the outside world during his studies.

So the two of them haven't been in touch since that night.

Xia Sumu's words made Zhou Qinyao's heart soften, and his thoughts all shifted to Tang You.

Seeing Zhou Qinyao in a daze, Xia Sumu waved his hand and said, "Are you listening to me?"

Zhou Qinyao came back to his senses, looked at the information again, and refused with a very calm expression: "I told you, don't waste your time on me."

"I waste my time at will, it's none of your business." Xia Sumu didn't seem to care much about Zhou Qinyao's indifference, and took out a check from his bag, "This is all I have, you can use it for emergency first."

Zhou Qinyao looked up and saw eight million.

Probably his own private money, he smiled and said, "Your father doesn't know, right?"

Xia Sumu curled his lips: "Does he know what's the big deal?"

Not to mention others, even the Xia family, who had a good relationship with the Zhou family, stayed away at this time. No one dared to wade into this bottomless pit.

Zhou Qinyao retracted his gaze and said calmly: "Thanks, but I don't need it."

Eight million is just a drop in the bucket for the Zhou family now.

If you ask for it, it’s not just a favor, but also a “debt of love.”

Zhou Qinyao didn't want to have too much to do with Xia Sumu.

Zhou Yan happened to come in at this time. He and Zhou Qinyao made appointments to meet with several banks to apply for a loan.

Xia Sumu greeted him and then asked Zhou Qinyao: "Really?"

Zhou Qinyao shook his head: "Keep it to buy yourself a bag."

Zhou Yan only found out about this after leaving the company, which was a pity:

"Brother, ants are also meat. Now we may not even be approved by the bank for a loan of 8 million."

Zhou Qinyao said expressionlessly: "I don't want to owe a woman a debt."

Zhou Yan clicked his tongue twice: "You are so loyal to my cousin's wife."

He thought about it, looking a little embarrassed: "Actually, Su Mu has been waiting for you."

Zhou Qinyao's eyes were dark, and he turned the steering wheel nonchalantly:

"Tang You is waiting for me too."

Just one sentence will reveal who is the one in his heart.

The two brothers went to several banks, and even though they showed their utmost sincerity, in the end only one of them approved a loan of 30 million yuan for Zhou Qinyao.

But this is far from enough.

Just when they were thinking about other plans and channels, Fang Lai suddenly called Zhou Qinyao.

As businessmen, Fang Lai was very clear about the situation the Zhou family was facing. Moreover, she was also an investor. Logically, she should have gathered at the Zhou family to ask for money and losses, but she did the opposite.

Fang Lai invested 200 million yuan.

"This is the dowry my family has. I don't have any other requests. I just want you to prove to me that my daughter did not choose the wrong person."

Zhou Qinyao: “…”

He never imagined that the little glimmer of hope in his predicament would come from his future mother-in-law.

"Aunt, aren't you afraid that I will lose it all?" Zhou Qinyao asked.

Fang Lai smiled calmly on the other end of the phone: "Then I will have no choice but to introduce other boyfriends to Youyou."

"… "

What a cruel mother-in-law.

Later, thanks to Fang Lai's help and Zhou Qinyao's own strong ability to act, the storm finally subsided.

Zhou Zelin has been in a coma due to the sequelae of a burst blood vessel. Wu Meng has no one to support him and has not caused any trouble. He goes in and out of the hospital and home every day, and has afternoon tea with the rich ladies in his spare time.

Zhou Qinyao has been back for so long, but he has never visited his brother. They live in two different worlds and do not interfere with each other.

Time flies by from spring to summer, and from summer to autumn, and all people and things are changing quietly.

Early that morning, Zhou Yan told Zhou Qinyao:

"Brother, today is the day when my cousin's wife reports for duty."

At that time, in less than six months, the Moon crisis had been completely settled. The price was that half of the thousands of stores across the country were closed, and those that were not closed were also suspended for rectification. The company also underwent a major reshuffle of its internal personnel, as if it were reborn.

The moon brand gradually disappeared from the public eye.

Zhou Qinyao was also lying in wait, looking for an opportunity to start over.

When Fang Lai asked him not to see Tang You until Zhou's company turned a profit, Zhou Qinyao agreed but also put forward his own conditions.

That is to respect Tang You's wish and let her study marine art in China instead of forcing her to go abroad.

Tang You once said that the best place to study cello in China is the Orchestra Department of Haicheng Art Academy. Zhou Qinyao said this not only because he wanted to give her a little freedom, but also because he selfishly hoped to be in the same city with her.

After all, he once said that wherever Tang You is, there he will be.

Zhou Qinyao, exhausted, quickly got up from the bed and picked up the car keys. "I'll go see her."

Zhou Yan: "I'll accompany you."

Today is the registration day for Haiyi. New students are enrolled. There are crowds of luxury cars in front of the school and a constant stream of passing vehicles.

Although she didn't know why her mother later relented and stopped forcing her to go to Anlisa, Tang You was excited and thrilled that she finally got to the school she wanted.

Fang Lai and Tang Yuanxiao came to see her off. When they arrived at the school gate, they originally wanted to drive the car into the school, but the parking spaces were full. They could only take down their luggage outside and walk in.

When Zhou Qinyao arrived, he happened to see Fang Lai helping Tang You take the luggage from the trunk.

The girl was wearing a simple T-shirt and slim jeans, looking casual and relaxed. Her hair had also grown a lot longer.

When I first met her, her hair was short and reached her ears. Now her hair has grown to her shoulders and is gently blown by the wind. She looks a lot more mature.

She seemed to be thinner, and her facial features looked cleaner and more delicate.

In the past six months, Zhou Qinyao has been thinking about Tang You almost every night.

Now I finally saw the girl I missed day and night, but I could only look at her from afar in the car, trying hard to restrain the urge to go up and hug her in my arms.

Although the company has been saved, it still has a long way to go before turning losses into profits.

Zhou Qinyao knew that now was not the time for them to meet.

After watching quietly for a while, Tang You seemed to have an argument with Fang Lai. It was probably because Fang Lai wanted to accompany her to register, but she wanted to go in alone.

After talking for a while, Fang Lai gave in.

She has changed a lot in the past six months, which can be seen from Tang You's casual outfit today.

Fang Lai made a phone call gesture, probably meaning to call her if he couldn't handle it.

Tang You immediately waved his hand and said in an accent: "Bye!"

The Tang family's car drove away. The little girl stood at the school gate, looked up at the school sign carefully, squinted her eyes slightly, and took a few photos with her mobile phone in a good mood. Then she carried her suitcase and walked into the school.

There were seven or eight steps at the gate, and the wheels of the suitcase could not go up, so the suitcase had to be carried. Fang Lai filled Tang You's entire suitcase to the brim, and it was extremely heavy.

Tang You didn't notice that there was a staircase here just now. Now that her parents are gone, she can only grit her teeth and go up by herself.

Step by step, the petite girl's back was struggling but she was still trying her best to lift it up on her own.

Zhou Qinyao couldn't help himself while sitting in the car. He unbuckled his seat belt and wanted to go over to help. But the moment his hand touched the door switch, he remembered his promise to Fang Lai.

He withdrew his hand irritably and called Zhou Yan beside him: "You go!"

"?" Zhou Yan was drinking water: "Where are you going?"

"Can't you see she can't move that box?"

"… "

Zhou Yan was also convinced. He put down the water and was about to go down when he looked up and said, "Eh? Someone is helping him."

Zhou Qinyao looked over and found a young and sunny boy took Tang You's box and was talking to her.

Judging from the clothes he was wearing, he should be a volunteer senior who guides freshmen.

Many romances started when helping each other carry luggage at the beginning of school.

Zhou Yan picked up the water again, but before he could drink it, Zhou Qinyao snatched the bottle from him: "Why aren't you going yet?"

Zhou Yan: “…”

After a pause, he was confused: "But how can I explain to her why I am here?"

"Stop talking nonsense, go and get that man away."

Zhou Yan was kicked out of the door.

He was forced to cross the road with a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, and caught up with Tang You and his senior. He called out from behind, "Ms. Tang!"

Tang You turned around immediately and was stunned: "Director Zhou?"

Zhou Yan ran up to the two of them. He didn't know how to explain his sudden appearance, so he simply didn't explain it. He took the box from the senior student rudely and waved his hand: "You can go now."

Senior: “?”

"Also, don't go after her."

Senior: “???”

"She is my cousin's woman."

Senior: “…”

The Art Academy is a place that embraces all kinds of people. There are many beautiful women with financial sponsors. Sometimes boys will test the girls' background before trying to pick them up, because if they mess with the woman of a big shot, they will suffer the consequences.

So even though he didn't know who the man in front of him was, he looked like a normal person given the way he was dressed. Plus, when he heard that Tang You was already in a relationship, the senior immediately took a step back.

"Excuse me."

After the people left, Tang You asked unhappily, "Why are you talking nonsense? I don't even know your cousin."

It was the hottest time of the autumn and Zhou Yan felt very hot and stuffy, but Zhou Qinyao wouldn't even let him finish his saliva.

His throat was dry, and he was too lazy to come up with any fancy excuses:

"I'm not talking nonsense. My cousin thinks about you every day and loves you madly. He's looking at you from across the street right now."

"… "

For some reason, he imagined that a pair of eyes were staring at him, and a gust of wind blew eerily behind Tang You.

The last time she heard Zhou Yan mention his cousin was when he was talking about the diamond-encrusted toilet.

Not long ago, Fang Lai mentioned the eldest young master of the Zhou family at the dinner table, saying that he had returned from studying abroad and took over the Zhou Group. He was vigorous and decisive in his actions, and pulled the Zhou Group back from the brink of bankruptcy with extraordinary means.

Originally, she had a good impression of him as capable, but after hearing what Zhou Yan said, Tang You realized that this cousin was more than just a little bit boastful...

Why does it feel a bit perverted...

She glanced across the street, but today was the registration day, and there were cars coming and going, and the school gate was crowded with cars. She didn't know where the cousin Zhou Yan mentioned was.

After closing his lips, Tang You took the suitcase by himself: "Director Zhou, please don't say these things in the future."

The little girl took a few steps and turned back, her eyes were round and her expression was a little serious: "Also, I won't be your cousin's woman, please ask him to respect himself."

Zhou Yan: “…”

Feeling left out, Zhou Qinyao got back into the car, closed the door, and asked, "What did you say to her that took so long?"


Zhou Yan took a sip of water, then paused and looked over with a cold expression:

"My cousin's wife said she would not be my cousin's woman."

"He also makes you respect yourself."

Zhou Qinyao:

The author has something to say: I suddenly realized today that these two can be called a possessive couple! ! Hehe,


◎ The Hope Blue Diamond is a famous "diamond of bad luck" in history. It was first discovered in 1909. It is always accompanied by murder and robbery, and is an ominous object stained with blood. This diamond of bad luck has changed hands several times, and the owners have died strangely one after another. It was not until it was donated to the Smithsonian Institution in the United States that the bad luck was stopped. On November 7, 1958, the Hope Diamond was donated to the Smithsonian Institution. The Heart of the Ocean in the famous movie "Titanic" is based on this prototype, but it is replaced by Tanzanite.