Diamond Candy

Chapter 41: Eastern Star


Tang You didn't know the hidden story. Later when she checked out, there was indeed a discount promotion, and body lotion was a must-have for girls. She even felt that Zhou Qinyao was rare and considerate.

Besides, the body lotion smelled really nice, so the girl didn't think much about it and paid for it together with the perfume.

After shopping for an afternoon and having dinner, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

Tang You had to go to school tomorrow, so Zhou Qinyao drove her home. The car stopped at the entrance of the villa. The girl, holding the bag of body lotion, waited for a few seconds in the car before saying:

"I'm leaving now, good night."

Zhou Qinyao didn't say anything, but just looked at her sideways.

His gaze was silent but scorching. Tang You felt a little uncomfortable being stared at, and his ears felt hot.

I lowered my head and opened the door on my side. As soon as one foot touched the ground, the man next to me grabbed my hand:

"I send you."

"… "

The distance from the parking lot to the front door of Tang You's house was barely 30 meters. From this position, one could already see the servants busy in the house.

However, even though the distance was so short, Tang You did not refuse Zhou Qinyao's request, as if she had always longed for it in her heart, and she calmly accepted his farewell.

But no matter how long the road is, there will always be a time to finish it, let alone it is only thirty meters.

The two held hands and walked slowly to the door. Tang You was reluctant to leave, but they had already reached the door of their home, so they had to separate no matter how reluctant they were.

She raised her head, her eyes reflecting a gentle light, and said softly, "I'll go in then, be careful when you go back."

Zhou Qinyao nodded: "Go ahead."

Tang You stood still: "Then go ahead."

Zhou Qinyao said, "I'll see you go in before I leave."

Tang You: “…”

But at this moment, Tang You was reluctant to let go of his warm hand.

Neither of them wanted to leave first. Finally, Tang You thought about it and smiled: "How about I take you to the car again?"

Zhou Qinyao was stunned for a moment, then a faint smile appeared on his face: "Okay."

The little girl was secretly delighted and walked the 30-meter distance again.

He sent Zhou Qinyao back to the car and wanted to watch him get in. But in fact, the man didn't want to separate even more than Tang You.

After a while, Zhou Qinyao suggested: "How about we go out for a midnight snack?"

Tang You touched her stomach. They had just finished dinner, so how could she have room for a midnight snack

But she didn't want to reject this suggestion that they could continue to be together, so she changed her mind and asked him, "Do you know where I can see the stars in Haicheng?"

The memories of watching the stars on Mingtai Mountain that year are still the most tender and beautiful things in their hearts.

Zhou Qinyao smiled helplessly.

If I were to look for it now, I really wouldn't know where in Haicheng is as quiet as Mingtai Mountain, where you can see the night sky.

He thought for a moment and said, "You want to see the stars, right?"

Tang You also felt that he was being a little fanciful at this time. It was indeed a bit embarrassing to make this request so late at night.

She waved her hand: "It's okay, I'm just talking casually."

"Just stars." Zhou Qinyao pulled her hand and smiled, "No matter what you want to do or what you want, your brother Yao will satisfy you."

"?" Tang You was pulled into the car by Zhou Qinyao without knowing why: "Where are we going to see it?"

Zhou Qinyao just smiled and said nothing, he just drove the car silently to the side of Pujiang River, the most magnificent and beautiful river in Haicheng.

The breeze from the river is cool, making people feel refreshed and comfortable. The air on the shore is fresh and clear, with a smell somewhat similar to that of Mingtai Mountain.

But the stars in the night sky were obscured by the thick fog and could not be seen clearly.

Tang You asked doubtfully: "Are you watching here

Zhou Qinyao nodded: "Close your eyes."

He looked a little mysterious. Tang You didn't know what he was up to, but this man would always think of some unique tricks to cheer her up, so she didn't try to guess and just closed her eyes.

I felt the leather seat behind me slowly lowering and I slowly lay down.

After a few seconds, Zhou Qinyao asked her to open her eyes.

Tang You opened his eyes.

What you see is a brilliant starry sky.

It turned out to be the famous starry sky roof of Rolls-Royce.

The car's ceiling now resembles a starry night sky, with light radiating from multiple directions in varying depths, creating a vivid, three-dimensional effect.

Tang You looked at the blue starry sky in front of him in amazement, as if he was really under the vast sky, so dreamy that it was unreal.

"My dear, do you still like it?" the man next to him asked casually.

Tang You was touched and happy. She turned her head and looked at Zhou Qinyao who was lying next to her. She smiled contentedly and said, "I like it."

At this time, the two of them had been bored for another hour. Tang You's first class tomorrow was at 8 a.m., so he should have gone home to sleep.

But today is such a sweet day, I don’t know why, it’s so hard to separate.

After quietly looking at the starry sky in the car for a while, Zhou Qinyao pointed to a building opposite and said:

"How about coming to my house and sitting for a while?"

Since they were so close, Tang You thought about it and nodded with a red face.

In the past, she had been to Zhou Qinyao’s home in the alley, but she had never been to Zhou Zhan’s home now.

If you really want to understand him, then the layout and decoration of a man’s home can also reveal his taste and preferences.

Zhou Qinyao's home is on the ninth floor of this residential complex. It is a very luxurious sky villa decorated in cool colors. It has 180-degree panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook the entire night view of the Pujiang River.

The feeling from this angle is different from what I saw just now by the river.

Tang You leaned in front of the glass window and couldn't help saying, "It's so beautiful standing here and looking at the river."

Zhou Qinyao came closer, his deep voice falling from her ear, his hot breath passing through her neck:

"Who taught you to lie here like this?"


Tang You didn't understand what he meant at first. When the man hugged her intimately from behind, she realized something belatedly. Her face turned red, and she turned around and pushed him away.

But he pursed his lips twice, not knowing what to say, so he could only mutter in a low voice:

"I have to go now."

The little white rabbit has come to the door, how could the big bad wolf let her go so easily

Zhou Qinyao pushed her against the French window: "Why don't you leave tonight?"

His deep voice seemed to hint at something. Tang You became inexplicably nervous, his heart pounding, and his eyes darted around uncontrollably.

He didn't dare to look at Zhou Qinyao, for fear that if he looked any longer he would lose control.

"Too, too fast... I'm not ready yet."

Tang You is a girl who is very reserved in her emotions. Although it is normal for adult men and women to take the most intimate step when their love is deep, she is really not ready yet.

Zhou Qinyao looked at the girl with a blushing face, and after a while, he laughed.

"What are you thinking about?"

Tang You looked up in surprise: "Huh?"

The man then added in a low voice: "It's too late today, and it only takes about ten minutes to drive to your school from here."

After a pause, he said, "I just thought you could get some more sleep."

Tang You looked at him doubtfully.

After all, men's mouths are lies.

Zhou Qinyao seemed to see what she was thinking, and raised his hands helplessly: "Miss, I promise not to do anything, okay? Besides, I still have a lot of work to do."

The company is developing rapidly and there are endless things to deal with every day. In order to accompany Tang You out for the day, Zhou Qinyao postponed all his work to the evening.

He kissed her forehead gently: "Okay, go take a shower. There are clean towels in the bathroom. After you take a shower, go to bed obediently. I will take you to school tomorrow morning."

"What about you?" Tang You asked.

Zhou Qinyao pointed to the study next door and said, "I'm working overtime."

Tang You: “…”

I felt inexplicably lost.

She said "oh" silently.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening, and driving home now would indeed waste time. Most importantly, Tang You was really sleepy after playing all day.

She sent a text message to Fang Lai: Mom, I won’t be back tonight.

Fang Lai seemed to have expected this completely, and responded with an OK gesture very calmly.

But after a while, another one was added:

We still need to take measures.

"… "

Tang You blushed, her heart beat fast, and her head felt hot.

A few minutes ago, the two of them were indeed a lonely man and a single woman, with a passionate atmosphere, but now, Zhou Qinyao went to the study and made room for her.

She couldn't be safer. She could hear an echo every time she spoke in the living room.

Let’s go take a shower.

The girl went to Zhou Qinyao's bedroom and rummaged through his closet, hoping to find a loose shirt to wear as pajamas. She accidentally discovered that all his shirts were dark in color, and they looked cold and not warm at all.

Just like him at work. He was full of coldness and distance.

Tang You picked up a black one and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After coming out of the shower, she saw that the lights in the living room were off. Zhou Qinyao was considerate enough to draw the curtains. There was a cup of hot water at the bedside of the master bedroom, and a small warm yellow table lamp was on.

In his study next door, a ray of light could be seen through the crack in the door.

Tang You knew that he was busy and it was inconvenient to disturb him, so she went to bed and lay down under the quilt.

Zhou Qinyao’s quilt is cool gray, a thin layer that is soft and comfortable.

Originally she was very tired after playing all day, but for some reason, after lying on the bed and closing her eyes, Tang You couldn't fall asleep.

She tossed and turned until midnight. She opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling. Suddenly, she wanted to know what Zhou Qinyao was doing.

So the girl quietly got out of bed, tiptoed through the bedroom, came to his study, and gently turned the door handle.

The door was opened a crack, Tang You was very careful, trying not to make any noise. Pushing the door open little by little, she saw Zhou Qinyao with one hand on the armrest of the chair, his eyes slightly closed, as if he had fallen asleep.

Tang You was not wearing shoes when he got off the bed. He just walked over barefoot, close to the ground.

I helped him turn off the computer, then went out to get a thin blanket and quietly covered him with it.

After doing all this, Tang You paused slightly, bent down, and secretly looked at the man in front of her.

Zhou Qinyao looks very handsome when he is asleep. The sharp contours of his facial features become softened at this moment, and the lines of his side face are still perfect.

Tang You looked at it greedily.

But suddenly, those eyes as deep as ink opened.


Tang You was startled and looked away in surprise. Just as she stood up and was about to leave, the man stretched out his long arm and pulled her into his arms.

With a slight push of her knees, the girl sat on him. Due to inertia, her hands unconsciously wrapped around his neck.

The posture is ambiguous and provocative.

Tang You felt like a thief who had been caught. She was panicking and a little shy. She wanted to stand up, but the man held her tighter.

"Spying on me?"

"No... No, I just..."

Tang You didn't know what she was saying. She could feel the man in front of her staring at her, with a fiery desire in his eyes.

She swallowed and shrank her neck subconsciously: "I just can't sleep."

The little girl was wearing her own black shirt with a slightly open collar, which made her skin look even whiter than snow. Her long legs were smooth and shiny, and the alluring scent of milk on her body seemed to flow through Zhou Qinyao's nostrils.

The primitive desire in the body that had been suppressed with great effort finally could not be controlled anymore, and it rushed out like breaking out of a cage.

Zhou Qinyao pulled the shrinking girl back with a little force and buried his head between her collarbones:

"You smell so good..."

Tang You was stunned, and then she sighed softly: "I used the body lotion you chose for me."

Zhou Qinyao's lips brushed across the skin of her shoulder.

Restrain, and restrain again.

It turns out what the salesperson said was true.

Right now, he really just wanted to press her under him and savor her from head to toe, every inch and every corner.

This impulse was like being driven by fire, burning stronger and stronger. Zhou Qinyao couldn't control himself and suddenly stood up, put Tang You on the table in front of him and pushed her down.

With a loud crash, the documents on the table scattered all over the floor.

It is the sound of passion/desire exploding.

Tang You was startled and stuttered: "What are you going to do?"

Zhou Qinyao held her hand, not allowing her to resist, and kissed her from her earlobe all the way to her neck.

The fragrance seemed addictive, tempting him strongly.

But he knew that if he went any further, he wouldn't be able to stop.

So he forced himself to stay on Tang You's neck.

All desires turned into a passionate kiss.

He was too intense.

Tang You couldn't help but feel a little flustered by the kiss. Although she didn't refuse, she was very nervous: "You promised me not to do it..."

After an unknown amount of time, the man finally raised his body and said in a hoarse voice:

"Go to bed. I won't be polite if you come again."

Tang You could already feel something changing in her body. Her face flushed, her clothes a little messy, she lowered her head and hurried out of the study.

When she closed the door, she saw Zhou Qinyao standing by the window and lighting a cigarette.

She returned to the bedroom, her heart beating as if she had just finished a 1000-meter race.

There was still a burning heat flowing across the neck.

Tang You secretly looked in front of the mirror: "..."

Zhou Qinyao planted a strawberry on his fair neck skin.

The look is bright red and passionate, sexy and unrestrained.

Later, Tang You didn't remember when she fell asleep, nor did she know when Zhou Qinyao came to the room. In short, when she woke up the next day, she was lying completely in his arms.

The man's arm rested on him, holding her tightly. And when she woke up, she happened to meet Zhou Qinyao's eyes.

The man should have woken up a long time ago.

Waking up in a man's arms for the first time, Tang You felt a little embarrassed and rubbed her eyes: "Why didn't you call me?"

"You were so good when you were sleeping, I couldn't bear to wake you up."

Tang You pursed her lips and smiled, then asked, "What time is it?"

Zhou Qinyao looked back at his watch: "Seven o'clock."

"Well, I should get up then. I have class at eight."

She washed hurriedly and changed into the clothes Zhou Qinyao bought for her yesterday. She originally wanted to take a taxi to school, but Zhou Qinyao insisted on driving her there.

Tang You said: "Your license plate is too conspicuous. There are many people coming and going in the school in the morning. I don't want to be talked about by my classmates."

Zhou Qinyao raised his eyebrows: "What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that others will know that you are my girlfriend?"

"Isn't it?" Tang You teased, "How many girls want to be with you, Prince Zhou."

Zhou Qinyao knew that the little girl was jealous, so he pinched her lips and kissed her:

"But I only want to be with the eldest daughter of the Tang family in my life."

Tang You laughed at his amusement and deliberately kept a straight face: "That depends on how well you perform."

Zhou Qinyao quickly responded: "What aspect?"

Tang You: “?”

The man held her hand meaningfully: "Give me a chance, I will definitely perform well."

Tang You blushed and threw him away: "Zhou Qinyao...!"

Joking along the way, ten minutes later, Zhou Qinyao parked the car some distance away from the school.

I know that Tang You has always been like this, she doesn't like to be high-profile or show off. But today, the temperature is close to 29 degrees, and she still wears her long hair.

Zhou Qinyao frowned and asked before getting off the car:

"It's a bit hot today, why don't you tie your hair up."

Tang You paused, and snorted: "I still have to thank you."

Zhou Qinyao: “…?”

The girl lifted her long hair slightly.

The man vaguely saw the kiss mark on her neck, and then he reacted.

Well, I was impulsive last night.

"Be good, I'll apologize to you later."

"… "

At first, Tang You didn't know what Zhou Qinyao meant by "apology". After finishing several classes in the morning and returning to the dormitory, she was about to call Cheng Xuan when she suddenly found several classmates gathered together, and Ye Yuan was among them.

In her hands she held a familiar bouquet of crabapple pink roses.

Several girls gathered around her flatteringly, and one read the card on the flower:

"To yy baby? Brother Yao? Isn't yy Ye Yuan? Yuanyuan, who is your suitor?"

To be honest, Ye Yuan didn't know who sent this bouquet of flowers. She did have a lot of suitors recently, but she couldn't think of any of them with the word "Yao" in their names.

But this YY does fit his name.

Ye Yuan held the flowers in a noble and cold manner, as if she was used to it, and smiled indifferently: "Who knows, whoever likes it can take it."

Tang You knew that it was a gift from Zhou Qinyao. She could keep a low profile, but she would never allow her boyfriend's feelings to be trampled on like this.

He walked silently to Ye Yuan and stretched out his hand.

Ye Yuan raised her sharp and beautiful eyebrows, raised her head, and looked at Tang You with a smile: "Why, you want it?"

Tang You shook her head, took the card from the classmate next to her, and took the flowers from Ye Yuan:

"Are you the only one with a y in your name?"

Tang You has always been a very low-key person in the department. He has a good and gentle personality and never gets angry with others.

But now, her tone was colder than ever before, even a little sarcastic.

Because of the competition in her major and the so-called title of the most beautiful girl in the department, Ye Yuan didn't like Tang You privately. Now that she was criticized in public, she felt a little embarrassed.

The classmates around him didn't say anything either, just watched the two beauties' battle of guns/bullets/ammunition in silence.

"Tsk, who cares."

As Ye Yuan spoke, she seemed to suddenly remember something, crossed her chest and sneered:

"Ugh, Brother Yao again."

"Is it that poor boyfriend you had when you were in high school in City C? Tsk tsk, to buy such a big bouquet of flowers, he must have moved bricks for a long time, right?"

Tang You: “…?”

The classmates around me are really talented people. They pretend to know nothing, but they are actually very well-informed.

But she was right.

"Yeah." Tang You smiled and nodded: "It's him, any problem?"

The author has something to say: Ah... I'm late, sorry.

But this chapter of your brother Yao is very exciting, isn’t it


The Star of the East diamond is a legendary diamond. There are two different theories about the origin of the original stone. The first theory is that it was one of a large number of large diamonds discovered and excavated in South Africa in the late 19th century. The other theory is that in the middle of the 19th century, a 157-carat original diamond was found in India, from which this 94.80-carat diamond was cut and polished, which is worth about 1.12 million US dollars.