Diamond Candy

Chapter 45: Regent


Zhou Zelin's sudden death caused a sensation in the circle.

Although the relationship between father and son had been strained for many years, Zhou Qinyao still managed his father's funeral in a decent manner, which was considered his last act of filial piety.

Wu Meng was slapped twice that night, and none of her uncles stood up to speak for her. She became more restrained and honest, and at least during the funeral arrangements, she did not mention the division of the family.

On the day of Zhou Zelin's funeral and farewell ceremony, it was cloudy, rainy, hot and humid.

As the eldest son of the Zhou family, Zhou Qinyao presided over the entire funeral.

Friends and relatives came to pay their respects one after another, but there was not much expression on his face. He just thanked everyone who came and didn't say anything else.

Wu Meng continued to display her superb acting skills. She cried on the spot as if she was in the hospital. She was filled with sorrow and melancholy, hugging her only son Zhou Rui, looking like a pitiful widow with an orphan.

Zhou Rui, who was less than four years old, stayed away from Zhou Qinyao and was frightened by the two slaps he gave her that day.

Every time Zhou Rui looked at this brother who was more than 20 years older than him, he always felt a little afraid, and his little eyes were full of uneasiness.

Young children don't know what is happening now.

Fang Lai's family also arrived at the scene.

Walking to Zhou Qinyao, Tang You gently took her hand and pressed it on the man's palm.

Fang Lai also said: "My condolences."

Zhou Qinyao nodded: "Thank you, uncle and aunt."

Then he said to Tang You: "I'm fine."

Not long after that, Xia Sumu and his family also arrived.

Although they stopped working together after the incident at the Zhou family, they were once close friends. It was still heartbreaking to hear of such a major event as his death, so they came to the scene.

After bowing several times, Xia Sumu walked up to Zhou Qinyao:

"Zhou Zhan, please accept my condolences and don't be too sad."

Zhou Qinyao looked down: "That's thoughtful, thank you."

Although Zhou Zelin's glory days were over, he was once very famous, so many people came to his funeral to say goodbye.

Tang You sat down and looked at the man's tired expression, feeling a little distressed.

He didn't say a word, but the more he did so, the more emotions accumulated and suppressed in his heart.

Tang You sighed. At this moment, Xia Sumu sat next to her and asked her in a low voice:

"Can you come out for a moment? I have something to tell you."

Tang You was actually a little reluctant, but Xia Sumu insisted that there was something important, so she had to say something to Fang Lai and quietly left the scene with him.

In a secluded and quiet place outside the memorial hall, the two girls stood together. Tang You asked her:

"What's wrong?"

Xia Sumu hesitated:

"Actually, I originally wanted to say these words to Zhou Zhan himself, but I know he doesn't want to see me... So I came to tell you, and I hope you can tell him."

Tang You seemed to have heard something important, and his expression became serious: "What is it?"

Xia Sumu looked around and came over with a low voice:

"When Uncle Zhou was seriously ill, I took care of him in the hospital for a long time. Many times when Aunt Wu and I were there at the same time, she would mysteriously go out after receiving a phone call."

"Then one time I went to the bathroom, and I overheard what he was saying in the stairwell... It was annoying, and the old man was still hanging on... I'm not sure who she was talking to on the phone, but I could see that she was very close to the person on the phone, and-"

Xia Sumu paused and said, "I don't want others to know about their relationship."

Wu Meng is young, only 32 years old, and she and Zhou Zelin are considered an old man and young wife.

According to Xia Sumu's words, Tang You couldn't help but have a bold idea. She and Xia Sumu looked at each other silently, and in that look, the two people's thoughts seemed to be confirmed in unison.

"Well, that's all I have to say."

Xia Sumu turned around and left silently, but after taking two steps he turned back and said, "By the way, I'm getting married next month."

Tang You was stunned and looked at her in disbelief: "Marriage?!"

"I've waited for him for so many years. I should have given up long ago. Your appearance has helped me find my way back." Xia Sumu shook his head desolately, mocking himself a little: "Instead of waiting for a love that has no result, I might as well choose the one who has also waited for me for a long time."

Tang You was silent for a long time, not knowing what to say.

Xia Sumu raised his lips and smiled: "Don't worry. I will work hard to make myself happy. I wish you two happiness too."

"… "

Tang You returned to the funeral with mixed feelings.

The funeral was over and everyone was leaving one after another. Tang You asked Fang Lai and Tang Yuanxiao to go back first and sit in their seats waiting for Zhou Qinyao.

After everyone had left, he quietly walked up to Zhou Qinyao.

But I don’t know how to start.

If Zhou Qinyao were to be told what Xia Sumu had just said, it would probably be a bigger blow to him.

Although anyone with a discerning eye could see that Wu Meng's actions were driven by profit, when the truth was revealed, Tang You still felt sorry for Zhou Qinyao and his dead mother.

At the funeral, besides himself, only Zhou Qinyao and Wu Meng, mother and son, were left.

After the funeral, Zhou Zelin also left completely. There were only three people left in the Zhou family. At this point, there was no need to hide or wait any longer.

Wu Meng said straightforwardly: "Zhou Zhan, let's just settle this matter now. We should each go our separate ways and not get in each other's way."

Zhou Qinyao gave her a cold look and said, "Okay, I'll satisfy you."

Seeing that they had household chores to take care of and it was inconvenient for him to stay, Tang You planned to leave.

Zhou Qinyao took her hand and said, "Come back with me."

Tang You knew that in Zhou Qinyao's heart, he never regarded himself as an outsider.

He never hid from her all his glory and shame.

On the way back, Tang You told Zhou Qinyao what Xia Sumu said. Zhou Qinyao listened without saying anything, and finally replied calmly: "I know."

This is Tang You’s first time visiting the Zhou family mansion.

From this house, one can see how prosperous the Zhou family was in the past. The villa in the lake, which can only be reached by yacht, has an interweaving of light and shadow from heaven and earth, and is extremely luxurious.

After returning home, all the uncles and elders of the Zhou family, including young people like Zhou Yan's generation, and the Zhou family's personal lawyer, a total of more than a dozen people, were already waiting in the mansion.

Wu Meng was slightly stunned when he saw this scene, but he still forced himself to smile calmly: "What are you doing? Do you want to scare me by relying on your numbers?"

"I'm not relying on our numbers. I just want everyone in the Zhou family to be present and see it clearly, so that people won't say that I, Zhou Zhan, bullied you and your son." Zhou Qinyao said.

Wu Meng sat down on the sofa, holding his chest with his hands: "Okay, then I want to see how you handle it fairly."

Zhou Qinyao sat opposite her with a calm expression: "It is not up to me to decide whether it is fair or not, but your husband."

Wu Meng was stunned for a moment, then she argued: "What do you mean he has the final say? I am his wife, and now that he is dead, I certainly have the right to demand a share of his property!"

"It's good that you know he is her wife." Zhou Qinyao said coldly and sharply: "If we are not divorced, how much you can get depends on how much he is willing to give you."

Wu Meng: “…”

Zhou Zelin's illness came suddenly this time and he was in a coma when he entered the hospital. Wu Meng had no idea that he had made a plan before this and secretly made a will.

Although her face was a little pale, she still had a son after all, which gave her confidence.

Wu Meng believed that Zhou Zelin would not be so ruthless as to not leave a penny for Zhou Rui.

Zhou Qinyao took a sip of tea calmly and said, "Lawyer Wang, we can start now."


Tang You sat quietly in the corner watching this grand drama of a wealthy family, feeling filled with emotion.

A family without love, brought together solely because of money and desire, and with all the intrigue in the end, the ending is tragic.

She felt sorry for Zhou Qinyao, wondering how lonely this man must have felt during those years.

The lawyer took out the will that had been prepared long ago and began to read it.

In his will, Zhou Zelin stated that all properties, vehicles, stock funds, etc. under his name would all belong to the two brothers Zhou Qinyao and Zhou Rui.

After hearing this, Wu Meng couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth: "I've said it before, we all have the last name Zhou, why should we be partial? Okay, let's divide it equally."

"Wait a minute." The lawyer continued, "Mr. Zhou has additional terms."


"All inheritances received by Master Zhou Rui will be supervised by Mr. Zhou Zhan before he turns 18, and will be managed by him personally after he turns 18."

Wu Meng had not had time to retract his smugness: "What do you mean?"

The lawyer explained: "What this means is that you, Mrs. Zhou, have no right to use even a penny of Master Zhou Rui's property."

Wu Meng's shoulders slumped, and he slumped down on the sofa: "..."

"Of course, Mr. Zhou also said that if you, Mrs. Zhou, are willing to stay in the Zhou family and take care of Master Zhou Rui until he reaches adulthood, you can have a living allowance of 20,000 yuan per month."

Wu Meng stammered, and suddenly became angry and embarrassed: "Is the old man crazy?! Does he want me to be a widow in your house for the rest of my life? Twenty thousand yuan? Is he sending away a beggar?"

Zhou Qinyao slowly leaned forward:

"I'll give you two choices. First, I'll give you freedom. You go with Zhou Rui, and your future will have nothing to do with my Zhou family. Second."

Zhou Qinyao paused, put down the cup in his hand, and looked at Wu Meng coldly:

"I'll give you five million, you can go, but you have to leave Zhou Rui behind."

Zhou Rui was standing nearby and didn't quite understand what was being said, but he could tell that he was about to separate from his mother.

He carefully pulled Wu Meng's sleeve: "...Mom."

Wu Meng remained unmoved.

She was hesitating and weighing the pros and cons.

Everyone at the scene was waiting for her answer.

After several minutes, Wu Meng stood up suddenly, and Zhou Rui was forced to let go of his hand on her arm.

She said expressionlessly: "Five million, transfer it to my account immediately."

Everyone: “…”

Tang You couldn't believe his ears.

In fact, Zhou Qinyao gave the two paths just to test Wu Meng. He didn't expect that the ugliness of human nature would be fully displayed incisively and vividly in this woman.

The farce is over.

The Zhou family had only two people left.

Young Zhou Rui didn’t know what was going on. In just a few days, he lost both his father and his mother.

His fate seemed no different from Zhou Qinyao's.

Watching the adults arguing and negotiating, his eyes were full of fear and anxiety. After everyone left, Zhou Qinyao slowly walked up to him.

Zhou Rui hid back in fear.

Perhaps knowing that Wu Meng could not be a qualified mother, Zhou Zelin was most worried about Zhou Rui. Before he died, he left the following words for Zhou Qinyao:

"Dad knows I'm sorry for you, but please, please, please, please take good care of Ruirui..."

How could Wu Meng still want a son with a person she didn't love at all, a bargaining chip she only intended to use to exchange for wealth and benefits? Now that the son has no meaning to her, how could she still want him

Zhou Qinyao squatted down in front of Zhou Rui and thought of Zhou Cun who had not yet been born. At that moment, he no longer had so much hatred for him.

Maybe, my brother just came to me in a different way.

Zhou Qinyao's eyes were a little sour. He looked at the confused and uneasy child in front of him and pulled him in front of him:

"Don't be afraid."

"Brother will take care of you from now on."

Four-year-old Zhou Rui burst into tears and threw himself into his arms.

For a long time after Zhou Zelin's death, Zhou Qinyao felt heavy and depressed.

Tang You would go to accompany him whenever she was free, but it was still difficult to see a smile on his face. All he did every day was work.

Tang You understood that Zhou Qinyao didn't want outsiders to see his inner torment and discomfort, so he could only use heavy work to numb himself and hide himself.

Seven years after Zhou Zelin’s death, summer vacation ended and a new semester began at Haiyi.

At the beginning of the school year, Tang You received an unexpected and surprising news.

The school actually chose him for the vacant position of principal cellist in the school symphony orchestra.

This has never happened before, as only juniors and seniors could hold this position. But Tang You has been learning cello since she was a child, and her playing skills are no less than those of the older seniors.

However, this made the group of female classmates, led by Ye Yuan, secretly even more jealous of her.

September is also Zhou Qinyao's birthday, and Tang You wants to take this opportunity to give him a gift, help him celebrate his birthday, and make him happy.

But after thinking about it, Zhou Qinyao seemed to have everything he needed, so Tang You didn't know what to give him, so she ran to ask Cheng Xuan.

Cheng Xuan gave her an idea:

"You don't need to buy anything. Just tie a bow on yourself and lie on his bed. That's the best gift."

Tang You blushed: "... What kind of random ideas are you coming up with?"

Cheng Xuan glanced at her: "I know better than you what men love most."

Tang You: “…”

To be honest, Cheng Xuan understands men better than I do.

But when I think of that kind of scene, isn’t it too shameful and too unrestrained…

"Forget it." Tang You shyly changed the subject: "I'll think of something else."

It happened to be the weekend, and after separating from Cheng Xuan, Tang You planned to go back home.

When she reached the school gate, a senior from the orchestra called her at the door.

This is the senior who plays the piano in the group. He is gentle and has the aura of a talented person.

The boy asked her politely: "Tang You, the music score we are going to play in City A has been slightly modified. Have you got the latest version?"

Tang You: "Oh, the teacher has just sent it to me."

"Is that so?" The boy touched his nose and said, "Then I hope our cooperation will be successful this time."

Tang You was not very familiar with this senior brother, so he could only laugh dryly and said, "Yes, I will try my best to practice."

The boy smiled shyly and said, "Why don't we have a meal together and discuss the music score."

Tang You was slightly startled. Just when he was about to tell him that he was busy and couldn't make it convenient, someone suddenly called him.

She looked apologetic, picked up the phone and saw that it was Zhou Qinyao calling.

Pick up: "Hello?"

"Turn around and get in the car."


Tang You immediately turned around to look.

This weekend, there were indeed a lot of luxury cars parked in front of the school, but she didn't see a Rolls-Royce.

Zhou Qinyao continued: "Opposite you, the license plate is 766."

Tang You looked over there and saw a black Audi parked not far opposite him.

She responded and hung up the phone.

Then I said to my senior: "I'm sorry, I have a dinner appointment today."

The boy didn’t give up: “What about tomorrow? Or Monday is also fine?”

Tang You smiled politely, "If we're just talking about the music, we can do it in the rehearsal room, but if it's something else, there's no need for that."

Having said this, Tang You’s position has been clearly implied.

The boy was not a stubborn person and had no sense of judgment. He nodded and said, "Okay, bye then."

Tang You crossed the road and came to the Audi car. He leaned over and saw that it was Zhou Yan who was driving.

Zhou Qinyao sat in the passenger seat. Tang You had no choice but to get in the back seat.

The little girl came from the hot outdoors into the air-conditioned car. Just as she was about to say how cool it was, she suddenly felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the car.

Neither man spoke.

Not long after sitting down, Zhou Qinyao got out of the passenger seat and sat in the back seat.

He finally opened his mouth and said just two words, which was the name of a restaurant.

Zhou Yan swallowed in the front and glanced at the two of them in the rearview mirror.

His cousin's face was now completely black, and he looked extremely unhappy.

The two were originally talking about something nearby, and after finishing the conversation, Zhou Qinyao suddenly felt like coming to the school to pick Tang You up for dinner. Unexpectedly, when he arrived at the school gate and before he had time to call his cousin's wife, he saw her standing at the gate with a boy, chatting intimately for a long time.

Of course Zhou Yan understood his cousin's character.

Not going up and kicking the man away was already extremely merciful.

When the car arrived at the restaurant, Zhou Yan no longer had the idea of eating for free, and stopped the car with a sense of relief: "Well, you guys eat, I have something else to do."

After waiting for people to get off the bus, he quickly hid far away.

Zhou Qinyao pulled Tang You into the restaurant without saying a word and closed the door of the private room.

Tang You looked at the man with a strange expression, totally confused:

"What's the matter with you?"

Zhou Qinyao turned around and looked at the girl with an innocent look on her face, and glanced at her from head to toe again.

There was an expression on his face, as if he wanted to be angry but couldn't, but he was just very unhappy.

Came over and weighed her suspenders:

"Is what you're wearing called clothes?"


Tang You was stunned for a moment, then lowered his eyes to look at himself—

It's summer now, and the weather is extremely hot, with temperatures above 30 degrees every day. Today she is wearing a small camisole with a pair of denim hot pants.

The little girl was a little puzzled: "If this isn't called clothes, what is it called?"

Zhou Qinyao turned her over and patted her on the back: "Isn't this a bellyband?"


Tang You couldn't help but laugh.

This suspender is designed like this, it looks normal in the front but reveals a little too much in the back.

The little girl blinked and said, "But it's cool to wear this."

Zhou Qinyao said nothing.

Cool down a bit. Just now, he saw the boy in the car looking at Tang You with eyes that were almost spitting fire.

Seeing that her boyfriend didn't say anything, Tang You put down her bag, walked around to him, and said with a smile:

"Are you jealous?"

Zhou Qinyao deliberately turned away and didn't look at her.

The little girl suddenly stood on tiptoe and tapped his lips gently: "You are not angry anymore."

Zhou Qinyao: “…”

The whole person suddenly felt a little out of form.

But when I thought about the man staring at my woman just now, I still felt a little unhappy.

Tang You then stood on tiptoe again, like a little woodpecker, and kissed him three times on the lips:

"Okay, can't I just not wear this dress next time?"

Zhou Qinyao couldn't handle her acting so coquettishly.

He was pretending to be angry one second, and the next second he turned his face away, with the corners of his mouth rising uncontrollably.


Then he turned around and held her in his arms helplessly and lovingly:

“You can wear it.”

"But you can only wear it for me."

Tang You chuckled: "Then what are you wearing for me to see?"

Zhou Qinyao said calmly: "I won't wear it."

"Hahaha, you're so annoying."

The two of them instantly became sweet and attached to each other again.

During the meal, Tang You suddenly remembered the school's performance and told Zhou Qinyao:

"Next Monday the school will organize us to go to City A for an exchange performance. It may take three days for us to return. Don't miss me too much."

Zhou Qinyao's hand holding the chopsticks froze for a moment, but soon returned to normal and asked casually, "Four days?"

Tang You secretly pursed her lips, pretending to know nothing: "Yes, Sitian, what's the matter?"

She knew that Zhou Qinyao's birthday was on Thursday.

In fact, the performance only takes three days. We finished the performance on Tuesday and returned home on Wednesday morning.

But Tang You said this on purpose because he had decided to give Zhou Qinyao an unexpected surprise at that time.

Although Zhou Qinyao also thought about celebrating Tang You's birthday with her, now that the little girl had something to do at school, he, a grown man, couldn't be so pretentious as to ask her to put aside her work and be with him.

I could only shake my head nonchalantly: "No, I was just asking casually."

Tang You smiled: "Oh."

This time, Haiyi was invited by the Ministry of Culture of City A to participate in artistic exchange. At the concert, Tang You, as the principal cellist, had a solo performance that attracted much attention and received unanimous praise.

The more popular she became, the more jealous Ye Yuan became.

The performance was set in a gymnasium, and after it ended, Tang You took the time to go to the bathroom.

The performance was a great success and she was very happy, so she took a selfie in front of the sink and sent it to Zhou Qinyao on WeChat.

Does it look good

Today, the cello group led by Tang You wore the same custom-made dresses, a light gold soft lace tube top long dress, with their long hair pinned behind, looking gentle and dignified.

Zhou Qinyao responded with a lip expression in a very coquettish way.

Tang You saw the corners of his lips lift slightly, and thought that he could go home tomorrow and give him a surprise in the evening.

She put her phone on the sink and started washing her hands.

At this time, Ye Yuan also pushed the door open and came in.

Tang You saw it, but turned a blind eye.

Ye Yuan walked over to Tang You as if nothing had happened and put on some makeup.

While applying lipstick, she looked at Tang You in the mirror, remembering the last time she was humiliated by Zhou Qinyao in the restaurant. Although she didn't dare to do anything to others afterwards, she was actually still feeling ashamed and angry in her heart.

In addition, Tang You stole the show at the concert tonight. When everyone bowed, the leader shook her hand alone, expressing his great appreciation.

This made Ye Yuan, who was always proud, feel as if she was being compared to others, and she felt even more unhappy.

She twirled her lipstick carelessly, and said to the air in a vague and mocking voice:

"Actually, I admire you for being able to juggle two men at the same time. I don't have your ability."

I don’t know if it’s because she’s been with Cheng Xuan for too long, but Tang You’s words have become sharper.

She rinsed her hands with water, wiped them with paper, turned around and looked at Ye Yuan with a smile:

"If you don't have this ability, then learn from me."

Ye Yuan: “…”

Tang You left the bathroom very calmly.

Ye Yuan looked at her back and cursed angrily. She was about to go to the bathroom when she suddenly glanced and saw the cell phone on the sink.

It was dropped by Tang You.

Ye Yuan opened her phone and the background screen saver was a photo of Tang You and Zhou Qinyao.

The two of them were face to face, looking loving and happy.

Ye Yuan was so jealous that she thought to herself, "You scheming bitch, you're still thinking about what's in the pot while you're eating from the bowl. Sooner or later, I'm going to expose your true colors!"

After picking up Tang You's phone, she never thought of returning it.

Young people nowadays have a lot of photos and videos stored in their mobile phones, which are also linked to countless apps. It is very troublesome if they lose them.

But Ye Yuan just wanted to make Tang You suffer, the more trouble the better.

She put away her phone without saying a word, left the bathroom, and was about to turn it off and throw it away somewhere when a phone call came in.

Ye Yuan didn't know what bad thoughts she had, and after thinking about it, she actually picked up the phone.

She didn't say anything, but asked politely, "Hello, are you Miss Tang?"

Another man.

I don’t even know how many men this woman has hooked up with outside.

Ye Yuan replied angrily: "I'm your mother!"

She hung up the phone and wanted to throw Tang You's phone farther away, so she deliberately left the gym and quietly walked to an alley outside to find a trash can to throw it away. But she couldn't find a trash can after walking for a long time. When she was about to turn back, she suddenly felt something strange and looked sideways -

The dim lights in the alley cast two long shadows on the wall.

Haicheng, the office building of Zhou Group.

The conference room was busy. A new product was launched today and everyone was working overtime. Zhou Qinyao was listening to the analysis of his staff, his mind full of data. At this tense moment, his cell phone suddenly rang.

He originally wanted to hang up out of habit, but for some reason, Zhou Qinyao raised his hand to signal.

The person who was reporting stopped talking.

Zhou Qinyao picked up the phone and heard a man's voice: "Are you Zhou Zhan?"

This is a voice that uses a voice changer.

Zhou Qinyao's heart tightened, and he realized something was wrong, and immediately asked, "Yes, who are you?"

"Your woman is in my hands. Bring me 50 million dollars in exchange for her life. I want US dollars."

Zhou Qinyao stood up from his seat on the spot: "Who are you?!"

"Don't worry about who I am. If I don't see the money in three hours, I will kill it immediately. Also, if you call the police, forget about seeing your beloved."

The phone was hung up hastily.

Zhou Qinyao's heart began to pound.

He had never been so nervous before. Countless thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant, but he quickly calmed down. There are so many people committing fraud now, maybe it's just a scam

So he immediately called Tang You.

But after a few rings, the phone was picked up - it was still the same man's voice.

"I knew you would call. I was waiting for you."

He didn't even give Zhou Qinyao a chance to speak and hung up again.

Soon, Zhou Qinyao received a photo on his mobile phone.

The photo should have been taken in a dim place. The girl's hair was messy, her eyes were blindfolded with a black cloth, and her mouth was stuffed with a towel. Although the lighting was not good, the clothes she was wearing were exactly the same as the ones in the photo Tang You sent to her after the performance.

For the first time in his life, Zhou Qinyao experienced the feeling of cold sweat instantly breaking out on his body.

He immediately notified everyone to disband the meeting, except for Zhou Yan.

After telling Zhou Yan about this, Zhou Yan slumped down in his seat.

This kind of plot that only happens on TV actually happened to them.

Zhou Yan walked around the conference room at a loss, muttering to himself:

"What should I do? Should I call the police? If I call the police, what if he kills me? What about my cousin's wife's life? It's over. Will he rape her and then kill her?"

He kept walking back and forth, but Zhou Qinyao sat on the chair, frowning and thinking.

After calming down for only five minutes, Zhou Qinyao decided:

"Go prepare the money first, then call the police. Also, report the number that Wu Meng frequently contacted that you found earlier to the police."

After listening to what Xia Sumu said, Zhou Qinyao asked Zhou Yan to check Wu Meng's call records and found out that she did have a number that she contacted frequently, but the number did not have a real name, so he could not find out who it was.

"Okay, but." Zhou Yan hesitated: "Do we need to inform Mr. Fang?"


Zhou Qinyao didn't want to alarm the two old men.

His eyes were deep and he said calmly: "I won't let anyone hurt her in the slightest."

Zhou Yan responded: "Okay, I'll do it right away."

The kidnappers' transaction location was in City A, and Zhou Yan quickly gathered 50 million. At the same time, Zhou Qinyao also used his own connections to contact the most elite police in Haicheng and City A to secretly deal with the matter.

The kidnappers were very smart. After Zhou Qinyao drove to City A at the fastest speed of 40 minutes, the other party changed the transaction location three times in a row.

Zhou Qinyao cooperated with him tirelessly, and after changing the location for the fifth time, he finally met the kidnappers in an abandoned factory.

Plainclothes officers from both places also quietly ambushed outside the factory, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

The other party was wearing a mask and was extremely bold. There was only one person.

Tang You was tied to the sofa at the back, with his limbs and feet tied, his eyes blindfolded, and a towel stuffed in his mouth. He seemed to have fainted.

Because of the distance between them, Zhou Qinyao couldn't see clearly whether she was injured or not.

He felt like a knife was cutting his heart. He wanted to rush forward and beat the bastard to death, but the kidnapper seemed to see through his thoughts and put a knife on Tang You's neck:

"If you dare to come any closer, my knife will have no eyes."

Zhou Qinyao's face turned pale and he stepped back: "If you dare to hurt a hair on her head, you won't get a dime!"

The man retracted the knife tip, "Where's the money

Zhou Qinyao signaled to Zhou Yan behind him.

Zhou Yan dragged a huge suitcase and opened it, revealing a whole box of US dollars.

The kidnapper was very satisfied and waved: "Give me the money!"

Just as the transaction was taking place, Zhou Qinyao's phone suddenly rang.

But at this moment, even if the sky falls, nothing is more important than Tang You's safety.

The kidnapper became furious and put the tip of the knife against Tang You's neck again: "What are you doing? Did you call the police?!"

Zhou Qinyao hung up the phone immediately. To prevent him from hurting Tang You due to his emotional impulse, he threw the phone to the ground and said, "It's just company business."

But not long after, Zhou Yan's cell phone rang.

The kidnapper immediately jumped up and said, "Don't play tricks on me!"

"No, no!" Zhou Yan quickly hung up the phone and was about to throw his phone to the ground when a text message came and appeared on the screen.

Zhou Yan accidentally glanced at it and was stunned.

I'm Tang You. Are you with your cousin? I lost my phone and I can't contact him.

Zhou Yan:

He was a little confused and somewhat doubted his own eyes.

He looked at his cousin's wife on the phone, then looked up at his cousin's wife who was tied up in front of him.

Why did two people suddenly appear...

Zhou Yan rubbed his eyes, looked at it carefully and seriously, and threw the phone to the ground only after he was sure that he was not mistaken.

Then he leaned close to Zhou Qinyao's ear and whispered the contents of the text message to him.

After hearing this, Zhou Qinyao also looked at him in confusion.

The two brothers looked at each other with complicated eyes for a second, guessing countless possibilities.

The kidnapper was getting impatient and yelled, "What are you doing? Do you want to kill her or not?"

He put the knife on Tang You's neck: "Hurry up, pay with one hand and deliver with the other!"

Zhou Qinyao pondered for two seconds: "I need to check the goods first."

This request is not excessive.

The kidnapper thought about it, untied the cloth tied around Tang You's eyes and feet, then put the tip of the knife against her neck and pushed her forward.

After the distance between the two sides was about ten meters, Zhou Qinyao finally saw the woman's face under the knife.

The atmosphere was as quiet as a chicken for three seconds.

Zhou Qinyao bent down, picked up the phone, and turned around coldly: "Whatever you want."

Zhou Yan pushed the box with great effort, and turned back to curse at the kidnappers as he walked:

"Are you fucking sick? Aren't I tired pushing it from such a long distance?!"

Kidnapper: “…”

The author has something to say: Zhou Yan: I even flexed my biceps, but I ended up meeting such an idiot.

Brother Yao: I had my fucking fifty-meter knife out, but I ended up meeting such an idiot.


I dropped my phone, what happened

I promised you two updates, today everyone who leaves a message will receive a red envelope


Regent Diamond: This diamond was discovered by Indian slaves working in the Patel diamond mine on the Christina River in Golconda in 1701. It originally weighed 410 carats. During World War II, the German army occupied France. Before the fall of Paris in 1940, the French government hid the "Regent" diamond in an inconspicuous wall panel in the Chateau de Chambord on the Loire River. German Field Marshal Goering threatened to surrender the diamond with force, but failed. In 1945, the "Regent" diamond returned to the Apollo Art Gallery of the Louvre.