Diamond Candy

Chapter 46: Anat


The kidnappers changed the transaction location countless times, sometimes on a hillside, sometimes on the beach, and sometimes on the top floor of a building without an elevator.

The longer he performed his tricks, the farther Zhou Yan pushed the box weighing dozens of kilograms. It is no exaggeration to say that when the blindfold was taken off, Zhou Yan was so exhausted that he really wanted to jump up and hit someone.

When Zhou Qinyao saw that the disheveled woman standing in front of him was actually Ye Yuan, his feeling was indescribable.

It seemed like in just a second, someone pulled my heart back from the edge of the cliff.

A false alarm is indeed the most beautiful word in the world.

He and Zhou Yan left the abandoned factory.

The kidnapper behind them looked confused and asked them:

"Do you really not care about your woman?"

Although he was not fond of Ye Yuan and even had some aversion to her, it was still a human life after all. If the kidnappers did anything extreme, it would hurt innocent people.

Considering that this woman helped Tang You to avoid disaster, Zhou Qinyao is not the kind of person who would just watch her die without helping.

However, he had to save Tang You personally, and no one could hurt her in any way.

But as for Ye Yuan, let’s leave it to the great people’s police.

After a message was sent through the invisible intercom they carried with them, the plainclothes officers who had already set up a tight net outside broke into the house from four corners.

The kidnappers were caught off guard. They thought the chips in their hands were enough to buy a worry-free life for the rest of their lives, but they didn't expect that Zhou was gone!

Before he could react to his sudden change of heart, the police swooped down and surrounded him.

The kidnapper's hand holding the knife was shaking and a layer of cold sweat was oozing from his head. Although he was extremely panicked, he still managed to resist calmly by relying on the hostage in his hand.

However, a person's power is ultimately limited. Especially when the psychological level has collapsed first, being captured is only a matter of time.

How could the most elite teams in Haicheng and City A not be able to catch a criminal with only a knife

The mask was removed, the kidnapper was handcuffed and arrested on the spot.

Ye Yuan was also slightly injured during the dispute and was sent to the hospital.

The farce ended here. Perhaps even Zhou Qinyao himself did not expect that the first time he experienced such a major incident as kidnapping in his life would be so ridiculous.

At the last critical moment, a text message from Tang You came in in time to prevent the farce from continuing.

Zhou Yan contacted Tang You and got her address, and Zhou Qinyao hurried over.

On the way, he took Tang You's dropped phone and looked at the photo of the two of them on the screen.

It was a photo they took when they were playing in the children's playground last time. Zhou Qinyao was sitting on the swing and Tang You was sitting on his lap. The two of them were hugging each other, one in front and the other behind, when the photo was taken.

Tang You also photoshopped cute patterns on the two of them and added a little blush on Zhou Qinyao's cheeks, creating a contrasting cuteness on his usually stern face.

Very cute.

Zhou Qinyao smiled slightly and thought to himself - she is really my little lucky star.

Originally 50 million was going to be lost like this, but she chose the right time and squeezed in a text message before paying the money, defusing this farce.

I don’t know why, maybe it’s because he has experienced a lot of ups and downs in his mood, but Zhou Qinyao really wants to see Tang You at this moment, and his heart and mind are full of her.

Although she was fine, after experiencing this feeling of surviving a disaster, he now just wanted to hold her in his arms.

The car drove to the hotel where Hai Yi was staying in City A, and Zhou Qinyao walked to the door of Tang You's hotel room.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening, and almost everyone had gone to bed. His arrival did not attract anyone's attention.

After knocking twice, the little girl opened the door cautiously from the inside. When she saw it was him, she was stunned: "Why are you here?!"

She was wearing the strawberry pajamas that Zhou Qinyao gave her, and had a towel wrapped around her head. She must have just taken a shower.

Zhou Qinyao looked at him as if he were a treasure that had been lost and found again. He closed the door, went in, and hugged her tightly in his arms.

"Luckily it wasn't you... If it was you, I would go crazy."

Tang You was confused by this man who suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and now he said a bunch of inexplicable words. She was completely confused:

"What happened?"

Zhou Qinyao took out her cell phone.

Tang You's eyes lit up: "Why is it here?"

Zhou Qinyao told Tang You the whole story.

Tang You didn't dare to speak for a long time after hearing this. She stared at Zhou Qinyao blankly, her lips turning pale. She seemed to have gone through the whole thing, and she was still frightened.

"Is Ye Yuan okay now?"

"It shouldn't be a big deal. I took him to the hospital."

Although Tang You and her don't get along, he doesn't want her to suffer this disaster because of him.

She thought about it and murmured in fear:

"Ye Yuan picked up my phone. If she had returned it to me honestly, I might have been the one in danger tonight."

"So," Zhou Qinyao said, "People should not harbor bad thoughts. Once you have them, God will punish you doubly."

Tang You silently hid in his arms, feeling heavy-hearted.

The two hugged each other and didn't speak for a long time.

At this moment, a cell phone rang suddenly in the room. Zhou Qinyao saw that it was Zhou Yan, and guessed that perhaps the interrogation over there had produced some results, so he picked up the phone immediately.

Sure enough, Zhou Yan said: "The man confessed, his name is Feng Jixiang, his purpose is to kidnap my cousin's wife and blackmail you for 50 million."

Zhou Qinyao asked: "The man of Wu Meng?"

Zhou Yan: "You guessed right, he is Wu Meng's lover, and they have been together for more than 10 years."

Zhou Qinyao: “…”

Later, from Zhou Yan's intermittent retelling, Zhou Qinyao learned that he had given Wu Meng 5 million, but this man named Feng Jixiang was greedy and not satisfied.

He originally wanted to kidnap Zhou Rui as a threat, but perhaps Zhou Rui was too well protected and was often at home. The Zhou family’s house on the lake was difficult to enter and required a yacht to enter, so he gave up on Zhou Rui and set his sights on Tang You.

But he had never seen Tang You before. He only knew that she was a cello player. She sneaked into a performance and asked people in the audience. He didn't know who pointed to a vague location for him.

Sitting there were Tang You and Ye Yuan.

After it was over, Feng Jixiang followed the two girls. They happened to go into the same bathroom, and Tang You happened to drop her phone.

When Ye Yuan came out and wanted to throw away her phone, Feng Jixiang made a test call, and then saw Ye Yuan picked up the phone.

Feng Jixiang locked onto the target on the spot.

This coincidence was so strange that everyone found it ridiculous.

Zhou Qinyao told Zhou Yan across from him: "Ask about the incident in C City where my landlord's child was attacked."

Zhou Yan replied, "Don't worry. The person interrogating you today is a well-known veteran detective. He's the kind of person who can bring you back to life even if you're dead. I guarantee you'll cough up everything."

With this guarantee, Zhou Qinyao felt relieved.

Tonight is destined to be a restless night.

Zhou Qinyao had tried various ways to dig out Wu Meng, a man who had always been hiding in the dark, but no one knew his name and he always used different uncertified mobile phone numbers. Finding him was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But this time, the needle was unwilling to give up and jumped out of the sea by itself.

Zhou Qinyao naturally would not miss this opportunity.

He sat on the sofa by the window, thinking about something and silently waiting for news from Zhou Yan.

Tang You poured him a glass of water. Knowing the seriousness of the situation, she sat quietly beside him, accompanying him and watching over him.

Finally, dozens of minutes later, Zhou Yan called again and told Zhou Qinyao:

“I confessed everything.”

Feng Jixiang was a dishonest person to begin with, always idle and had been supported by Wu Meng. Even the seduction of Zhou Zelin to become a wealthy wife and the subsequent counterfeiting of diamonds for profit were all planned by this buddy.

One is willing to marry an older man and raise a younger man, and the other is willing to happily cuckold herself. They are truly a perfect match.

Zhou Yan sighed twice, then hesitated and said, "By the way, he also said one more thing."

Zhou Qinyao was about to ask more when someone suddenly interrupted the call.

He took away his phone and looked at it. It was Wu Meng.

The call came a little faster than I expected.

So Zhou Qinyao temporarily hung up Zhou Yan's call and answered Wu Meng's.

Wu Meng begged for mercy as soon as she opened her mouth, without any of her usual arrogant attitude. She kept apologizing and begging for Zhou Zhan's forgiveness.

Zhou Qinyao sneered:

"You planned to kidnap my woman, and now you want me to let it go. What? Do you think I, Zhou Zhan, am playing house with you? And you can stop whenever you want?"

Wu Meng's voice was trembling: "I don't know, I really don't know! I took the 5 million and planned to leave with him. He secretly planned this behind my back."

She was speechless: "I beg you, I can return the 5 million to you, please cancel the contract and forgive him for once! For Ruirui's sake!"

"Ray's face?"

Zhou Qinyao chuckled sarcastically:

"Are you worthy? Or is that rotten fish or stinky shrimp worthy?"

Although he couldn't see it, Tang You beside him could feel Wu Meng's embarrassment and awkwardness at the moment.

She should have nothing to say, Zhou Qinyao said coldly: "You are courting death, of course I have to send you off."

Then he hung up the phone.

After calming down for a few seconds, Zhou Qinyao called Zhou Yan again and asked him, "What did you want to say just now?"

Zhou Yan seemed to be standing in the wind, the wind blew past with a whistling sound.

He hesitated for a long time, still not daring to say it directly: "I told you, you need to calm down."

Zhou Qinyao patiently asked, "What on earth is it?!"

Zhou Yan was silent for a moment, then calmly said, "Just now, Feng Jixiang took the initiative to confess something that had nothing to do with him in order to reduce his sentence."

Zhou Qinyao felt something vaguely and hummed, "Go on."

Zhou Yan: "I met Wu Meng on the day my aunt had the car accident."

Zhou Qinyao was stunned on the spot.

His brain seemed to be struck by some electric current, and suddenly everything went blank. His memory instantly went back to more than four years ago, when he was in Italy and suddenly received a call from home saying that his mother had died in a car accident.

Shocked, he returned to China and conducted a long and unwilling investigation. Finally, all facts confirmed that it was indeed Yao Yue who was speeding and lost control of the car and crashed into the roadside guardrail.

Zhou Qinyao felt that at this moment, the blood in his body was boiling, and his thoughts surged out in waves.

He tried his best to suppress his emotions and asked coldly: "And then?"

Zhou Yan told the truth with great difficulty: "She went to my aunt who had just finished her prenatal checkup with her belly bulging, and deliberately said a lot of provocative words to her. She also showed her the video of her and my uncle... Later, my aunt probably collapsed and lost control of her emotions, so she sent the driver away and drove herself to vent her anger, which led to the accident..."

Zhou Qinyao rushed back to Haicheng overnight.

Tang You was worried about him, so he had to tell the teacher and go back with him.

After Wu Meng left the Zhou family, Zhou Qinyao had actually always sent people to track her whereabouts, and he also knew that she lived in a high-end apartment in the Third Ring Road.

At twelve fifty in the morning, he and Tang You returned to Haicheng together, but instead of going back to their home in the city, they went straight to Haicheng's largest Lotus Cemetery.

The night wind was howling, and the sky tonight was covered with thick clouds, like a black canvas, so dark that no starlight could be seen.

The weather is depressing, just like Zhou Qinyao's current mood.

Tang You was actually a little scared of his current expression.

I have never seen him so gloomy and violent.

There is a very faint light halfway up the Lotus Mountain.

At this time, it is impossible and no one would be willing to come to a gloomy and scary place like a cemetery.

Zhou Qinyao took Tang You out of the car and walked quickly to the grave of his mother Yao Yue.

The marble tombstone is engraved with Yao Yue’s name, as well as her last voice, appearance and smile.

Tang You had never known the reason why he rushed back from City A at dawn after receiving the call, but the man's expression was colder and more violent than ever before. She didn't dare to say anything until she followed him here, when she was surprised to find out.

Next to the cemetery, Zhou Qinyao's assistant was already waiting there.

Zhou Qinyao asked coldly: "Where are the people?"

The young assistant clapped his hands towards the dark place at the back, and then three or five big men came over, escorting a woman in pajamas.

Under the misty and strange night fog, Wu Meng's eyes were slightly frightened.

Her eyes widened, her voice trembling a little, but with a hint of anger: "Zhou Zhan, what are you going to do? Are you going to kill someone?! You got a group of people to break into my house and bring me here. Aren't you afraid that I will call the police?!"

Zhou Qinyao's voice was just like the surrounding environment, without any warmth, but full of chillness:

"Whatever. But before that—"

Zhou Qinyao walked up to her, pulled her over roughly, faced Yao Yue's tombstone, and kicked her in the back of the knee.

Wu Meng knelt down uncontrollably.

Zhou Qinyao stepped on her feet and leaned down slightly. "From now on, kneel until dawn. While kneeling, kowtow to my mother and admit your mistakes."

The man's voice sounded cold and chilling in the night. After saying this, he straightened up, lit a cigarette, and looked at Wu Meng impatiently:

"No, right?"

At this time, Wu Meng still had some toughness.

"Why should I kneel to her? I don't owe her anything!"

Zhou Qinyao looked at him coldly.

There seemed to be a sharp knife in his eyes, and the knife light could make blood appear at a glance.

Wu Meng's voice suddenly weakened, but he still argued:

"She got into a car accident by herself. I didn't ask her to."

If it weren't for the remaining bit of rationality that stopped him, Zhou Qingyao would most likely have pulled out a knife and stabbed Wu Meng in the heart.

He turned his back and took a deep breath, trying his best to control his emotions. Then he turned around coldly, no longer looking at Wu Meng, and didn't want to waste words with her anymore, so he raised his hand -

"Yes." Several tall men nearby came over immediately. Two of them held Wu Meng's hands on both sides, and one was responsible for pressing her head.

"Bang", a solid muffled sound.

It was the sound of a forehead hitting the marble floor.

Wu Meng wanted to resist and speak, but these men didn't give her a chance at all. They kowtowed one after another without stopping.

Zhou Qinyao just watched from the side, smoking quietly.

No one slept that night.

From one o'clock in the morning until six o'clock in the morning when it was just getting light, Wu Meng kowtowed for five hours in a row.

Her voice became lower and lower, until she was no longer able to struggle or beg for mercy, and she allowed the men next to her to take turns controlling her.

One second before she was about to collapse into coma, Zhou Qinyao grabbed her hair from behind. The pain of the strands of hair pulling on her scalp stimulated Wu Meng, and she opened her eyes.

Zhou Qinyao: "Say sorry to my mother."

Wu Meng's forehead was red and swollen, his consciousness was almost blurred, and his mind was not clear. Only a strong desire to survive remained in his brain. Whatever Zhou Qinyao said was true.

She said to the tombstone over and over again: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

Weakly, like a dying animal, he knelt in front of Yao Yue's tombstone, praying for a chance to survive.

After saying sorry countless times, Wu Meng asked drowsily, "Can you let me go?"

Zhou Qinyao smiled, "Of course, someone is waiting for you at the foot of the mountain."


Wu Meng's lips were cracked, and he looked down the mountain in a daze. There were a few red lights flashing in the misty mountain fog.

A police car?!

Her face was pale, and she looked at Zhou Qinyao in confusion.

Zhou Qinyao told her the truth mercilessly: "You don't know yet, do you? Your lover exposed all the ugly things you did in order to protect himself."

Wu Meng couldn't believe what he heard, "Wha...what?"

Zhou Qinyao took the mineral water from Tang You's hand, unscrewed the bottle cap, and poured it mercilessly on Wu Meng's head, followed by a cold voice:

"Wash your face and get ready to squat with him."

Wu Meng: “…”

In fact, when Zhou Qinyao just took over the company, he had already started collecting evidence of Wu Meng's financial fraud. But at that time, Wu Meng was also very smart. He pushed a manager out to take the blame and got away with it.

Zhou Qinyao was a very patient man. He secretly collected evidence and laid a network while waiting for an opportunity. Now that the opportunity had finally come, he would certainly catch them all in one fell swoop.

It's not that there is no retribution, it's just that the time has not come yet. Greed is the root of all evil. If Feng Jixiang hadn't wanted to turn 5 million into 50 million, there wouldn't have been so many things.

From now on, Wu Meng and her man can fly together as a pair and harm each other for the rest of their lives.

Wu Meng was taken away by the Haicheng police that day. She was not only guilty of economic crimes, but also of intentional injury to Song Xiaoyang. She would not be released in the short term.

The important thing is that Zhou Qinyao will not let the two of them out.

Everything turned upside down overnight, but for Zhou Qinyao, everything had finally come to an end, the dust had settled, all the bad guys had been punished, and his beloved was safe and sound.

This is his greatest gratitude to God.

On Wednesday night, Zhou Qinyao worked overtime at the company until 7:30 and unexpectedly received a call from Tang You on his way home.

Having not slept all night yesterday, Zhou Qinyao sent the girl to his home before returning to the company in the morning and told her to make up for her sleep.

Zhou Qinyao picked up the phone casually: "Are you awake?"

Tang You didn't reply, but asked him: "When are you going home?"

Zhou Qinyao also arrived at this time. He parked his car and waited for the elevator. Just as he was about to tell her that she was downstairs, a girl's scream suddenly came from the other end of the phone.


Then some things were scattered, and Tang You's panicked voice said, "Don't come over here! Don't come over here!"

When Zhou Qinyao heard the voice, he automatically imagined countless scenes in his mind, wondering if Feng Jixiang had any brothers or sisters who came to help him get revenge.

He almost rushed out of the elevator, ran straight to the door of his house, and entered the password to open it.

However, the living room was very quiet, and there was no scary scene as imagined.

Listening again, the little girl's trembling voice came from the kitchen.

Zhou Qinyao hurried over.

When I arrived at the kitchen door, I saw Tang You holding a spatula in his hand and wearing a cartoon bib, looking like a real chef. However, he was clinging to the wall, shouting to the air in front of him with no way out -

"Woo woo woo, don't come over here again."

Zhou Qinyao didn't know who she was talking to. He frowned and looked at the ground, his heart suddenly skipped a beat.


A huge basin was upside down on the ground, and groups of live lobsters were divided into several queues like zombies of various levels in Plants vs. Zombies, moving slowly towards Tang You from all directions.

The lobsters all over the ground do look a bit creepy.

The breath Zhou Qinyao was holding in his heart suddenly relaxed.

He went in, pulled Tang You out, then picked up the basin on the ground and put the escaped lobsters back into custody one by one.

After I finished cleaning up, I walked out of the kitchen and saw the little girl huddled in a corner. I asked:

"What are you going to do?"

Tang You's eyes flashed: "I didn't plan to do anything."

After a pause, as if knowing that he couldn't fool Zhou Qinyao, he took the initiative to admit in a low voice: "I just want to cook a meal..."

Zhou Qinyao was not short of money and used the best brands. Tang You thought about it for a long time and didn't know what to give him. Finally, when watching a food show, she suddenly had an idea -

Cooking a home-cooked meal for him and letting him feel the warmth of home may be the best and most meaningful gift for him.

In order to prepare this meal, Tang You watched the show dozens of times and memorized every step by heart. However, she never expected that she would be shocked the moment she took out the lobster after buying it.

The shrimp guys waved their claws one by one and bared their teeth at her.

Tang You muttered quietly, "Why are these lobsters so fierce? Are they male?"

Zhou Qinyao was amused and distressed: "If you want to eat lobster, I can take you out to eat. Why do you have to do it yourself? You have never been to the kitchen."

After he said that, Tang You became even angrier.

I was angry with myself, angry that I couldn't even subdue a lobster.

The little girl turned away sullenly, and after a while, she said aggrievedly: "But I wanted to make it for you. This is the birthday gift I prepared for you."

Zhou Qinyao: “…”

The man was stunned for a moment, feeling a little surprised and a little surprised.

He originally thought that Tang You had forgotten about this, so he had no plans to celebrate this birthday, but now that Tang You said this...

The man looked outside and realized that the living room had been decorated with beautiful balloons and a birthday cake on the table.

He immediately understood what Tang You wanted to do, and moved to hold her hand, but Tang You hissed and gasped and jumped away.

Zhou Qinyao frowned, "What's wrong?"

Tang You dodged and stammered, "Nothing."

Of course Zhou Qinyao wouldn't believe her, and forcefully pulled Tang You's hand over to look at it.

Maybe his hand was injured by the lobster's claws during the battle with the lobster just now. Under the light, there was a shallow wound on Tang You's right index finger.

Tang You felt even more sorry after the wound was discovered. He lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, I messed up the birthday present."

Zhou Qinyao coaxed her gently, of course: "It's okay, this is how it is when you first learn to cook, but..."

The man paused, then asked with pretended regret: "Can I have another gift?"

Guilty Tang You nodded seriously immediately: "As long as I can do it, I will definitely give it to you! What do you want?"

A faint smile flashed across Zhou Qinyao's lips. He held Tang You's injured index finger, brought it to his lips and kissed it gently. His tongue licked the wound faintly, wiping away the remaining blood on it.

Then, the man suddenly put half of his finger into his mouth.

The warm and moist feeling is like an electric current, going straight from the fingertips to the brain.

Tang You's body trembled, and she tried to pull her hand back at a loss, but Zhou Qinyao held her hand tightly.

The man came closer and lowered his fiery voice:


The author has something to say: Brother Xia: If I don’t go to hell, who will? If I don’t work harder, Brother Body Lotion will almost shut himself up in the bathroom. I hope the sisters in the comment section will give me more applause today. Next, Brother Body Lotion will perform! !

Ahem, the author made a dripping sound (not

p.s. I will send yesterday’s red envelopes when I wake up tomorrow.

So please continue to send red envelopes by leaving a message today, and let us happily welcome xxxxxx!


The Anat Diamond: weighing 102.07 carats, it is an incredibly bright yellow. The Anat Diamond is named after its previous owner, Major Anat, a soldier, artist and horse lover. In the early 1950s, Major Anat entrusted the diamond to Cartier to be set in a delicate brooch with a flower pattern, the petals of which are made up of diamonds of various cuts, such as brilliant, baguette, round and square.