Diamond Candy

Chapter 58: Possession Extra (5)


The birthday party ended late, and Fang Lai went home and fell asleep not long before he was woken up by his cell phone.

I answered the phone dazedly: "Who is it?"

Zhou Qinyao: "Mom, it's me."

After hearing the voice on the other end, Fang Lai reacted for a while, opened his eyes and looked at his phone. After confirming that it was not an illusion and that it was indeed Zhou Qinyao calling, he immediately became seven points more sober.

After all, Zhou Qinyao called in the middle of the night. Could something have happened to his daughter

Fang Lai sat up: "What's wrong?"

Zhou Qinyao paused and said, "Didn't you say last night that you wanted a grandson?"


Fang Lai was stunned by his abrupt words.

She subconsciously glanced out the window—it was pitch dark, and it was still dark.

Look at the time again—four thirty in the evening.

So why did Zhou Qinyao call me in the middle of the night to discuss the topic of his grandson

Fang Lai was a little confused, and couldn't help but reflect on whether he had put too much pressure on the young man, and immediately comforted him:

"Mom is just saying this, don't worry, don't feel stressed, go to bed early, okay?"

“I’m not stressed.”


"Your grandson just arrived."


After three seconds of silence, Ms. Fang hung up the phone rudely.

Did this brat drink too much tonight and is teasing me here

Zhou Qinyao over there: "..."

Zhou Qinyao was so excited when he received a call from the doctor late at night that he didn't know who to share the news with. After thinking for a while, he remembered that Fang Lai was eager to have a grandson, so he called excitedly without paying attention to the time.

Calm down, he was too excited.

Today is the first day that he and Tang You got their marriage certificate, and it is also Fang Lai’s fiftieth birthday. It was originally a good day for double happiness, but unexpectedly, the little thing also came to join in the fun.

This was totally beyond Zhou Qinyao's expectations. After calculating the time carefully, it was obviously the night when Tang You just came back from Germany. The small umbrella was gone at home. He couldn't control his emotions at that time, and he indulged himself impulsively all night without any measures.

I didn't expect that just that one time, the little baby would be so impatient to take advantage of the opportunity.

Before four o'clock, Zhou Qinyao was so worried that he couldn't sleep.

After four o'clock, Zhou Qinyao was so excited that he couldn't fall asleep. He walked back and forth in the study and stood on the balcony thanking God for giving him the two happiest things in his life in one day.

The next day, when Tang You woke up, she found that Zhou Qinyao was not around.

Her stomach was empty and she was a little hungry, so she put on her clothes and went downstairs, where she saw her aunt was already preparing breakfast for the table.

Zhou Rui was sitting at the table. When he saw Tang You coming down, he hurried over to help her up excitedly:

"Sister, slow down."

Zhou Rui is in the second grade of primary school this year. The little boy has a handsome appearance and is very sensible.

Tang You didn't notice the special tone in Zhou Rui's voice, so she bent down slightly and touched his head: "Thank you Rui Rui, where's your brother?"

"My brother is in the kitchen."

Zhou Rui suddenly laughed with his teeth showing, and pointed at her belly:

"Sister, my brother said you have a baby here."

Tang You didn't think about the pregnancy at all, she just laughed and thought it was just a child's talk: "Does Rui Rui like babies?"

Zhou Rui nodded vigorously: "I like it! My brother said that I can become an uncle after the baby is born."

Tang You: “…”

Little brat.

As he was talking, Zhou Qinyao came out of the kitchen, saw Tang You, and hurried over to support her:

"My ancestor, why did you come down without calling me?"

Tang You: “…”

What's going on? Everyone treats themselves as protected animals.

Zhou Qinyao's movements were very gentle, even cautious, as he helped Tang You sit down at the dining table:

"Come, have breakfast, eat more."

Tang You then noticed that the table today was covered with food. At a glance, there were no less than twenty plates.

She frowned, wondering why everyone around her became weird after she woke up.

"Why did you make so much food? The three of us definitely can't finish it all. What a waste."

Zhou Qinyao scooped a bowl of bird's nest for her and served it to her with great care:

"It's not three, it's four."

Tang You: "Who else?"

She looked around blankly: "Are there any guests at home?"

It is said that pregnancy makes women stupid for three years, which is true.

Zhou Qinyao held Tang You's hand helplessly:

"There's another one that's been living in your stomach for two months. Didn't you feel it?"

Tang You was stunned and looked at Zhou Qinyao in disbelief: "Two months!?"

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, a private hospital in Haicheng.

When Fang Lai received Zhou Qinyao's call for the second time, she was sure that her son-in-law was not teasing her, so she and Tang Yuanxiao hurried to the hospital.

Tang You was arranged to be checked inside, and Zhou Qinyao was waiting outside the door.

Also waiting outside were the elders from other branches of the Zhou family.

Since the eldest wife is pregnant, of course they have to come and see.

The entire corridor was crowded with members of the Zhou family. Everyone looked serious and solemn. Although Zhou Zelin was gone, the entire family still relied on Zhou Qinyao's company for development and survival. Therefore, the entire Zhou family attached great importance to Tang You's pregnancy.

Fang Lai arrived and walked to Zhou Qinyao nervously: "Is it true?"

"Yes." Zhou Qinyao nodded: "Thanks to you."

Fang Lai finally believed it. Perhaps because he was too excited, he said to Tang Yuanxiao incoherently, "Old Tang, hurry up and call Auntie to burn some incense for the elders. Ask them to bless us to have a fat grandson no matter what."

She muttered and arranged a lot of things. Zhou Qinyao had no experience and kept his eyes on the door of the examination room.

He didn't want anything else, he just hoped Tang You would be safe.

"Brother, don't be so nervous, it's okay." Zhou Yan comforted Zhou Qinyao.

Zhou Qinyao nodded slightly, took a deep breath, and felt that the time Tang You had been in there was really hard to endure.

After an unknown amount of time, the doctor came out.

This is the Zhou family's exclusive private medical team, and the doctors are the most professional in the entire Haicheng.

"Master Zhou." The man in the white coat at the head was the hospital director and Zhou Zelin's lifelong doctor. He said, "The results of Madam's examination are out."

A group of people rushed forward immediately after hearing this. Zhou's second uncle, Zhou Yan's father, asked first: "Can you tell if it's a boy or a girl?"

Zhou Qinyao glanced at his second uncle.

Zhou Yan could understand Zhou Qinyao's dissatisfaction and quickly pushed his old father: "Dad, why are you asking this now..."

Uncle Zhou sneered, "What do you know? Of course it would be best if it's a boy, so he can inherit the Zhou family business in the future."

The other uncles all nodded in agreement.

Zhou Qinyao responded coldly: "Daughters can inherit it as well."

He didn't bother to pay attention to those uncles and asked the doctor: "What are the results of the examination?"

The doctor replied: "Don't worry, the ultrasound shows that my wife is indeed about two months pregnant, and everything is normal now."

Zhou Qinyao breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

When everyone in the Zhou family had left and only Zhou Qinyao and Fang Lai were left, the doctor called Zhou Qinyao to his office:

"There were a lot of people around just now, and I didn't explain some things to you clearly."

Zhou Qinyao saw that he had something to say, and he couldn't help but feel anxious: "What's the matter, is there something wrong with my wife?"

The doctor hesitated for a moment and handed the checklist to Zhou Qinyao:

"See for yourself."

Zhou Qinyao lowered his eyes and looked at the list. He was a little puzzled at first, but slowly, when his sight fell on the line of words that said the conclusion on the B-ultrasound report, a glimmer of joy flashed in his eyes.

Tang You's pregnancy came suddenly. Zhou Qinyao was originally worried that the girl might not want to have a baby. However, he did not expect that when she knew she was pregnant, she put away all her high heels that day and consciously changed her eating habits and stopped eating spicy and cold foods.

Perhaps Tang You and Zhou Qinyao had already expressed their feelings to each other before, so the sudden arrival of the child made them firmly believe that this was a gift from God, and also a testimony and affirmation of their relationship.

The two had planned to hold their wedding on May 20 next year, but now they have to move it forward. After all, by that time, Tang You will already be seven months pregnant, and she may not be able to bear the fatigue of a wedding, either physically or mentally.

So the two of them discussed it and decided to change the wedding to Valentine's Day two months later, February 14th.

In the following two months, Tang You became the key protected person by the Tang and Zhou families. The first few months were the most unstable time of pregnancy, so she took a leave from the orchestra and stayed at home to take care of her pregnancy.

Although there were speculations from the outside world, Zhou Qinyao was afraid that the media would harass Tang You's life, so he kept silent about it. He went to work normally during the day, refused all social events at night, and returned to the villa to accompany Tang You to play on the lake and take a walk in the community.

Life is easy, comfortable, warm and happy.

Time passed quickly, and Tang You was in her fourth month of pregnancy. She was originally thin, and her four-month-old belly didn't look very obvious.

The couple's wedding was held as scheduled on Valentine's Day. It was secretive and low-key, and only invited relatives from both families and some good friends in their circles, which totaled no more than a few dozen people.

Zhou Qinyao scheduled his wedding at a church on the Greek island of Santorini.

Backed by the Aegean Sea, the sea view here is deep and colorful, and you can see the most beautiful sunrise and sunset, which is sacred and romantic.

On the wedding day, the sky in Greece was clear and the air was filled with the fragrance of flowers.

Zhou Qinyao and Tang You did not meet on the first day due to customs and rules. On the second day at the church, Zhou Qinyao couldn't help himself and couldn't wait to find the dressing room to see Tang You.

Cheng Xuan, the bridesmaid, stopped him sternly and said, "No! The ceremony will be held soon. You won't lose any meat if you are not seen for a while. Go, go, go, go."

Zhou Qinyao had expected Cheng Xuan to stop him, so he took out the red envelope he had prepared:

"Five minutes."

"Hehe, thank you, Mr. Zhou!"

Cheng Xuan took the red envelope with a smile, opened the door, and pointed at the people in the room: "What about them?"

Zhou Qinyao: “…”

It's all routine.

Zhou Qinyao was helpless and said something to Zhou Yan and Jiang Ding beside him. Zhou Yan snapped his fingers and typed handsomely: "Ladies, come to me and actor Jiang to get the red envelopes!"

A group of people came up and played the game of "the goddess scattering red envelopes" with Zhou Yan. The room was empty, and Zhou Qinyao finally got in as he wished and saw the bride sitting in front of the mirror.

With a white wedding dress and a smooth back, Tang You's figure is still as clean and gentle as that of a girl.

This high-end wedding dress is luxurious and romantic, with a large fishtail skirt. It was customized for Tang You by Zhou Qinyao at a cost of more than 2 million yuan. The top-grade jewelry she wears is even more expensive.

Although Zhou Qinyao has always been low-key, on a wedding day, he wants Tang You to be the most dazzling and the object of everyone's envy.

His woman deserves the best of everything in the world.

Tang You turned around and saw Zhou Qinyao rushing in. She asked in surprise and shyness, "Why are you here?"

Zhou Qinyao walked over, sat in front of her, and looked carefully at Tang You's makeup and appearance, unable to suppress his inner joy.

His voice was light, but full of affection:

"I want to see you."

"Oh my." Tang You said angrily, "Can't you wait a little longer? You're ruining the surprise."

Zhou Qinyao shook his head, his lips slightly curved: "You are a new surprise to me every day."

Tang You blushed, "Slippery tongue."

She stood up shyly and pushed him out: "Get out now, if my mother knew you came in, she would say we were breaking the rules."

"Okay, okay."

Zhou Qinyao couldn't help but hold her in his arms and whispered softly in her ear: "Then kiss her."

Tang You's ears felt hot: "Zhou Qinyao! Pay attention to prenatal education!"

Zhou Qinyao: “…”

The wedding started perfectly with a live symphony.

Tang You entered the auditorium accompanied by Tang Yuanxiao and finally met the man she loved deeply in her life.

He stood there, tall and straight, wearing an exquisite suit and tuxedo, looking proud and noble.

Looking at each other from afar, walking along the flower path, and finally facing each other, their eyes were full of love.

When exchanging rings, the priest asked Tang You:

"Are you willing to marry the man in front of you?"

Tang You nodded, tears welling up in her eyes.

There are a myriad of emotions, including the touching feelings of knowing and accompanying each other over the years, as well as the expectations and longings for the future.

The priest continued to ask Zhou Qinyao the same question.

Zhou Qinyao took Tang You's hand and kissed the back of her hand gently:

"I do."

"I've been waiting for this day... for a long, long time."

With the legendary castle church, the romantic and fragrant sea of flowers, the witnesses of their parents and the blessings of their best friends, Zhou Qinyao and Tang You spent the most fulfilling day of their lives.

Flowers were thrown on the spot and the newlyweds kissed. In such an atmosphere, even Cheng Xuan in the audience couldn't help but be moved to tears.

Zhou Qinyao and Tang You’s wedding was not notified to any media. The public only learned about this grand, fairy-tale dream wedding through photos released by Zhou’s official website.

Photos of their wedding were made public on the entire Internet. After being proposed to by Zhou Qinyao three years ago, Tang You once again became the object of everyone's envy and heated discussion.

Ye Yongxin and his ilk didn't know what to say at this point, and could only secretly mock and ridicule in the circle:

"It's no use getting married. Wait until you give birth to a son."

August of the same year.

Tang You gave birth to a son and a daughter.

The son came out first, weighing 5.6 jin, and was named Zhou Yang. The daughter came out later, weighing 5.2 jin, and was named Zhou Cheng.

Both little ones are perfect and healthy.

In fact, the doctor told Zhou Qingyao from the very beginning that Tang You was pregnant with fraternal twins.

The Zhou family was a well-known family, and there had always been internal struggles. As the doctor Zhou Zelin trusted the most, he naturally knew that some things could not be announced too early. So he suppressed the matter and only told Zhou Qinyao privately, without making it public.

A wealthy family is like the ancient palace, and there are always endless topics for the outside world to discuss. At that time, the whole world knew that the young lady of the Zhou family's eldest house was pregnant. In those few months, the media would publish news and speculate whether Tang You was pregnant with a boy or a girl.

However, God took good care of Tang You. Ever since she met Zhou Qinyao, her life has been smooth and smooth.

Giving birth to a pair of children successfully and completing a good family is a blessing that many people envy.

When the plot develops to this point, the socialite circle led by Ye Yongxin can no longer find any topic to slander Tang You.

Reality ruthlessly proves that they will never get Tang You's good luck in this life. Apart from looking up and envying her, and hiding in the dark and secretly jealous, they can do nothing.

As a result, the socialite circle centered on Ye Yongxin gradually split, and many people began to show their favor to Tang You in both open and covert ways. Before Tang You was out of confinement, gifts were delivered to the Zhou family in piles, filling up the entire living room.

It's September again.

In September six years ago, Tang You was eighteen years old and moved into the villa on Huaishu Street. Later, he ignorantly walked into the alley and met Zhou Qinyao.

From then on, her turbulent and amazing youth began.

Six years later, Tang You became a mother of two children.

As time goes by, life looks different every day. But the only thing that has not changed over the years is Zhou Qinyao's deep affection for her.

In the villa on the lake, on the balcony, there were two small cradles in the world for two people arranged for her.

Tang You was wearing a loose nightgown, sitting lazily on the swing. Zhou Qinyao stood beside her, rocking her gently with one hand and rocking the two children with the other.

The diamond tycoon now looks like an experienced family man, switching between the roles of husband and father with ease.

Tang You was enjoying the evening breeze very comfortably. Suddenly, she looked up and asked him, "I heard that you bought another pink diamond in Hong Kong last week?"

Zhou Qinyao smiled lightly: "Did Zhou Yan tell you?"

Tang You thought it was another man who bought it to please her, and said, "I already have that pigeon egg, why should I waste money..."

"Hmm?" Zhou Qinyao bent down and said softly with a smile: "It's not for you, it's for Tangtang."

Tangtang is the nickname Zhou Qinyao gave to his daughter.

Tang You was stunned: "She's only one month old, and you bought her such an expensive diamond?"

Zhou Qinyao disagreed: "Daughters should be spoiled."

"What about the son?"

Zhou Qinyao's tone, which was doting just a second ago, suddenly turned cold and indifferent: "Why does a brat like him need diamonds? He can earn them himself when he grows up."

Tang You: “…”

Feel sorry for my son for a second.

It is said that wealthy families value sons more than daughters, but in the past month, Tang You could clearly feel that Zhou Qinyao was fair and not partial at all.

If I have to say anything, I would pamper my daughter more.

She only gave her daughter a sweet nickname and spoiled her like a little princess. Before she could even babble, she already had her own diamond in her jewelry box.

Tang You pretended to be jealous: "Oh, so now that you have Tangtang, you don't love me as much."

The two children had fallen into a peaceful sleep. Zhou Qinyao slowly walked behind Tang You and hugged her:

"How could that be? You will always be my sweetheart and the number one in my heart. No one can replace you."

"Humph." Tang You couldn't help but laugh: "You're getting better and better at coaxing people with your mouth."

"I'm serious." Zhou Qinyao walked around and sat next to her: "I have a gift for you too."

Tang You looked over curiously: "Another gift?"


This is something Zhou Qinyao has always kept in mind, but this gift took a lot of thought and a long time, and it was finally completed last month.

At that time, Tang You was going through childbirth and there were many complicated and tedious things to do, so I waited until today to give it to her.

The man slowly said, "Remember when you were 18, I said I would give you a cello inlaid with diamonds."

Tang You: “…”

He immediately thought of the diamond-encrusted toilet at home, and then imagined a dazzling cello of the same model. The picture was so luxurious that Tang You didn't dare to think about it.

Zhou Qinyao seemed to see what she was thinking and smiled slightly:

"Don't worry, this will definitely be the most special gift I give you."

Tang You: “…”

"Come on, open it and take a look."

Zhou Qinyao handed over an exquisitely packaged black gift box, and Tang You took it in surprise.

The box in front of her was not big, just square. She didn't believe that it could hold a diamond-encrusted cello.

I slowly opened it with a hint of curiosity, and the low-key and luxurious crystal came into my eyes, flashing a faint light.

Tang You was stunned when he saw the exquisite and cute little thing in front of him.

It turns out that Zhou Qinyao cleverly made a model of a cello.

The body of the cello is coated with a layer of pink glaze and dotted with luxurious white and pink diamonds. It is small yet exquisite and special.

Tang You suddenly remembered the news on the Internet that Zhou Qinyao had customized a gift from a certain Italian handmade brand. She seemed to understand something and murmured in surprise:

“This is what you get in Italy…”

"Yes, do you like it?"

Zhou Qinyao raised his lips slightly and said, "Try twisting it."

Can you still twist it

Tang You took another look at the base of the cello, observing its structure, and then carefully twisted it a few times.

The cello then began to spin, producing clear and lively music.

…it turned out to be a music box!

Tang You's heart suddenly felt soft and she was filled with countless emotions.

This man is really thoughtful.

He would carefully remember every promise he made to Tang You, and he also knew that Tang You liked to keep a low profile, so the surprises he gave her were always unexpected, quietly satisfying all her preferences.

The autumn wind was blowing, the lake was shimmering, and two babies were sleeping soundly with their silicone nipples on.

Zhou Qinyao and Tang You sat side by side on the swing, enjoying the cool breeze and bright moon in the night.

The music box slowly played the song "Fantasy" full of memories. It was a song specially customized by Zhou Qinyao and it was also the only song.

This gift is like a ode to the time they have spent together. All the unforgettable youth, immaturity and madness are contained in the melody.

Tang You held the music box in her arms, closed her eyes, leaned on the man's shoulder, and murmured to herself:

"Zhou Qinyao, you have to pamper me like this for the rest of my life, okay?"

The moonlight was like water, sprinkling on the smile in Zhou Qinyao's eyes and eyebrows, gentle and bright.

He smiled and hugged her:

"Yes, wife."

In my story of this life, I only wish you were there.

The author has something to say: This is the end of the Possession CP for now, thank you everyone, I will write about the Propeller CP next.

You can tell from the name that this couple is really romantic. (Hehe