Diamond Candy

Chapter 62: Jiang Ding & Cheng Xuan Extra (4) Qi


In fact, most actors have their own set of methods when filming intimate scenes to avoid and control awkward situations. Out of respect for their co-stars, male actors don't think too much when filming. What really reacts is always some inexplicable emotions.

Or it could be a love that has been planted long ago.

Or it could be a momentary lust.

The level between Jiang Ding and Cheng Xuan has definitely not reached the former, so -

Jiang Ding was attracted to Cheng Xuan because of her beauty.

Moreover, they didn't do anything, he was just easily seduced by the look in her eyes.

Therefore, Jiang Ding's intense reaction just confirmed his inner thoughts. He didn't think he was such a person who lost his sense of propriety. He always controlled everything, especially his emotions.

He doesn't believe in sincerity, and he won't give his sincerity easily.

The love game between adult men and women has always been just a game to him. He has the final say on when the game starts and ends.

There are many men like him in the entertainment industry. Having seen too much in the flashy world, they have lost their sincerity. Most men are just doing it to satisfy their bodies' needs.

But Jiang Ding is different. He doesn't take it seriously, let alone his body.

Perhaps it is the nobleness in his nature that makes him unwilling to muddy up his body and soul in the dye vat of the entertainment industry.

Therefore, his body belongs completely to him.

But now he actually has a physical reaction to an 18-year-old girl, which is a very unbelievable thing.

What's even more embarrassing is that she found out and exposed me in front of her.

So no matter from which aspect, Jiang Ding was somewhat unhappy.

He suddenly let go of Cheng Xuan and defended himself in a cold voice:

"We are not plants or trees. This is a normal reaction that actors will have during filming. You don't need to blame yourself for these details. It was just a simple physiological reaction. Remember, I don't have any thoughts about you."

He spoke decisively, instantly putting a great distance between himself and Cheng Xuan, making them clearly separated.

After Cheng Xuan heard what he said, he remained silent for a long time.

She seemed to realize that her words had crossed the line, and pursed her lips: "Sorry... I'll know next time."

The atmosphere was subtly awkward. Jiang Ding turned around and faced the window with a cold attitude:

"There won't be a next time."

Cheng Xuan was stunned: "What?"

"You don't have to come visit me anymore. I don't want to be disturbed when I'm working."

Am I disturbing you...

Cheng Xuan wanted to ask.

But she moved her lips and ultimately didn't say anything.

My burning heart seemed to jump from fire to ice, and was instantly frozen by his words.

It turned out that even if they had eaten a few meals together, even if he came down to pick her up in person, even if there seemed to be a moment of doting in his eyes.

It's all just my own ridiculous illusion.

Cheng Xuan's personality meant that she would not show anything on her face. She forced back the bitterness that welled up in the corners of her eyes, shrugged her shoulders, and looked indifferent.

"Okay, I'm sorry for disturbing you. I promise there won't be a next time."

After saying that, she opened the door and said, "Bye."

The girl did not get entangled as Jiang Ding had imagined, or even cry and make a fuss. Instead, she left cleanly and gracefully.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Jiang Ding frowned. He didn't know why, but he didn't feel relieved.

The lights outside the window were just coming on and it was already past seven o'clock in the evening.

This place is quite far from where Cheng Xuan lives.

Jiang Ding sighed and called his assistant:

"Cheng Xuan just went downstairs. Go chase her and send her home."

Five minutes later, the assistant called: "Brother Ding, Miss Cheng said there's no need to bother, and she left on the bus."

Jiang Ding: “…”

After hanging up the phone, he looked out the window for a long time and felt very tired today.

I took off my clothes, walked to the bathroom, turned on the shower, and stood in the shower, letting the water splash on my body.

But as soon as I closed my eyes, the look I had just exchanged with Cheng Xuan flashed before my eyes.

Thinking of the piece of her shoulder that he had accidentally pulled off, he couldn't help but feel an uncontrollable restlessness surge up in his body.

Jiang Ding closed his eyes in annoyance, then turned the water from hot to cold, letting it flow down to sober himself up.

Since then, Cheng Xuan really didn't bother Jiang Ding again. It was as if he had disappeared. He never called or sent WeChat messages again.

Jiang Dingan was quietly filming in City C, and the two did not meet again until he finished filming and left.

Cheng Xuan seemed like a dazzling wave, surging through Jiang Ding's heart and then receding.

But despite this, Cheng Xuan's look kept him awake at night for the next month.

The more troubled he was, the more Jiang Ding wanted to force himself to get out of it and not be controlled by her.

He is somewhat strong-willed and chauvinistic. He can only control others at will and is unwilling to let any woman control his heart.

They thought that life would pass peacefully like this, and they would return to their own lives. But when winter passed and early spring came, Jiang Ding finally saw the girl again.

I use the word "finally" perhaps because I have fantasized about and longed for the possibility of meeting you again in my heart, but I have never been willing to face it.

In March, professional interviews for the Performance Department of Haiyi University were held.

As a student who graduated from here, Jiang Ding, who has won numerous awards at a young age, was invited back by the school to be a special interviewer.

This title is just a gimmick. In fact, it is more for creating topics and attracting the attention of the media and netizens to the art examination.

So for several days of exams, the candidates did not see the legendary special interviewer until the last final exam. Jiang Ding had just returned to Haicheng after shooting a commercial in another place, so he came to the school.

The weather was not very good that day, with a little rain, but the scent of early spring was strong. Even in the humid weather, it gave people a fresh feeling of spring returning to the earth and new buds emerging from the ground.

It was in such weather that Jiang Ding and Cheng Xuan met again unexpectedly.

Cheng Xuan changed his major at the last minute before the college entrance examination. He had a big fight with his family, gave up the dance he had studied for seven or eight years, and insisted on applying for the acting major instead.

She knew nothing about acting and was a blank slate. Aunt Xian would never allow her to be so willful, but no matter how much she tried to persuade her, Cheng Xuan was determined to learn acting.

In the small courtyard next to the store in the alley, Cheng Xuan said to Aunt Xian:

"Mom, I want to go make a movie."

Aunt Xian looked at her child with a sad face.

I don't know where I heard about the saying of being possessed by evil spirits, so I secretly took Cheng Xuan to a blind old man, who performed a ritual for him. But I didn't expect that after he came back, Cheng Xuan became even crazier.

"Mom, I want to be the most popular movie star in the country! I want all men to love me!"

Auntie Xian: “…”

I originally thought of learning dance so that I could be a teacher in the future, but I changed my mind to performing. Even Aunt Xian knows that it is difficult for children from poor families to make a name for themselves in the entertainment industry. Without resources and background, this path is too difficult.

Aunt Xian has heard that many actresses have financial sponsors behind them.

Although she was worried and hesitant, she ultimately failed to change her daughter's mind.

When her children grow up, they will choose their own direction to fly, and she cannot stop them.

Just one sentence:

"You have chosen the path for your own success or failure, and you have to learn to take responsibility for it."

Cheng Xuan also agreed straightforwardly: "Don't worry, I won't let you down."

In this first step, Cheng Xuan really did not disappoint Aunt Xian.

Haiyi is already considered the best art school in the country. It was beyond Cheng Xuan's expectation that he could make it to the final exam of the acting department.

Cheng Xuan just found a teacher and took a month of intensive acting classes before the exam.

Today is the last exam for the Department of Performance, and 27 students will be admitted after the exam.

It can truly be said that he is one in a million.

Cheng Xuan sat at the door of the classroom, chewing a piece of bubble gum and looking at the candidates around him casually.

Among them, there were already famous celebrity candidates and wealthy ladies from good families. In comparison, although Cheng Xuan was wearing cheap clothes, fortunately, her delicate and special facial features and her temperament of not caring about anything offset the situation, so it didn't seem so out of place when she sat with these people.

The final exam is more rigorous than the previous two. The first round is a solo performance segment, and the second round is a propositional skit in the form of 2-3 people working in groups, which tests on-the-spot performance ability and the ability to get into the role.

Cheng Xuan was the first one to enter the examination room that day. After entering, he bowed to the teachers present.

"Hello, teacher. I am candidate No. 1899. My name is Cheng Xuan."

A gentle female voice answered her:

"Okay, Cheng Xuan, please briefly introduce your hobbies and specialties, as well as your understanding of acting."

These questions and answers had actually been asked in the first two tests, so Cheng Xuan had memorized them by heart.

But the moment she raised her head and was about to answer, the corners of her lips paused slightly.

The man sitting in front of me was wearing a light blue striped shirt and leaning back in his chair with a not-so-standard posture. Just like when we first met, he was casually turning a pen in his hand.

Then, he looked straight at her.

When our eyes met, it was like a bolt of lightning, with a subtle feeling emanating from it.

But soon, Cheng Xuan took the initiative to look away.

She knew that Jiang Ding was invited to be a special interviewer, but she hadn't seen him in the previous exams, so she put the matter behind her and didn't care about it anymore. She didn't expect that he would show up at the final exam today.

Cheng Xuan admitted that her mood was slightly affected. Her heartbeat was quickening, but she still managed to look away without changing her expression.

None of the teachers next to her could tell that she knew the movie star in the middle.

Her eyes were strange and cold.

It was so indifferent that Jiang Ding's heart skipped a beat.

After answering the teacher's questions clearly and logically, Cheng Xuan's first round of examination was a solo performance.

The topic she drew was - there was a sudden power outage

This question actually tests a certain subconscious reaction, the performance under power outage, and is also similar to a test and understanding of a blind person.

To be honest, it is quite difficult. Once the performance is not good, it will appear white and empty.

Cheng Xuan took the test card and looked at it for a while. Two minutes later, he said, "Teacher, I can start now."


Jiang Ding couldn't help but sit up straight.

After not seeing each other for a few months, Cheng Xuan is still the same, with long hair, tall figure, and a clever and charming cunning look in his eyes.

She seemed to have lost some weight, and it seemed that she had put in a lot of effort before the exam.

Cheng Xuan stood there quietly for two seconds and then immersed himself in the role.

She put her hands on her hips and said angrily, as if she was arguing with someone:

"Don't think you are special. Do you think I will hang myself on your tree? Bah! There are thousands of men in the world, and there are many who like me. I don't care."

Jiang Ding: “…”

As he was talking, Cheng Xuan's eyes suddenly froze, and he looked around in confusion: "Why is it dark? Why is there a power outage?"

She stretched out her hands and groped in the air: "Are you teasing me? Do you think I'm scared? Come out!"

Cheng Xuan's approach to the test questions is quite original. Candidates who are given this question will often find themselves in a dark state from the beginning and will also fix their own framework.

Unlike her, she actually invented a dramatic little drama for two people.

Cheng Xuan’s performance of the scene where she suddenly fell into darkness was also very good. There was confusion in her eyes that came from losing the light, as well as temptation and forced calmness, but all these emotions were accompanied by the anger from just now.

Her emotions were very layered, and she said as she acted: "If you have the guts to be a scumbag, come out if you have the guts, don't hide in the dark and keep silent, I know you are here!"

This girl is so funny.

Is this what is now called a sand sculpture scene

Several teachers at the scene couldn't help but laugh.

Jiang Ding didn't laugh.

He always felt that Cheng Xuan's performance was directed at him.

The words "Don't think you are different from others" seemed to be what I said to her.

So she is giving it back to herself now

At first Jiang Ding was a little hesitant about his idea, but when Cheng Xuan performed the scene where he groped in the dark countless times and finally found the scumbag, he didn't think he was overthinking it at all.

Because Cheng Xuan walked up to him, looked blind, and put his hand on his head.

Jiang Ding: “…”

Shit, what is she going to do again.

Cheng Xuan stretched out his hands and felt around for a while, and when he was finally sure that he had touched the right person, he patted Jiang Ding hard on the face:

"Look, I caught you, didn't I?"

"I advise you to stay away from me from now on, otherwise I will not forgive you!"

Jiang Ding: “…”

A group of teachers also looked at Cheng Xuan in disbelief.

This is probably the first time in my art exam career that a student dared to treat the interviewer as an actor he was acting with.

The hand struck with a loud slap, and it was quite severe.

There was silence for a few seconds, and no one spoke first.

Everyone knows that Jiang Ding is arrogant and has a good family background. He is a well-known nobleman in the entertainment industry. Wherever he goes, there are groups of women surrounding him. Now he is beaten up by a young candidate!


Everyone waited for Jiang Ding's reaction.

If he hadn't said anything special, Cheng Xuan's performance could be considered excellent and very innovative.

But if he is unhappy, another result will be waiting for Cheng Xuan.

Cheng Xuan bowed slightly at this time: "Teacher Jiang, I'm really sorry for asking you to help me act without your consent."

She spoke so lightly, as if she was floating on the tip of a cloud.

To put it nicely, it's soft.

To put it bluntly - online acting is completely insincere.

Waited for a long time.

Jiang Ding's face was half dark. He put down the pen in his hand calmly and said to the teacher beside him, "Next round."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

This is a good seedling that can be seen at a glance. If Jiang Ding is not happy, it is very likely that the teachers will choose to give up.

Fortunately, he has now announced that he has entered the next round, which means that he has passed this round.

The corner of Cheng Xuan's mouth curled up slightly, and when his eyes passed by Jiang Ding, they did not stop for a second.

Even with a hint of sarcasm.

The second round is a group skit performance with assigned topics.

Cheng Xuan's co-star was a boy who was tall and big, with neat short hair and a sunny look.

The theme of the skit they drew was love at first sight

This is a very ambiguous and heart-moving performance.

Cheng Xuan and a boy were on a bus. Because the bus was bumpy, the boy grabbed Cheng Xuan who was about to fall down. Their eyes met and the spark of love was ignited. Later on the way, the boy wore a bracelet and kept Cheng Xuan under his body to protect him.

Cheng Xuan also used subtle changes in his eyes to express the shy feeling of falling in love at first sight.

The two of them look like a perfect match in terms of their figures and looks. Their performance was remarkable and their rhythm was smooth and natural.

The teachers are very satisfied.

After the two rounds of exams, Cheng Xuan politely left the exam room:

"Thank you, teacher. Goodbye, teacher."

After Cheng Xuan left, Jiang Ding sat for a while, feeling an indescribable irritation in his heart.

He stood up and said to the teacher beside him, "I'm going out to smoke a cigarette."

Then he left the classroom and walked towards the smoking area, but happened to see Cheng Xuan and the boy he had just worked with at the corner of the stairs.

The two of them were holding their phones and scanning each other's content, apparently exchanging WeChat messages.

Cheng Xuan's smile is as beautiful as a flower. She is lively and bright in the sunlight, like a bunch of joyful little flames.

It was burning in Jiang Ding's heart at that time.

But now, she is burning towards others.

Jiang Ding's hand holding the cigarette paused slightly, and his eyes were fixed on the two people not far away.

After exchanging contact information, they seemed to have seen Jiang Ding here.

The boy was stunned for a moment, and immediately put away his phone, walked over, and shouted respectfully:

"Hello, Brother Ding, I have liked you for a long time. Your new movie, Dark Robbery, is amazing."

The boy was flattering him, but Jiang Ding didn't say a word. He looked past him with a gloomy gaze at the familiar figure behind him.

Their eyes made contact for a few seconds.

Like wind and fire, passionate and short-lived.

Cheng Xuan blew a bubble nonchalantly, turned his face away, and urged the boy impatiently.

"Are you leaving or not? If not, I'll leave first."

The boy was urged and turned around immediately: "Here I come!"

"Then I'll be leaving first, brother Ding, bye!"

Jiang Ding: “…”

He was stunned for a while until he saw Cheng Xuan's figure disappear on the floor, and suddenly laughed.

This girl is awesome.

He slapped himself on the pretext of taking an exam, and then acted so intimately in front of himself about falling in love at first sight. Now it’s even worse, he’s just treating himself like air

Jiang Dingyan stopped smoking, took out his cell phone and called Cheng Xuan's number.

Three seconds later—

"The number you dialed is unavailable."

Jiang Ding: “…”


I went back to WeChat and found the number I hadn’t contacted for a long time.

What do you mean

Half a second later—

You are not the other party's friend yet, please add the other party as a friend first

Jiang Ding: “…”

Haha, good job to you.

The author has something to say: Teacher Jiang was a little panicked today.

