Diamond Candy

Chapter 65: Jiang Ding & Cheng Xuan Extra (7) Jin


The relationship between Cheng Xuan and Jiang Ding is like a storm of intense passion. Feelings come quickly, and misunderstandings go away quickly. Everything is thrilling, but also natural.

After a romantic night in the hotel, the feelings between the two grew stronger. Cheng Xuan finally showed the behavior of a little woman in love, occasionally acting coquettishly, but more often... acting wild.

But Jiang Ding just likes her like this.

He used to think that women in the entertainment industry were all the same, hypocritical and boring, but since he met Cheng Xuan, he discovered that there are such interesting girls in the world, who are as passionate as flames and attract him.

Even when the two of them were together at night, she could come up with more tricks than himself.

This girl is the most beautiful accident in my life.

The only bad thing is that he is too jealous.

When Jiang Ding was filming a movie, it was inevitable that he would have some physical contact with the actresses. After the two had several conflicts because of this, Jiang Ding simply asked his assistant to send the script to Cheng Xuan for review every time he got it.

After Cheng Xuan finished marking, he would point out any parts that she didn't like or cared about, and he would simply cross them out.

The Weibo account was originally managed by an assistant, but he also took back all of it and unfollowed all the actresses who he followed out of courtesy.

Cheng Xuan even created a small account for him. The two of them only followed each other. They said flirty little words to each other on Weibo every day and were secretly in love without anyone knowing.

It was Cheng Xuan’s decision not to make it public.

She said: "When I stand at the same level as you, I can confidently tell others that I am Cheng Xuan. If I make it public now, I can only be the girlfriend of actor Jiang Ding."

Jiang Ding respected her decision and carefully protected his girlfriend's self-esteem and pride.

In the following years, Cheng Xuan really worked hard to hone her acting skills, and Jiang Ding also really fell in love with her. Not only that, he also tried his best to pave the way for her in her career.

When she graduated from her senior year, Cheng Xuan won the Best Supporting Actress award at a film festival for her role in Chen Li's movie, leaving her classmates far behind.

As fame grows, so does the amount of discussion.

Classmates in the department began to spread rumors privately, saying that Cheng Xuan was the most beautiful person, but her family conditions were average, and she would never be able to achieve such a good thing as an advertising endorsement in her freshman year, so -

She was definitely being kept by someone.

It was as if rumors became facts after being spread so many times. Slowly, such words spread throughout the entire entertainment industry and fan circle.

It is impossible for a rising star not to be discussed. In fact, the more topics there are, the more popular she becomes. Without topics, she becomes less popular.

Cheng Xuan didn't care about these things, and sometimes even joked with Jiang Ding: "Boss Jiang, you haven't paid me this month's maintenance fee yet."

Jiang Ding cooperated with her expressionlessly: "Your service this month is not good enough."

During this period, Cheng Xuan had stomach problems and went to the hospital for an IV, so she didn't allow Jiang Ding to touch her for more than a week.

The two chatted for a while as if they were in a play, and Cheng Xuan suddenly saw someone online saying that she might have gone to the hospital for an abortion.

She was lying on Jiang Ding's bed eating sweet strawberries at the time, and found it funny when she saw the rumor.

Can I have an abortion by intravenous infusion now

If the media releases photos of themselves entering and leaving the hospital, they will suspect they had an abortion. If they appear in the police station next time, they will report that they are suspected of murder.

Cheng Xuan scrolled past the Weibo post and saw Jiang Ding reading the script seriously out of the corner of his eye. An idea flashed through his mind, he put down the strawberry, and suddenly retched.

When Jiang Ding heard the sound, he immediately frowned and felt something was wrong. Even if he had never eaten pork, he had always seen pigs running. He had seen it so many times in TV dramas that he knew it was the sound of morning sickness as soon as he heard it.

He immediately walked to Cheng Xuan and asked nervously:

"What’s wrong with you?"

Cheng Xuan pretended to be very tired, touching his chest and swallowing bitter water:

"I've been feeling nauseous and sleepy these past few days."

She sighed as she spoke, and suddenly remembered something. She was startled and sat up: "Am I pregnant?"

"… "

Is there any need to say more? This is absolutely true!

All of them are fucking correct!

Jiang Ding's heart was beating fast, and he was a little overwhelmed in excitement. He hurriedly supported Cheng Xuan:

"Just lie down first. I'll get you some clothes. We'll go to the hospital right away."


Cheng Xuan blinked: "Abort it?"

"?" Jiang Ding almost wanted to beat her up when he heard this. He turned around and said in a deep voice, "You dare."

Cheng Xuan narrowed his eyes and softened his voice: "If I had it, would you want it?"

"Of course." Jiang Ding held her hand tightly, as if afraid that she would act impulsively: "If you dare to get an abortion behind my back, I will-"

After a pause of a few seconds, Cheng Xuan asked: "What do you mean?"

In fact, Jiang Ding didn’t know what to do.

He is no longer as ruthless and cold as he used to be. He says that his feelings for Cheng Xuan have grown deeper over the past few years and he has become a gentler person.

He can't live without her.

Jiang Ding could only say slowly: "I don't allow you to have such thoughts."

Cheng Xuan looked into the man's eyes for a long time, then suddenly smiled and leaned forward to kiss him: "Hey, I was just kidding. You can't be a father yet."

"..." Jiang Ding was stunned, and after feeling disappointed, he felt helpless: "You lied to me again?"

It was common for Cheng Xuan to tease Jiang Ding on a daily basis, but this time he actually made a joke about such a serious matter.

Jiang Ding said solemnly: "I am going to be a father today."

Cheng Xuan bit a strawberry and crossed his legs calmly: "Teacher Jiang, children are about fate. Do you think you can just buy vegetables at the market and get them for money?"

Jiang Ding took off his watch slowly, took away the fruit plate in front of Cheng Xuan, leaned over slightly, and hooked away the half strawberry that Cheng Xuan was still biting in his mouth.

Cheng Xuan:

The man's lips were next to her ear, his breath was hot: "I want to hear you call me daddy."

His voice was low and piercing.

Cheng Xuan understood and refused to give in: "You can call me husband and teacher, but you can't call me dad!"

"Okay." Jiang Ding raised his hand and closed the curtains at home with the remote control to block out the sunlight. The implication was already obvious.

He unbuttoned his cuffs: "You're not going to call me, are you?"

Cheng Xuan knew what he meant, wiped his hands, and raised his head as if to challenge: "Come on, I'm not afraid of you."

Anyway, she was usually on top, and she would deliberately tease Jiang Ding every time, making him unable to stop wanting her.

Cheng Xuan felt that he was fully capable of fighting Jiang Ding.

Jiang Ding looked at her confident look and suddenly smiled: "It seems that I really spoil you too much."

Cheng Xuan:

Later that day and night, Cheng Xuan cried very loudly.

The voice calling dad is so loud.

Two years later, Cheng Xuan finally showed her talent and won the Best Actress award at that year's film festival as a dark horse.

That year, she was 23 years old.

Jiang Ding also won his first Best Actor trophy when he was 23 years old.

She fell in love with him at the age of 17 and finally became like him at the age of 23.

At the award ceremony, when the guest announced Cheng Xuan's name, there was an uproar in the audience, thunderous applause, and all cameras were focused on Cheng Xuan.

She was wearing a red dress with a flowing skirt, her skin was vivid under the light, her long hair was draped sexily behind her, and her whole body exuded a charming scent.

She stood up and thanked her colleagues and the audience in the seats. She felt very excited but also a little regretful.

She was excited that she had finally reached this point today, had an account of the decision she made at the age of 18, and had fulfilled her promise to her mother.

Unfortunately, the man who had always been with her had to participate in a reality show today and could not come to the scene.

Cheng Xuan slowly walked up to the stage, walked to the podium, adjusted the height of the microphone, and began to give his acceptance speech.

Standing on the star-studded stage and watching the exciting scene in front of him, Cheng Xuan was filled with emotion.

She calmed herself down, faced the camera, and spoke the words she had prepared long ago:

"First of all, I would like to thank the many teachers and seniors who have supported me. It is because of your selfless encouragement and teaching that I have achieved what I have today."

"Secondly, I want to thank my mother. It is because of her support that I can move forward freely on the acting path without any worries."

Cheng Xuan choked up, his voice trembling slightly:

“Finally, I would like to thank one person in particular…”

The audience listened to her words quietly.

Cheng Xuan looked at the CD bracelet in her hand. Although Jiang Ding bought her countless jewelry later, this was still her favorite one.

Because Jiang Ding said, c is her and d is him.

They should be connected together like these two letters.

Cheng Xuan looked at the bracelet and said with mixed feelings:

"Thank you for appearing in my youth, thank you for helping me and supporting me along the way, thank you for tolerating all my willfulness and temper, thank you for everything he has done for me."

As Cheng Xuan spoke, there was some sadness in his eyes.

She thought about the path she and Jiang Ding had taken over the years, and realized that it had not been easy.

Smiling and shedding a tear:

“Thanks to him, I have become a better person and a person as good as him.”

"I want to tell the world—"

Cheng Xuan took a deep breath and was about to confess his love to Jiang Ding when suddenly, the microphone in front of him was turned around.

As soon as she said this, her voice was drowned in the air and no one heard it.

Turning her head in a daze, Cheng Xuan realized that Jiang Ding, dressed in a cool and noble suit, had been standing next to her at some point.

Cheng Xuan: “…”

My mind went blank, my heart beat quickly, and I looked at him and asked, "Aren't you doing a show?"

Jiang Ding smiled at her but did not answer her question.

The man stood in front of the podium, his posture straight and tall, and his deep voice quickly spread throughout the audience through the microphone:

"Hello everyone."

There was warm applause from the audience.

"It's an honor to be here today to present the award to Miss Cheng Xuan."

Jiang Ding seemed to be unaware of Cheng Xuan's surprise. He calmly held the Best Actress trophy and handed it to Cheng Xuan: "Congratulations."

Cheng Xuan looked at him, thinking that he had not yet finished his confession when he suddenly appeared. What should he do

If I miss this opportunity, the next such ceremony will be next year, and I may not even win a prize next year.

In this flustered state of mind, Cheng Xuan took the trophy blankly.

Just as I was considering whether to continue my confession, a group of people suddenly appeared on the stage.

There were people carrying cameras, lighting, and sound recording, as if they were filming something on the spot.

Cheng Xuan looked at everything in front of him at a loss, completely unaware of what was happening.

Just then, Jiang Ding spoke.

"Actually, I just participated in the recording of a reality show in the West End. After I got the script, I found out that today's theme was proposal."

The audience laughed out loud.

Jiang Ding continued, "The director asked me to perform an imaginary proposal to the female guest, but I felt that I couldn't do it."

Cheng Xuan seemed to realize something, his heart was pounding as if it was about to jump out of his throat.

The man suddenly turned around and looked at Cheng Xuan.

The two looked at each other with deep love.

Jiang Ding said into the microphone: "You can't act out a proposal. It can only be done to the person you love, and it only happens once in a lifetime. But the girl I've loved for five years is here today, so I had to ask the director of the ceremony for fifteen minutes..."

At this point, Jiang Ding took out an exquisite square box from his arms, opened it, and inside was a diamond ring: "To complete this program."

When the camera turned to the ring, the audience suddenly became excited, with screams, applause and whistles mixed together, which was very exciting.

Jiang Ding took out the ring, took two steps forward, and knelt on one knee in front of Cheng Xuan in the center of the stage.

The host, who was smiling like an auntie next to her, immediately handed over the microphone at the right time.

After a few seconds of silence, Jiang Ding's voice spread magnetically:

"My actress Cheng, my Hyun Hyun, my sweetheart."

He used three prefixes in a row, showing his extreme doting.

After a pause, the man held up the ring with a gentle look in his eyes:

"I've loved you for so many years, I want to apply for you to play my wife for life, are you willing?"

… …

The screams from the audience suddenly exploded like a deafening roar.

Cheng Xuan was also shocked.

I had originally planned to publicly confess my love to this man on stage if I won the award, but I didn't expect that he would get there first.

She opened her mouth, too surprised to speak, tears streaming down her beautiful and stunning makeup.

Without hesitating for a second, he even gave up the trophy and threw it on the podium. Cheng Xuan took two steps forward to help Jiang Ding up, then threw himself into his arms, and out of habit, hung on him like a sloth, just like when they were playing at home.

Completely forgetting that she was a newly crowned film queen, she embraced Jiang Ding passionately and obsessively, crying and cursing:

"Can't you just let me speak first?"

Jiang Ding also held her capriciously and kissed her gently:

"Only I can confess."

Cheng Xuan wiped his face and kissed him with laughter and tears: "You are so annoying."

At the grand award ceremony, hot dog food was unexpectedly scattered all over the floor.

Audience: "Tsk tsk, this couple is really wild..."

Reality show director: "Fuck, this episode is going to make a lot of money, shoot it, shoot it hard!!! Shoot it in all directions!"

That night, #Jiang Ding proposed to Cheng Xuan by using reality show to raid the film festival# successfully became the number one trending search on Weibo.

With hundreds of millions of discussions and reposts, Weibo was paralyzed several times.

Fans' hot comments:

What kind of sponsorship does this have? It turns out she is in a sweet relationship with the movie emperor. I cried.

Why hasn’t Wu Yifan come to spend my youth with me…

Inspirational Hyun-sister, controlling her husband online. It is not an ordinary person who can make actor Jiang settle down! !

Jiang Ding and Cheng Xuan also prominently added each other's names in front of their Weibo handles.

Both of them publicly posted on Weibo—

Jiang Ding's Cheng Xuan: Please take care of me for the rest of my life, Teacher Jiang.

Jiang Ding responded with a hard core response:

Cheng Xuan’s Jiang Ding: I’ll do whatever you say.

Looking back many years later, when the two collaborated for the first time on a jewelry commercial, Cheng Xuan wore a white wedding dress and Jiang Ding was dressed in a suit and tie.

When they stood together and looked at each other, the story had already come to an end—

It's love.

Also forever.

The author has something to say: Thank you everyone for liking the Propeller CP. Because the length of the extra chapter is limited, we will say goodbye here beautifully.

It is not realistic to open a single book because the main storyline has been condensed and completed.

But the Baozi extra stories about the two pairs of CPs, Possession and Propeller, will be published in physical form. If you are interested, you can follow my Weibo.

In addition, those who like this type can also collect the book "Taste Joy" in the column first. The style is similar, a very romantic wife-chasing crematorium, scumbag sweet, and blooming in autumn.

Finally, in late June, I started writing "Oscar's Best Fan", a sweet and cute story.

This is also a story about chasing idols and entering the entertainment industry. I hope you guys will give me some advance payment.

We'll see you soon! Love you guys!!

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