Diary of Raising a Mermaid

Chapter 107: Extra Story (3)


Sperm Whale: [@流鱼, @喷鱼, I was killed by you, ahhh.]

Sperm Whale: [@jellyfish, how could you leave me alone and run away?]

Sperm Whale: [@jellyfish, well, I admit, the cutie in your mouth is a good fish, he didn't eat me.]

The gentle voice of the humpback whale resounded in the group:

[Sperm Whale, I know you're very excited, but it's best not to swipe your screen.]

Sperm Whale: [@油鱼, I don’t care, I just want the jellyfish to come out, and if it dies, everyone will die together.]

Quirrell: [Hahahahaha, the jellyfish are in the Bermuda Triangle, come on! @jellyfish]

Hermit Crab: [Hahahaha.]

The chat group was filled with the whining sound of sperm whales. Lance was laughing while watching the news in the chat group.

He and Wenser met a sperm whale, and this naive sperm whale knew that Wenser was Nat after the sea monsters in the chat group expressed and hinted.

So, compared to the excitement of meeting Lance at the beginning, the sperm whale is now angry and wronged——

The jellyfish is a big fool!

After knowing that Wenser is Nat, the sperm whale once hated how it had such a big body. It would be nice if it was like the little fish next to it. Feeling embarrassed, it just "stabs" Ran.

The sea is so big, how hard it is to find a small fish the size of a palm, how can it be like it is now, so big, it is not easy to run.

Fortunately, Winsor didn't say anything.

But Lance saw the grievance of the sperm whale and the fear of being caught. He patted the sperm whale's head and comforted the sperm whale. They would not blame the sperm whale.

[Well, you send us to Sunset Bay.]

Lance suggested that this would make up for it.

The Sperm Whale is not a bad mind, it was very happy when it heard that it could make up for its mistakes with actions, so it opened its mouth wide and let Lance bring Wenser into its mouth, and then it took Lance and Wenser to Sunset Bay swim inside.

Winsor looked at the big black mouth of the sperm whale and said:


Lance didn't have any psychological barriers at all. He consciously swam into the sperm whale's mouth and turned around in it.

Well, the sperm whale is not toothless like the humpback whale. It has teeth on the inside, which looks a bit scary, but it also only has teeth on the bottom.

The lower teeth of the mutated sperm whale didn't look very sharp, nor were they particularly large. After touching those teeth, Lance said to Winsor:

[Don't worry, these whales should be able to control themselves and not swallow us, I have experience.]

Humpback whales are fine, why not sperm whales

Besides, sperm whales do not have sharp upper and lower teeth like killer whales.

Lance thought that if they rejected the sperm whale again, the sperm whale might cry.

It's better to be a good friend.

Wenser grasped the point keenly:

[Isn't this the first time you've done this?]

Lance: […]

Why does Winsor always like to focus on weird points

Because Lance was really swallowed by the sperm whale, Wenser had no choice but to enter the mouth of the sperm whale.

After the sperm whale gently engulfed the two mermaids, it began to swim into the sunset bay.

Lance had a big heart, and he fell asleep directly in the mouth of the sperm whale.

Swimming up and down this way was quite exhausting for Lance, and with Wenser by his side, Lance quit the chat group after playing for a while, and fell asleep directly in the mouth of the sperm whale .

Wenser, on the other hand, hugged Lance, while dozing off, while sensing the actions of the sperm whale outside.

Wenser: [You swim in a crooked way, swim to the west.]

The sperm whale outside looked confused:

[what? What? Where is the west side?]

Wenser twitched the corner of his mouth: [On your right.]

[Right hand?]

Listening to Wenser's guidance, the sperm whale stretched out its two pectoral fins and asked very curiously,

[Which is my right hand?]

[It is the hand you often use to eat...]

As soon as the words fell, Wenser got stuck.

He forgot that the one outside was a sperm whale, not a human being!

The sperm whale is unaware:

[However, I see that my two pectoral fins are exactly the same.]

Winsor: […]

Well, he can be sure that the lost sperm whale has nothing to do with him.

The reason why it got lost was purely because it was a road idiot.

I thought it would save a little time to take a ride with a sperm whale, but unexpectedly, it took more time.

By the time Lance and Winsor actually arrived at Sunset Bay, it was already the next day.

[teacher! ! !]

Quirrell saw Lance and Winsor approaching from a distance, and it happily twisted its eighteen tentacles and floated towards Lance.

In Lance's eyes, the current Quirrell has forgotten to make his body smaller. The way it twists its tentacles in the ocean with its huge body is particularly scary. It's like the arrival of Cthulhu in a nightmare. Let him The child remembered that when he first came to Xiyang Bay, he was almost strangled by Quirrell with an iron rod, and suddenly he yelled:

[Don't come near me! ! ! !]

Lance also subconsciously yelled a sound wave at Quirrell, and suddenly turned Quirrell over with the sound wave.

[woo woo woo woo?]

Quirrell was dazed by the sound wave, and it realized that it was too big now, so it quickly made itself smaller, and then floated to Lance, and asked obsequiously,

[Teacher, your matter is settled?]

Seeing Quirrell shrink into a harmless appearance, Lance felt that psychological shadow disappeared.

He nodded, relaxed, and said to Quirrell:


Lance signaled Winsor next to him to open the bag he brought over, and then he took out a well-sealed music player from inside, handed it to Quirrell, and said:

[Here, this is a gift from me.]

Quirrell was stunned for a moment. It carefully stretched out its tentacles, took the palm-sized music player, and asked:

[what is this?]

Lance smiled. He turned on the player and clicked on the recorded song:

[This is the music player, which contains your favorite metal rock music recordings. I thought, you'd like this, so I made one for you.]

Originally, he asked Old Tang for this. Old Tang happened to be a fan of metal rock music, so after listening to Lance's appeal, he gave Lance a music player full of metal rock music.

Of course, it is the kind that has been waterproofed.

"Om-boom, boom, boom, boom."

There was an indistinct sound of music coming from the sea water, but this sound was very clear to the sea monsters.

Quirrell held the small music player with eighteen tentacles. After listening to it for a while, he suddenly cried out:

[Wooooow, I really like this thing, and I really like the teacher!]

Lance touched Quirrell's head and said:

[There are a lot of songs in it, you listen slowly... If the battery is out, let the hermit crab accompany you to the surface, and take this thing to the surface of the sea to charge it under the sun.]

[it is good!]

Quirrell was full of energy immediately,

[In order to charge this little thing, what is above the sea!]

It worked! Isn't it to overcome the phobia on the surface of the sea? Compared with music, everything can be put aside!

including itself!

Seeing that Quirrell liked this gift very much, Lance was satisfied.

Now that the gift was given to Quirrell, Lance was going to sleep in the original nest with Winsor, so he swam around Quirrell to the original place, and asked by the way:

[So you're the only one, what about the hermit crab?]

You must know that for a while, the hermit crab and Quirrell were inseparable. Now that he didn't see the hermit crab when he came back, Lance felt very strange.

[It, it has something to do!]

Quirrell quickly swam to the front of Lance, blocked the way of Lance, and then said falteringly,

[It went to see its relatives.]

Lance paused for a moment, and looked at Quirrell: [Oh.]

Under Lance's gaze, Quirrell still stood in front of Lance, and had no intention of leaving at all.

Lance waited for a while, but did not see Quirrell leave, he asked curiously:

[What are you doing blocking me?]

[I, I don't!]

Quirrell began to change color, from red to yellow to green, making the sea water look very colorful.

Lance folded his arms and narrowed his eyes slightly.

It looks like there is definitely something going on.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the sinking ship.

The sound was loud, and it created a shock wave in the sea, causing the tail fins on Lance and Winsor's tails to be shaken to and fro.

And this kind of powerful sound, which lasts for a second, is not something that Quirrell can knock out with a stick.

Lance and Winsor suddenly turned to look at Quirrell at the same time.

Quirrell's eighteen tentacles were almost twisted into twists, and it was still dying:

[It's nothing, it's just... oh, by the way, the hermit crab is also practicing drumming.]

[Its technology is better than yours.]

Lance pointed it out mercilessly.

Quirrell: […]

And when the two mermaids were confronting Quilo, there was another series of strong "dong dong dong" sounds, which shook the place as if a small earthquake had occurred directly.

The nearby sunken ships were shaken by this powerful aftermath, and several of them collapsed.

As long as you grow your brain, you will know that something is wrong.

[Hey, go to the side to play the player and listen to the music by yourself.]

Seeing that Quirrell was still about to step forward to stop him, Lance sighed, touched Quirrell's head, and abducted Quirrell by the way, and at the same time motioned for Wenser with his eyes to let Wenser bypass Quirrell , have a look at it when you have time.

Wenser nodded. He cleverly avoided Quirrell's sight and swam slowly.

Quirrell didn't know that Lance took it away on purpose. When it was still abducted by Lance, he was still thinking of some reason to make up:

[Uh, maybe it was a real earthquake?]

Lance felt more and more that Quirrell was hiding something from him. He smiled and led Quirrell to a small cabin, and then locked Quirrell in with lightning speed.

Quirrell:? ?

Later, while Quirrell was still in a daze, Lance quickly caught up with Wenser and followed Wenser, wanting to see what happened.

According to the direction the sound was coming from, Lance and Winsor identified the location by listening to the sound, and accurately touched it.

As a result, this touch made Lance and Winsor startled at first and then speechless—

"Surprised" because they found the source of the sound.

The source is where they lived before, more precisely, it is the shipwreck circled by Quirrell.

"Speechless" because they saw a hermit crab and a colorful shrimp here.

A crab and a shrimp, the two of them are carrying out inhuman transformation on the sunken ship, hammering and hammering, not knowing what they are doing.

The hermit crab was still pointing at the side.

"Pennytail Mantis Shrimp?"

Wenser saw the shrimp's name at a glance, and raised his eyebrows.

The appearance of peatail mantis shrimp is very bright and beautiful, mainly composed of red, blue, green and other colors.

Peatail Mantis Shrimp is just one of its names. Because the large claws on its chest have great power to pop out, it can swing its club-like front claws to hit the prey in an instant, just like a mantis preying, so Just came up with the name.

And because of its physiological structure, the two front claws in front of the mantis shrimp not only hit hard, but also create two air bubbles to strike the target a second time.

In short, one blow from a mantis shrimp can be crushed to pieces.

What's more, the current one is a mutated mantis shrimp about the size of a hermit crab.

Didn't you see that the boat in front of the mantis shrimp is full of potholes

Lance and Winsor didn't know why there was a mantis shrimp here suddenly, so they had to lie down on the spot, wanting to see how the follow-up would develop.

As a result, after a while, the hermit crab suddenly raised its voice and began to curse:

[You shrimp have no brains! Damn it, if it weren't for the fact that you are also a sea monster, I'll hit you with a hammer and the waves will burst.]

The mantis shrimp flinched for a moment, then insisted:

[Aren't I pounding according to your request?]

[Hit your grandma's leg!]

The hermit crab pointed to the pits all over the boat, and shouted,

[I asked you to hammer through this wall, your fucking hammer has hammered loneliness by now!]

[Fuck, how can you call me brainless?]

The mantis shrimp seems to have just realized that the hermit crab scolded it last time, and it also got angry. It turned around, and its two front claws were eager to try.

[I haven't eaten such a big crab.]

The hermit crab sneered, and then it also posed for the mantis shrimp:

[I want to see if I have a hard shell, or you have two hammers.]

"Why are they fighting?"

Lance became anxious when he saw this scene. He quickly swam out of his hiding place, swam to the side of the two sea monsters, and stopped him, saying,

[No fights are allowed.]

Wenser in the distance saw that since Lance had gone out, he had no choice but to swim out slowly.

In fact, in this fight, it would be very difficult for the hermit crab to win with the terrifying strength of the mantis shrimp.

Wenser was not interested in who would eat who after the fight, after all, this is also a link in the food chain in nature;

But he thought about it, and felt that Lance was right to stop it, because he was more curious about why the hermit crab and the mantis shrimp, two sea monsters that couldn't get along at all, suddenly appeared together.

[Old, teacher? Teacher, why are you back?]

The hermit crab played very well with Quirrell, and then followed Quirrell to learn how to play the drums. Naturally, he slowly imitated Quirrell and called him Mr. Lance.

Seeing Lance's sudden appearance, the hermit crab's momentum suddenly withered. Now it looks like a student who was caught and fought by the teacher. He felt very guilty, and both pincers hung down and lay on the beach without moving.

If it weren't for the solid evidence now, there was a mantis shrimp next to it, and the hermit crab wanted to tell Lance that it didn't do anything just now.

[My own affairs are finished.]

Lance turned his head, glanced at the hermit crab, then at the new mantis shrimp, with question marks all over his head,

[What are you doing?]

The sunken ship behind the three of them was riddled with holes from the hammer of the mantis shrimp.

The densely packed pits made Lance tremble, and he even wondered if the mantis shrimp had a grudge against that boat.

The hermit crab falters:

[It's nothing, it's just... just...]

[It made me beat a place to come out.]

The mantis shrimp behind Lance said it without hesitation,

[I did as I did, but it still wanted to hit me!]

The hermit crab became anxious when he heard it. If Lance was not in the middle, it would really come forward to fight:

[You little bitch, how many times have I told you how to do it, how many times I have told you how to do it, you are so fucking like me, you blame me? Give you some sunshine and you will be brilliant!]

[Stop stop!]

Lance was at a loss, [What exactly do you want to do?]

At this time, Quirrell floated over from afar, and when he saw Lance and Wenser sandwiched between a shrimp and a crab, he immediately knew that his stuff was exposed.

[The hermit crab wants you two to live comfortably.]

Simply not hiding, Quirrell floated over faintly, pointed at the wrecked ship behind Lance with its tentacles, and said,

[It wants to learn from humans and build you a re-examination villa or something, but it doesn't have the skills, so it went to find the mantis shrimp.]

Quirrell looked at the scrapped hulks behind him, showing a "horrible" expression, and then he explained:

[The hermit crab thinks that each of you needs a boat, but you two are definitely not willing to separate, so it wants the mantis shrimp to connect the two boats and put them together, so that you both have your own nest, and We can be together.]

After talking about this, Quirrell did not forget to say something about the mantis shrimp:

[Tsk tsk tsk, I just didn't expect the mantis shrimp to be so ineffective. After doing it for so long, I still misunderstood the meaning.]

Lance and Winsor looked at each other, dumbfounded at the idea of a hermit crab.

For hermit crabs, it may be the most important to have a shell that can run around on their backs, but humans really don't.

The current oolong can only be said to be caused by the different ways of thinking of the two species.

[You don't have to do this, it's fine for me to share a nest with Wenser.]

Lance shook his head, wanted to laugh, but was afraid of hurting the heart of the domineering president-style hermit crab, so he could only say,

[However, thank you for your relationship with us.]

[No, Lao Tzu's fish deserves the best!]

The hermit crab was a little depressed at first, but when he heard about it, he became proud again, holding out his pincers and being very domineering.

[Teacher, you don't have to speak for the mantis shrimp behind you! Let me teach that mantis shrimp well, and I will always give you a good nest!]

Lance choked:

[Uh, I didn't speak for anyone, what I said was true.]

Can't everyone do their own thing

Stop hammering the boat.

What is even more speechless is that the mantis shrimp is still fanning the flames:

[Come on, I've had enough of you too, I beat you well here, why are you interrupting?]

The hermit crab sneered: [Come on! Shrimp!]

The mantis shrimp became angry when it heard it, and it immediately moved all its legs and rushed forward.

[Calm down!]

Seeing that something was wrong, Lance and Wenser hurried forward to stop the shrimp. One pushed the shrimp's head, pulled the shrimp's whiskers, and the other pulled the tail. This prevented the mantis shrimp from stepping forward and desperately.

The mantis shrimp was blocked by Lance, it was afraid of hurting Lance, so it had to stop first.

As soon as it stopped, the mantis shrimp became sad and angry. It pointed at the hermit crab and complained to Lance:

[It's really so strong!]

Lance, who was the person involved, was stunned for a moment. At this moment, he could only laugh and cry:

[The hermit crab just wants to make this place more beautiful.]

[Then it has the ability to do it by itself!]

The mantis shrimp complained:

[Look at its requirements... Come, come, tell me, what is a large and small round hole, and what is a deep and shallow pit? I just punch holes, why do you let me punch out colorful holes? Aren't the holes all black?]

Lance: "..."

Winsor: "..."

So, in the end, because of demand, Party B was dissatisfied with Party A's father, and finally rose up to resist

The hermit crab sneered: [This is called Lao Tzu's superb aesthetics! Can't you ask for more?]

Quirrell was still standing beside the hermit crab without hesitation: [Yes, are we wrong? !]

Lance: [That...]

[I quit!]

The mantis shrimp slammed the ground angrily, directly smashed a hole in the ground, and then walked away angrily without even looking at the hermit crab.

Lance and Winsor looked at each other, really not knowing how to evaluate this farce.

[Hmph, he ran away in a hurry, what kind of hero is he?]

The hermit crab looked at the back of the mantis shrimp and walked away without a fight. It hummed and was a little proud.

[Leave and leave, I can do it myself, right?]

Quirrell followed behind very dog-leggedly, with a virtuous look like a husband and wife:

[I can help you~~]

[Stop stop!]

Lance quickly swam to the hermit crabs and stopped them both. With his hands on his hips, he almost cursed at the tips of their noses angrily.

[Don't touch our nest! Also, this incident is your fault! Go back and give me a review!]

Lance didn't dare to imagine that if the hermit crab and Quirrell really did something to the nest where he and Wenser lived before, whether the little nest he had built with great difficulty would be scrapped under the "iron fist" of the hermit crab.

If that's the case, it's really not worth it.

The author has something to say: Please ask for an advance payment: "Human Breeding Diary"

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