Did Not Say Anything About My Feelings

Chapter 74: Dad powder


Shen Yuanjian has a lot of fans, the program group invited him to come and record the program, and also wanted to use actor Shen Yuanjian's first singing and dancing stage as a gimmick to increase the program's ratings and expand the program's publicity.

His absence directly led to the lack of hot spots on the stage of the sixth group. The program group was overwhelmed. After an emergency meeting to discuss, they rejected the proposal to invite a temporary guest to fill the vacancy. Finally, they decided to find trainees from within the group to fill Shen remote location.

As for the choice of the trainee, the program team all set their sights on Jiang Lian. The most popular and ranked number one among the trainees, coupled with the fact that Lin Ye and Jiang Lian are the most popular CPs on the Internet recently, Jiang Lian has become a well-deserved primary candidate.

The program team took the initiative to contact the marketing account to release melons, wanting to see the fans' reactions in advance. The result was much better than they expected. Instead of scolding them for breaking the original performance rules, they were full of praise.

Some people even said: "Originally, the third performance here on the island happened to be the final night of the show next door. I planned to watch the live broadcast of the next door and then watch the island. Now that I know that Jiang Lian and Lin Ye have a double-C stage, I really hate it." Why didn't you buy the on-site tickets? The person involved regrets it now, very regretful."

The show even began to feel that maybe letting Lin Ye and Jiang Lian collaborate in a pas de deux would make the show even more popular.

After the results of the discussion were finalized, some people worried about whether Jiang Lian could complete the task in only two days. For this reason, the director specially called Jiang Lian to have a private conversation, and when he learned that the other party had already learned the movements of pas de deux in order to teach Shen Yuanjian, he showed a relieved smile.

The director, who believed that science followed the party closely, even had the words "God's will" pop up in his mind at that moment.

Lin Ye was also happy with the decision made by the program group. Rather than cooperating with Shen Yuanjian, who can't dance, he was more willing to choose Jiang Lian, who was more compatible with him on stage.

Although Jiang Lian had to temporarily change some of his positions and movements, when the two practiced in the classroom, their progress was not at all inferior to Lin Ye's.

Sometimes when he was sweating profusely and stopped to rest, Lin Ye would look at Jiang Lian and think, if he and Jiang Lian switched identities, the person who needs to make the change is not Jiang Lian but him, then there are only two days. , can he do well

Counting the forty-eight hours of non-stop sleeplessness, Lin Ye asked himself, and finally came up with the answer that it could not be done. He saw clearly the gap between himself and Jiang Lian like never before.

Two days passed in their intensive practice.

The third group performance is finally here.

Lin Ye's group was assigned to a familiar stylist who helped them pick out their hair before the first performance, and also knew Jiang Lian.

Jiang Lian's styling was finished first, Lin Ye changed into clothes and came over, Jiang Lian just got up from the swivel chair. The modeling teacher waved to him, and he took Jiang Lian's place and sat down in the swivel chair, with a bit of the other's body temperature remaining under his body.

The styling teacher raised his hand to straighten his face, looked into the mirror, thought for a moment and said, "Do you want to have bangs or no bangs?"

Lin Ye recalled her appearance in the first two performances, and said without thinking: "No bangs."

Along with his words, Jiang Lian's voice resounded, "There are bangs."

Lin Ye looked in the mirror in surprise at Jiang Lian who was standing still.

Jiang Lian didn't look at him, and directly said to the styling teacher: "Keep the bangs, you can give him a wet hair style."

The modeling teacher laughed and said, "Why do I feel that you know Lin Ye better than he himself?"

Jiang Lian raised her lips casually, "What's the problem?"

"No problem, your proposal is good." The stylist shook his head, "I just think, why don't I give you the job of stylist right now."

Jiang Lian laughed, noncommittal.

The styling teacher finally gave Lin Ye's bangs a visually wet hair feel, adding a bit of sexiness to the original youthful atmosphere. Two completely different styles are intertwined and blended together without any conflict.

All the members of the sixth group went to the familiar venue together by car. After getting off the car, the consequences were unexpected and they met familiar fans shouting for support.

Jiang Lian's fans were huge, and the voices of support were the most orderly and the loudest. Fans of other trainees also tried their best to catch up, surviving amidst the cheers of Jiang Lian's fans, trying hard to open a way for their elder brother or younger brother to support him.

It also happened that in the car Lin Ye was sitting in, there were no other popular class A trainees besides Jiang Lian. The shouts of Lin Ye's fans were crowded in the crowd, and the fans who left behind the other trainees quickly stood out and chased after the loudest voice in their ears.

How could Jiang Lian's fans give way to them? The two fans fought on the spot without giving in, and the smell of gunpowder filled the air for a long time.

The remaining few held Jiang Lian's hand banner in their left hand, and Lin Ye's hand banner in their right. They also carried CP fans of Lin Ye and Jiang Lian's double hand banners in their bags. He only dared to whisper in his heart: "You scold me, I scold you, brother and brother sleep together."

The security guards pull the wall to let the trainees pass.

Lin Ye walked forward behind Jiang Lian, the support battle of the two fans has risen to a hot level, everyone, you don't let me, I don't let you, the show is to deafen the ears of the opponent's brother or younger brother momentum.

It's just that everyone can hear that in this battle, Sister Jiang is clearly the winner. Not to mention that Sister Jiang has a large number of people, plus they have neat and rhyming slogans, while Sister Yeqing has nothing, so she can only call Lin Ye's name dryly.

Seeing that the trainees were about to enter the arena, a high-pitched roar suddenly erupted from the crowd, like a burst of energy after holding back for a long time, or like an extreme explosion at the critical moment.

Like a thunderbolt piercing the sky, Sister Jiang's cheers jumped into the ears of everyone present, "Lin Ye! Daddy loves you! Daddy loves you! Did you hear that, Lin Ye!"

The venue suddenly fell into silence, and the star chasing sisters who were deeply involved in the support battlefield a second ago were dumbfounded at the moment.

When brother Yeqing rode Juechen, everyone's support was instantly eclipsed.

The trainees also stopped in amazement, and looked back at the same time, wanting to see which father was so fierce.

Lin Ye's eyes swept over at the same time, and Jiang Lian's cold and dull eyes.

Brother Yeqing, who was shouting, immediately shut his mouth tightly and disappeared into the crowd without saying a word.

Many days later, when this father fan recalled these scenes again, he said to those CP fans who are engaged in dessert batches like this: "You may not believe it, although I am the only fan of my younger brother, but the most impressive What shocked me was not my younger brother's gaze, but Jiang Lian's gaze. It was that gaze that made me become a CP fan willingly and completely. I guarantee with my head that the ginger coconut milk is real."

After hearing these words, other people said one after another: "Brother, you are serious."

The trainees were not surprised for too long, and soon disappeared into the side door of the venue one after another.

The staff led them to the rehearsal. Lin Ye and Jiang Lian walked last. When the team turned the corner, Jiang Lian deliberately blocked Lin Ye in a dimly lit corner.

Lin Ye raised her eyes and returned a puzzled and puzzled look.

Jiang Lian put his hands on his ears, wrapped him in his arms, and asked with a slight ending, "Male fan?"

Lin Ye coughed lightly.

Jiang Lian asked again: "Dad loves you?"

Lin Ye looked away guiltily.

Jiang Lian lowered his eyes to look at him, and frowned unhappily, "Can Dad call you whatever you want?"

Lin Ye quickly regained his composure, looked directly at the other party and said, "The mouth grows on the fans themselves, and I can't control it."

Jiang Lian's gaze slid down and passed over his lips, and the tip of his eyebrows raised inexplicably, "What about your own mouth?"

Lin Ye paused for a second and asked him back: "What do you want to do?"

"Next time when you are in bed," Jiang Lian's voice was low and deep, with some imperceptible coaxing hidden in it, "call Dad to listen."

Listening to Lin Ye's ears, her expression was as usual and calm, but her cheeks were showing a tendency to heat up.

At this moment, neither of them realized that their next meeting would not be fulfilled as promised.

The author has something to say: If the last sentence is changed, it will not be fulfilled if there is no next change. Up to here, the two of them haven't figured it out yet, they are all instinctive reactions.