Did Not Say Anything About My Feelings

Chapter 91: go to beach


Before the final night, the trainees ushered in their last commercial shooting.

Twenty trainees participated in the filming, and the filming location was set on the beach of the island.

Many people have been on the island for several months, but they have never had the opportunity to visit the seaside. Everyone pulled themselves away from the intense and intensive practice, and invariably regarded this trip as a relaxing day before the finals.

At this time, April is already halfway through, and the whole island has also unknowingly entered spring for nearly two months.

The sponsor is a well-known brand in the clothing industry. On the day of the shooting, everyone prepared summer clothes that will be launched soon. In the middle of spring, wearing summer clothes and blowing the sea breeze by the beach is still a bit cold. Fortunately, everyone is a young boy with high body temperature and full of yang energy, so he just ignores the temperature.

There is a sunrise design in the advertising plan. The trainees set off from the base before dawn, and the bus takes them to the private beach area on the island. The staff got out of the car to prepare and check the shooting equipment and props. The lights inside the car were as bright as day, and the stylist gave them makeup and styling in the car.

The shots of the trainees were divided into four groups, Lin Ye was in the fourth group and did not need to participate in the shooting of the sunrise.

Half an hour later, the sky gradually turned white, and the sunrise was finally coming. The first group of trainees lined up to get off the bus and walked into the shooting area. The prop team pushed five bicycles, and the director was surrounded by them, explaining to them the location and key points of the shooting, and letting them rehearse and get familiar with it in advance.

When the sun slowly rises from the distant sea level, the golden light shines on the ebbing beach. The trainees wear short sleeves and long trousers, and ride their bicycles through the sunrise by the seaside. The cool morning breeze passed through their hair and the hem of their clothes. The young and handsome boy closed his eyes and raised his head in the wind, and the hem of his clothes was blown slightly by the wind.

The people in the other groups were all leaning over the car windows and looking.

The trainees in the second group were given the shooting task of playing beach volleyball, and the trainees in the third group played a game of making people with sand on the beach, and even went into the water barefoot to joke around. The fourth group that Lin Ye was in was the musical instrument group. They wore crisp short sleeves and shorts, sat on the beach with their guitars in their arms and bowed their heads to pluck the strings. The melody of the theme song.

The camera shifted from them to the first group. Jiang Lian and the other four parked their bicycles by the sea, stood in a triangle formation with Jiang Lian as the center, and danced to the theme song while stepping on the musical nodes.

The camera zoomed out from the faces of the five people again, the trainees of the second group also dropped the volleyball in their hands and ran over from under the net to join their team, followed by the third group who came ashore from the shallow water area and put down their guitars Get up the fourth group.

With their backs to the sea and the sunrise, the trainees danced vigorously to the theme song.

The shots of the first and third groups have to be shot twice, and the shots of the second and fourth groups need to be shot again. The two groups of trainees who completed the task were disbanded on the spot, and they can move freely except for the shooting area. Jiang Lian walked back to the bicycle, turned over and stepped on the back seat, stepped on the pedal with one leg, and slightly raised the corner of his lips at Lin Ye, "Do you want to ride the bicycle around?"

Lin Ye wanted to go, but shook her head, "I don't know how to ride a bicycle."

A smile spread on Jiang Mian's lips, "You sit in the back, I'll take you."

Lin Ye walked over, showing suspicion, "Can you carry me? I'm not a girl who only weighs eighty or ninety—"

Jiang Lian interrupted him, "You think I can't carry it?" He lowered his eyes to Lin Ye's face, and called his name in a low voice, "Lin Ye, you are questioning your boyfriend's ability."

Lin Ye laughed, turned around and quickly sat on the back seat of the bicycle, holding the thin pole behind her with both hands.

Qiu Yi ran over from a distance, his face full of excitement, "Are you going to ride a bicycle?"

Jiang Lian glanced at him, "Do you want to go?"

Qiu Yi nodded, "I want to go."

Jiang Lian said, "There are still bicycles behind, you go and ride them."

Qiu Yi looked hesitant, "But I don't know how to ride either."

Jiang Lian said succinctly: "You ask Ming to take you, and he can ride."

Qiu Yi became happy again, "Then you wait, I'll go and call him."

Jiang Lian said, "Okay."

Qiu Yi went back to find Mingrang to ride a bicycle. Mingrang scolded a fool in his heart, bent down to pick up the volleyball that rolled to his feet, and threw it into his arms, "Why don't you ride a bicycle, why don't you play volleyball."

It's okay to think about it, Qiu Yi held the ball and raised his foot to follow him, then remembered that Jiang Lian and Lin Ye were still waiting for them there, and explained to Ming Rang again: "I'll go back and tell them."

After taking two steps, Ming Rang dragged him back by hooking his collar, grabbed his shoulders and said lazily, "No need, they've already left."

Qiu Yi raised his eyebrows suspiciously, apparently in disbelief.

Ming Rang clicked his tongue, "Do you know Jiang Lian, or do I know Jiang Lian?"

Only then did Qiu Yi give up, giving up the idea of going back to Jiang Lian and Lin Ye.

As Ming Rang said, Jiang Lian did take Lin Ye away on a bicycle first. The salty sea breeze wrapped in water vapor brushed past her cheeks, Lin Ye looked at the sea at the end of her vision, "Aren't we going to wait for them?"

Jiang Lian's voice was flat, noncommittal, "Why do you need to wear a light bulb when you're in love?"

Lin Ye smiled silently, "What if he comes back and finds that we didn't wait for him?"

"He won't come back." Jiang Lian's tone was casual and casual, "Ming Rang will take care of it."

They rode all the way along the seashore, and soon left the shooting area far away.

Lin Ye looked back at the way they came. The bicycle carried the weight of two grown men, and two long deep marks were rolled on the beach.

The car under him suddenly rode over the uneven rocks. Lin Ye sat in the back seat and bumped for a while, his body leaned forward according to inertia, and the tip of his nose hit Jiang Lian's back.

He simply let go of his hands on the edge of the back seat, stretched his arms and hugged Jiang Lian's waist from behind.

The moment the side face was pressed against the opponent's back, there was a sense of familiarity in my mind. He suddenly remembered what Jiang Lian had said, that the other party carried him back to the dormitory from the cafeteria the night he got drunk in the cafeteria.

Lin Ye's heart moved slightly, and she turned her face to gently press her lips against Jiang Lian's back through the thin clothes.

The sense of familiarity hidden in the memory has not diminished but increased, and even a blurry picture has passed by in front of my eyes. After repeated confirmation in my mind, those blurred pictures gradually became clear.

After a while, Lin Ye moved his face away from Jiang Lian's back, narrowed his eyes and asked, "You said that I kissed your mouth when I was drunk?"

Jiang Lian probably gave a short laugh, "Why?"

Lin Ye said lightly: "How do I remember that I kissed your back, not your mouth?"

Jiang Lian's voice came from the wind, and the smile in his words grew stronger: "You remember?"

Lin Ye was dissatisfied, "I don't want to wake up, how long are you going to lie to me?"

Jiang Lian braked to a stop, stepped on the ground with both legs, turned his head, raised his eyebrows and looked at him, "I'm not lying to you, how can I be sure if you really like me?"

He pulled Lin Ye off the bicycle and kissed her.

Lin Ye leaned on the bicycle, but the bicycle could not bear the weight and fell down. Lin Ye's back was empty, without any support, and he also fell backwards.

Jiang Lian reached out to hug him, and both of them fell into the sand.

The sun above his head was a bit dazzling, Lin Ye closed his eyes.

Jiang Lian's kiss quickly chased after him and landed on his eyelids.

In the end, Ming Rang called and called them back.

It was almost noon, the director team had finished filming, and the staff were packing up. The sun gradually shone, and the trainees also returned to the bus.

Lin Ye jumped off the back seat of the bicycle, and while standing there waiting for Jiang Lian, she realized that someone behind her was looking at her. He turned his head subconsciously, and met Xia Dongchan's deep and beautiful pupils a few steps away.

Lin Ye frowned indistinctly.

For some reason, at that moment, his intuition told him that Xia Dongchan already knew about the secret relationship between him and Jiang Lian.

The reason why it is talking about an ulterior relationship, not a love relationship. It was because even he couldn't be sure what Xia Dongchan knew.

Was it when he and Jiang Lian had a real relationship, or earlier, when he and Jiang Lian were just bed partners.

He has no idea.