Did Not Say Anything About My Feelings

Chapter 96: Extra episodes of Qixi Festival


On the day of Qixi Festival, Jiang Lian had a personal variety show recording itinerary, so he was not in the villa. The remaining six people coincided with a rare rest day, and Qiu Yi took the lead to organize everyone to go out to celebrate Qixi Festival. Ming Rang was not very interested at first, and said that a few single men gathered together to celebrate the Qixi Festival, which is really not interesting, so why not call the girls from the girl group next door to sing and socialize.

This proposal was unanimously approved by the teammates.

However, the girls from the girl group next door were busy with the Qixi Festival schedule and were not at home. Ming Rang had no choice but to settle for the next best thing and go out with his teammates to celebrate Qixi Festival.

Everyone was fully armed, wearing hats, glasses and masks, and it was only when they were about to leave that they noticed that Lin Ye was not among them.

"It's probably because he hasn't woken up yet." Qiu Yi said this, and went upstairs to call someone in the room.

The distribution of rooms for the group members was still the same as in the group. Lin Ye and Jiang Lian lived in one room, Ming Rang lived in one room alone, Qiu Yi and Wen Fang lived in one room, and the other two lived in one room.

Jiang Lian didn't like other people entering and leaving his room at will, so few people entered the bedroom where Lin Ye and Jiang Lian lived. Qiu Yi knocked on the door for a long time and no one responded, so he pushed the door open and walked in. Lin Ye was not there. There were two beds placed side by side in the room, one was messed up by someone, the pillow and quilt were crooked, and the other was clean and tidy as if no one had been lying on it for eight hundred years.

Qiu Yi didn't think much, closed the door and went down the stairs, "Lin Ye is not here, do you know where he went?" Everyone showed confusion in their eyes.

Ming Rang said: "Maybe it's the Qixi Festival."

Qiu Yi asked: "Spend Qixi Festival alone?"

Ming Rang smiled and said nothing.

Five single straight men rushed towards the famous amusement park in the city, but they made a mistake on the way, they were recognized by tourists, and they were almost chased by fans in the park, even their coats were taken off. In the end, he left the amusement park in a state of embarrassment, and went to have lunch at a relatively hidden star restaurant.

At the dinner table, the five of them took a group photo and posted it on Weibo, together with the text Happy Chinese Valentine's Day.

Some fans were dissatisfied and asked: "You five big men came out to celebrate Qixi Festival, why didn't you bring brother Lin Ye?"

Qiu Yi replied: "Obviously he left us to go to Qixi Festival alone."

CP fans immediately took the lead to analyze: "Where can my brother go to spend Qixi Festival? My brother has no time to accompany him."

Some Sherlock Holmes fans speculated: "Couldn't my younger brother secretly go to watch my brother record a variety show, right

The army of CP fans invaded the variety show Chaochao in a mighty way, and started the journey of posting to find people: "Are there any sisters whose mobile phones were not confiscated at the variety show recording site? Our brother lost it. When you see this Weibo , please turn your head and observe your surroundings. If you find suspicious people within a hundred miles, wearing hats, glasses and masks, it is my brother. You are right. Finally, please tell the sisters who saw it Our younger brother, mother told him to go home for dinner.

Obviously, no one replied to this inexplicable Weibo.

Lin Ye sat silently in the auditorium, and was finally discovered because of the mobile phone that was put in his pocket and was released by the security personnel. When the variety show is halfway recorded, there is such a link.

The guests need to take out their mobile phones, pick a contact person to connect on the spot, and say a happy Chinese Valentine's Day to the other party.

What Jiang Lian broadcast was Lin Ye's phone number. At the same time, an incoming call rang in the auditorium.

The director stood up angrily and asked, "Whose phone didn't hand in

Lin Ye stood up from the auditorium in embarrassment, the camera cut to his face, and a pair of familiar and beautiful eyes appeared on the big screen. The fans screamed in surprise.

Lin Ye was invited as a special guest.

After the recording ended, the two left in a car from the underground parking lot. Fans chased him all the way, and first shouted to Jiang Lian from the car window: "Brother, happy Qixi Festival!"

Then he shouted to Lin Ye: "Happy Qixi Festival, baby!" Jiang Lian raised his eyebrows in the car and waved to him. Lin Ye leaned over with his upper body slanted.

Jiang Lianlou hugged his neck, put on a gesture of whispering to him, kissed his ear in the dark, and said in a low voice: "Happy Qixi Festival, baby." It was what fans shouted outside the car. Lin Ye smiled silently.

Jiang Lian asked: "Reciprocity is a courtesy, you won't answer me?"

Lin Ye leaned close to his ear and replied in a low voice: "Brother, happy Qixi Festival."