Did The Affectionate Love Interest Collapse Today?

Chapter 112: The truth has been discovered


Tu Qizhi is Youchi's confidant, and now that Youchi is dead, only he knows many secrets, Feng Zhuo smiled lightly: "Very good, be sure to pry his mouth open, I want to know if this Haihe Kingdom is still alive. How many of their people are hiding."

The subordinate said respectfully: "Yes."

Feng Zhuo sighed slightly after finishing his instructions.

Looking at Qi Xiao's appearance, it seems that it is not easy to let him go. If he continues, I am afraid that he will really fall deeper and deeper... Feng Zhuo really feels sorry for Qi Xiao, and also for Lan Junhe... It's just that Now that Qi Xiao is unwilling to let go, as an outsider, it is indeed inconvenient to ask any more questions.

Feng Zhuo was busy again.

To control the Orchid Realm, he has quickly sent the secret letter back to the palace, and when Tu Qizhi opens his mouth, he will kill the remnants of the Orchid Realm, and the rest who are willing to submit will be included in the Wuwang Building, and all this will be arranged. ...you can prepare to go back to the palace yourself.

Feng Zhuo also paid attention to the situation on Qi Xiao's side occasionally, and invited the imperial physician to come and ask.

Lan Junhe is now crippled and crippled, but his life is worry-free. Although Qi Xiao insulted him in every possible way, he refused to let him die.

Feng Zhuo shook his head, that's all, let him go.

It was late at night when he finished reading the book, and his subordinates suddenly came over to report: "His Royal Highness, Tu Qizhi has already recruited."

Feng Zhuo nodded and said, "Record all his confessions. I want these Orchid Realm remnants to have nowhere to run, and kill all those who refuse to surrender."

"Yes." The subordinate answered the order, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "He, he also explained something about Young Master Qi Xiao, please let His Highness decide this matter."

Feng Zhuo said lightly, "What's the matter?"

The subordinate said: "It's like this..."

Lin Ziran has hardly left the bed since that day. As for things like feeding meals and medicines, Qi Xiao does it all by himself, and even when changing and washing, he has to fake Qi Xiao...

Although he only lost his feet, he felt like a paralyzed patient who couldn't even use his hands. Although he was well cared for, it was really embarrassing!

Qi Xiao obviously did it on purpose, he would 'humiliate' him whenever he had the chance.

Lin Ziran had no choice but to continue salting the fish...

But he felt that it was not easy enough, because Qi Xiao couldn't control him, so he always had to fight hard, which was a bit tiring. At first, he was very dedicated to his work, but then he began to give up on himself and decided to treat all Qi Xiao's behavior coldly. An attitude that if I can't resist, I'll go with you...

That way... it's so much easier!

There is food, drink, someone to serve, and a lot of fun...

Lin Ziran felt that he really knew how to have fun in hardships...

However, that didn't stop him from worrying, his hair was about to fall out.

The plot collapsed again!

Obviously it's only one step away, just a little bit! Every time I think of this, Lin Ziran is heartbroken and very sad. Once, he was so close to a, but he still lost to fate...

This trash game is definitely against him!

Because of lying down every day, Lin Ziran has a lot of time to reflect on himself.

He is not sure if there is any problem with this game, but the incident of dropping his horse in Fengchuan City may have laid the groundwork for today's events. Before that, it was the only thing that deviates from the plot...

In the original plot, Lan Junhe did not lose his horse from beginning to end, so when Qi Xiao finally came up, he only knew that he was his own enemy who killed his father and mother, but did not know that he was his uncle in Tsing Yi, driven by hatred. Next, with the deliberate stimulation of Lan Junhe, he killed Lan Junhe without hesitation.

But he lost his horse and let Qi Xiao know his other identity. Besides hate and love for himself, he wanted to kill himself for revenge, and he cared about his trust in Uncle Tsing Yi, which caused him to become struggling and contradictory. , can't be decisive and ruthless to cut off the grievances with one sword, but in the end it turns into hurting each other...


On the day that he lost his horse, he decisively gave Qi Xiao a sword, took out the soul Gu, and felt that he was very witty and cleverly reversed the plot.

Who knows, there are still hidden dangers.

In other words, the plot started to fall apart from then on.

Looking at Qi Xiao's attitude now, let alone killing himself, the emotional line with Feng Zhuo is completely crooked, and there is no hope in this world.

Trash games ruin my youth, I will never see you again after playing this time!

Lin Ziran was furious.

There is no entertainment here, it's very boring, and I've always been very tired recently, so I just closed my eyes and went to sleep.

In a daze, Lin Ziran seemed to be helped up, his eyelashes trembled, and he opened his eyes to see Qi Xiao.

The young man lowered his eyes, put one arm around him and put him in his arms, raised his hand to squeeze his chin, and smiled coldly: "Get up and eat."

Lin Ziran's expression was indifferent, showing a look of cold disgust, and turned his face away, as if he didn't want to see him at all.

Qi Xiao didn't care either, grabbed Lin Ziran's chin, forced him to turn his head, and began to patiently feed him. No matter how Lin Ziran resisted, he always had a way to feed him little by little.

Lin Ziran has also been tired recently, so he is not very distracted in resisting, and his physical strength is getting worse and worse during this time, and he really has no energy to toss. He simply went with Qi Xiao, lowered his eyes, and let Qi Xiao be empty feed...

Qi Xiao's eyes were paranoid, and he looked at this person deeply.

No matter how much he tortured him, even if he cried, even if he fainted, no matter how embarrassed he was... But he never begged for mercy to himself, never said sorry to himself...

Now, what qualifications do you have to stand tall in front of me

Why don't you just bow your head to me

Thinking of this, hatred appeared in his eyes.

Qi Xiao sneered, he put down the bowl, reached into the man's clothes, and didn't know what to do, but the man showed a painful expression again, and the cold and immortal face showed a faint blush of shame and anger, and the eyelashes trembled slightly...

Qi Xiao approached his ear: "Uncle Shi's body has become more and more accustomed to me than before."

When Lin Ziran heard this, his face turned even redder, so he had to pretend to be more ashamed and angry.

Qi Xiao looked playful. Although he hated this person, he had to admit that this person was so attractive to him that he began to crave this feeling, possessed him to his fullest, and got close to him...

Let him belong only to himself, and he can never escape, and let him torture himself.

All of this is like some kind of addictive thing, knowing that it is highly poisonous, but I want to drink poison to quench my thirst...

Qi Xiao's eyes became darker and darker, he pulled the chain and wrapped Lin Ziran's hand around the head of the bed.

Then he leaned over to him, the warm breath fell on his ear, the tone of voice was dangerous with a hint of coolness, with a smile that was not a smile: "I like Shishu very much, Shishu, do you like me...?"

Lin Ziran closed his eyes and endured it silently, but his thoughts gradually drifted away.

The mission has completely failed, it is impossible for Qi Xiao to kill himself, and the plot can no longer go on... This game has come to this point, and it is already powerless!

So, should I quit the game

After all, this is not the way to go...

The point is, he is a little overindulgent, which is not right!

But Qi Xiao is really looking too tight, hardly giving him a chance to be alone, day and night without restraint, this physical strength is too good, no wonder Youchi is so jealous of his body...

[Lin Ziran couldn't help but complain: So how do I quit the game? fall! 】

[System: An Xin, you won't live long, you can quit soon. 】

[Lin Ziran: ? 】

Lin Ziran was thinking about something, his thoughts were dizzy, and suddenly he felt the force of Qi Xiao's hand, and suddenly he showed pain, and the boy's cold voice came: "Look at me."

Lin Ziran wanted to open his eyes, but it was a little difficult. He hadn't opened them for a long time. His physical strength has been getting worse and worse recently.

Qi Xiao looked at the man in his arms, with madness in his eyes, and hatred and pain... Look at me, I want you to watch what I did to you.

I want you to regret, I want you to suffer...

Why don't you look at me? Don't you even look at me with disdain

Qi Xiao's anger grew stronger in his heart.

At this moment, a shout came from outside: "Stop!"

The door was violently pushed open, Feng Zhuo strode in, glanced away, looked at Qi Xiao regretfully, and said solemnly, "I have something to tell you."

Qi Xiao was so furious that he blocked Lin Ziran and looked at Feng Zhuo with a faint murderous intent.

When Feng Zhuo met Qi Xiao's gaze, her heart skipped a beat. Qi Xiao was really killing herself... But thinking of what she had just learned, Feng Zhuo couldn't continue to sit back and watch, and he said word by word, "I have a lot of heartache. I want to tell you about important things, you come out with me first, and if you want to continue after today, I promise not to worry about you and him."

Qi Xiao looked at Feng Zhuo's serious look, and after a while, his expression slowly became serious, and the corner of his lips twitched.

He said coldly, "Okay."

Seeing that Qi Xiao agreed to speak, Feng Zhuo breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Lin Ziran with pity, turned to Qi Xiao and said, "You come with me."

Qi Xiao followed Feng Zhuo out.

The two came to the dungeon in the Orchid Realm, which was originally used to imprison traitors in the Orchid Realm, but now Feng Zhuo came to imprison those prisoners who did not want to surrender.

Qi Xiao's expression was cold, and he didn't know what Feng Zhuo's intention was, but he didn't really care.

Except for Lan Junhe, there was nothing in this world that could reach his eyes.

Feng Zhuo brought him to Tu Qizhi.

Tu Qizhi was hanged, covered in blood and ragged clothes. He was obviously tortured, but Qi Xiao still recognized him. This man was Lan Junhe's friend. When he came, he looked like someone from Youchi again...

But these are not important.

Qi Xiao never took this person to heart, and said lightly: "What does Your Highness want to say to me?"

Feng Zhuo said slowly: "I think you have the right to know about this matter, and... it wasn't me, he was the one who told you."

Feng Zhuo said to Tu Qizhi, "Tell me, tell me everything you know, and I can spare your life."

Tu Qizhi's face was covered in blood, and he was already half dead, but there was still a light of survival in his eyes, and his voice was hoarse: "Yes."

Qi Xiao is a little impatient, what can this person say? He has no interest in the Orchid Realm, those conspiracy powers, and he doesn't care who is in charge here, and he doesn't want to interfere...

At this time, he heard Tu Qizhi speak.

"I know the secret of Lanjun River..." Tu Qizhi said.

Qi Xiao's pupils shrank, and he looked at him, his expression changed slightly.

Tu Qizhi was a little nervous, swallowed his saliva, and said: "I know what Lan Junhe is hiding, and maybe you want to know, no, but I just know, those things were done by Youchi and I It doesn't matter…”

Qi Xiao's eyes were as bright as knives: "Speak!"

Tu Qizhi's body froze, thinking of the ruthlessness of the young man who killed Youchi that day, his back was cold, maybe he said that Qi Xiao would not let him go... But this is his only chance, Feng Zhuo promised to spare his life , and he really didn't do anything, those were all done by Youchi...

Tu Qizhi gritted his teeth and said, "There is something you must not know..."

"Back then, Lan Yan wanted to get out of the Orchid Realm and live together with your father, so he didn't hesitate to die. At that time, everyone thought that Lan Junhe couldn't tolerate Lan Yan and forced her to death... But I know that's not the case. , Lan Junhe actually loves Lan Yan, but he dare not let anyone know...

They deliberately created the illusion of discord, just to paralyze Youchi and want to find a chance to get out of here... I have been courting them in order to gain a foothold in the Orchid Realm, pretending to be their friend, so I know some secrets that others don't know...

But Lan Yan loves your father. Lan Junhe loves her enough and is willing to fulfill her. He would rather stay here by himself, and help Lan Yan to mediate and hide it. With his help, Lan Yan succeeded in suspended animation and escaped from the Orchid Realm. …

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, but after only eight years of hard work, Lan Yan was discovered..."

"Youchi has always coveted Lan Junhe, but he has more than enough power. He is dissatisfied with Lan Junhe's love for Lan Yan, so he deliberately dispatched Lan Junhe to hunt down Lan Yan, just to force him to kill him with his own hands. Love, so that he knows who he really is...

Of course Lan Junhe didn't want to kill Lan Yan, but Youchi has been sending people to follow you secretly. He is powerless to return to the sky alone, unable to compete with Youchi, and he can't protect you at all. In the end, he can only kill Lan Yan and his wife with his own hands. Came back for life, but didn't bring you back...

I don't know exactly what happened, but I know that it is impossible for Lan Junhe to kill Lan Yan on his own initiative. I guess that Lan Yan and his wife knew that there was no way out. , so as to defuse Youchi's anger and quell the matter.

They paid the price with their lives just to give you a chance to survive...

However, Youchi won't allow this to happen. He still found you secretly, and he wanted to kill you directly, but he found out that you have a spiritual bone, which led to other thoughts.

Youchi sent you to Lan Junhe to raise you. First, you must always remind him that he cannot escape from his own hands and has to kill the person he loves, even the only child of the person he loves. You can't keep it... Because Youchi has planted a soul Gu on your body. Once this soul Gu is planted, the life and death of the host are under the control of others.

When Lan Junhe knew about this, he would definitely try his best to protect you, but there is no cure for Soul Gu, the only way to save it is to have another person willingly transfer, and this process is very complicated...

He spared no expense to protect you, but in the end he fell into Youchi's trap. Youchi knew for a long time that he would do anything to protect you. That soul Gu was originally prepared for him. As for you...

You are born with a spiritual bone, a peerless genius, Youchi has taken a fancy to your body, and wants to take you away and walk the path of supreme..."

Tu Qizhi said this in one breath, his expression tense and flattering: "This, this is what I know, please let me go, these are all done by Youchi, I didn't do anything, and I couldn't help myself. Ah, if you don't obey Youchi, he will kill me too..."

Qi Xiao was shocked, his face was bloodless, and he swayed slightly.

no, impossible...

His expression was painful and his voice was hoarse: "He, if he really did so much for me... Why didn't he tell me that Youchi is dead now..."

Tu Qizhi lowered his head and thought for a while, then hesitantly said: "Also, maybe he doesn't want you to be sad? Lan Junhe has already lost his legs, and he is so arrogant and arrogant that he has become like this, He was tortured by Youchi again, probably because he wanted to die... Moreover, he didn't live long. He cares about you so much, and he has a strong personality. How could he tell you these things before he died... "

Can't live long

Before dying

Qi Xiao's heart tightened. Hearing this, his whole body became cold, and his expression suddenly turned hideous. He shouted sharply: "Nonsense! I let the imperial doctor see him, and the imperial doctor said that he has no worries about his life! He will not die!"

Seeing Qi Xiao's appearance, Tu Qizhi looked ruthless, like an evil ghost, as if he was going to kill him, he was really a little scared and didn't dare to speak...

Feng Zhuo frowned: "Continue talking."

His own life was in Feng Zhuo's thought, and he was really helpless. Tu Qizhi had no choice but to say: "The owner of this soul Gu is Youchi, Youchi can control the Lanjun River through the soul Gu, and he lives Lanjun. He naturally lives without worry, but once Youchi dies...

Without a master, the soul gu will devour the host's spirit and spirit. The host seems to be healthy, but gradually the three souls and seven souls are dissipated, and the person will become stupid little by little, and finally the soul will fly away and die..."

Qi Xiao staggered and took a step back.

No, not so.

His eyes were as red as a trapped beast, and he said sharply: "I don't believe it!"

Tu Qizhi smiled ugly and said: "Believe it or not, the results are the same... Calculate the time, Lan Junhe should not be long..."

Qi Xiao was in a trance and lost his soul, as if he couldn't bear such a blow.

Feng Zhuo was also a little worried when he saw Qi Xiao was so shocked and painful, but he really couldn't watch Qi Xiao continue to make mistakes, and this matter should have come to an end.

Feng Zhuo said in a deep voice, "Calm down."

Qi Xiao suddenly raised his eyes to look at him, his eyes were blood red, he pushed Feng Zhuo away and rushed out!

It can't be like this...

It can't be like this...

It must not be like this...

how could he die...

He will not die!