Did The Affectionate Love Interest Collapse Today?

Chapter 115: do you like me? …


Lin Ziran walked in cautiously, without squinting, and was very nervous.

A smile flashed across Ji Chen's eyes, his voice was low and gentle, and he said, "Don't be nervous, just sit."

Although the Great God said that you don't need to be nervous, but there is such a big gap between yourself and him, how can you not be nervous! But Ji Chen's attitude still relieved his discomfort, and he was not as nervous as he was at the beginning... But then again, the Great God is really good-looking and gentle, and he is such a gentleman even in private. So many people like him!

Lin Ziran sat upright, as if facing the teacher seriously.

No, he won't be so restrained when facing the teacher...

The young man in front of Ji Chenwang has a pointed chin, a little flesh on both sides of his cheeks, and fair and clear skin, so he looks very cute, his facial features are beautiful, and he has a hint of juvenile childishness. At this moment, there is anxiety in his black eyes. The pale pink lips are pursed, like a small animal in a strange place, careful, well-behaved and obedient...

The corners of Ji Chen's lips rose involuntarily. He pushed the script on the coffee table in front of Lin Ziran and said with a smile, "This is the script."

When Lin Ziran saw the name in the script, although he had expected it, he was still shocked when he actually saw it! The hand holding the script trembled slightly...

It really is this movie!

But... But how is this possible...

This kind of feeling is like walking on the road in a daze and suddenly being hit by a million-dollar jackpot. I don’t know how many stars break their heads and want to be in a big director’s big movie. Can it really be my turn

It feels like the whole person is stepping on the cloud.

Lin Ziran looked at Ji Chen suspiciously, why did he help himself like this? I have nothing to draw from him...

Ji Chen saw Lin Ziran's doubts, and his tone was calm and indifferent: "Don't think too much, Gu Daoist prefers new actors with aura than the stars in the circle, and his previous movies often use new actors... This role he I haven't made a choice. I've seen many people who didn't like it. I also asked me to help him find a suitable candidate at school to see if there is a suitable candidate. The last time I met you in the library, I thought your image and role were very good. Close, I didn't mention it at the time because I didn't want to affect your final exam..."

When Lin Ziran heard this, he suddenly realized that when the senior was sitting next to him, he actually had the idea of looking for a role! It's really not easy to be a senior. It's too dedicated to both play the leading role and help the director find roles!

However, what he said was true in the past. Director Gu's films praised newcomers and made them popular. Otherwise, how could he be so famous? People are powerful! A good movie never depends on traffic!

Having said that, if Ji Chen had this thought long ago, what happened yesterday wouldn't be a coincidence

Has he really turned around in time? Ah, as expected, people's luck is conserved. Although they suffered miserable waterloo in the game, but when they returned to reality, they began to have good luck!

Lin Ziran's eyes were bright and he said seriously, "Thank you, senior."

Ji Chen smiled slightly, and said in a business-like tone, "You're welcome, although your image is quite suitable, it's up to the director to decide whether it will work or not. I'm just giving you a chance, it's up to you whether you can grasp it or not..."

Lin Ziran nodded, "I understand!"

After he finished speaking, he showed an uneasy expression, looked at Ji Chen uneasily, and smiled awkwardly: "But that... Senior... My acting skills may not be very good... "

The senior has high hopes for him and gave him such a good opportunity. What if he disappoints him...

Isn't it embarrassing.

Ji Chen smiled: "I believe in my own vision, don't belittle yourself, how will you know if you don't try."

It makes sense.

Soon Lin Ziran calmed down, he didn't expect such a good thing, it doesn't matter if it doesn't happen, don't put too much pressure on yourself!

Ji Chen said: "You read the script first, and you can ask me any questions at any time."

Lin Ziran nodded and began to read the script seriously.

This is an ancient drama with a big male protagonist, and there are also some Jianghu scenes. Ji Chen introduced himself to the third male role in the script.

The third male is an unloved little prince. Because of his poor health since childhood, he was sent to a martial art in Jianghu by his mother and concubine. I hope he can grow up in peace and health outside, and practice martial arts to keep fit.

It is here that the little prince became the male protagonist's junior brother. The male protagonist's identity is also very extraordinary. He is the only son of the great general of the dynasty.

Although the little prince is a prince, but because he is not favored, he is not arrogant, but because his body is weak and lovable, the male protagonist has always taken great care of him, and the two have a very good relationship in the division.

But soon there was a struggle in the palace, an accident happened, the emperor was seriously ill, and the little prince's mother-in-law was pushed to the back.

The little prince who had just returned to the palace was actually a little scared and even unwilling to live such a life.

But people can change...

Slowly, the little prince became ambitious. He was unwilling to be a chess piece, to be manipulated, and to always leave his fate in the hands of others... He began to want authority, to truly be an emperor, and to take that seat. .

And he thinks that at this point, he has no choice. If he loses, his brother will not let him go... He began to use the male lead to achieve his goals.

The male protagonist's father was not on their side, but the little prince pretended to be weak. Although the two sides had different positions, the male protagonist still took care of this junior and even had a quarrel with his father.

A lot of things happened in between.

The father of the male protagonist stood on the side of the other princes and led the army to oppose the little prince. At the last critical moment, the little prince was in a desperate situation. He tricked the male protagonist out and took advantage of him. escaped.

The little prince successfully defeated all the enemies, ascended the throne as the emperor, and became the young emperor, the Supreme Being of Ninety-five, but the senior brother who had always cared about him, took care of him, and treated him with sincerity was forced away by him.

Perhaps because of guilt, the little emperor let go of the male protagonist's father, and only deprived the other party of his military power.

Although the little emperor won, but his other brothers were very dissatisfied, desperately looking for someone to assassinate him, this search found the male protagonist, because the male protagonist is a superb master!

And just turned against the little emperor!

In the final scene of the assassination, the male protagonist came to assassinate the little emperor, but at the last moment he softened his heart and left without being stabbed.

Lin Ziran finished it in one breath.

I just talked about the role of the little emperor. It seems that he has a lot of emotional entanglements with the male protagonist, but in the whole movie, the little emperor is actually just a male number three with a small role, and there is absolutely no love between him and the male protagonist. It's a serious male protagonist movie.

Although they are really good brains, but it is really a socialist brotherhood!

The main plot is to reflect the magnificent life of the male protagonist. As the son of a general, he is devoted to love, righteousness, courage and strategy. From the rivers and lakes to the court, how to show his revenge, and finally involved in the court battle, but because of his trust in the little emperor. , and finally fell into that end, but still did not have the heart to take revenge on the other party, and finally retired from the rivers and lakes. He is a very charming and tragic character.

What, you ask where is the heroine

Of course there is also a heroine!

The heroine came from a humble background and was the maid of the male protagonist, but because the male protagonist respects her, does not despise her because of her status, and is willing to teach her to read martial arts, the female protagonist has a crush on the male protagonist, but unfortunately the male protagonist is a pure 24k straight man what! He couldn't feel the heroine's secret love at all, but even so, the heroine was completely determined to love the hero.

Although the female protagonist is a maid, self-reliant and intelligent, she is still the right arm of the male protagonist.

The whole plot is magnificent, with twists and turns, mainly with the male protagonist as the main line, showing the changes in the court struggle and dynasties. Although the male protagonist does not understand the style, but when the little emperor encircled and suppressed him, it was the female protagonist who came to the rescue and finally joined the female protagonist. Retiring from the rivers and lakes together is also a kind of he.

But what to say...

After Lin Ziran read the script, he always felt that the love between the male and female protagonists was as watery as water, like the friendship between gentlemen, and there was no special love story. Apart from the touching ending, the male protagonist really had nothing to say to the female protagonist. It's not a love-themed movie... So love is a bit dull, but between the straight male protagonist and the little emperor, he can make up a large amount of intense and bloody love scenes, falling in love with each other, killing each other, betrayal and blackening, although it is a pity be the ending...

Huh—how could I have such an idea

Lin Ziran shook his head desperately, shaking out those unclean thoughts!

He came to read the script, not a fanboy!

Stop it!

All in all, this movie is still dominated by power struggles. The relationship between the male and female protagonists is a long-lasting relationship, but the male protagonist and the little emperor just love and kill each other. It is conceivable that when it is released, there will be no shortage of CP fans. too much…

If you play this role yourself, won't someone knock yourself and Ji Chen's CP...

Lin Ziran's face turned slightly red.

In order not to disturb Lin Ziran reading the script, Ji Chen stayed in the study all the time. In fact, he was very busy, but he was a little absent-minded today, and he couldn't read the script anymore. Thinking that Lin Ziran was outside, he couldn't concentrate his thoughts. color, but in the end I made up my mind...

Ji Chen closed his eyes for a moment, looked up after a long time, two hours had passed, and finally got up and went out.

As soon as he came to the living room, he saw Lin Ziran's dedication to reading the script. I don't know where he saw it. His eyes flickered and he smirked, and then he bit his lip... A blush appeared on his fair face...

Ji Chen smiled helplessly, he pondered for a moment, walked over and said softly, "Where did you see it?"

Lin Ziran was thinking about it, and almost made up his mind until the movie was released. He became an instant hit, and then reporters interviewed him and Ji Chen... At this moment, he was shocked when he heard the voice, and he was suddenly embarrassed! It's like being caught doing something bad...

Lin Ziran: "Just, just finished reading it."

When Ji Chen saw Lin Ziran's eyes dodging, some dared not look at him, he couldn't help thinking, and he didn't know where this guy was thinking, a playful smile appeared on his lips, and slowly said: "Since we've finished watching, we might as well talk about it. You also have to look for a sense of the script."

Lin Ziran suddenly became nervous: "Now, now?"

Ji Chen said solemnly, "Yes."

Seeing Ji Chen's business-like expression, Lin Ziran felt even more self-blame, so he quickly calmed down and said, "Which section are we dealing with?"

Ji Chen took the script, flipped it over, and said, "Just this part."

Lin Ziran saw that at this time, the little emperor was not an emperor, but an early stage role. It was not long before he entered the mountain and became the male protagonist's junior and junior brother. It was here that the two established a deep friendship. It was a rare and pure time. , and then only memories are left to kill...

The little prince was in bad health, and his martial arts practice was useless. He accidentally sprained his ankle once. The male protagonist carried him back and helped him with medicine. This scene has no lines, but it is still difficult to perform...

Ji Chen said: "If there is no problem, you can start first."

Lin Ziran nodded, looked away, suppressed his thoughts, and soon entered the scene.

He actually has some experience in martial arts. After all, he just came out of the world of martial arts games. Although the characters in the game are set to automatically learn martial arts and do not need to do anything by himself, he has been passively playing for so long, and he really has a little feeling. Now, it's not going to be like a fight, it's still a little bit interesting to raise your hand...

Hitting and hitting, he accidentally tripped over and fell to the ground. He covered his chest and coughed a few times, then his eyes were slightly red, and the corners of his mouth were pursed aggrievedly, as if the pain was a bit unbearable because of the injury.

At this moment, Ji Chen came quickly. He seemed to be passing by by accident. He frowned when he saw this scene. He squatted down in front of Lin Ziran without hesitation, directly held his ankle, and lowered his eyes to see, Worried hoarse voice: "Why are you so careless?"

Lin Ziran was quite afraid of the pain, but as a prince, he was a little stubborn and only bit his lip without saying a word.

Ji Chen sighed, he turned around and bent his knees, turned his back to Lin Ziran, and said, "I'll take you back."

Lin Ziran stretched out his hand and wrapped his arms around his neck. The man was tall and slender, lean and powerful.

Lin Ziran pressed against Ji Chen's back tightly, and his eyes fell on his side face. Before, he was embarrassed to stare at others, but now it's okay to sneak a few glances. Seniors are really good looking... Any character he meets in the game! The handsome 360 has no dead ends, he can become popular with just one face, but he still depends on strength!

This is a real person, not a photo video, but a real person looks better than a photo video, Lin Ziran almost couldn't take his eyes away...

Until Ji Chen came to the sofa, gently put him down, then took off his shoes and socks, and 'medicated' him...

The man's fingers were slender, with well-defined joints, and his hands were very beautiful. He was holding his feet at the moment, his fingertips brushed his skin, and a warm and faint itch came. Lin Ziran stared blankly at the man's handsome face, his face suddenly burning with hair. hot.

Acting, just acting, don't be so serious!

Such a perfect man, so focused on 'medicating' his feet... The temperature of the senior's palm was like a fire, making Lin Ziran's mouth dry, no, what are you thinking, he is so disrespectful !

The senior was so dedicated and conscientious that he personally went off stage to accompany him to the show, but he actually wanted to think about the senior, and had a blasphemous heart for the senior who was like a breeze and bright moon. It's a sin, a sin!

His heart is so dirty!

Lin Ziran suddenly retracted his feet, and then his expression froze at the suspicious gaze of last Jichen.

Oops, Oops, I forgot my lines!

He should wait for Ji Chen to finish taking the medicine, and then say thank you brother...

What are you doing like this! Is he blushing

Lin Ziran was so angry that he wanted to slam his head against the wall. The senior didn't know that he was gay. Would he feel inexplicable when he saw himself like this...

He must think something is wrong with him!

Lin Ziran stammered: "Yes, I'm sorry..."

Ji Chen looked at him unexpectedly, his black eyes were deep and thoughtful, and suddenly he leaned forward, approaching Lin Ziran and staring into his eyes...

Lin Ziran was embarrassed, and subconsciously retreated a little, his mind was spinning fast, and he was thinking about how to save his image...

He heard Ji Chen speak slowly, his voice low and smiling: "Do you like me?"