Did The Affectionate Love Interest Collapse Today?

Chapter 122: was discovered…………


Although I woke up the next day with a sore back, as a qualified actor, how could I delay work because of personal matters? Soon Lin Ziran and Ji Chen returned to the crew.

But in order to avoid suspicion, Lin Ziran didn't move in with Ji Chen. Ji Chen was not very happy, but he still expressed his understanding.

Seeing that Ji Chen was so reasonable, Lin Ziran felt even more guilty.

Because I accidentally knocked my head, I accidentally forgot my boyfriend, misunderstood his intentions, and I still 'green' him in the game...

Now that I think about it, when Ji Chen introduced himself to the opportunity to audition, he also wanted to fulfill his wish, and wanted to spend more time with him. Now he is finally filming with Ji Chen! But he didn't want to live with him...

In order to make up for Ji Chen, Lin Ziran took the initiative to make a rare gesture.

Lin Ziran happened to have no drama that day, so he went out to buy vegetables early in the morning, and showed off his cooking skills to cook a dinner for Ji Chen!

Ji Chen came back from a busy day, smelled the aroma as soon as he entered the door, came to the kitchen to take a look, and raised his eyebrows at Lin Ziran in surprise.

Lin Ziran showed a smile, pulled him to the dining table and sat down, and said arrogantly, "You sit!"

With that said, the food was brought out.

Ji Chen glanced at the table, these dishes were indeed full of color, flavor, and looked very good. When he was in the game, he was fortunate enough to eat a few times that Lin Ziran cooked...

At this moment, I tasted the familiar taste again, and my mood is a little complicated. It is probably a little nostalgic, a little helpless, a little jealous, and a little sad...

He never knew that one day he would become so sentimental for a bite of food.

After taking a few bites, Ji Chen put down his chopsticks, looked up, and met Lin Ziran's bright eyes. The young man had a praising expression on his face, and said with a smile, "How is it? Is it delicious?"

The taste is very good, but…

Ji Chen looked at him meaningfully, raised his lips playfully, and said slowly, "When did you learn to cook?"

Lin Ziran: "..."

When did you learn to cook? Of course, it was learned in the game for... survival! Although I also cooked food for NPCs, it was easy, mainly to satisfy myself...

But if this is explained, I am afraid that it will not be finished in three days and three nights.

I just made up, so don't dig a hole for yourself. I'll find a chance to explain it later...

Lin Ziran blinked and looked at Ji Chen obediently: "I want to give you a surprise and learn it secretly."

Ji Chen: "... Ha."

Lin Ziran's expression froze, why does he feel that Ji Chen is not very happy? He secretly learned to cook for him, shouldn't he be moved

What the hell is going on with this mocking expression? Could it be that he found out that he lied to him? !

Lin Ziran groaned in his heart.

No, no, you have to save yourself!

Lin Ziran looked at him seriously and smiled: "If you like it, I can make it for you every day! What do you want to eat tomorrow? How about steamed sea bass?"

Ji Chen looked at the young man's focused black eyes, which were full of warm smiles. He wanted to please himself so earnestly. When he said something like this in this way... It was really hard to be angry.

Although I know in my heart, this is just a casual perfunctory of yours...

Not only do I know how you learned to cook, I also know that you cook for 'other men'... I also know you...

When Ji Chen remembered those things, his mood was really complicated.

What was he thinking at the time to come up with this way of chasing his wife? I thought Lin Ziran could detect the difference... But even if he tried so hard to chase after him, he would be with him even if the plot collapsed. Apart from maintaining the most basic characters, he was always trying to fall in love with him at other times. …

Lin Ziran was still unaware! Even thinking about getting rid of him! Just thinking about the plot...

You really don't feel wrong, do you really not think of me at all

With all his efforts, not only did he fail to achieve his goal, but he also blocked his heart... Ji Chen felt depressed in his chest.

If he had known the result earlier, he would not have used that method, hoping that Lin Ziran would find something strange and think of himself a little bit in getting along with him... It's useless to go around the bush, it's better to be direct and effective.

Ji Chen let out a sigh of relief and lowered his head to eat!

Seeing that Ji Chen finally stopped asking, Lin Ziran let out a sigh of relief.

If Ji Chen continued to ask questions, he was really afraid that he would accidentally reveal his secrets.

I thought it was just a game, it doesn't matter if I play casually, who knew that I actually had a boyfriend, and when I remembered those days when I was not ashamed and ashamed, I felt an inexplicable feeling of betraying my boyfriend...

bah bah bah! He didn't betray his boyfriend!

NPCs are floating clouds!

Only reality is real!

And he didn't even remember it at the time...

Lin Ziran also began to bow his head to eat.

But having said that, until the day before yesterday, he suspected that Ji Chen had something to do with the game, because Ji Chen and those NPCs really had too many similarities... For example, the same taste and habits, the feeling of being familiar with each other, and many things that he didn't care about at the time The details are very similar to Ji Chen...

That's why I always thought that Ji Chen was related to the game... But now that I think about it, it's not that Ji Chen is similar to NPCs, but that NPCs are similar to Ji Chen...

Hey, it seems strange to think about it this way, why are those NPCs similar to Ji Chen

What a coincidence...

Lin Ziran was suspicious again, but when he thought of what he had done, he felt guilty. How could he have the nerve to question Ji Chen about it? If I guess wrong and expose my own affairs, wouldn't it not be worth the loss...

Well, forget it, he doesn't play that trash game anyway.

Things go the best way ever!

Both parties felt that the past was unbearable to look back on, and no one wanted to mention it, and a strange balance was reached...

The two were filming in the crew like this. As long as they found an opportunity, they would secretly get tired of being together. In order to compensate Ji Chen, Lin Ziran would cook for him as long as he had time, not to mention being attentive!

The estrangement caused by the short-term amnesia gradually faded away.

The filming of the film came to an end quickly.

That night, Lin Ziran sneaked into Ji Chen's room again and ate snacks while reading the script. He looked at the script and suddenly remembered. At that time, he hadn't remembered everything, so Ji Chen took the role of introducing himself as an excuse to introduce himself. Lied to his house... Lin Ziran's face turned red, I really didn't expect this guy to have such a side, I didn't see it before...

Lin Ziran glanced at Ji Chen secretly, but he didn't get too angry. Instead, he thought it was quite interesting. He didn't expect to lose his memory, and the originally plain life turned out to be interesting... A little offbeat

And thinking about it carefully, he was a little happy in his heart. He didn't understand it at the time, so why is he still unclear about Ji Chen's intentions

He carefully chose this role for himself, and tried every means to make him play. He must want to fry CP with himself!

Oh, boring.

Ji Chen was also reading the script, and when he turned around, he caught Lin Ziran who was peeking at him, raised the corner of his mouth, put down the script, and walked over.

Lin Ziran: …

Ji Chen held it tight at will, grabbed Lin Ziran and put it on his lap, pinched his face, and said lightly, "When can we make it public, so we don't have to be so secretive?"

Lin Ziran hesitated: "That's not good, after all, we are all public figures, especially you..."

Ji Chen chuckled: "I didn't say anything about announcing it to the public, but you don't need to be like a thief when you are in a relationship in the circle, right? I believe Director Gu and the others won't go out and talk about it casually."

Lin Ziran: "..." It seems to make sense.

I may have overkilled myself a bit. I always feel that Ji Chen finally has the situation he is in today, and suddenly it is not good to make it public, for fear that it will affect Ji Chen's career... But if it is only made public in private, it doesn't matter, as long as you don't shoot it for the paparazzi Just come.

Lin Ziran thought of this, nodded and said, "Well..."

Ji Chen was satisfied, he put his arms around Lin Ziran's waist, bowed his head and kissed it, with a tender look in his eyes...

Although in the game, there have been many skin-to-skin relationships, many love-hate entanglements, and many life-and-death partings... I have also been too involved and sad for a hopeless relationship...

Sometimes I even think that if Lin Ziran can never remember, he will never fall in love with himself again, and he will never be tempted by himself again...

He was just like in the game, no matter what he did, he would never waver, and he never thought about staying for himself...

If so...

What should I do myself

Does he just have to lose him

Ji Chen never dared to say it, because of the uneasiness and anxiety in his heart... Because of the separation, he told him mercilessly every time, everything you did was in vain, and the person he lost was really is drifting away from him...

So when he had to give up the game and could only approach this person through reality, but was repeatedly misunderstood, he was actually not that confident.

Not sure I can get this relationship back...

A lot of things you are used to, those people you are used to, maybe because of an accident... will disappear from your life like this, from the closest person to a familiar stranger, but you can't do anything about it.

Ji Chen hugged Lin Ziran tightly and deepened the kiss without hesitation.

So you don't know at all, when you think about it, when I know, you still love me...

How happy I am.

Lin Ziran was kissed so hard that he could hardly breathe. Ji Chen was rarely so fierce. In his memory, Ji Chen was always gentle and considerate, but at this moment Ji Chen... made him suddenly think of those people in the game...

When they treat themselves, every time, they seem to have a decision to part from life and death, as if they have exhausted everything to love themselves. Their feelings are intense and paranoid, which is completely different from Ji Chen in reality...

But at this moment, Lin Ziran looked at the person in front of him dimly, but he seemed to overlap with the person in the game again.

Lin Ziran was shocked and closed his eyes. Ji Chen was probably still angry about his amnesia, and he didn't have sex for too long, right? He couldn't be one of those NPCs, Lin Ziran kept telling himself this...

Although, it really looks a lot like...

Ji Chen's breathing became heavier, he rubbed Lin Ziran's ear in a low voice: "Let's go to bed..."

Lin Ziran's face was already red.

The two were about to move to the battle site.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Ji Chen didn't want to pay attention at all, but the knocking on the door was persistent, as if he would not stop until he knocked on the door.

Lin Ziran: "... Or you should go and have a look."

Ji Chen looked displeased, but Lin Ziran spoke, sighed, and turned around to open the door.

Lin Ziran hurriedly tidied up his collar and stroked his hair before looking outside.

A young man in casual clothes stood at the door. He wasn't very handsome, but he was gentle and kind. When he smiled, his eyes narrowed and he said with a smile: "Ji Chen, why did it take so long to open the door? What are you busy with? "

Ji Chen's face suddenly sank, and he stood still at the door, looking unwelcome.

Seeing his appearance, the young man showed a sad expression: "How can I say it is also your cousin, are you not polite?"

Lin Ziran's ears perked up, Ji Chen has a cousin

Why haven't I seen him mention it before

Ji Chen gave him a cold look, pursed his lips, and after a while, he moved away, and said lightly, "What do you have to do with me?"

Yuan Huai was very helpless and said, "Can't I come to you if it's okay?"

Ji Chen showed a standard smile, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

Yuan Huai waved his hands again and again: "Xing Xing Xing, don't do this, I'm afraid, I really have something to do with you!" Then he turned his eyes, saw Lin Ziran, and immediately said: "Yo, you are Ji Chen's man. friend?"

Lin Ziran: ... cough, cough.

"This is my cousin, Yuan Huai, who has been abroad before and only recently returned to China." Ji Chen pursed his lips and introduced Lin Ziran in a deep voice.

Lin Ziran understood as soon as he heard it. It turned out that this cousin had just returned to China. No wonder he hadn't seen it before. He smiled politely at Yuan Huai: "Hello."

Ji Chen walked over and held Lin Ziran's wrist, looked at Yuan Huai coldly, and said, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Yuan Huai wasn't angry either, he poured himself a glass of water, squinted his eyes, and suddenly changed the topic: "By the way, the new affectionate male supporting role-playing game that Fantasy Company is going to release is currently in private beta. , how did you feel when you played it?"

Lin Ziran was stunned for a moment, although he didn't know why he suddenly asked this, but this sentence brought back a lot of painful memories for him!

Leaving aside those tempting NPCs and personal benefits, from the point of view of game design alone, those NPCs who are always inexplicably falling in love with the plot, and the a that can't get it, are all for Lin Ziran. Not a good memory...

At first, I thought that I had won the helmet in the lottery, and I was going to transfer the possession of the European emperor. It was not until I was taught how to be a man in reality that I realized how far away it was from learning.

The past is unbearable!

Lin Ziran was so heartbroken, he gritted his teeth and said, "I think there is something wrong with this broken game! It's not very good."

Ji Chen's face also turned cold, but he didn't smile and said, "I think so too, this game is not very good, I don't need to see it, just delist it."

He entrusted Yuan Huai to send the game helmet, and asked him to help him enter the game as an NPC because he asked him to help him chase his wife! As a result, this guy blocked him everywhere, modified the game data at will, made so many rivals and troubles for himself, and set himself so many bad identities...

After all the hardships, I haven't caught up with my wife.

Although he can't just collapse the character design, because he did not enter as a player, but Yuan Huai opened the back door and entered as an NPC. Once the character design collapses, he will be detected by Guangnao and force the game to pop up...

But Ji Chen seriously doubted his failure, and there was also a part of Yuan Huai's reasons. It would be good if he didn't trouble him, and he could show him a good face

Lin Ziran is also very dissatisfied with the game, very angry, what a broken game, not to mention that he didn't get the credits, and let him be seduced by beauty... Otherwise, why would he feel guilty because of the game

So Lin Ziran expressed his dissatisfaction without hesitation. Who knew that Ji Chen would have the same idea as himself!

Immediately, I felt worthy of being an old attacker, I really had a good heart!

But... Did Ji Chen play this game before? I don't know what he looks like when he plays...

But Ji Chen's level is so high, he played the games of the same series clearly before, will he be psychologically shadowed by the game? Is there really something wrong with this new series

Lin Ziran suddenly became curious...

Of course Ji Chen was in a bad mood, he did have a psychological shadow, and he didn't want to play this garbage game anymore, he held Lin Ziran's hand tightly and said seriously, "I don't think this kind of game is necessary at all. "

Lin Ziran felt that you had touched my heart, and nodded again and again: "I think so too! There are really a lot of problems, especially those NPCs, they are not normal!"

Ji Chen: "...Yes."

Lin Ziran: "I don't know what a broken game company is, making a game with so many bugs and a bunch of messed up plots. To be honest, I don't want to play anymore!"

Ji Chen: "...Me too."

Ah, I didn't expect you to think the same way, Lin Ziran found a common language, and the more he spoke, the more excited he became.

The two dissed the game with sincerity...

Halfway through speaking, Lin Ziran suddenly turned around and saw that Yuan Huai was standing there with an embarrassed expression, and he felt a little embarrassed.

People just asked casually, but he said so much, and almost ignored the bad guests, Lin Ziran said quickly: "I'm sorry, don't mind..."

Yuan Huai was moved to see that someone finally took care of him, and said quickly, "I don't mind, by the way, I'm the chief designer of this game."

Lin Ziran: "..."

This is so embarrassing!

Lin Ziran felt as if he had been caught speaking ill of people behind his back!

Did you rant too much just now? Although the game experience is indeed not very good, it is not appropriate to devalue the game in front of other designers, right? Lin Ziran felt very embarrassed, blushed and was speechless...

Eh, wait, wasn't this game designed by Light Brain? Why is there a chief designer? Lin Ziran looked bewildered.

Seeing his confusion, Yuan Huai explained with a smile: "All game data in our company is managed and operated by Guangnao, but Guangnao also requires daily maintenance and manual intervention, and many of Guangnao's data are also Imported and adjusted by us…”

Ji Chen opened his mouth coolly and added: "If the optical brain is regarded as an artificial intelligence, then he is the master of the artificial intelligence. The chief designer can not only interfere with the optical brain, but also affect the progress of the game to a certain extent. The power is great. Very…”

Lin Ziran was stunned when he heard it, could it still be like this

As soon as Yuan Huai heard Ji Chen's tone, he knew that he had offended him severely. He was just on a whim. He wanted to see the excitement and make it more difficult and fun for Ji Chen to chase his wife. Know the sweetness of love and cherish everything you have? !

Do you see if you have regained your original passion now

But now it seems that Ji Chen doesn't understand his good intentions at all!

Yuan Huai received Ji Chen's eyes, meaning to tell him to get out, and suddenly felt bitter in his heart...

"I've won awards and awards. In fact, I don't have that much power. I can control my brain at will. I'm just a little programmer..." Yuan Huai showed a flattering smile and said, "Don't talk about that, just get down to business. Seriously... It's like this... Isn't our new series going to be launched to the public soon? We need to make a promotional video, Ji Chen, do you have time? "

Ji Chen: "I don't have time."

Yuan Huai: "..."

No matter how slow Lin Ziran was, he could see at this moment that the two brothers didn't have a good relationship.

Ji Chen smiled coldly: "I'm afraid it will damage my reputation if I endorse this kind of game, please come back."

Yuan Huai looked aggrieved and looked back at Ji Chen step by step, but Ji Chen was as cold as iron, unmoved, and finally left alone.

He looks so weak and helpless...

After dismissing the annoying guys, Ji Chen slammed the door, turned around and smiled at Lin Ziran: "Let's continue?"

Lin Ziran: "..."

Lin Ziran looked at Ji Chen with tears in his eyes, Ji Chen was so fierce today, and the most damning thing was, why even exercising in bed reminded him of NPCs in the game!

Ji Chen wasn't like this before...

Ji Chen put his arms around Lin Ziran, bit his ear, and smiled softly: "Have I satisfied you? Do you want to do it again?"

Lin Ziran shook his head again and again, "I'm satisfied, I'm satisfied!"

Damn, although they are in a relationship of bamboo horses and have always liked each other, the two people before the amnesia are still relatively young after all.

How do you feel that his technology has improved, and he is no longer restrained

Lin Ziran suddenly felt a shudder in his heart.

Ji Chen hugged Lin Ziran tightly, with a smile in his eyes and a gentle expression. From now on, I will watch you carefully, and I will never give you a chance to forget me again.

He carried Lin Ziran to the bathroom.

After the two of them washed clean, they pulled the quilt to cover them again, and Ji Chen said softly, "Go to sleep."

Lin Ziran was really tired, he grabbed Ji Chen's waist with one hand, found a more comfortable position, and fell asleep like this.

Ji Chen watched the young man in his arms fall asleep, folded his arms, and closed his eyes with a smile.

An hour later, the phone beside him vibrated.

Ji Chen opened his eyes, frowned, thought about it, gently pulled Lin Ziran's hand down, put on his clothes and walked out.

In the dark corridor, Yuan Huai stood there alone, laughing, "Ah, you're finally done, are you in a better mood? Let's talk about that endorsement?"

Ji Chen was extremely impatient, hehe smiled: "I just came to tell you, don't think that if you threaten me with your uncle, I will listen to you."

Yuan Huai sneered: "How could I threaten you? But I helped you anyway, didn't you sleep with him in the game?"

I was asleep, but Lin Ziran thought he was an NPC, I don't know how happy Lang was...

Ji Chen was heartbroken and sneered: "But does he think of me? And what happened to those rivals in love? Did you modify the program and secretly add some charm to him?"

Yuan Huai: "...I didn't!"

Ji Chen didn't believe it, and sneered: "What have you done, you should have some idea in your own mind."

Yuan Huai: "...even if you didn't catch your wife and take anger at me, but I have no credit and hard work, right? I have also tipped you off many times, how can you be so ungrateful to cross the river and demolish the bridge..."

Ji Chen: "Huh."

Yuan Huai saw that Ji Chen was ruthless and ruthless. In a fit of anger, he stopped pretending, and said with a smile: "Hey... Although your heart is very touching, but if you know that you are chasing him, you hide it. When he entered the game, set up a trick to deceive him, and even broke the plot so that he could not get credits, he would do anything to sleep, do you think he would be angry with you... Oh, if he knew about these things, I'm afraid it won't work to restore memory."

Ji Chen's expression changed, and he said coldly, "Are you threatening me?"

Yuan Huai smiled: "How can we call it a threat about our brothers? Isn't this discussing with you? You can help me make an endorsement for free. I promise that no one will deny these secrets..." I don't know...

Before he finished speaking, his face turned pale, and he stood there awkwardly.

Ji Chen immediately realized that something was wrong, and immediately looked back, he saw Lin Ziran folded his arms, standing behind and staring at them.

Seeing them, Lin Ziran raised the corners of his mouth and smirked: "Keep talking, it's fine when I'm not here, I still want to hear it."

Ji Chen: "..."

Yuan Huai: "..."