Did The Affectionate Love Interest Collapse Today?

Chapter 123: I have always loved you. …


In fact, when Ji Chen got up and left, Lin Ziran woke up.

He thought Ji Chen was going to the bathroom, but he didn't know that Ji Chen put on his clothes and went out. At that time, he thought that Ji Chen was hiding something from himself...

Instinct suspicion prompted him to follow him out quietly, who would have heard such a secret.

Ha ha.

But in this way, all my confusions and doubts... all have explanations!

Yuan Huai is the designer of the game, and can even interfere with the brain, affecting the game process and plot, so he naturally has a way to let Ji Chen and himself enter the same game... I thought it was a helmet for the winning lottery, but I thought it was a pie from the sky. , Now it seems that from the beginning, it was Ji Chen and Yuan Huai's conspiracy!

And if those NPCs are all Ji Chen, then there is a reason why they like themselves because of their abnormal behavior...

Thinking of the life without shame and shame in the game, Lin Ziran could never have imagined that Ji Chen, who was usually polite and gentle, had such a side in private... If it wasn't for a memory loss, I wouldn't know that you have so many tricks. Didn't you think about it a lot in your mind


However, this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is - you actually deceived my feelings and caused me not to get the credits!

Why do I take the plot and do the tasks so seriously? Isn't it just for the credits!

I suffered for the credits, I suffered for the credits, I bleed for the credits, I worked hard for the credits…

In the end, you told me that you only want to fall in love with me, and you don't want me to get credits? !

Falling in love is not a problem, sex is not a problem... But you can't deceive me with credits! This is my bottom line!

I've worked so hard, but it's impossible to get credits at all, because the plot will always collapse, I'm put on a halo of fascination, and I'm forced to play forced love games...

Lin Ziran laughed in anger, and his voice was faint: "Why didn't you say anything?"

Ji Chen's expression froze on his face, his lips moved without making a sound.

Lin Ziran laughed, turned around and left!

Thanks to my guilty conscience, I thought I had greened you in the game, and I made up for you out of guilt... Bah, now it seems that you took advantage of me and lied to me!

Big liar big bastard!

Yuan Huai looked pale when he saw this scene, he twitched the corners of his mouth and laughed dryly: "I, I was joking just now, you understand me, I can't betray you..."

Ji Chen gave him a stern look and chased Lin Ziran without hesitation!

Lin Ziran walked back, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became!

He felt like he was being fooled!

No, I can't go back to Ji Chen's side... If I go back to Ji Chen's room now, how can I show that I'm not happy

Lin Ziran turned around and walked to his room.

Before taking a few steps, Ji Chen suddenly grabbed his wrist. Ji Chen looked at him guiltily, with an expression of remorse, his lips moved slightly: "Of course, listen to my explanation..."

Oh, and explain.

It's just an opening remark for scumbags. You think I want to hear your explanation? In order to satisfy your own selfish desires, you actually caused me not to get the credits!

Never thought I could forgive you so easily!

Lin Ziran sneered: "Let go."

Ji Chen pondered for a moment, then said seriously: "It's my fault that the plot collapsed, but don't worry, I can make up for you, the credits are not a problem..."

Lin Ziran: "..."

He suddenly remembered something. At that time, when he ran into a library at the time, Ji Chen took the initiative to focus on himself. At that time, he thought he was really a good person. He was so kind because he was not a relative, so he deserved to be a male god or something... Now I think about it. This big liar must be out of guilt!

He hurt himself that he couldn't get an A, so he focused on him and helped him pass the final exam... So, at that time, you knew that you were wrong, but you still did not repent! Knowingly crime plus one!

And in fact, it seems that his acting skills are not that bad, right

The director was also very satisfied with him during this time...

If it wasn't for Ji Chen's chaos, he might be able to get credits by his ability! I don't need any supplementary courses or learning at all. It's my own credits... You've fooled me so badly. Now that I compensate a little, I plan to expose it

Who cares about your supplementary lessons!

Think beautifully!

Lin Ziran got even more angry, he shook off Ji Chen's hand, and said angrily, "I don't think it will help me get credits without you."

Saying that, in front of Ji Chen, he slammed the door shut!

Ji Chen: "..."

Lin Ziran is angry, the kind who can't be coaxed well no matter what!

He started a cold war with Ji Chen.

The filming of the movie has come to an end.

Although it was almost autumn, the weather was still a bit sultry occasionally. Lin Ziran sat under the awning and fanned the air with his hand. As soon as he looked up and saw Ji Chen coming, he got up and left without hesitation.

Ji Chen: "..."

At night, everyone had dinner together. When returning to the hotel, Lin Ziran saw Ji Chen coming, waved without hesitation, and got into the car and left first.

Ji Chen: "..."

The next morning, when he opened the door, he found Ji Chen standing at his door. Lin Ziran turned a blind eye and walked directly past Ji Chen.

Ji Chen: "..."

After a few days like this, everyone in the crew began to feel that something was wrong. Didn't the two have a good relationship before? A few days ago, some people speculated whether Ji Chen was in love with Lin Ziran. The two handsome guys are also very attractive...

Why is there so much trouble now

And it seemed that Ji Chen was chasing after Lin Ziran, but Lin Ziran dismissed him.

Everyone is very curious, what happened

There were many curious people, but only one dared to ask. Director Gu stopped Lin Ziran that day and said worriedly, "What happened to you and Ji Chen?"

Lin's mother had already asked him to help him look after the child. Could it be that Lin Ziran was bullied by Ji Chen when she looked like this

Although Ji Chen was also the child of his friend, if he bullied Lin Ziran, he would definitely talk about him.

Since Lin Ziran regained his memory, he has been thinking more about things. It's not normal for Director Gu to be nice to him, and he doesn't seem to be very fond of Ji Chen. Could it be that his parents greeted him

He thought about it and said, "Nothing."

Director Gu frowned and said, "Really? You can tell me something, and I will give you justice."

It doesn't have to be...

Lin Ziran smiled: "Thank you Director Gu, I'm really fine."

Director Gu saw that Lin Ziran really didn't want to talk, so he had to give up. Forget it, forget it. If you don't want to intervene in your own affairs, you shouldn't interfere...

"Then pay attention to yourself." After speaking, he shook his head and left.

Lin Ziran let out a sigh of relief.

Although there is a conflict with Ji Chen, how can this matter be publicized? How embarrassing... It's a big loss for someone to sleep without getting the credits!

Under Lin Ziran's cold treatment, after more than a week, Ji Chen was unable to speak to him except for his lines.

Moreover, the crew members are too many eyes, it is really inconvenient to make inappropriate actions, Ji Chen is also unwilling to let Lin Ziran get into gossip, and it will damage his reputation, so he has to give up temporarily.

time flies.

The filming ended soon after and everything went smoothly.

That evening, the crew held a banquet.

Lin Ziran and everyone are also familiar with each other. We ate and drank together. The atmosphere was very pleasant. When the end came to an end, the actor who played the heroine came over and said to Lin Ziran with a smile: "Ziran, I will have the opportunity to cooperate with my sister in the future. Then we won't play rivals, how about playing couples?"

Lin Ziran's face turned red: "...Sister Xian is joking."

And I'm not a rival in love with you!

Sister Xian smiled slightly, with all kinds of style: "No, I'm serious, we have contact information, if there is a suitable drama in the future, don't refuse."

Lin Ziran smiled humbly: "That's for sure."

Halfway through the conversation, Ji Chen walked over with a heavy expression on his face.

Sister Xian covered her lips and smiled: "Hey, someone is jealous, I'm leaving, we'll talk next time."

As soon as she left, Ji Chen came to Lin Ziran's side, and said with a vigilant expression, "When did you become so familiar with her?"

Lin Ziran thought to himself, we are on the same set every day, can you not see what is the relationship between me and her? It's just a normal friendship!

But he didn't want to explain to Ji Chen, so he turned around and left.

Ji Chen pursed his lips and chased out.

By now, everyone was almost gone, and the filming was over. Ji Chen couldn't bear it any longer. He grabbed Lin Ziran's hand and pressed him against the wall. His voice was hoarse, with a hint of grievance. : "How long are you going to hide from me?"

Lin Ziran snorted coldly: "I should ask, how long are you going to pester me?"

Ji Chen's eyes dimmed and he seemed sad. He slowly said, "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to lie to you, but you don't remember me... I... "

I don't remember you, you can tell me directly, what the hell are you doing!

Bah, I think this is your selfishness, and you want to play shy games with me!

It's clearly taking advantage of people's danger!

Lin Ziran raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes, very ruthless: "Let's break up."

Saying that, he pushed Ji Chen away.

Ji Chen was pushed and staggered, his face paled, his thin lips pursed tightly, these words seemed to make him very sad...

Lin Ziran looked at him like this, and for some reason, his heart softened, but he let out all his cruel words. How could Ji Chen be shaken by pretending to be pitiful

He gritted his teeth and walked over from Ji Chen's side ruthlessly.

Although the filming was over, there were still a few days left before school. Lin Ziran returned home and took advantage of this time to accompany his parents.

Lin's father and Lin's mother are very happy.

The children went home and their memories were restored, which finally made them feel relieved... But the good times didn't last long. After a few days, the two began to worry again, because of course they seemed to be in trouble with Ji Chen.

Dad Lin said, "It's all you. What did you do without hiding from him before? They shouldn't be really arguing."

Mother Lin said dissatisfiedly: "How can you blame me, but don't you remember it all? If there is still trouble, then Ji Chen must have done something wrong."

Father Lin: "How about we ask?"

Mother Lin: "Forget it..."

Lin Ziran took a cake from the kitchen and walked out, and saw his parents standing outside sneakily, and said suspiciously, "What are you doing?"

The two laughed dryly: "Passing by."

Lin Ziran: "..."

He touched his head and walked away with the cake.

Father Lin and Mama Lin breathed a sigh of relief, and then they looked worried again.

Speaking of which, I remember most things, but I just forgot Ji Chen. Could it be that Ji Chen bullied him

If that's the case, then break up and break up.

Lin Ziran returned to the bedroom, while eating the cake, he fell into contemplation. Has he been very obvious recently and attracted the attention of his parents

Does he really look like a brokenhearted one


It's clear that he doesn't want Ji Chen, the big liar, how can he be brokenhearted

Hmph, I played so affectionately in the game, but in the end I came back to reality, I gave up as soon as I was exposed, I said I broke up and you agreed and didn't show up, but I'm so embarrassed to say that you love me, I think you're a liar at all …

And I didn't get my credits...

Lin Ziran bit his fork hard, you said I've been home for a few days

Don't talk about people, not even a phone.

Lin Ziran was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, feeling inexplicably agitated.

I looked at the time, it's less than ten o'clock, let's go out and relax...

Lin Ziran put on his clothes and went out.

The air at night is much cooler.

Because it was night, and there was no one on the street, it was rare and quiet, and Lin Ziran walked leisurely alone.

For some reason, my thoughts drifted away.

He remembered what happened in the game. Although he was sometimes angry, sometimes annoyed, and sometimes mad, he insisted on playing six games... I can't say that he was unhappy...

After all, there are still many happy and attractive places...

But as long as he thinks that this is a game set up by Ji Chen and others, there is no way to get past this level.

I felt very heartbroken.

Forget it, if you're in a bad mood, let's go back.

Lin Ziran turned his head and was about to go back. When he was passing a black car, the door suddenly opened, and he stretched out his hands in the car and dragged him in!

Lin Ziran was frightened and raised his hand to hit, but as soon as someone grabbed his wrist, he pressed it heavily on the top of his head!

Take a closer look.

Ji Chenjun's very deep face approached, there was an inexplicable expression in his dark eyes, and Lin Ziran's hair stood on end when he saw it, etc... What are you doing, this is the real world!

calm down!

don't mess around...

Lin Ziran was a little flustered in his heart. He remembered Ji Chen's side in the game, and suddenly reflected on himself, didn't he anger Ji Chen? He opened his eyes wide, and said sternly, "What are you doing?"

Ji Chen said in a calm and indifferent tone, "I'm here to apologize to you, because you've been avoiding me, so you have to do this."

Lin Ziran's face darkened. This posture made him very passive. He struggled and didn't move. And are you apologizing? !

He gritted his teeth unhappily: "I don't need your apology!"

Ji Chen looked at him, suddenly raised his lips, and smiled playfully: "Okay, since you're sure you don't need to apologize... Then let's discuss it. You cheated on my back."

Lin Ziran: "???"

Ji Chen's tone was clear and he said slowly: "When you haven't officially broken up with me, you have been in love with each other and have sex with different people in the game. Strictly speaking, it is you who are sorry for me."

I'm not angry if you don't say this, Lin Ziran immediately defended: "Those people are you!"

Ji Chen: "But you don't know."

Lin Ziran: "..."

Ji Chen approached Lin Ziran, looked into his eyes, and said word by word, "In your eyes, those people are not me, but you still slept with them, didn't you?"

Lin Ziran: "..."

He looked at Ji Chen's dark eyes, his expression froze on his face with embarrassment. This was indeed the place he was most uncomfortable with... But wasn't this your intention

You tempted me with beauty, but now you are accusing me of this, isn't it fishing law enforcement...

But it's his fault...

Lin Ziran coughed: "That's because I lost my memory, yes, that, I don't remember that I have a boyfriend, how can this be called betrayal."

Ji Chen said lightly: "But now that you think about it, have you ever thought about confessing to me about what you did in the game? Have you ever thought of concealing it? By the way... I ask you when you learned to do it. You, tell me you learned secretly behind my back."

Lin Ziran: Oops...

Sure enough, Ji Chen continued to speak with a sarcastic tone: "That's not wrong, you really learned it behind my back, and you also raised a wild man by the way. You're not happy."

Lin Ziran: No matter how ruthless this person is, he scolds himself, isn't that wild man you...

Ji Chen's eyes were sharp and he looked at Lin Ziran: "Besides, even if you lost your memory, have you really been honest with me?"

If you had asked me then, or if you had told me... I would have told you everything.

won't lie to you.

Lin Ziran felt guilty again, his vision was erratic, and suddenly he had an idea, he decided to struggle, and said aggrieved: "I'm just for the credits, not for the man, and... and I was forced, obviously by you. mine!"

Lin Ziran really felt a little aggrieved, although he did sleep well... But his original intention was not to sleep with a man, he was just for the plot...

It's you who have to fall in love with me and blame me...

"Forced?" Ji Chen raised his eyebrows and repeated these three words.

Lin Ziran nodded wildly: "Yes!"

"Then have you really thought about rejecting it?" Ji Chen suddenly leaned down and exhaled in his ear, his voice hoarse and low: "And... don't you enjoy it? If you really don't want to, why not just quit the game ,reject me."

Lin Ziran stuttered nervously: "... I, I didn't."

"Really not?" Ji Chen chuckled and looked at him playfully, "Or do you need me to help you recall, eh?"

Lin Ziran: Fuck, I almost forgot that the system is a traitor!

If I knew this earlier, I wouldn't talk nonsense, but now it's become a trick.

I can't even describe how he felt at the beginning qaq

Lin Ziran was speechless, he moved uncomfortably twice, and sneered: "We have something to say, don't be impulsive..."

Ji Chen lightly bit his earlobe, his tone implied danger: "Are you still breaking up?"

Lin Ziran: "We can negotiate again... woo, just tap..."

Ji Chen let go of his mouth, and Lin Ziran's earlobe had a tooth mark on it. The young man was aggrieved and looked at him pitifully. Now he didn't show his teeth or show his claws, and he was no longer ruthless.

It's rather endearing...

But Ji Chen didn't let go. He looked at this person deeply, because he would never give this person a chance to leave his side again.

Ji Chen let out a sigh, and after a long time, he gently held Lin Ziran's face, and said slowly and seriously, "Don't say anything like that again..."

After saying that, he lowered his head and kissed his lips.

Lin Ziran was startled for a moment, then his eyes softened, and he obediently allowed the man to kiss.

Familiar kiss, familiar hug, familiar taste.

In fact, do not want to refuse, do not want to leave.

Maybe during those times, he didn't remember him, but deep down in his heart, he never forgot...

This kiss was gentle and lingering, and both of them did their best, as if they could not wait to integrate each other into their own blood...

in a trance.

Lin Ziran heard the man's low and stern voice in his ear: "I have always loved you."

Lin Ziran raised the corner of his mouth.

I always knew.

I'm sorry I forgot about you briefly, but I'm so glad... those people are all you.

Glad to be wherever and whenever.

You are always by my side.

【End of text】