Did The Affectionate Love Interest Collapse Today?

Chapter 14: Brother wins brother in love text


Lin Ziran clutched his chest, and after a while, he picked up the phone that had fallen on the ground tremblingly.

Wen Yu actually admitted the relationship!

He felt heartbroken for Wen Yu, what are you doing, just deny it at this time! Admit what! Still think things are not messy enough

Lin Ziran's heart was ashen: "I'm afraid this plot is hopeless."

[System: Are you going to give up? 】

I don't want to give up, but what should I do? Lin Ziran felt very at a loss, could he still be in love with Lu Sui? Can love be forced

Now thinking of how confident I was when I first entered the game, I only felt that I was too young at the time.

This garbage game is full of pits!

Lin Ziran's expression was in a trance, and he said faintly, "System, do you know what the biggest obstacle in love is?"

[System: What is it? 】

Lin Ziran gritted his teeth: "It's not identity, money, age, gender... none of these! It's just that the three views are different and cannot communicate! For example, Wen Yu and Lu Sui."

【system:… 】

Lin Ziran lowered his head in frustration.

Wen Yu has already issued this kind of scarf, do you want to pretend that you don't know? Wouldn't it be too fake to pretend not to know, but I'm a CEO, and I'm not a fangirl who brushes scarves all day, so it shouldn't be surprising if I don't know? Lu Zhen doesn't even have a scarf account!

Yes, just pretend not to know, just wait and see.

If there is no news from Wen Yu in the afternoon, I will ask him about it, because even if I don't read Weibo, someone will tell him sooner or later.

Sure enough, Zhao Mingze was the first to be unable to sit still, and he quickly called.

Zhao Mingze: "Have you seen the news on the Internet?"

Lin Ziran pretended to be confused: "What?"

Zhao Mingze: "Wen Yu announced your relationship, didn't he tell you beforehand?"

Lin Ziran was angry when he thought of this. If it wasn't for you, how could Wen Yu do this? I thought it was a divine assist, but who knew it was a pig teammate...

I have to wonder if you are an undercover agent sent by the enemy!

Lin Ziran forced a smile and said, "Really? He's willing to disclose that I'm very happy, not to mention that he might want to surprise me."

Zhao Mingze was silent for a moment when he heard the words, his voice was slightly hoarse: "Just be happy."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone and didn't greet him as usual. Lin Ziran glanced at his phone inexplicably. The villain didn't seem too happy either? Is it because the plan failed

It wasn't until the afternoon that Lin Ziran picked up the phone and called Wen Yu.

It took a while for Wen Yu to get on the phone. There seemed to be a bit of noise over there. He lowered his voice and said hurriedly, "Wait, I'll talk to you later in the evening."

Then the phone hangs up again.

Lin Ziran was stunned for a while, and vaguely heard voices coming from the opposite side, as if many reporters were asking questions. He shook his head, forget it, what he should do has been done anyway, and the rest is up to Wen Yu to tell himself.

Now it's just one step at a time.

Wen Yu sent that Weibo post, which almost paralyzed Weibo. His assistant was furious next to him. He could not wait to grab Wen Yu's mobile phone and send a message that the account was stolen to save him!

But... After all, I didn't dare to do it.

The assistant was very puzzled: "Brother Yu, why did you do this? You can absolutely deny it." Why do you have to tell the world about a relationship? It's better to keep a low profile!

They managed to get the situation under control!

Wen Yu looked down at the phone and said lightly, "Paper can't hold fire."

And he didn't want to deny it either.

He clearly understands that his homosexuality is not conducive to the development of his career. He has been careful to hide his sexuality for so many years, and he chose Lu Zhen who is willing to accommodate him to start an underground relationship. He always counts everything too clearly... But then he Understand that he is wrong, because love is not a business, after all, it can't be counted so clearly, even if it is him, there will be a day when he is willing to be impulsive.

Will want to ignore obstacles and be with a person aboveboard.

Will get tired of endless lies and hiding.

Wen Yu clutched the phone tightly. In fact, when he sent the message, he felt uneasy. The anxiety was not due to the reactions of fans and all parties, but what Lin Ziran would think.

I disregarded his thoughts, did not seek his opinion, and unilaterally announced the relationship, which is actually a bit selfish...

He was afraid that he would tell Lin Ziran that Lin Ziran would refuse him to do so. He would definitely not be willing to make him embarrassed, he would not be willing to let him face censure, and he said that he didn't need to announce it, he would not want him to be so willful...

But I want to be capricious.

Instead of always doing what is supposed to be done step by step.

Besides, he also hides a little trick of his own in doing so. Lin Ziran may be a little angry at first, but he should be moved more... Moved by his willingness to announce his relationship for him, after all, if you love someone, you want to have a name isn't it

With Lin Ziran's character, seeing what he has done for him, he will definitely want to make up for himself more. After all, he is such a gentle and soft-hearted person who never wants to owe anyone.

Desperately taking advantage of this.

Try to tie the other person to yourself in this way.

Wen Yu slowly exhaled and closed his eyes forcefully.

He restarted his work and arranged for his assistants to deal with public relations. He was used to the slander and abuse on the Internet. Every star will experience this, but Lin Ziran is not an insider. He doesn't want Lin Ziran to experience this... Even if it is inevitable, He will try to reduce as much as possible, try to maintain.

The assistant thinks that this is simply difficult for a strong man. You have already announced your relationship, and you are counting on netizens to let the other half go! Don't you know how many people are waiting to eat melons now? How many people who are jealous of you are waiting to be put to death? !

But he has been with Wen Yu for many years, and he knows that it is not easy for Wen Yu to start from scratch. I am afraid it is true love this time... What else can I do? Can only bite the bullet. The water army's hot search is two-pronged, desperately trying to clean up the criticism, and also create a special love character for Wen Yu, and then let fans respect privacy and don't pursue it too much...

Wen Yu was busy until noon, and he didn't know whether Lin Ziran read the news or not, and what his attitude was now. He couldn't wait to go home, but he was surrounded by paparazzi and reporters when he got downstairs.

Just at this moment, Lin Ziran's phone call came, and he could only hang up after a quick sentence, and then drove through the surrounding area forcibly.

In order to get rid of the paparazzi, he drove for a long time, parked his car in a public parking lot on the way, and finally asked other staff to pick him up and leave.

When he came to Lin Ziran's house, it was getting late.

Wen Yu took a deep breath and finally opened the door.

When Lin Ziran stayed at home, he was not idle. He kept thinking in Lu Zhen's identity, thinking about what would be more appropriate. He thought about it all afternoon, but he couldn't think of a perfect solution.

Then Wen Yu came back.

Lin Ziran looked at him from a distance, pondered for a moment, then showed a complicated expression, and said, "Why do you do this?"

Wen Yu looked at Lin Ziran's expression and felt uneasy in his heart. After a while, he walked over step by step, looked Lin Ziran in the eyes and said, "Because I love you, I don't want to keep hiding it."

Lin Ziran didn't dare to look directly into Wen Yu's eyes, and said with remorse: "Do you know how the Internet is scolding us now? I don't care... But you, I don't want to delay your career because of our relationship, I Don't mind being the same as before, really."

Wen Yu's expression softened after hearing these words: "So, are you just worried about me?"

Lin Ziran: "I..."

Wen Yu smiled suddenly, and his voice was pleasant and relaxed: "It doesn't matter."

"Even if someone doesn't agree, so what, I love you, and I'm not afraid that anyone will know." Wen Yu paused, then said, "Sorry, I should have made it public earlier, not because of this kind of thing. Say it in this case..."

If he knew that one day he would love this person like this, he wouldn't choose to be so indifferent in the beginning.

Lin Ziran wanted to cry but had no tears. He suddenly missed Wen Yu, who was approachable on the surface, but indifferent and alienated when he first came to this world. You said what happened to you, why did it become like this...

Lin Ziran was going to struggle for a while, and said sadly, "I understand your intention... But you really shouldn't be so impulsive!"

Wen Yu smiled and raised his eyebrows slightly: "If you're talking about my acting career, it doesn't really matter. I originally planned to cut down on filming in the past two years and slowly transition to behind the scenes."

This sentence is not to comfort Lin Ziran, but to really plan so, and now it's just a little bit ahead of schedule.

He is no longer a freshman who just debuted. He doesn't have to constantly market himself for a little traffic, and he doesn't have to live as carefully as before. Now he is very cautious about taking movies. He will never touch anything that is not a boutique or he likes. His focus gradually shifts to the direction of investment. Filming is more just for fun. Although public sexuality will inevitably be attacked, it will not hurt him. It will not affect his resources and contacts...

When you have enough capital and strength, you will not be easily knocked down by a little setback.

Being a perfect person is actually exhausting.

Tired of endless acting, acting in drama, acting in life, and gradually forget what I really look like.

And now, he just wants to be himself and love the person he wants to love.

Lin Ziran didn't expect Wen Yu to say such a thing, it seemed that he was really determined, and he was speechless.

Then he heard Wen Yu say, "Let's live together."

Lin Ziran: "..."

Lin Ziran put his hands on his chest, lying on the bed, his eyes were empty, and he looked like a gossamer.

[Lin Ziran: It's over now. 】

【system:… 】

A week ago, Wen Yu proposed to live together. Lin Ziran had an idea and said that it was the cusp of the storm. If they were found to be too unsafe to live together, they rejected Wen Yu's proposal.

They are so in love with Jin Jian, cohabitation is a matter of time, unless they break up!

But if you break up now, not to mention that you will break up or not, it will be just unreasonable...

Lin Ziran lay down until his stomach growled, and then floated downstairs like a ghost, ready to get himself something to eat...

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Lin Ziran was like a frightened bird recently, but then he thought that Wen Yu would not knock on the door if he had the key, so it was definitely not Wen Yu!

When he opened the door, he saw that it was Zhao Mingze.

It's just that this guy is so incompetent, not only did he fail to break them up, but he also made Wen Yu publicize his relationship. Now it's even harder to break up!

Lin Ziran was in a low mood and said, "What's the matter with you?"

Zhao Mingze pursed his lips and looked at Lin Ziran. He saw everything that happened on the Internet recently. To be honest, when he learned that Lin Ziran and Wen Yu were going on vacation, he really thought about taking action...

But just when he hesitated whether to do this, Lu Sui took the first step.

It seemed that just taking away the company would not satisfy Lu Sui.

So he chose to wait and see, thinking that Wen Yu would deny the relationship without hesitation, so that Lin Ziran would be able to see that Wen Yu was nothing more than the same to him, who knows... Wen Yu actually admitted it, and the result was very unfavorable to him.

He thought about it for several days before finally choosing.

Because he understands that if he doesn't say it again, he will never have another chance...

"I've been worried about you these days." Zhao Mingze's eyes were focused.

What's the use of worrying about you, and you can't help me, Lin Ziran felt resentful, but his face was full of sweet happiness: "It's okay, Wen Yu has always been with me."

Zhao Mingze clenched his hand beside him, and the dark eyes flashed away.

After a long while, his eyes drooped slightly, and he said slowly, "You'll be fine, but I thought about something, and I still think I should tell you."

Lin Ziran said, "What's the matter?"

Zhao Mingze sighed, "Have you ever thought that what happened this time was not accidental, but someone was behind it."

Lin Ziran looked suspicious. Of course he could see that there was a mastermind behind this incident, but what do you mean now? Are you going to surrender to me? !

"It's Lu Sui." Zhao Mingze said word by word.

Lin Ziran: "..."

[Lin Ziran: This classmate has a clear mind, and he can even think of such a method of framing! 】

[System: Are you so sure that he lied to you? 】

[Lin Ziran: Of course, do I look like a fool? I'm a man with a script! 】

Isn't it just acting, who wouldn't!

Lin Ziran looked at Zhao Mingze with disbelief, his lips trembled, and it seemed very difficult to accept: "No..."

Zhao Mingze looked helpless and said directly: "He can even do that kind of thing, what else can't he do."

Lin Ziran didn't believe in evil anymore, and asked, "Why did he do this? I don't plan to fight with him anymore, he got everything he wanted."

Zhao Mingze was silent for a long time and said, "Don't you know the reason?"

Lin Ziran looked blank: "?" What should I know

Zhao Mingze: "Last time you told me that you suspected that Lu Sui might like Wen Yu."

Lin Ziran: "..."

High, high man, use his spear to attack his shield.

If Lu Sui really likes Wen Yu, with his scumbag behavior, he loves you and abuses you, it seems possible...

First destroy your relationship with Wen Yu, let yourself break up with Wen Yu, and then recover Wen Yu


Ideal is beautiful, reality is cruel!

Lu Sui probably hasn't fallen in love with Wen Yu yet.

Lin Ziran looked at Zhao Mingze with a clear face, I know the purpose of your visit today, you are here to provoke me and Lu Sui, you are really a competent villain...

"Lu Sui he..." Lin Ziran showed a sad look and smiled palely: "I should have believed you at that time."

Zhao Mingze looked gentle and persuaded seriously: "The past is over, I still say that, as long as you need help, I will be here anytime."

Seeing his sincere appearance, Lin Ziran almost believed it, and said with an infectious and moving expression, "Thank you, you have always been my best friend."


Zhao Mingze looked at the man in front of him, with a grateful expression on his handsome and elegant face. He trusted himself like this, and never doubted that he might have other motives for doing so...

"I am good to you, not because you are my friend." Zhao Mingze rolled his Adam's apple, his eyes darkened, and suddenly said, "—because I like you."

Lin Ziran's movements froze, and his expression almost collapsed. This time, he was really shocked.

What are you doing

What's the plot going

Wait, are you not satisfied with pretending to be my friend and trying to deceive my feelings? ! This is so nasty, I wouldn't believe a badass like you!

Lin Ziran took a deep breath and said, "I just treat you as a friend, don't say such things again."

Zhao Mingze's eyes darkened, and his voice mocked himself: "Really? But I didn't consider you a friend in what happened that night."

What? You didn't take me as a friend, which means that that night was not an accident, but that you had planned it for a long time

I can't tell you if you're not angry.

Lin Ziran suddenly stood up and said angrily, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"Of course I know, I know every word I say now, and I don't regret it that night." Zhao Mingze's cold and sharp eyes were mixed with a certain paranoid and dangerous look, and his voice was low and hoarse: "I just don't want to keep hiding myself. mind."

"Enough, you say that again-" Lin Ziran was interrupted by Zhao Mingze halfway through.

Zhao Mingze grabbed his wrist, approached him abruptly, approached his eyes, and said in a playful tone, "If I say this again, we won't even be friends, right?"

Lin Ziran's throat stagnated, his eyes fell into the depths of Zhao Mingze's pupils, as if he was bitten by something terrifying, the barbs on his back stood up, and his lips trembled slightly.

If it was acting just now, but now it is an instinctive reaction, this person seems to... really love him.

I love him, but I can't wait to eat him.

"I've always been by your side, why can't you try to like me... Where is Wen Yu better than me?" Zhao Mingze whispered to himself, the dark clouds in his eyes slowly gathered.

"You..." You let me go first and have something to say!

Lin Ziran's pupils shrank suddenly, his chin was buckled, his whole body was pressed against the wall, and a very aggressive kiss fell.

He was completely stunned, what happened

Why doesn't even the villain go into the plot

He is so hard!

Wen Yu had just returned home, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw Zhao Mingze pressing Lin Ziran against the wall for a kiss, while Lin Ziran was shocked and blank.

Without even thinking about it, he rushed over and pulled Zhao Mingze away. In a fit of rage, he punched the opponent in the face!