Did The Affectionate Love Interest Collapse Today?

Chapter 29: The devil in the fairy tale master and apprentice


Mu Yang didn't expect that when he first came here, he would encounter a major event like the opening of the holy mountain. He was a little nervous and said to Lin Ziran, "Do you think I can really meet a spiritual weapon that suits me?"

What is Lin Ziran's spiritual weapon in his heart? You are holding the divine weapon of the first god of the Three Realms! Xuanyan was very interesting in order to find out about you, so he gave him his divine sword.

He comforted Mu Yang and said, "I believe you will meet it!"

After hearing what Lin Ziran said, Mu Yang didn't worry so much. He has always been open-minded, and it doesn't matter if he can meet better or not, so he smiled and said, "Yes."

Lin Ziran tossed and turned in bed that night.

Some were looking forward to Mu Yang's stunning audience three days later. After he pulled out the divine sword, he was accepted as a disciple by Xuanyan. Since then, he has been on the road of cultivation. The ups and downs of unrequited love, I feel a little reluctant to bear my own cubs...

Papa hurts! You say it's not good who you like, but you want to like your master

God does not love someone easily.

Hey, forget it, even if my father risked his life, he would definitely help you catch Xuanyan! Let Xuanyan understand that you are his true love!

Because he thought a lot this night, Lin Ziran woke up the next day and yawned, and there was a circle of blue at the moment.

Just as he was about to go out, he heard voices, so he stopped.

It turned out that Zhou Yue had returned.

The fat Taoist dressed in blue said to Mu Yang with a smile: "The Holy Mountain is about to open, are you ready?"

Mu Yang respectfully said, "It's ready."

Zhou Yue raised his hand and seemed to want to touch his beard, trying to pretend to be a master, but halfway through, he found that he had no beard, so he put his hand down, and said with a smile, "This is for you. But a rare opportunity, the holy mountain is full of heaven and earth treasures, but as far as I know, the best treasures are the magic weapons left over from ancient times, but these magic soldiers have a very temperament, if they are not seen right You can't take it out, but I believe that with your talent, you will definitely not come back empty-handed."

Mu Yang smiled slightly: "I should do my best."

"These divine soldiers are all in the Sword Tomb. The Sword Tomb is deep in the holy mountain. It is not easy for ordinary people to find it..." Zhou Yue paused, mysteriously took out a scroll from his arms, and said to Mu Yang, "This is me. Yesterday, I went to the Tibetan Scriptures Pavilion to check the books, and found some records about the sword mound of the holy mountain. The holy mountain has only been opened three times since ancient times, so there is very little recorded content. For this reason, the old man can abolish the strength of the boss, and you will accept it. Well, with these, it might be easier to find the sword grave."

Mu Yang showed a surprised expression, Zhou Yue was really kind to him...

But after thinking for a moment, he took the scroll from Zhou Yue's hand and said solemnly, "I accept Elder Zhou's wishes, Mu Yang is blunt, please take care of you in the future."

Seeing that Mu Yang took the scroll and said these words again, Zhou Yue's mouth was grinning to the bottom of his ears! What a smart and sensible child, this is a promise to worship him as a teacher, and it is worthwhile to work so hard for him!

As long as Mu Yang is willing to choose himself, is he afraid of those old things robbing him

Zhou Yue patted Mu Yang's shoulder and smiled with relief: "Of course."

After speaking, he left with erratic steps.

Lin Ziran watched from the crack of the door with a look of pity on his face.

Zhou Yue really did everything in order to accept his apprentices, and Mu Yang was also someone who kept his promises. It was already a sure thing... Who would have thought of killing Cheng Yaojin halfway through? The person who robbed you is still so powerful, you can't even be convinced. Today's show of goodwill is destined to be an empty basket of water...

Well, it can't be said that it's all in vain. Mu Yang has a clear grievance, so Chong Zhou Yue is willing to help him bring Li Ye to the Holy Palace. Even if Mu Yang can't become his apprentice, he will be closer to him in the future.

If it weren't for the fact that he was close to the protagonist, Zhou Yue wouldn't be able to play the role of a passerby.

Lin Ziran walked out and said to Mu Yang, "Are you really planning to take Elder Zhou as your teacher? Don't think about it anymore? With your talent, maybe even the first elder would be willing to accept you as his apprentice."

Mu Yang smiled and shook his head: "Actually, Elder Zhou is very good here. I like it here, and we don't have to be separated."

Lin Ziran was very moved when he heard the words, the little angel was still so kind and lovely, if it wasn't for the fact that he fell in love with Xuanyan later, maybe Li Ye would have a day when he could keep the clouds open and see the moonlight...

But a pity.

You will not stay here.

Day three.

Mu Yang and Lin Ziran woke up before dawn, they packed up and set off for the holy mountain.

Although Lin Ziran is not qualified to enter the holy mountain, according to the plot, he will wait outside. After all, Li Ye is so affectionate, and he came here because of Mu Yang, so it is naturally impossible to be absent at such an important moment.

Accompanying silently without complaint and regret is the basic duty of an affectionate male supporting cast!

In addition to the disciples who want to enter the holy mountain, there are many people outside, some are outside disciples, some are handymen from other peaks, etc... In short, everyone wants to see the grand opening of the holy mountain.

There were more than a dozen elders standing in front of the holy mountain formation, among them Zhou Yue was standing in the line, but at the moment, his face was serious and he was not looking sideways.

At the front is a Taoist priest whose beard and hair are all white immortals, and it is the real person of the first elder, Chi Feng.

The real person of Chi Feng looked solemn and said: "The Holy Mountain will open for twenty-four hours, although it is full of opportunities, it will also be dangerous. You must do what you can, once your life is in danger or the time is over, you will be blocked by the Holy Mountain Formation. The law is sent out."

The disciples responded in succession.

The real person Chi Feng nodded, and with a flick of the dust in his hand, the clouds and mist shrouded in front separated to both sides, revealing a deep road with no head. He said, "You can go in."

The disciples looked at the front with longing, and stepped in in an orderly manner.

After everyone went in, the real person Chi Feng waved again, closed the passage into the holy mountain, and left with the elders.

There are only a few spectators left here.

There was white fog in front of him, and he couldn't see anything. Lin Ziran was really bored. Thinking that it would be a long time before Muyang came out, he turned his eyes and climbed up a tree. Let's go to sleep first!

Mu Yang was walking in the mist, and when he could see the scenery in front of him, he found himself standing on a narrow and winding mountain road with no one around.

But he didn't show any panicked look, and he continued to walk forward with a certain determination.

Someone's showing up in the jungle...

Someone showed up by the creek...

Someone showed up in the swamp...

Some people are alone, and there are twos and threes...

Everything is random.

In the central hall of the Holy Palace.

The elders stood awe-inspiringly on both sides. The practitioners of the Scarlet Flame Immortal Realm were divided into two groups. One group was cultivated by the spirits of the Scarlet Flame Immortal Realm.

Zhou Yue was standing on the side of the cultivator of the mortal realm. At this moment, he put away his smiling appearance and looked at the gray-robed Taoist in front of him coldly. Relying on his being a native of the Chiyan Immortal Realm, that guy has been looking down on him and suppressing him in various ways. He has also put his disciples and grandchildren in the Holy Palace all day long, and he has never dealt with his law enforcement hall. Zhou Yue has long regarded him as unpleasant. !

Qi Daoist glanced at Zhou Yue coldly, raised his eyebrows in disdain, even if you worked hard to cultivate and soar, you are not alone here.

In order to compete for resources and apprentices, the two have been at odds for a long time, and everyone has come to see it.

If it was normal, they would have been arguing hundreds of times, but today the two of them stood there very honestly, and at most they quietly handed each other an eye knife.

The entire hall was silent.

All because of the man in the high seat.

The real person of Chi Feng stood beside Xuan Yan with his whisk in hand and bowed his head respectfully.

Xuanyan's eyes were slightly closed, as if he was dozing off. His long black hair was draped over his shoulders, and his snow-white robes fell on the ground, motionless, like a statue.

But the elders didn't even dare to breathe loudly.

Although some elders have lived for tens of thousands of years, none of those present have ever seen a living Xuanyan... This is only a legend! It is the supreme god that their ancestors have believed in for generations!

I don't know what happened, but Chi Feng even invited his superior.

Your Honor has not been alive for at least 300,000 years, right

Everyone has their own thoughts.

At this time, the assessment in the holy mountain had already begun. They all looked up at the water curtain in front of them. The water curtain was divided into pieces, showing the scenes of the disciples in the holy mountain...

Zhou Yue found Mu Yang in it at a glance, and rolled his eyes.

At the beginning, he saw that Mu Yang's talent was outstanding, but he didn't publicize it, so no one knew that he had found such a good seedling. I hope that no one will rob Mu Yang with him at that time. Fortunately, Mu Yang has promised him before...

As long as he can successfully accept Mu Yang as his apprentice, he can definitely piss off that old thing from Qi Daoist!

The real person Chi Feng also looked at the water curtain intently, but he did not only look at one person, but carefully observed everyone, especially those new disciples.

There are a total of twenty-three new disciples this time. Which one is the one who deserves the calamity in Zun Shang's mouth

And how to deal with this disaster? Even he can't help it, is it useful to rely on a child who has just started

But the real person of Chi Feng never dared to question Xuanyan, since the honor said that it can be done, then it must be done!

Walking on the mountain road, Mu Yang saw that several hours had passed, not to mention magical weapons, he had never seen any birds, beasts, insects or fish.

The surroundings were also deserted.

He frowned, it seems that his foothold is not very good...

If it continues like this, it may be difficult to gain anything.

When I was thinking about what to do, a huge vulture flew in front of me. The vulture was about to fly over, but unexpectedly found Mu Yang below, and suddenly dived down! The sharp mouth opened, and he was about to eat Mu Yang directly!

Mu Yang's eyes narrowed, if he was bitten, he would be seriously injured, so he hurried to the side to avoid the vulture.

But that vulture is very vicious and cunning. This holy mountain is usually uninhabited. It is rare to see a fresh food that is willing to give up, spread its wings and continue to chase after it!

Although Mu Yang has practiced and is considered a young genius in Chongzhou City, he is nothing here because he is very embarrassed to hide.

Soon his sleeve was pecked off by the vulture's beak, and a piece of clothing was torn off!

This is not the way to go!

Mu Yang pursed his lips tightly, with a look of determination in his eyes, he jumped up the cliff, and then jumped down in the air! Below is a cliff of 10,000 zhang, and if you fall, your bones will be shattered, but Mu Yang's expression is solemn and calm, and when the vulture rushes over again, he immediately rides on the opponent's neck!

The vulture began to struggle desperately, but Mu Yang grabbed it tightly and punched the vulture's head hard at the same time! The bald eagle was dizzy, and it flew crookedly.

Mu Yang didn't directly kill the vulture, so that he would fall, but just strangled the vulture's neck.

The vulture struggled for a long time without throwing the bug off. Instead, he took a lot of beatings and made a sharp neighing noise, but finally stopped struggling and began to fly out in resignation.

Mu Yang rode on the eagle and flew over the mountains, and finally left here. He glanced down and suddenly saw a towering mountain in front of him. Xi, a bit like the sword mound described in the scroll Zhou Yue gave him...

Mu Yang's eyes moved slightly, and he slapped the vulture on the head again. The vulture landed in a daze, and Mu Yang jumped off the eagle's back and walked straight across the stream.

The bald eagle didn't expect the bug to leave by itself, and fluttered its wings in a hurry!

Mu Yang walked into the mountain step by step.

The climate here is very cold, as if it has been frozen for countless years... The more you go inside, the lower the temperature, and gradually his eyelashes and hair have a trace of frost.

Mu Yang circled the mountain for half a circle and found a cave entrance smoothly.

The entrance of the cave was dark. Mu Yang took out a night pearl from his sleeve, and the faint light illuminated the cave, and then slowly walked in. The entrance of the cave was not large but the inside was very empty. The floor and walls of the cave were full of inserts. All kinds of weapons, even the feet are full of weapons!

Mu Yang pondered for a while, this should be the sword grave...

Inside the main hall of the Holy Palace, Real Man Chi Feng watched this scene nervously.

When Mu Yang landed here, his throat was raised, and only he knew that Zun Shang had left his sword here.

Waiting for someone to do it.

At the same time, Zhou Yue was also watching this scene. He was very anxious at the beginning to see that Mu Yang's appearance was unfavorable. He thought that if Mu Yang got nothing, he would have to find another way to find a weapon for him. Who knows that this child is calm and decisive. Very, unexpectedly found here by chance!

The other elders didn't pay attention to Mu Yang at first. They all had their own favorite seedlings and candidates. Even if someone saw Mu Yang occasionally, they quickly looked away. The place where this young man landed was not very good, and his cultivation base was not high. , I'm afraid it will end if you can't even get out of the desert cliff.

Until Mu Yang came to Jian Tomb.

Everyone looked over in amazement, isn't this luck too good...

The Sword Tomb was originally the ancient battlefield of the ancient immortals and demons, so the magic weapons of countless ancient monks were left in it, and they were later transferred to the holy mountain by the supreme supernatural power.

The elders looked at Mu Yang curiously. Although there are treasures everywhere, whether they can get them depends on their strength and fate.

All of these divine soldiers have eyes above the top, and I am afraid they cannot despise such a junior with a shallow cultivation base...

The boy is lucky and not so good.

The good thing is that I came here, the bad thing is that I am afraid that I can't take a treasure.

Having said that, they still set their sights on Mu Yang, wanting to see which one this kid is going to choose...

The boy walked to a sword with a sapphire scabbard.

The elders held their breaths. This is the sword of the ancient Qingling God. It is said that the water system cultivation base reaches the sky and the earth!

But the boy didn't take it, he looked at it and turned away, and then stood in front of a dark long knife again.

The elders are even more nervous, this must not be taken! This is the sword of a demon general hundreds of thousands of years ago. It has a strong demonic energy on it, and it may erode people's intelligence. It is absolutely untouchable by children in this area!

The boy didn't touch it, he turned around again, suddenly kicked a string of beads accidentally, and looked down.

The elders just breathed a sigh of relief and mentioned it again, this is a divine bead! Top treasure, a bead can condense a clone, which is equivalent to more than a dozen lives, this kind of treasure is practical and not dangerous, quickly take it!

But the boy did not take it, and he left again.

Finally, I stood in front of a grey sword stuck to the ground and looked at it seriously, as if I was attracted...

The elders are heartbroken, you can sell the Divine Transformation Bead to us if you don’t take it! What kind of thing is this sword, I have never seen it before, and the dust is so thick, I am afraid it is not a low-level weapon that fell inside, after all, not all the weapons left in the ancient battlefield are magic weapons...

Only Real Man Chi Feng held his breath.

But what surprised the elders was that the young man who had previously turned a blind eye to the many spiritual treasures suddenly held the sword with his slender fingers like white jade.

Elders: … hey.

After a second.

Elders: ... ah! ahhh-

I saw the young man pull out the sword with a slight force, and the dust on the long sword fell, revealing a crystal-like sword body. A shuddering murmur of surrender...

This, this, what is this—

this is not-

Everyone looked back at the handsome man on the high seat in a daze.

Real Chi Feng's hand holding the whisk trembled slightly.

The man slowly opened his eyes, his eyes as deep as abyss looked at the boy in the water curtain.

The elders finally came to their senses and knelt on the ground in unison: "Your Highness."

Zhou Yue knelt on the ground and his face turned pale.

Originally, he was only afraid that other elders would snatch him, but now Mu Yang actually got Zunshang's sword, but the question is... why is Zunshang's sword there? There's something in there that he doesn't know...

Xuanyan's eyes swept across the crowd lightly, and said, "From today onwards, he is my disciple."

Zhou Yue's eyes were sore and he almost cried, and the apprentice who got it flew like this! ! !

He can fight Qi Daoist for 300 rounds, and he doesn't dare to squeak in front of Xuanyan, it's terrible! My dear apprentice, after all, you and I do not have the fate of master and apprentice, wow ah ah ah!

Lin Ziran was lying on the tree with his legs crossed, the cool breeze was breezy, and he slept peacefully and happily.

Until a loud noise woke him up.

Streams of light landed under the holy mountain, and these were all disciples sent out by the magic circle.

Some were seriously injured, some were intact, some were confused, some described ecstasy, and some were confused...

Mu Yang was the last to appear in the crowd. One of his sleeves was torn off, his hair was messy and he looked a little embarrassed, but he was not injured. His eyes were still bright, and he was holding an ice crystal-like long sword.

Lin Ziran knew that this was Xuanyan's sword!

Mu Yang is the only one who can pull out this sword, because he was transformed by a shard of Xuanyan's divine soul, so he was recognized by the Cleansing Sword, and he was able to inherit Xuanyan's supreme inheritance.

Xuanyan has lived from ancient times to the present, because he is too powerful and special, his inheritance mortals cannot cultivate at all.

The birth of Muyang was a mistake, but it was able to inherit Xuanyan's inheritance, which was also one of the reasons why Xuanyan taught him everything.

Xuanyan really regarded him as his disciple.

Lin Ziran retracted his thoughts and jumped off the tree. He was about to go to Muyang when he saw Xuanyan and a group of elders approaching, so he stopped and continued to hide in the crowd.

Now is not the time to be in the limelight.

Xuanyan walked in front alone, while the real person Chi Feng bowed his head and respectfully followed behind him...

Everyone present was shocked. Although they did not know Xuanyan, the real person of Chifeng was the Great Elder of the Holy Palace! It is the most respected existence in the entire Crimson Flame Immortal Realm! Who can make him so respectful

Everyone held their breath and looked at Xuan Yan cautiously.

This person's appearance is as handsome as a god, which makes people involuntarily surrender, but he doesn't dare to look directly at him, and he wants to crawl on the ground just by looking at it...

Lin Ziran also quietly glanced at Xuanyan in the distance, this is truly stunning! If Mu Yang is a cute little beauty, then Xuanyan is a peerless beauty! No wonder Mu Yang was born so good-looking, it's heredity...

The protagonist Gong Shou is so pleasing to the eye that Lin Ziran couldn't help but take a few more glances, and he began to make up for their poignant love...

Xuanyan came directly in front of Mu Yang, and his eyes fell on the handsome young man.

This is a shard of his soul scattered between the heavens and the earth that year. Although it was born out of him, it has nothing to do with him, but it is in the same line, and the dust-cleaning sword felt the power of the same source, so it did not resist his taking out.

But whether you can go further, and whether you can really get the recognition of Cleansing Sword, ultimately depends on you.

Xuanyan said: "Come to Shengxuan Hall tomorrow to see me."

After saying that, he turned around and left, the white back was like dust.

Seeing that he had finally left, Lin Ziran breathed a sigh of relief, squeezed out of the crowd again, and came to Mu Yang's side.

He said to Mu Yang with relief, "It's great that you didn't get hurt."

Mu Yang smiled slightly.

Xuanyan's footsteps stopped in the distance, and he turned around.

After Lin Ziran finished speaking, he was about to leave with Mu Yang, and turned his head to meet those abyss-like eyes.

He couldn't help but breathe for a while, his body trembled slightly, and his scalp was numb and he didn't dare to move.