Different World Development Manual

Chapter 1: Hello, I am a traveler


Article 1 of the Time and Space Management Law "Prohibits the Transition of the Five Permanent Organizations".

In a certain time and space, perhaps due to the temporary negligence of the staff of the Time and Space Administration, in the parallel world, millions of soldiers, the red empire of steel torrents traveled to another world to compete with magicians.

Even if it is not Wuchang, there are still stories of loneliness hanging overseas, Heisei neon crossing to another world, and the deeds of princes and nobles from other worlds.

In this time and space, due to negligence of duty by a staff member of a time and space administration, the bill "Prohibiting the Transit of Wuchangcheng Formation" was completely torn up by those restless people, and an epic huge disaster swept the entire other world.

The feudal lords were howling, the elves were screaming.

The orcs were howling, and the dragons were screaming.

The goblins are begging for mercy, and the undead are crying.

This is no longer just the crossing of a few hundred people, thousands of people, or a city and a country, but a loving greeting from the most powerful countries on earth, the five permanent members of the United Nations.

- Hello from another world, this is the five constants that have been traversed by the established system.

Aghanim Continent, southwest of the Abyss.

A team of hundreds of people is slowly marching between this dense forest.

They were all young women, with curvaceous bodies and pretty faces, with a big black cat riding on their crotch.

As the big cats walked confidently, the graceful figures of the women riding on them also swayed, showing that it was quite sexy.

They have a pair of pointy ears, and they look very natural and spiritual when they are with big cats.

This is an elf knight princess from the Emerald Forest.

Every 300 years, a powerful Demon Lord will be born in the land of the abyss. The Demon Lord will summon a powerful Demon Lord army from another world in an attempt to use them to conquer the entire continent.

Aghanim Continent, as one of the five continents in this world, the forces on the continent have to put aside their respective prejudices every 300 years and unite to deal with the invasion of the Demon King.

This is not unique to Aghanim Continent. In addition to Aghanim Continent, the other 4 continents in this world will also give birth to a powerful Demon Lord.

300 years ago, 600 years ago, 900 years ago or even earlier, the invasion of the Demon King's army brought countless disasters to the people of the whole world. Only by working together can people resist the invasion of the Demon King and his Demon King's army. .

Of course, this world does not only favor the Demon King. At the moment when the Demon King was born, 5 heroes from different worlds will appear in each of the 5 continents to help the people of the 5 continents fight against the Demon King and his Demon King army.

These heroes summoned from different worlds are not just human beings, they may also be elves, angels, succubus, dwarves, vampires, orcs, undead, dragons, even goblins, slimes and so on.

The brave will take their righteous friends and his supporters to defeat the Demon King again and again.

As a result, a legendary story after another has been achieved, which has been passed down to this day.

This is the theme of this world of swords and magic, the story of the hero and the devil.

However, this time, it seems that the story of the hero and the devil cannot continue...

In front of this team of knights in the Emerald Forest was not a pure elf girl, but a man in armor and a long sword on his back.

Yellow skin, black hair and brown eyes, the standard appearance of East Asians on Earth.

The man at the head raised his right hand, squeezed his fist, pressed it down, and shouted in the Elvish language of the Emerald Forest: "All stop, rest in place, and you should arrive at the castle of Demon King Yuffie not far ahead!"


The elf sisters Yingying Yanyan sat down and regained their strength.

Going north and entering the abyss to fight against the Demon King's army is not what they want. Humans covet the beauty and figure of the elves, and unscrupulously capture, enslave, and sell the elves, which makes the elves have great feelings for human beings. hostility.

It's just that this time it was the order of the Emerald Forest Elf Queen. She gave enough face to the brave man named An Rui, and that's why this elite team of knights appeared here.

As for the brave An Rui, a serious earthling, a serious traveler.

Who would have thought that An Rui himself would become a member of the Transmigration Army

This kind of unrealistic feeling that can only appear in literary film and television works happened to him, so An Rui immediately guessed that he must be the protagonist of a certain author or screenwriter.

An Rui, Hua surname and Hua name, An Shimin's An, Ruijin's Rui.

An Rui, who was originally 25 years old, was summoned to the Aghanim Continent by the six-pointed star formation on his way from get off work 12 years ago.

The 25-year-old body has turned into a 6-year-old in a blink of an eye. Although the body has become smaller, the mind is still as good.

The 6-year-old An Rui looked at the people who had been waiting around him, the mages, priests, knights, kings, nobles and archbishops.

Look at the arcane magic in the hands of the master, the holy light in the hands of the priest, and the fighting spirit of the knight.

There are also the gorgeous costumes of the king's fantasy world, the greedy eyes of the nobles, and the solemnity of the archbishop.

An Rui quickly figured out that he should have crossed into a world of swords and magic.

As a Chinese traveler, An Rui quickly accepted the established fact of travel.

When he learned that he was an Aghanim warrior, An Rui was still a little excited and shouted: "I am the protagonist, ha!"

Time flies, now An Rui has become an 18-year-old brave man. With his righteous friends, he was sent to the south by the emperor of the Panda Empire in the north of the abyss to seek the help of the Queen of the Emerald Forest.

"Shut, rustle, rustle..."

A few short-statured goblins suddenly emerged from the bushes, and the sitting elf knights stood up with a "swoosh", drawing their swords and bows and waving their staffs to prepare for a wave.

"Fuhua Tianwang! Destined Tianyi!"


In an instant, a cloud of white smoke exploded, and a giant red beast jumped out of the smoke, with a lion head, antlers, tiger eyes, elk body, dragon scales, and ox tail.


He opened his bloody mouth and killed the goblins on the spot.

When the elves saw this, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, a woman wearing a white blue-edged lady's robe walked up and gently patted the head of the unicorn-like beast, as if praising it.

I saw that the woman had a pair of fox ears on her head, long messy blue-purple hair, and three large furry fox tails on her butt.

The fox-eared woman turned her head to look at An Rui, with a faint smile hanging from the corner of her mouth, and her wet lips looked shiny: "An Rui, are these goblins the Demon King's army?"

She is the heroic friend of justice, a female Taoist priest named Ahri.

An Rui has a total of 6 partners, 3 oriental-style partners, namely Taoist priests, witches, and samurai, and 3 western-style partners, Templars, priests, and magicians.

It's just that the samurai is a super big road idiot. He got lost when An Rui assembled them, and his whereabouts are currently unknown, so that An Rui now has only 5 friends.

An Rui shook his head: "No, it's just an ordinary goblin under the Demon King. If the Demon King's army comes, my divine gift will remind me."

After answering the call, every hero will receive a benefit named "God's Gift" when he arrives in this world.

The divine gift of the brave is either the "elemental heart" with infinite magic power, or the "fruit of life" with infinite regeneration, or the "dimensional eye" that sees through all lies and illusions, or the incarnation of the goddess of wisdom. Seeds of Wisdom"...

Or the "Oath Sword" with the strongest sword, or the "Void Blade" that can sever everything, or the "Elemental Staff" made of elements, or the "Life Necklace" that protects everything...

Of course, the above are all high-end goods, and the divine gifts of the summoned heroes are also randomly generated according to the style of their original world.

On the other hand, An Rui, who was summoned from the earth, acquired an ability called "system", which was able to completely digitize his own strength.

Today's An Rui is already an existence with "Aghanim Warrior" written in the occupation column and "Lv72" written in the level column.

At the same time, An Rui can also digitize all the people. The person with the highest level in the world that An Rui has seen so far is the Sword Saint of the Panda Empire. In An Rui's eyes, the level is "Lv75".

Top powerhouses such as those titled mages in the empire are all in the Lv70-Lv75 level, and An Rui has never encountered an existence with a level higher than Lv75.

As for why An Rui's level is so low, it is that An Rui, who is a transmigrator, takes his life very seriously, and is also very cautious when fighting.

In easy-to-understand terms, An Rui is a guy who is cowardly to the end and eats chicken.

This brave man is obviously super strong, but he is too cautious, resulting in a super slow upgrade.

He doesn't like taking risks, and he doesn't like trying to be on the verge of death like other traversers and other brave men.

This may be due to the stability-seeking genes of some oriental people since ancient times.

After eliminating the goblins, An Rui arranged: "Ali, go ahead and explore the road to see if there is anything unusual."

Ali nodded, turned over and rode on the unicorn summoned with a "touch": "Let's go, Xiao Xiu."

Seeing Ali's back leaving, An Rui shook his head slightly.

The cat-eared witch Meng'er wearing a red and white witch costume complained: "Really, clearly and sisal agreed to meet in the emerald forest, but the person disappeared again."

An Rui's mouth twitched, and he was indeed a little speechless towards the guy named Sisal.

The samurai of the dog-ear tribe, although they have strong fighting power, is a natural road idiot, who may not know where to go now.

An Rui scratched his head and sighed: "Forget it, it's not a big problem with him or not."

Meng'er followed and complained again and again: "I knew that I had tied the sisal to my side, meow, that guy did the same last time, he clearly said he was going to the Panda Empire, but he went to the Alabas Empire while walking. It's been a year since I came back to meet you all meow.

Meow woo woo, people feel like they're going crazy, meow, there is one person missing in the team, what should I do, meow, I'm in a hurry, meow has obsessive-compulsive disorder, and people are still fighting the devil with the brave, what should I do

One less samurai, one less output, An Rui, what to do meow…”

Meng'er speaks like a series of bead cannons, just like a machine gun, "da da da" endlessly.

Fortunately, An Rui was well prepared, and while Meng'er was not paying attention, he slipped away and hid to the side.

The priest Maria who fell behind was a little pale. Her eyes were covered with a thin layer of black gauze.

The Templar Victor hurried up to meet him and said attentively, "Maria, are you alright?"

Victor admires Maria for a long time. After all, the two belong to the same unit, but Maria's goal is to become a saint, so she naturally rejected Victor's kindness again and again.

"I don't want to fall in love yet. I focus on my career. Are we still good friends?"

But Victor persevered, pursued Maria tirelessly, and tempered his face to the thickness of the corner of the city wall.

Of course, as a priest, Maria had to maintain holiness and restraint, and was unmoved by Victor's diligence.

Maria waved her hands again and again and gave a shallow smile: "It's okay Victor, just help me rest on the stone next to me for a while."

The words are gentle and delicate, and a man will be fascinated by such a weak and pure woman.

After Victor helped Maria, he began to ask for help. Maria was also happy and accepted Victor's concern.

A bright light bulb was born at this time, and the titled mage Rabick raised his robe, took out a pair of dice from the space storage bag at his waist, stroked his goatee, and smiled. "Victor, why don't you come and play in your spare time?"

As he spoke, he threw a generation of coins on the stake beside him, and pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose: "Small bets on happiness, big bets on health, young people, you should try everything."

Seeing the money bag on the stake and listening to the squeaking coins inside, the Templar Victor looked at Maria apologetically with golden light in his eyes, and whispered, "Maria, that's a big one. Fat pig, come to send money again, watch me kill him, go back and buy you some beautiful clothes, hehehe..."

Whoever said that the Templars didn't love money, without waiting for Maria to object, they rolled up their sleeves and moved towards Rubick.

"whispering sound."

Maria took a sip and pouted coldly.

Immediately, he placed his hands lightly on his lower abdomen, conveyed his divine power, and felt the weak life in his lower abdomen. A wicked smile appeared on the corners of his mouth, and he exclaimed in ecstasy: "It must have been morning sickness just now, it seems that the brave man's life has been taken away. The bloodline is in hand, and my plan is one step closer to completion, oh hehe."

Glancing at Victor, who was gambling with Rubick over there, and at An Rui, who was beside him, he whispered, "Oh, man."

This is the team that An Rui entered into the abyss to deal with the Demon King's army.

An elf cavalry hostile to human beings, a juicing priest from the fox-ear tribe, a cat-ear sorceress who can't stop chanting, a goddess priest who looks very holy, and a greedy dog licking saint. Templar, and a titled mage who is addicted to gambling.

"An Rui! It's foggy ahead!"

Ah Li suddenly turned back from the front, and at this time An Rui and others gradually filled with thick fog.

An Rui's first reaction was that the Demon King's Army summoned by the Demon King had arrived, and the system bestowed by An Rui also prompted at this time: "Main quest: "The Demon King's Army Arrives" is starting..."

Seeing that the surrounding fog has gradually gathered, and the visibility has dropped rapidly, An Rui hurriedly ordered: "Everyone, gather around me!"

The justice partners of An Rui's team immediately gathered towards An Rui, and the knights also lined up to set up their postures. An Rui continued to shout: "Maria and Rubick use the lighting technique, and the others light the torches!"

Rubick cursed: "Curse this damn fog, let the old man lose so badly."

Everyone knows that Rubick will lose every gamble, but people are enjoying it, and Victor is smiling and not saying a word, no need to point it out.

After a brief spell was chanted, Maria and Rubick hurriedly propped up two balls of light, and the others also lit torches, drew their weapons, and leaned back against each other, cautiously watching the surroundings.

The system in An Rui's mind was frantically flicking reminders.

"Main quest: "The Demon King's Army" has been successfully launched..."

"The Demon King's Army has officially descended on the five continents..."

"The copy is on..."

""Raging Sea and Raging Waves" is activated!"

""Winter is Coming" is activated!"

"The Great Wall Watch is activated!"

""Oliver Twist" is activated!"

"The Tower is still alive!"

An Rui was taken aback, wait, why do the names of these dungeons feel a little familiar

An Rui stayed where he was, patted his face, and continued to completely immerse his attention in the system.

"The Great Wall Watch was successfully activated in Aghanim Continent..."

"Difficulty: Impossible."

"Description: Destroy the alien demon army that invaded Aghanim Continent."

"Mission introduction: Huaxia is an ancient country with 5,000 years of civilization on Earth, and now she is being summoned to another world by the Demon King as the Demon King's army.

Brave, take up arms and take on the responsibility of defending the Aghanim Continent and the entire world. Please destroy this group of invaders. "

An Rui shouted in his heart: "I, my, my, my, my, my, I'm a bitch, don't you?!

The raging sea and the raging waves, the approaching winter, the Great Wall Watch, Oliver Twist, the iron tower is still there, I am shocked! This is the Wuchangcheng system crossing! ? "

Wait, where is the Time and Space Administration, I want to complain!

I am a good protagonist of otherworld novels, how come the plots of group drama novels are messed up! ! "

Although the dense fog made it difficult to see what was close at hand, An Rui could feel that the soft soil and grass under his feet had now become incomparably strong.

An Rui stomped his feet lightly, a long-lost feeling: "This touch, this foot feel, this hard texture, this... this, this, this is either a cement road or an asphalt road, I'm back? Uh, no, it should be the motherland. Traveled to another world!?"

After a while, the thick fog was no longer as thick as it was at first, and 5 meters away, I saw orange light flashing in the fog.

Bright light moved forward cautiously at the speed of an ordinary person.

"Beep beep..."

car horn? Double flash

An Rui's face is full of introversion at the moment, the motherland has worked hard for you, and you have finally crossed over, I... go home!


Thinking about the novel stalks of various groups crossing otherworlds or anti-traveling, An Rui, who was worried that he would be killed by the unscrupulous old driver, quickly waved his hand and shouted in Chinese that the justice friends could not understand. : "Old driver! Don't shoot... Bah, don't drive! There is someone in front of you!"

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