Different World Development Manual

Chapter 100: Food captive


Little Em and Little Richard's job is to help the CPA clean up the corpses and bloodstains of Imperial soldiers on the streets, as well as those stumps, broken arms and minced meat.

God knows what happened on the streets, with the bodies of Imperial soldiers lying on the ground everywhere.

And what happened to those broken hands and feet, they didn't look like they were cut off by a normal powerhouse at all, but instead, they looked like they were torn apart by some force in vain.

Little Em and Little Richard threw the corpse of an Imperial soldier who had been shot in the chest on the thing called a car, and Little Em said: "Hey, this is the last one, the corpse in the town. We basically wiped it all out."

As soon as the words fell, a CPA soldier greeted the car that was carrying the corpse and drove out of the town.

Little Richard still had a look of fear on his face, and his heart lingered: "Blood all over the ground, corpses all over the ground, my God, I feel like I've walked through hell on earth."

Little Aim hammered his back, twisted his waist and said, "God knows what kind of attack the imperial soldiers encountered, but last night I was so frightened that I hid under the bed and didn't dare to make a sound.

There are roars of 'rumbling' monsters everywhere. Will these Chinese people drive monsters? "

Looking at the surrounding houses that collapsed due to the explosion, Little Richard shook his head: "I don't know."

Little Em asked again, "Is your sister okay?"

"It's okay... It's okay, but I was very scared last night. Fortunately, these Chinese people didn't break into the houses and ruin their good homes like the imperial soldiers did."

Little Em nodded: "That's right.

The Chinese people have a very powerful force. In just one night, they wiped out all the garrisoned troops inside and outside the city. This is 20,000 people, my God.

Such a powerful army, but it is completely different from the imperial army.

The Chinese army didn't do anything rude to us after entering the city, my God, I feel like I'm in a dream. "

At this time, many residents in the town had been hired by Chinese people and began to follow the CPAs to move bricks to find survivors in the ruins.

He began to pump out the water in the well, washing away the blood of the Imperial soldiers on the paving stones over and over again.

The efficiency of their work is higher than that of the mayor.

At this time, there was a sound of a bugle in the sky.

The two little guys were stunned, looked at the sky, and exclaimed, "What's going on?"

A CPA wearing a red armband waved at the two little guys not far away: "It's dinner!"


When Little Aim heard this, he immediately raised Little Richard's hand and ran towards the cpa.

According to the two people's work in the morning, they obtained more than a dozen small pieces of paper the size of thumbs in their hands.

The pattern on the paper is simple, but the workmanship is exceptionally fine.

The cpa who sent them the paper introduced: "This thing is called an exchange coupon. With the exchange coupon, you can exchange for what you need at the designated place."

The CPA stationed in Windmill Town doesn't carry too many things, and most of these exchange coupons can only be exchanged for some uneaten food in the exchange market set up by the CPA.

At this time, in the exchange market, there were several field cooking cars parked, and several cooks were busy on the cars.

The lids of several pots were opened, and the aroma suddenly floated out of the car.

Little Em and Little Richard each held more than a dozen coupons, and they were full of excitement as they circled around the battlefield cooking truck.

In those iron pots, colorful dishes are fragrant, and it can be said that the color and fragrance are all available.

Little Richard sighed: "I'm afraid even noble grandpas can't eat these things?"

Little Aim also nodded again and again: "I'm afraid Duke An Rui and the Norman Emperor will not be able to enjoy it."

"Wowotou, 4 coupons per one..."

The broadcast in the official language of the empire came out from a small speaker. Although it was not very marked, even with a hint of broken sound, the general meaning was that the two little guys still understood.

"Wowatou? What? 4 coupons per piece?"

The two little guys looked at the coupons in their hands, glanced at each other, and finally followed the sound to the place selling Wowotou.

I saw a simple and honest fat man with a yellowed white apron, looking at the two with a smile, pointing to the steaming pastry on the steamer, and then pointing to the exchange coupons in the hands of the two little guys.

He opened his mouth and said, "Wowotou, 1 coupon, 4 coupons."

Although they don't know the official language of the empire, but they danced and gestured, and the two little guys still understood.

Little Aim handed over a voucher in his hand, but the fat man took it and threw it into the pocket of his apron.

Then he picked up 4 wowatou from the steamer, added stuffing to them, then packed them in pockets and handed them to Little Aim.

After Little Aim took it, he glanced at the inconspicuous Wowotou, and then swallowed it without hesitation.

while it’s hot…

"Wow... it smells so good!"

As the stuffed wowatou swallowed, little Aim only felt a tenderness in his body, as comfortable as soaking in spring water.

Coupled with the solid feeling of Wo Wo Tou, Xiao Aim suddenly felt that his stomach could finally be full.

Tears filled their eyes for a while, knowing that what they usually eat is wheat bran porridge, porridge washed with wheat husks.

Add some miserable wild vegetable leaves, and this is the most hearty meal in their eyes.

If you are lucky, you can put some diced meat in it and add a few drops of oil, it will be more perfect, and it will make them happy for a week.

However, the wowotou in his hand has meat, vegetables, unknown but very delicious things, and is full of oil and water. Even those knights and nobles may not be able to taste it, right

And the most important thing is that this thing can be exchanged for 4 with only 1 exchange coupon.

My work in the morning is just a dozen exchange coupons. I feel that the Huaxia people are just doing welfare at the beginning, and doing things for the Huaxia people is a bloody profit.

The lives of the common people, but they can enjoy the food that the little aristocrats may not be able to enjoy, it is amazing.

Little Aim immediately handed a nest to his brother-in-law: "Richard, eat quickly, it's super delicious!"

After Little Richard took the wowotou, he took a bite and said "cool"!

"Four more! No, eight more!"

After speaking, Richard took out 2 exchange coupons, and wanted to exchange a few more wowtou from the very friendly looking fat man.

The cook smiled and handed the wowotou to Little Richard, and then pointed to the pot next to him, indicating to them that there were all kinds of food in it, and they could try other things.

Little Aim also reacted, and immediately walked away with little Richard holding eight wowtou, with tears on his face: "Richard, there are delicious food over there, let's try those. "

With a wowtou in his mouth, Little Richard hummed, "Mmmm."

After a while, the two little guys had a storm in the exchange market, and immediately consumed the exchange coupons in their hands.

Little Richard held a bottle of happy water, rested against a stone step, rubbed his stomach lightly, and looked full.

Little Em said at this time: "Richard, give me all the exchange coupons on your body."


Little Richard subconsciously covered his pockets and looked at Little Aim vigilantly.

But thinking that he can feast on himself today is also because of Little Richard, if it weren't for him, he would still be hiding at home, shivering.

After hesitating for a while, Little Richard escaped the few exchange coupons he had left, and handed them to Little Aim: "Here."


Saying that, Little Aim ran away in a hurry. Ten minutes later, Little Aim ran back with a large bag of hot food, fruit, and drinks.

Panting, he said, "The exchange coupons are all used up. Well, this is for your sister. Take it back and give it to your sister."

Little Richard trembled suddenly, glanced at Little Aim, then glanced at the food in Little Aim's hand, took it carefully, and thanked his sister again and again: "Aim, thank you."

Little Aim wiped his nose and said with a smile: "You send it to your sister first. I heard that the Chinese people are recruiting local guides. I'll go to inquire about the situation, and we'll go back to show the Chinese people the way."