Different World Development Manual

Chapter 101: Frontier Base of Windmill Town


Outside Windmill Town, the combat headquarters of the 58th Army Brigade.


"Come in!"

A non-commissioned officer walked in from outside the headquarters, stood at attention and saluted: "The count of the Imperial Army's war dead has been completed, a total of 9,031 corpses.

It is also estimated that 4,300 corpses have been fragmented due to the explosion. It is impossible to make a complete one, and the identities cannot be identified. Please indicate! "

Guang Shixin returned a military salute and said slowly: "Find out the identity information of the still intact corpses as much as possible and bury them on the spot.

Those 4,300 unidentifiable corpses were gathered directly and burned. "


Due to the sudden crossing, Guang Shixin also ended his career in the Blue Army.

The entire north is facing an unknown crisis. The words and deeds of the Time and Space Administration put forward suggestions to the general army, so that the participating troops in the north will immediately go north to open up new land in the three provinces of Monan, Mobei and Dongdan.

However, Guang Shixin was ordered by the General Staff. Due to the signs of the imperial army going south, Guang Shixin's 58th Brigade was asked to take the lead in passing through the alien version of the Great Wall, Alan's Shield, into the territory of the brave An Rui, and at the border under the territory. The town of Windmill Town was stationed and first established a stronghold in the empire.

Since the road from the mainland to the Panda Empire is not smooth, there are forests and monsters everywhere, so the troops going north have very limited supplies.

At this time, Huaxia was simply unable to organize a wave of expeditions against Pan's self-defense counterattack. Now, they can only send elite troops to use the terrain "familiar" to the military to be stationed in defense of the imperial army's counterattack.

Although Huaxia was fighting in the name of self-defense and counterattack, at this time it was completely away from the Panda Empire.

Even in An Rui's territory, he couldn't act as freely as his master.

The lord of the territory, An Rui, as China's diplomatic ambassador, led a delegation to the Furry Kingdom to establish diplomatic relations, and was unable to return to his territory for a while.

In An Rui's territory, there were still many government officials and generals dispatched by Emperor Norman, so it was absolutely irrational to act rashly in this unfamiliar environment.

Guang Shixin's reconnaissance team has been spread out under the leadership of the local guide, and with the drones in the air, they are drawing the nearby map over and over again with Windmill Town as the center.

The troops of the 58th Brigade also began to drive towards the favorable terrain nearby, and established fortifications to guard against the imperial army going south.

The imperial army stationed in Windmill Town was wiped out, annihilated more than 13,000 people, captured more than 5,000 people, and more than 1,000 people were missing, and no one was injured or killed.

Guang Shixin walked out of the barracks and looked at the local residents of Windmill Town who had been mobilized outside. They were enthusiastically helping the engineering soldiers of the 58th Brigade to carry out civil work on the construction site. Guang Shixin breathed a sigh of relief.

It can be seen that the residents of Windmill Town do not have much centripetal force for the empire. Just like the medieval countries on the earth, the citizens of these countries have not formed any concept of state and nationality at all.

The CPA's military and civilian situation, even the principle of innocence with the enemy's citizens on the enemy's territory, has made the CPA unanimously praised by the residents of Windmill Town.

The strategy of "relief for work" is to exchange coupons for the driving force of the residents of Windmill Town, and to exchange cheap and high-quality food for the goodwill of the residents of Windmill Town, so as to bring the distance between the two sides. This has to be said to be the best policy. .

In the eyes of the residents of Windmill Town, the cpa seemed to be a heavenly army sent by the gods. Although they defeated the imperial army, they did nothing to the people here.

Although they asked everyone to help them work, they were given vouchers that could be exchanged for food that no nobles could eat in the form of "alms".

In the eyes of the residents of Windmill Town, it is better to say that they are the angel army from the south rather than the Demon King's army.

In just half a day, the residents of Windmill Town's fear of CPA basically disappeared.

The military camp where the Imperial Army was originally stationed was also demolished at this time with the help of the residents of Windmill Town, basically clearing an open space.

At this time, the engineering vehicles of the engineers also drove into the field. The huge steel monster made a groaning sound, which made the working residents of Windmill Town very scared at first.

But after staying for a long time, the residents of Windmill Town gradually got used to these steel monsters accompanying them.

Such a powerful steel monster is also driven by those friendly Chinese people to work obediently.

A simple airstrip is being quickly established by engineers, and then an aviation force will be stationed in the forward base of Windmill Town.

Looking outside the military camp, the organized residents of Windmill Town also began to follow the road leading to Alan's Shield, heading south, to tidy up the muddy dirt road.

There are also many roads leading to other cities around, and with the help of the residents of these windmill towns, dirt roads have been slowly paved.

Originally lifeless, only the residents of Windmill Town, who relied on the imperial army stationed here to drink and condolence to women to improve their poor economy, discovered this.

With the CPA stationed in Windmill Town, the entire Windmill Town seems to be rejuvenated with new vitality.

The residents looked vigorous and energetic, and they couldn't help but be overjoyed by the exchange coupons that were exchanged through their own labor.

"Report! The enemy general Michelle has awakened!"

Guang Shixin chuckled: "That guy had a tough life. He actually survived, but his arm was blown off."

After a while, Guang Shixin arrived at the battlefield hospital.

The hospital at this time can be described as overcrowded. It is not like in the red sun, when medical reinforcements can be transferred from nearby identities.

The field hospital here is only built according to the brigade-level specifications.

Most of the hospital was filled with seriously wounded Imperial soldiers, who were wailing and waiting for the medics of the 58th Brigade to rescue them.

With so many people, the military doctors of the 58th Brigade must be too busy. Those who didn't catch up with the treatment or survived, kicked their legs, rolled their eyes, and burped.

As for those with minor injuries, just sit outside the field hospital and simply sterilize and bandage them.

Guang Shixin went straight to a fairly clean open space. Michelle was rescued and out of safety. In addition, he was considered a strong man himself, so his recovery ability was very fast.

With bandages on his shoulders, he sat in the open space and ate a bowl of fragrant minced meat and vegetable porridge to himself.

The 20,000 Imperial soldiers stationed in Windmill Town were destroyed in an instant. As the supreme commander of this force, he has absolute responsibility.

He was annoyed, he blamed himself, he turned all his grief and anger into appetite, and drank the bowl of porridge fiercely.

"The Female President's Almighty King"

Rice, something Michelle had never eaten before, and the salted vegetable and minced meat porridge gave Michelle an appetite.

Even as the Marquis of the Empire, he has never eaten such delicious food.

A pair of gobbling, as if there is no dignified and dignified image as an imperial noble.

After taking Michelle to drink the porridge in the bowl, he saw a glass of cold boiled water in one hand.

Michelle was stunned, and immediately raised her head, only to see a black-haired man in his 40s standing in front of him.

He was wearing green and colorful clothes, and Michelle knew that it was the standard clothes called the Chinese People's Army.

Look at his collar, there is a different stamp from other cpa.

Two horizontal bars, and 4 stars.

Obviously it is not the same as the military rank of the Huaxia people he saw.

Michelle clearly remembered that when one or two soldiers with a bar and a few stars came in, most of the Chinese soldiers would salute them.

The man in front of him was two horizontal bars and four stars, and behind him stood a few people with one horizontal bar and several stars.

With Michelle's intuition, he told himself that this guy must be an incredible figure.

"Hello, General Michel, I am the commander of the Chinese People's Army that defeated your troops. You can call me Guang Shixin."

With a smile on his face, Guang Shi spoke in the pure official language of the empire without any haste or slow. He was proud of his words and deeds, which helped An Rui charge a lot of money to the system and exchanged credit for a large number of translation balls.

Michelle was shocked: "Imperial language?!"

He casually took the cold boiled water that Guang Shixin handed over to him, took two sips of "gugu", smashed his mouth, and forcibly calmed down his surprise.

Guang Shixin opened his mouth again and said slowly: "Alan's Shield has been broken by us, and all your defenders stationed there surrendered to our army.

Due to the assassination of our envoy by the Empire, our country regards it as an undeclared war. From now on, General Michel, until the negotiations with the Empire begin, you will always be a prisoner of our army. "

Mihir squinted his eyes, slowly removed the army green iron cup beside his mouth, stared at Guang Shixin, and said unwillingly: "The empire has a million armor, a thousand good generals, and the army can go south at any time. , to flatten you and even the land of the abyss, do you think you have a chance to defeat the empire?"

Guang Shixin smiled: "I wonder how General Michelle felt when he fought with us?"

Michelle's body trembled slightly. It was like falling into hell. It was a one-sided slaughter. Michelle couldn't help but pray for the army of the empire. I hope this is the most powerful fighting force of the Chinese people. Bar.

"Report! The troops in the territory of the northern discovery code-named 'Brave' have assembled and are heading towards Windmill Town!"

Guang Shixin rubbed his chin and smiled lightly: "The brave man is not here. Are all the soldiers in his territory recruited by the officers sent here by the emperor of the empire? Interesting."

Immediately, he ordered: "Send a telegram to the Time and Space Administration and ask the imperial army that was recruited from the territory of the brave, to be annihilated? Or captured?"


After receiving the order, the sergeant ran out.

Although he didn't understand what the two were saying, Michelle saw a hint of haste on the non-commissioned officer's face, which only appeared when there was an emergency military situation.

However, Guang Shixin didn't care, he turned his head and said with a smile: "General Michel, I will take you to visit and see how the imperial army with a million soldiers and thousands of good generals was destroyed in an instant."