Different World Development Manual

Chapter 102: Frontier Base First Battle


73 kilometers away from Windmill Town, a force of 10,000 people is slowly heading towards the southern border town along the dirt road.

Apart from the dozens of knights and one minor noble who were a group of minor nobles whom the Norman Emperor had won over in An Rui's territory before, the rest of the 10,000-odd people were all strong men who were pulled up by these minor nobles.

Lord An Rui has been away from the territory for more than a year because of the task assigned by the Norman Emperor.

During this time, the Emperor even sent a large number of officials into the Lord's territory, saying that it was to help Duke An Rui effectively manage things off the ground during his absence.

Said so, but the officials appointed by the emperor did not put the collected taxes into the treasury of the duchy, but arranged one after another to send them to the emperor's direct jurisdiction.

This made the people of the duchy who discovered such a situation very angry.

Not to mention that the taxes they handed over to the duke were cut down by the tax officials sent by the emperor, but after these tax officials arrived in this less prosperous territory, they increased taxes in various names.

All kinds of extortionate and miscellaneous taxes make the people miserable.

However, in the face of the Empire's army, which has grown steadily due to the arrival of the Demon King's Army, these people did not dare to complain about the Empire's tax collectors and soldiers.

Baimeng Book

As the Gran people, this nation living in the south of the Alan River in the Panda Empire has long been oppressed by the Panda people, the main nation of the empire.

These imperial soldiers who entered the dukedom did not see them as their own people at all.

And these 10,000 people are troops who were forcibly recruited from the small towns and villages in the north of Windmill Town. They do not want to participate in this war. They just want to work on their own land and harvest a batch in autumn. Another crop to live a good life.

However, things didn't go as expected. After the Duke left, the little nobles who were drawn by the Norman Emperor immediately broke the principle that the Duke and Min Qiu had no offense, and that they were lenient.


"Hurry up, Granite! His Majesty the Emperor is going to lead an army through the entire abyss!"

A knight kicked a Granite, a baron under An Rui, whose territory was a small village with less than 100 people.

As a Panda, this baron knight who was entrusted to a small village in the southern wasteland was naturally dissatisfied with this poor Gran.

There's nothing left but a measly bag of taxes every month.

With that little tax, even a trip to a kiln in a big city in the north can't be done.

The knight was naturally very dissatisfied with these Granites, and because of the existence of the innocent hero who laid down the rules of equality, the knight could not vent his anger at all on weekdays.

However, with the departure of the naive hero and the intervention of the royal forces, the entire duchy finally returned to a little bit of normalcy.

If the tax paid is not enough, I use my daughter to make it up.

If my daughter can't do it, I use land instead.

In just over a year, An Rui's territory has been smothered by these guys.

The Gran soldier staggered, and was kicked to the ground directly by the knight. He slammed into the grass with his face, shaking his hands, resisting the anger in his heart, and got up angrily.

The knight saw that the sailor's mouth was full of mud and grass, and laughed heartily: "Laugh at the old paper, the dog eats shit! Hahahaha! You low-level Granite! Hurry up and pick up the weapon and get out of my way. Go ahead!"


Another kick, heavily on the waist of the Granite.

The Granite clenched his teeth sharply and shouted in his heart, "It hurts!"

He staggered forward a few steps and steadied himself.

Looking at the spear that fell to the ground, after hesitating for a moment, he finally bent down and saw it.

Yu Guang secretly glanced at the high-ranking knight riding on the horse, daring to be angry and not saying a word, and trotted two steps to keep up with the recruited team.

The knight squeezed his horse's belly, trotted all the way to the back of a nobleman, held a whip, pointed at the Granite who had been kicked a few times by himself, and laughed: "Lord Count, look, this is them. These Granites.

He was beaten by us, and he did not dare to do anything against our orders.

Born to be submissive, cowardly, hahaha…”

The earl on the warhorse also laughed and said, "You, if your behavior is known to the duke, your title must be cut off."

The knight chuckled: "Heh, Duke? That weirdo who doesn't know what world he's from

The Holy See has already hated him for his support of "The Earth Circle". In addition to his "Equality", is it possible that he still wants to grant equal rights to these pariahs of Gran

What are you kidding

In the Panda Empire, only we Panda people are first-class people.

That duke was dispatched to the Emerald Forest by His Majesty the Emperor a long time ago. God knows what he is doing now.

Look at these officials and nobles in the territory, who are not the people of His Majesty the Emperor.

It is more accurate to say that this duchy is a home rather than a royal. "

The count nodded slightly, basically agreeing with the knight's words, but still reminded: "Be careful, be careful."

The strength of An Rui's individual strength is simply not comparable to that of the group of them. In addition to the strange guys who gathered around him, if An Rui is willing, the Earl believes that he can even rely on him and him. The force of his friend became the most powerful lord south of the Alan River.

But that guy idles around all day, tinkering with some useless minerals, or tinkering with some strange machines, or hesitating to confuse the public, or advocating concepts such as equality for all.

Not at all what a nobleman should look like.

In addition, he is not a Panda person, so An Rui, the duke, has become a foreign object in the entire imperial circle of elites, and is very disgusted by other nobles.

The knight snorted coldly: "What is there to say carefully, it is estimated that His Majesty the Emperor is planning to use the hand of the elves of the Emerald Forest or the hand of the Demon King's Army to get rid of that guy.

He is not like a hero at all, but a heretic. "

"Ha ha… "

The Count smiled: "It seems that it is true..."


Before he finished speaking, the earl's head exploded like a watermelon.

Red blood and white brain flowers splashed on the knight's face in an instant.

The stench on his face suddenly made the knight stay in place, trembling with his lips, and said in horror: "This... this... this is... what's going on?"

The earl, who was obviously still talking to him, did his head explode at that moment

"Clap! Clap!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Immediately afterwards, the nobles and knights around them had already followed the conventions, and their heads exploded one after another.

Pieces of huge noises also exploded from a distance, and the sound was like a roar of monsters.

The knight looked into the distance with a terrified expression, but he didn't see a single figure.


Even if his head exploded in an instant, he still couldn't understand what was going on.

In less than a minute, the noble grandfathers and knights in the entire team died one after another.

On a hillside a kilometer away, the corner of a sniper's mouth rose slightly: "What about a very useful target, Xiao Liu, how many have you solved?"

Another sniper on the side said: "Three."

"Hehe, I killed seven, you have to work hard."

"Brother, the noble commanders have been resolved, and that troop has begun to disintegrate!"


At this time, several warrior armored vehicles rushed out and quickly drove towards the scattered troops in the distance.

In the passenger seat, Xu Lin held his rifle with live ammunition, stared at the scattered troops in the distance, and said ruthlessly: "Run, run ass, this time with live ammunition, you idiots of the empire will come back to Try the old paper?"

Wu Xin stood on the machine gun position, holding the heavy machine gun on the vehicle, biting an energy bar, hehe smiled and said: "Don't act rashly, lest I can't control my hand and suddenly bump you."

Pan Rui whitened the two of them, slammed on the accelerator, held the steering wheel, and then turned on the radio button.

At this time, the speaker installed on the front of the car suddenly played the official language of the empire to persuade to surrender: "This is the Huaxia People's Army, the soldiers of the empire listen, you are surrounded, put down your weapons and surrender immediately..."


Watching a few strange tin beasts wrapping up from afar, the Gran people didn't think they could surround themselves.

But the nobles and knights died in that instant, which made the Gran people guess that it must be the ghosts of those tin beasts.

In the face of such a powerful iron-skinned beast, it still runs so fast.

The Gran man dropped his weapon without saying a word, knelt on the ground, and surrendered to the speeding car.

Xu Lin spit and complained: "Damn, these people surrendered so simply, it's boring."