Different World Development Manual

Chapter 104: labour is the honour


The 58th Brigade and Windmill Town are close to the military and civilians. The military and civilians are not bad. Most of the Granites in Windmill Town choose to use their hard-working hands to work for the Huaxia people and earn exchange coupons in exchange for items.

Guang Shixin also learned from the local guide that the Gran people's view of hair is not as stubborn as the Chinese people in ancient times, "the body is hairy, and the parents don't dare to damage it, which is the beginning of filial piety".

It is probably also because the Gran people are the kind of ancient people in the Western culture of the earth, and they do not have as many etiquettes as the ancient Eastern people.

Therefore, after 10,000 Lange prisoners of war were brought back by the troops who went out to meet the enemy, Guang Shixin immediately arranged for these guys to pull out their clothes and pants one by one, and baptized them with soap.

And shaved all the messy hair.

Put on a set of "cheap" commoners, and cleaned up the hygiene well.

The airstrip can already take off and land small military transport planes. The road from the mainland of China to Windmill Town has not been completed, and all the supplies and materials that are urgently needed can only be solved by air transportation.

As another small plane landed on the runway, the Gran Prisoners of War, who had changed into new clothes, also began their labor reform journey.

The hatch opened, and bags of cement in the cabin were carried out by these Granite prisoners of war.

On the nearby construction site, there are quite a few large mixers, followed by diesel generators, working "hummingly", mixing all the cement ash into cement slurry.

Next to it, the residents of Windmill Town, under the guidance of the officers and soldiers of the 58th Brigade, started the first "industrialization" and the first assembly line operation in their lives.

The cpa fighters "cut down" the trees in the nearby forest, and as the trucks dragged the stout towering trees back to Windmill Town, those employed Windmill Town residents also began to hold saws, "Fu Chi Furchi" sawed down the logs one by one.

After the logs are sawn, they are immediately sent to the open-air timber processing plant in the town.

Soon, a piece of template, a piece of wood, a wooden wheel will be manufactured.

Immediately afterward, the manufactured products were sent to the "assembly workshop", and the residents in the town who were responsible for assembly assembled the wooden cart that had not yet been dried.

Although the wooden cart is wet at this time, it is not easy to use it, but it is enough.

The engineering unit of the 58th Brigade was obviously unable to contract all the way out, and had to hand over simple tasks to those Granites.

Division of work, assembly line operation, and the production efficiency of wooden carts have also been greatly improved.

The trend of "assembly line" also spread slowly in Windmill Town. Everyone understands the truth. Things that once took a family to do in a day or two now only need centralized, large-scale, and divided production. , can quickly make a large number of finished products in one day.

But the wet wooden wheel cart is just an emergency item. The residents of the town have already begun to move out the wood stock in their homes, lit the fire, and began to dry the logs.

I saw those Granite prisoners of war, each wearing new clothes, carrying logs, and walking over from a distance with red faces.

For them, they are not like prisoners of war at all, they dress better than ordinary people or even small nobles, and they can eat enough to eat and have meat.

Can this be called a prisoner of war

It's like returning home, only home... No, it should be going to heaven, and only heaven has this kind of treatment for every meal.

Some Gran Prisoners even gathered in private groups and praised: "Master Huaxia, please give us more opportunities to work.

We will use our hard-working hands to prove our worth, and we will be prisoners of war for our grandfathers in China for a lifetime. "

This kind of thinking made Guang Shixin very helpless. The Gran people, a nation in the empire who did not care about their grandmothers and uncles, seemed to give them some low-level treatment of prisoners of war, and they all felt that their lives would be much better than usual.

So many residents of Windmill Town, who envied Gran Prisoners of War, also shouted: "We also want to be prisoners of war! We want to wear! We want to eat! We want to follow Master Huaxia!"

Facing these strange demands from the residents of Windmill Town, Guang Shixin was also dumbfounded.

Immediately, he sent a telegram to the temporary headquarters of the Time and Space Administration in the south. Of course, his words and deeds immediately responded to his old opponent, and now to the sharp-edged figure of Pan's self-defense counterattack.

A clothing company in Monan Province received an order from the Time and Space Administration in an instant. The fabrics do not need to be the best, but the styles must be rich.

Even the various cheap knockoffs you put on the market in the past, the Time and Space Administration will purchase them together according to military needs.

Military supplies, it was the first time that the owner of the clothing factory saw that military supplies needed knockoffs, which somewhat subverted his imagination.

At the same time, an agricultural trading company in Monan also received an order from the Time and Space Administration, all of which were counted as military supplies.

A batch of Chen Liang has been released from the warehouse, all of which are about to expire. They took the plane to the frontier base of Windmill Town and slowly flew towards the north.

With a lot of new clothes and a lot of food flying to Windmill Town, the material life of the whole town has been greatly improved.

"The First Minister of the Ming Dynasty"

Guang Shixin had to increase the printing volume of exchange coupons, and even asked the Time and Space Administration whether to put rmb in Windmill Town.

However, the answer given by words and deeds is: "Now is not the time. Let's replace it with 'exchange coupons' for a while. Everything will wait until the guy codenamed 'Brave' returns from abroad."

The residents of Windmill Town also held the exchange coupons in their hands, and they couldn't help holding these fake clothes that looked very good-looking and subjectively imagined that the fabrics were much better than those of the nobles.

Just like the New Year's Eve, people took some new clothes and new pants, put them on, and walked around the town.

Whenever you meet someone, say hello with the Chinese greeting "Hello" that has recently become popular in the town.

As a large amount of Chen Liang arrived in Windmill Town, the cooks of the 58th Brigade also changed and came up with more kinds of noodles.

What kind of wowotou is not a rarity anymore.

Live the buns stuffed with local game minced meat, the flower rolls inherited from the traditional Chinese pastry, the steamed buns from Zhuge Liangping Nanman, and the golden fried dough sticks when fried in the oil pan...

All kinds of things, the officers and soldiers of the 58th Brigade immediately captured the hearts of the residents of Windmill Town.

Even taking them to work seems to work harder, doing the most work, getting the most exchange coupons, and exchanging the best Huaxia products.

Work cool for a while, work hard all the time.

The residents of Windmill Town have never enjoyed their work as much as they are today. This is a happy time that belongs to them alone.

And the envy of the Grand Prisoners of War also gradually dissipated with the "large" and "rich" material input.

Of course, the Gran Prisoners of War were not jealous of those Gran compatriots in Windmill Town. They knew that they were prisoners of war.

Instead of being killed, they were handed out tools by these Huaxia people to help pave the way, to use a cart to carry the thing called "cement", and to help fight the felled logs.

The Huaxia people did not beat them with whips or scolded them harshly.

Instead, they are like amiable elders, instructing them how to use these tools to work and how to act in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Chinese people.

After their work, as prisoners of war, they not only have two sets of clothes to change and wash, but also have enough food for three meals a day.

Where is this prisoner of war, this is clearly enjoying.

Are Chinese people doing charity work

The Grand Prisoners of War had no intention of escaping at all. If the Huaxia people gave them back their freedom, they would even be willing to take refuge with the Chinese people, and they could be cattle or horses.

Even the life of a prisoner of war was more than a star and a half better than the bleak life in the empire, where he was occasionally caught by nobles and bullied.

At this time, Guang Shixin did not pay too much attention to the idea of these Gran Prisoners of War, but was studying the main city of the Duchy of Dehebas of the brave An Rui in the northwest.

Now, there are conscripted troops of at least 100,000 people being gathered there one after another.

These troops were all recruited by the nobles who were drawn by the emperor when An Rui was away.

What only gave Guang Shixin a headache was that the requirements of words and deeds were to behead nobles and generals and capture troops, not annihilate, which made Guang Shixin difficult to handle.

Although the reason given is easy to understand, because the "brave" is one's own, the people of the "brave" in this territory are very important to China's strategic layout.

Therefore, in battle, try not to cause too much damage to the Grans in this territory.

Guang Shixin was discussing tactics with the staff while watching the picture sent back by the drone.

Could it be that another battle like the formation of troops at the Chiri Base was staged

It's unlikely. Windmill Town is more than 200 kilometers away from Anrui's main city, which is a bit "too fuel-consuming".

Just when Guang Shi was thinking about it, a non-commissioned officer suddenly came in to report: "Report! The emerald dragon that attacked two j11s half a month ago has been following us for several days, is it resolved!?"

Guang Shixin squinted his eyes: "Is that the dragon that can be turned into a child?"


Guang Shixin curled his lips: "Let's see if you can make contact. If you can't, drive away. If the opponent uses force, they will be captured and killed on the spot."
