Different World Development Manual

Chapter 107: South of the Great Wall


Windmill Town, the station of the 58th Brigade.

Several warrior armored vehicles slowly drove into the base, and at this time, the soldiers in the base also stood up.

It's not just an ordinary little girl, but a guy who was discovered half a month ago, who can transform into a giant dragon, play supersonic speed, and play dogfights with two j11s.

The anti-aircraft artillery, snipers, armored vehicles, and heavy machine guns in the base aimed their muzzles and muzzles at the armored vehicles.

Even the Gran Prisoners who worked near the base were sent (shu) to (san) other places for labor reform.

In the sky, wz10, wz19, and z20 also hovered, ready to fight at any time.

As the door of the armored vehicle opened with a bang, a petite green figure rushed out, the track was on the ground, and he vomited.

"Hiccup~ I'm sorry to die..."

With tears in her eyes, Bi Luo wiped the stains from the corners of her mouth, looked at the pool of colorful things on the ground, and twitched.

That thing called a car is very fun to sit on, but on this bumpy road, Biluo's stomach turned upside down for a while, which was quite uncomfortable.

Even if she is a dragon, she can't stand such a toss for the first time in a car.

Bi Luo inadvertently drew a rune, and a ball of clean water the size of a small fist suddenly appeared in front of Bi Luo's eyes.

Immediately after Bi Luo opened her mouth, the water ball turned into flowing water and flowed directly into Bi Luo's mouth.

"Gollum Gollum Gollum..."

Bi Luo vigorously gargles and spit it out with a "poof".

Blinking her eyes, pouting her lips, she looked up and saw that the Chinese people around her looked like they were facing a formidable enemy. Bi Luo just remembered that she was just a lost little girl, how could she not be able to control her hands? , using magic

As soon as he knocked on his little head, he stuck out his tongue, looked at the Huaxia man wearing a red armband beside him, blinked and said, "Aiya, why did it rain like this just now, hee hee hee..."

The man rolled his eyes at Biluo, and said to himself, "What about the ghost, it's obviously the magic you used."

Bi Luo smiled and glanced at Windmill Town: "Mother... I've arrived home, thank you for sending me home, farewell!"

However, the cpa warrior wearing the red armband said: "Wait a minute, brigade commander, I want to see you."

"Uh, can't you let the old lady go?"

The cpa warrior subconsciously put his finger on the trigger, nodded, and let the back point to the tent not far away, signaling Bi Luo to follow them.

Bi Luo snorted coldly, she snorted in her heart, shook her head, and followed.

For the Huaxia people, Bi Luo was more curious than the disgust that she was beaten on the buttocks at this time, and at the same time, she still had a little reverence for the Chinese people.

Just now, the beast tide was easily dispelled by the Chinese people.

The ruler in the north of her territory was cleaned up by Huaxia within a few minutes, and she also got a magic core to eat.

Even if she is a dragon, the powerful strength of the Chinese people does not dare to be underestimated.

Gently rubbing her butt, thinking back to the burning sensation half a month ago, Bi Luo shuddered.

However, everything about the Chinese people is full of unknowns and curiosity to her. For example, the thing called a car, made of iron, can carry you around without eating meat or grass, and it is very fast.

In the forward base, there are still many Gran Prisoners of War who are pushing cement with simple wheelbarrows, and under the command of the CPA, pour them on a large flat open space.

Immediately afterwards, I watched a steel monster with a big wheel, blowing smoke, driving up and down the mud.

"What's that smoky thing? What are those imperial people doing? Are they repairing something?"

The cpa with the red armband glanced at the airstrip under construction and said, "Oh, that's a road roller, look at the rollers in front of it, it can flatten the road.

As for those Granites, they are our prisoners of war, undergoing labor reform.

That thing is an airport, a place where planes can take off and land. "

After speaking, he pointed to an unmanned reconnaissance plane in the sky that had just taken off and was flying towards the northwest: "Well, those things that fly in the sky are called planes."

That thing is called an airplane

Only then did Bi Luo understand what the one-eyed monster who was fighting with her was.

But at this moment Bi Luo's heart sank, looking at the long runway of the airport, she also muttered in her heart: "Is it the airport? Is it the same existence as the Dragon's Nest and Bird's Nest

How many planes will the Chinese people live in such a large nest? "

Thinking of the abominable plane that the Beamon beast encountered just now, Bi Luo couldn't help but feel a chill. She turned her head and looked to the south. God knows how many planes those Chinese people will send to park in the nest.

This long nest, no matter how you look at it, can stop dozens of planes.

Even if he turned into a dragon, he could not be their opponent.

"Report! The target person has been brought!"

Guang Shixin looked at Bi Luo who was brought in, and nodded: "Thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard!"

After saying that, the CPA soldiers withdrew, not because they were not worried that Bi Luo would make some tricks in this tent, but the guards in the tent were replaced with anti-equipment sniper rifles.

That hard and black, black and big, big and thick muzzle pointed at Bi Luo, even if Bi Luo had any changes, it was estimated that she would have exploded and died immediately.

And the moment Bi Luo entered the tent, she felt murderous aura from all directions.

Staring at those dark muzzles, holding his breath, the atmosphere did not dare to let out a sound.

Guang Shixin took the lead and said, "Are you a dragon?"

Bi Luo trembled, how could it be? Found out? Mingming that he concealed himself so well, he hurriedly denied it: "Hee hee, what are you talking about, how can I be a dragon? I'm just a lost little girl, a resident of Windmill Town."

Guang Shixin rubbed his chin and said unhurriedly: "The accent of the Gran people in the imperial language is not like yours, and we have all the residents of Windmill Town registered here, it seems that there is no one with your number..."

Immediately afterwards, Guang Shixin lightly pressed the remote control, and the screen behind him suddenly showed a picture.

Bi Luo was taken aback by the sudden scene, but she quickly stabilized her figure. After all, it was a magic dragon, and the thing on the screen might be some kind of Chinese magic.

I saw in the screen that it was playing a picture of Biluo and two j11s fighting in the air half a month ago, but the perspective was that of one of the pilots.

After Bi Luo was hit by a missile and fell into the forest, the whole scene ended.

But another picture was shown again, still from a high-altitude perspective, but at this time, the picture was of Bi Luo who had turned into a human shape and fainted in the forest after fighting.

Guang Shi opened his mouth and said, "Although I haven't photographed the specific process of you changing from a human to a dragon, and then from a dragon to a human.

But after our fighter plane fought the dragon, the place where the dragon fell, and the track of the mud that was tumbling on the ground, was exactly where you fell into a coma.

So we are sure that you are the dragon. "

Bi Luo was shocked, she was impeccable, my mother couldn't find how to refute it.

Bi Luo's expression was completely caught by Guang Shixin, and then she showed dozens of photos of her taken by drones: "We have a drone that is watching you flying these days, but I don't know. Why did you, who originally decided to go south, suddenly go north again

Can you talk about it because you want revenge from the previous battle? or something else? "


When it comes to the battle with the plane, Bi Luo couldn't help rubbing her ass. The old lady is indeed here to take revenge, but how can I take this revenge? The Chinese are so strong.

Guang Shixin took the manuscript given to him by his words and deeds and said: "If it is the previous battle that made you hold grudges in your heart, we will make appropriate compensation to you.

If it is said that it violates your territory, it is impossible to say it now, because the south of the Great Wall is our inherent territory of China, and we are only performing tasks on our own territory. "

"What? The Great Wall?"

Guang Shixin continued to introduce: "It's the Alan's Shield in your mouth.

The Great Wall is a great building built by the First Emperor of my country on the northern border in order to resist the invasion of the northern enemy.

Therefore, all the land south of the Great Wall of Alan's Shield is my country's inherent territory since ancient times.

And you privately enclose land on our territory, which is an illegal construction and will be forcibly demolished.

But our country is also a benevolent society, and we will provide certain compensation to the forced demolition households like you.

Moreover, we Chinese people are also willing to make friends with you, and hope that you will accept our compensation and establish a friendly relationship with us. "

Wait, what the hell is the Great Wall, what the hell is it since ancient times, what the hell is the inherent territory, what the hell is it illegally built, what the hell is a good relationship with

But that compensation, Bi Luo couldn't help thinking of delicious food, and asked involuntarily, "Compensation? What is the compensation? Is it delicious food?"

Just kidding, there is nothing in the big foodie empire, Guang Shixin laughed: "If it's just food as compensation, then it can't be easier. I guarantee that your compensation will be the food you have never eaten before."

However, Guang Shi asked curiously: "But don't you need compensation like gold coins and treasures?"

His words and deeds gave Guang Shixin's opinion that if the other party accepts compensation such as gold coins and treasures, they will directly pull it to An Rui's territory. An Rui has found a gold mine there, but that guy has not developed it for some reason. That gold mine can be compensated to the dragon.

I just didn't expect that what Bi Luo wanted was not the treasure of gold coins, but food.

Dragons are always greedy, gold coins and treasures, those are all liked by middle-aged and elderly dragons.

And Biluo, a vigorous dragon, naturally likes to eat, drink and play.

Thinking about the strength of the Huaxia people that I have observed in the past few days, and seeing the olive branch extended by the Chinese people, I don't bother to ask for the broken territory in the land of the abyss. Make friends with the Chinese people, so many delicious food Drink something fun and interesting.

Bi Luo immediately clapped her hands and came down.

Compensation, my mother wants it.

After eating and drinking, I will be friends with you.