Different World Development Manual

Chapter 108: Beheading operation


"Confirm action.

In this mission, we will infiltrate the enemy in the heart of this area called the Duchy of Dehebas.

Due to the whole territory summoning order issued by the emperor of the empire, and the fact that Duke An Rui of Dehebas was previously sent by the emperor to the Emerald Forest in the south to perform a mission, the emperor took this opportunity to put his hand in the Duchy of Dehebas. above military affairs.

Although the title of the duke belongs to the guy named An Rui code-named 'The Brave', the nobles and officials under the entire dukedom are mostly biased towards the Emperor of the Empire.

With the promulgation of the National Recruitment Order, 90% of the troops in the Duchy of Dehebas were forcibly mobilized, including many Granites who were suddenly forcibly pulled into the army by the imperial soldiers.

In the northwest, 239 kilometers away from Windmill Town, Anrui Fort, according to the footage captured by our drone, the nobles of the Duchy of Dehebas have gathered at least 100,000 people there while Duke An Rui is away. Imperial Army.

They are preparing to go south, and as the vanguard of the imperial army, they will test our strength in a showdown with us.

However, of the army of more than 100,000 people, 70% of them are Gran people, so our mission this time is to sneak into Anri Fort to perform beheading operations.

Mark all noble generals, as well as those who are biased towards the emperor of the empire, in Anribao, laser-guided, and guided missile attacks.

Once the noble generals who command this army are dealt with, we can easily capture the Gran army.

We will take the z20 at 2:5 a.m. to a place 20 kilometers away from Anri Castle, and then transfer to an all-terrain vehicle to arrive at Anri Castle, and conduct infiltration operations. "

While talking, Wu Yin looked at the expressions of the team members, and then continued to arrange: "Li Xian, Ding Yang, after sneaking in, you should find the commanding heights as soon as possible and cover your teammates' actions!"



Li Xian is the sniper of the special operations team, and Ding Yang is his partner, the observer.

Due to the excessive number of diplomatic missions last time, Li Xian and Ding Yang did not participate in the last Battle of Windmill Town, which is a pity for the two of them.

But this time, it was the enemy army's lair in the Duchy of Dehebas. Li Xian and Ding Yang were in high spirits, and their hands were itchy, so they were connected to the command, and the voices they shouted were full of energy. Killing intent.

Wu Yin nodded with satisfaction, and after continuing to make arrangements, he glanced at the team members in front of him.

Demoman Lu You, Heavy Machine Gunner Luo Xiaohei, Mechanical Hand Zhou Yu, Electronic Hand Xia He, Tactician Doctor Ni Qiao, Sniper Li Xian and Observer Ding Yang.

"Have you already understood the mission?"


Wu Yin stretched out his hand and said, "Everyone has it, come back safely."

The soldiers put their hands on the back of Wu Yin's hand, pressed down in unison, and shouted: "Yes!"

Wu Yin tilted his head: "Let's go!"

There are three z20s parked at the airport at this time, and the ground staff are fixing several ropes under the belly of two of the z20s. At the other end of the ropes are two small all-terrain vehicles.

After the soldiers came out, they jumped directly towards the Z20 without an all-terrain vehicle.

At this time, Guang Shixin was carrying his arms on his back, standing at the airport, watching the boarding special forces team.

Wu Yin also saw Guang Shixin, and after Xiaobu ran over, he stood at attention and saluted: "Guang Brigade Commander!"

Guang Shixin replied with a military salute: "As expected of the dark night special team, last time I was a diplomat, this time I directly inserted a sharp knife into the enemy's heart. It's really hard for you."

Wu Yin smiled: "It's not hard work, after all, we are only dealing with troops in the age of cold weapons."

Guang Shixin patted Wu Yin's arm and warned: "This world is not a simple cold weapon, it is also full of magic that we have never understood.

Remember, we can despise the enemy strategically, but never tactically.

You should have read the battle reports of Jiangzhou, Chiri, and the Sea of Sun and Harmony. Our losses are not small, so don't be careless. "

Wu Yin nodded and thanked: "I have already told the team members, don't worry, we will be careful."

Guang Shixin smiled lightly: "Okay, not much else to say, the troops on my side have already moved in the northwest direction, just waiting for your order."

Wu Yin saluted again: "Promise to complete the task!"

"I wish the horse every success."

After Wu Yin said goodbye to Guang Shixin, he set foot on the helicopter.

3 helicopters carrying 8 special forces and 2 all-terrain vehicles flew in the direction of Anriburg.

After a short time, they arrived at a place 20 kilometers southeast of Anribao. After the eight special forces and two all-terrain vehicles were safely delivered to their destination, the three z20s immediately began to return.

Wu Yin looked at his watch and said, "It's 2:30 in the morning, it's the time when the enemy is the most sleepy.

Everyone get in the car, put on night vision goggles, turn off the lights, and go. "


The 2 all-terrain vehicles carrying 8 special forces members rushed towards the northwest. After more than 20 minutes, a city appeared among the special forces.

The soldiers hid their cars one after another, then lay on the ground, observing the city in the distance.

Observing hand Ding Yang held the instrument, measured the city wall of the city, and muttered: "The height of the city wall is 11 meters, ho, the city wall of this Anrui Fort is almost catching up with the city wall of Chang'an."

The sniper, Li Xian, looked at the soldiers on the top of the city and said, "The defense on the city wall is weak. There are very few guards, and most of them are sleeping. The possibility of sneaking in from the city wall and being discovered is very low."

At this time, the electronic hand Xia He on the side was looking at the instrument in his hand and said, "The drone's screen has been switched on."

Wu Yin hurried over, Xia He pointed at the screen, and continued: "The enemy's barracks are in the west, northwest, and north of Anri Fort, and we don't have any troops here.

From the scale of the military camp, there should be at least 90,000 troops stationed outside.

The remaining tens of thousands of troops should all be stationed in the city. "

Wu Yin looked at the streets of An Ruibao, there were a lot of candles, especially in some places, you could still see the imperial soldiers in twos and threes, hanging over their shoulders, carrying a pot of small wine, walking staggeringly, it should be The guy who lived the night in Unreburg.

At the door of the brightly lit small house, you can still see many women who are inappropriately dressed, standing at the door reluctantly saying goodbye to those drunken imperial soldiers.

Wu Yin couldn't help but slapped his mouth and shook his head gently: "The nightlife in Anribao is quite rich."

Robot Zhou Yu smiled and said, "Warrior team, do you want to go to the night life too?"


After Wu Yin scolded, he arranged: "Everyone stay vigilant, Zhou Yu and Xia He released small drones to observe the distribution of officers in the barracks outside the city."


After a while, several small drones the size of dinner plates flew toward the northwest.

Since it was early morning, most of the Imperial soldiers were already asleep.

Coupled with the cover of the night, the small drone that has almost achieved the ultimate mute effect, even if it flew close to the reconnaissance, it could not be discovered by the imperial soldiers patrolling at night.

After spending half an hour, Zhou Yu and Xia He finally got around to the 90,000 people outside the barracks.

Xia He analyzed the images detected by the drone: "Army troops, from the perspective of clothing style and weaponry, almost all the military camps outside are stationed by the Granites who were recruited by the Duchy of Dehebas. There were not many imperial noble officers in the barracks.

I guessed that those Panda soldiers, as well as those noble generals, should be stationed in the city of Anribao. "

Within the Panda Empire, the main ethnic group, Panda, has always looked down on other ethnic groups, and their natural sense of superiority will not allow the imperial army composed of the Gran people to follow them in the already crowded Anri Fort.

Wu Yin nodded: "All the coordinates of the imperial officers in the general's camp are marked."


The older battalion commanders in the barracks are very conspicuous and clean. They are guarded by soldiers outside. At first glance, it is the place where the nobles rest. There are nine out of ten Panda nobles or generals inside.

Wu Yin continued to ask: "Has the map of Anrui Fort been drawn?"

Xia He replied: "The drone has been drawn."

Wu Yin nodded and said: "Well, everyone is ready to set off, sneak into the city, and mark the place where all the Panda nobles and officers live."
