Different World Development Manual

Chapter 109: Guard of the castle


On the top of the tree, Li Xian was aiming at the city head and said to the channel: "Of the 7 imperial soldiers on the city wall, 5 of them are asleep, and the other two are standing on the city head drinking."

At this time, Wu Yin and several people had already touched the city head, pinched the microphone, and instructed: "The two guys at the city head are handed over to you, and immediately follow after the settlement."


As he said that, he patted the shoulders of the other people who were on guard, pointed to the top of their heads, removed the gun in the backpack, and said in a low voice, "Check the equipment and prepare to go to the city wall."

At this time, Li Xian aimed the scope at one of the awake imperial soldiers on the city wall, chewing bubble gum and said: "Ding Yang, leave the guy on the left to me, the one on the right to you, listen to my order and shoot together. ."

"no problem."

Although he is an observer, Ding Yang's shooting level is also top-notch. Even if he is holding a rifle, at this distance, he can still use a sniper rifle.

Ding Yang slowly aimed at the head of the imperial soldier on the right, then lifted the muzzle of the gun up a little, and said, "Ready."

Li Xian chewed bubble gum and said calmly, "3, 2, 1, 0!"


With two crisp gunshots, the bullets came out directly, and the silencer suppressed the gunshots to the lowest level. The sniping in the distance didn't sound as loud as the wind at night.

"Pfft! Pfft!"

With two chopping melons, Li Xian and Ding Yang shot through the heads of the two imperial soldiers drinking small wine.

"Wow", the two fell directly to the ground.

It's just that the imperial soldiers on the city wall were so sleepy that they were not awakened by the sound of the two guys falling to the ground.

Li Xian and Ding Yang aimed at the sleeping imperial soldiers on the top of the city, and said in the channel: "Army, it has been solved! The imperial soldiers are still sleeping."


Speaking, Wu Yin tilted his head: "Go!"

"Boom! Boom boom!"

Several steel nails shot directly towards the city wall, "ding ding ding" a few times, and slammed against the parapet.

Wu Yin pulled the rope behind the steel nail and said, "Action!"

After climbing up the city wall, several people took out their daggers and quietly approached the sleeping imperial soldiers.

He stretched out his hand suddenly and pressed the imperial soldier's nose and mouth.

Before the awakened imperial soldiers struggled, just in his terrified eyes, a dagger cut off the throats of the five imperial soldiers.

"woo woo woo woo… "

"Pfft chi chi..."

"Army team, solved it!"

"it is good."

Wu Yin nodded and continued to arrange: "Li Xian Ding Yang, hurry up."


"Xia He, drone footage."


A real-time image of God's perspective appeared on the screen, Wu Yin looked at the city below the city, then looked at the picture captured by the drone, and speculated: "The enemy generals and nobles should be In those houses with lights on, Li Xian Ding Yang looked for the commanding heights after disposing of the corpses on the city wall.

Luo Xiaohei, Ni Qiao, Zhou Yu, Lu You, and Xia He came with me.

Move separately, and mark all the positions of all the nobles and generals in the city.

Remember, don't mislabel the civilians and wealthy classes in the city who have nothing to do with the imperial army. "


Although the noble generals of the Panda Empire entered the city, they drove those merchants who were attached to An Rui out of their mansions, and forced them to live in them in the name of the army.

But the strong castle in the center of the city, even if they were given 10,000 courage, they would not dare to take the name of the army and rush into the castle where the owner had left for a long time.

Several imperial knights were drunk and looked at the gate of the castle that had no guards, and snorted: "I don't know what those guys think, obviously there is no one in this castle, such a big castle. , We have so many generals, it's really a waste to stay."

"That's it."

The wine is strong and cowardly, not to mention that these two knights are two minor nobles under the Duke of Dehebas, and they can't touch the level of An Rui at all.

They only knew that An Rui, the salty fish warrior, was idle all day, not doing his right job.

Lying in bed every day and counting the taxes paid by the nobles in the territory is enough.

For such a guy, having such a castle, these country knights are of course not happy.

Is the tax we pay just for you to eat, drink and have fun with your sisters

At this time, the call for the whole world has been issued, and everyone must contribute to the expedition to the abyss. Lord Duke, your castle will contribute.

The two drunken knights looked at the castle without guards and without a master, plus the imperial army again, they naturally walked towards the city gate with courage.

At this time, a knight whose fief was near the Fort of Anri watched the two guys walking towards the castle, and hurriedly shouted: "Hey! What are you two doing? Crazy!?"

The two knights turned their heads and glanced at the knight with a fief near Anri Castle with a smile: "Of course, I borrowed the master's castle to rest for the night, hahaha..."

After speaking, he walked towards the city gate on his own.

And the knight watched the two guys keep persuading them to stop, and didn't say anything. After all, to him, everyone was just a stranger, and they were gathered together because of the whole world's summoning order.

The two drunk knights laughed and looked back to see that the knight just now had disappeared.

"Hehehe, that timid guy is not worthy of being a knight at all."

"That's right, isn't it the hero's castle, and it's not the devil's castle, what are you afraid of?"

On both sides of the road to the castle, there are many statues of heavy armored knights. They are holding giant swords, standing straight on both sides of the road, and staring straight at the road.

The road, which was originally less than 50 meters, seemed to be a long journey for the two drunken knights.

"Hey, I think this road is a bit too long? The castle was just in front of us, why do I feel like I walked a few hundred meters?"

The other knight was also stunned for a moment. After parting with that cowardly knight, they seemed to have been walking on this road for two or three minutes.

But no matter how they walked, the gate of that castle always seemed to be more than 30 meters away from them.

At this time, the knight said again: "Hey, why do I feel that these knight statues on both sides seem to be alive, their eyes are staring at us."

The other knight's wine suddenly woke up a little at this time. Thinking about the persuasion of the knight who persuaded the knight just now, and the strange things that happened to the two of them now, the knight's back involuntarily broke out in cold sweat.

With trembling lips: "I... I think, let's not go to the hero's castle."

The knight next to him nodded: "Well... um."

The two supported each other, and as soon as they turned around, they saw that the way back had been blocked by several statues.

Those knight statues that were originally located on both sides of the road, holding giant swords, stood in the middle of the road.

"Huh? No, why are those statues behind us?"

As soon as the voice fell, I heard the sound of "click, click," broken stones falling from the statues.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a famous knight walking directly out of the stone, dragging his giant sword and slowly walking towards the two of them.

"Damn, what are those things?"

The way back was blocked, and the two hurriedly turned around to run forward, but at this time they saw that the road ahead was also blocked by several knights turned into statues.

The two knights were immediately panicked by the attack of the knights one after the other.


The two of them pulled out the knight swords one after another, leaning back against their backs, with the tip of the sword pointing at the statue knights, their legs trembling, and they said in fear, "Don't come here, don't come here!"


However, the statue knights did not intend to ignore the two at all, and jumped up suddenly, wielding their giant swords, and slashed towards the two knights with one knife.

"Damn it! Block... goo..."

The knight who originally planned to block with the horizontal sword had not been able to hold out for a round, and the whole person and the sword directly let the statue knight cut off.

In the blink of an eye, there were two more corpses on the ground.

Those statue knights shook off the blood on the giant swords in their hands, stepped back a few times, and stood on both sides of the road again. "Kakaka", their skins began to petrify, and they turned into statues again.

A figure wearing a black tuxedo and gold-rimmed glasses slowly walked towards the two corpses.

He squatted down, stretched out two fingers, lightly touched the ground to get blood, and sucked it in his mouth.

"Ho~ pooh!"

He spit out the blood in one mouthful, curled his lips, and cursed, "Stinky!"

Immediately, he snapped his fingers, and the bodies of the two knights on the ground immediately ignited a blue flame, which gradually turned into little blue ashes and dissipated in the night sky.

The man carried these hands, looked up at the bright moon in the sky, his cheeks were pale, and he sighed: "The blood of a country knight is so unpalatable, even a vampire like me who is not picky at all can't say anything. ."

As he spoke, he looked at a house with lights in the distance, and could vaguely hear the frolicsome sounds of imperial aristocrats and full women from Anriburg.

"Hey, are these guys really not aware of those people approaching at all?"

After speaking, he turned into a bat with a sound of "Peng", flapped his wings and flew into the sky, looking down at the sneaky figures below by the moonlight, and smiled lightly: "Furfurfurfur, those guys are Is it a compatriot of the master? It's interesting."