Different World Development Manual

Chapter 116: Attack Momo City


The temporary headquarters of the Monan Time and Space Administration.

Yan Xing held the report in his hand and smiled: "The inscription magic circle is really worth studying. After that kid An Rui comes back from the Furry King, organize a group of experts to study that thing."

In the eyes of words and deeds, Guang Shixin and others, this so-called inscription circle is an energy mask.

The naval battle in the Sea of Sun and Harmony, the combined fleet of the Holy See, and the spells used by the Cardinal Archbishop named Noghu, are also energy shields in terms of words and deeds.

Whether it was An Rui's inscription magic circle, the red-clothed archbishop's spell, or the Holy See's magic circle, they just changed their names.

Take the eavesdropping report that Guan Lin sent back. In An Rui's words, like those energies with different names in the population, whether it is magic or magic, they are all unknown energies, but the names are different.

And all the skills are just different formulas applied to the string of numbers.

The inscription magic circle and Noghu's shield of divine power are all programs that represent the energy shield calculated by different formulas.

2+2 equals 4.

2x2 also equals 4.

1+1+1+1 still equals 4.

The magic of this world, for Huaxia, is just countless completely unknown formulas.

Before deciphering magic, it is necessary to decipher the numbers that can use this formula, that is, the energy in the magic core and magic crystal, and conduct systematic scientific cognition.

Words and actions have already written a report and reported it to the center, and the "Huaxia Magic Committee" under the Time and Space Administration is also in preparation.

After reading the report of the inscription formation by words and deeds, he looked back again.

The oil has been "explored", and the specific storage volume will not be confirmed until the airport in Anriburg is established before the arrival of the expert team.

Due to the emergence of oil, Anri Fort is an important town for Huaxia, and his words and deeds have prepared Guang Shixin to move the frontline headquarters of his 58th Brigade to Anri Fort.

At the same time, Guang Shixin was ordered to command the troops of a regiment stationed in the forward base of Windmill Town to attack westward and take down Momo City, which is located 170 kilometers southwest of Anrui Fort.

Momo City is the gateway to the west of the Duchy of Dehebas and the second largest city in the Duchy of Dehebas.

Once Momo City is captured, Anribao, Momo, and Windmill Town can form a swaying trend, which can effectively resist the southward march of the imperial army from the north.

After Guangshi received the order, he left a company of troops to guard in Windmill Town, waiting for reinforcements from behind, and the rest of the 58th Brigade stationed in Windmill Town immediately moved westward.

After a journey of more than 170 kilometers, it took only 4 hours to reach the southern suburb of Momo City.

At this time, Momo City was the regent of Karen's eldest son, and he did not know that the danger had come.

And Guang Shixin also learned the lessons of the Battle of Anribao, and did not let the army aviation persuade him to surrender at low altitude.

Being close to the people is close to the people, but it is too dangerous.

The bilingual surrender flyers printed by Windmill Town in Imperial and Glenn were quickly printed, and they were mounted on several z20s and delivered directly over Momo City.

The surrender flyers all over the sky floated down like snowflakes, and the residents in Momo City picked up the flyer with bilingual text and read it along.

A literate businessman was standing in the small square, surrounded by a circle of Granites who did not know one of the three religions and nine-class characters, listening to his recitation.

The businessman's expression was very solemn and not very good-looking: "To all the military and civilians in Momo City:

We are the Chinese Republic, the Chinese People's Army.

Such barbaric acts are tantamount to declaring war on our country, as the Empire brazenly attacked our envoys.

We are the teachers of justice, the teachers of benevolence and righteousness, and the unnamed actions, this war provoked by the empire is entirely an act of self-defense of our country.

Anri Fort was liberated by our army yesterday, annihilated more than 20,000 imperial troops, captured 110,000 people, and our army suffered 0 casualties.

All resistance is futile in the face of my mighty People's Army.

Within 1 hour of your time, open the city gates, lay down your weapons, and surrender to our army.

Otherwise, our army will attack Momo City.

The 58th Brigade of the Chinese People's Army. "

The businessman's news is well-informed. Momo City is only more than 170 kilometers away from Anri Fort, and they will soon know the news of the fall of An Rui Fort.

For the surrender flyers thrown down by those strange steel monsters in the sky, the merchants have already given birth to retreat, surrender, right

However, the eldest son of Cullen, Earl of Gera, the regent of the city, does not seem to have such plans.

The Granites surrounding below said in surprise: "The Imperial Army suffered such heavy casualties? More than 20,000 people died? 110,000 people were captured? And in just one night, the entire Anri Fort was captured? Great, isn't it?"

Another Granite also exclaimed: "And the Huaxia people did not have any casualties, this, this is a lie, right?"

The propaganda information on the surrender leaflet completely subverted the views of the Gran people in the city, including the Panda people, on the war. What was originally a fact seemed unreal to them.

But what if this is true

Are Chinese people really that powerful

Why don't you surrender

Gou... One step, the sea is vast.

However, some Pandaren snorted coldly: "What a joke, 140,000 imperial troops were wiped out, and 0 Chinese people died, it's impossible to fool anyone, even the Demon King's army in the abyss can't do it. "

His companion couldn't bear to pour cold water on him, and whispered, "They are really the Demon King's Army."

The Panda man put his waist on his back, and continued arrogantly: "I'm afraid it wasn't because of the attack that killed 1,400 of my imperial soldiers, but exaggerated the publicity, made a great victory, wiped out 140,000 enemies, and lost 0 casualties.

"Gene Era"

Hmph, there is no need to be so surprised by the usual routines in history. In my opinion, 1,400 imperial soldiers have died, and many Chinese must have died.

Moreover, they must still surround Anri Fort, which is an important town in the Duchy of Dehebas. The Duke of Dehebas spent a lot of money to build that city.

That is the hero of Aghanim, how could the Chinese take it so easily? "

The businessmen were considering whether to surrender, and the vast majority of Gran people were also a little swayed. As for those Panda people, most of them did not trust the false propaganda put on the z20.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

At this time, several imperial soldiers in the city squeezed in with halberds and looked at the businessman in the square who read the surrender leaflet, and scolded: "Spread rumors, spread false information, take it!"

The businessman was stunned for a moment, then panicked, threw away the flyer, and begged for mercy: "!?? Jun, I don't, I'm not, I'm a good person!"

The soldiers didn't care about the three, seven and twenty-one, and the three and five were taken down, and they were escorted to the underground cell and detained.

Karen's eldest son naturally would not surrender. At this time, he was the regent of everything in the city. He immediately ordered: "Close the city gate, and everyone will go to the city head to prepare for the enemy."

In order to cooperate with the propaganda of the surrender leaflet and create a kind of pressure, the mechanized troops of the 38th Regiment of the 58th Brigade also slowly appeared in the sight of the imperial soldiers.

Safe distance, even magic, may not be able to attack them.

Armored vehicles and tanks lined up one after another, and the muzzles of the black holes were aimed at the city wall.

The imperial soldiers on the city wall looked at the steel monsters in the distance, swallowed their saliva, and said uneasy: "Are Chinese monsters attacking the city?"

"God, there's black smoke coming out of those monsters' butts, so scary."

"Where's the mage!? What about the mage in the city!? Hurry up and organize to the city wall!"

"It doesn't matter if it's a magic apprentice or a magician, just go up the city wall and rub a fireball!"

Because of the existence of Karen, there are many low-level mages in Momo City, and there are even guys like great mages.

The mages have been organized to go to the city. As a member of the empire, they have not participated in such battles less often. Especially those mages who traveled in the border areas are often organized to participate in the battle.

A great magician looked at the steel monsters outside the city and murmured, "Is it the beast tide of the Chinese people? Oh, it's interesting."

Then he ordered: "The Great Magister Karen is fighting the enemy in Anriburg. Now the magic power of Momo City can only rely on us. All magic apprentices and magicians follow my command to fight!"


The short one-hour waiting time passed quickly. Li Long, the head of the 38th regiment who attacked Momo City, looked at his watch and said with a smile: "His grandma, the defenders of Momo City are tough, An Rui. The fort has been liberated, and this group of natives is still so stubborn.

The 38th Regiment listened to the order, and let these other world aborigines in Momo City taste the cordial greetings from the Wuchang Big Bang.

Fire! ! "