Different World Development Manual

Chapter 119: Hanging on


The Duchy of Dehebas, on the outskirts of Momo City.

A warrior is galloping from a distance, and the genius magical girl of the dragon family has learned the Chinese language for daily communication in just a few days.

Bi Luo was sitting in the back seat at the moment, chewing the potato chips Wu Xin handed over with a "click", and said with a smile, "Wow, it's delicious."

Wu Xin smiled, opened a bottle of happy water and handed it to Bi Luo with a "chi", and said, "Here, potato chips are perfect for drinking."

"Wow, it's Happy Water!!"

This sweet, fizzy drink fell in love with Pycnol the first time I touched it.

"Double tumble..."

Holding the happy water and drinking, the sweetness that passes through the throat, the bubbles that keep bouncing on the tongue, and the carbon dioxide that accumulates in the lower abdomen.

"Hee hee hee hee... cool, hiccup~"

Wu Xiaopang laughed, and when he plucked a mango-flavored lollipop, it shoved it into Bi Luo's mouth with a bang.

"This is also good, you can try it."

Biluo, a fruit like mango, had never eaten it before, and the taste spread in her mouth immediately, and Biluo had an excited look on her face.


Pan Rui and Xu Lin, who were sitting in the front row, looked at the two guys in the back from time to time. This Wu Xiaopang and Bi Luo were too familiar.

Maybe the two guys are foodies, or maybe it's because Bi Luo is the head dragon, and Wu Xiaopang is an animal lover, so the two of them turned an ordinary escort mission into a joyful journey. generally.

As for Biluo, who was brooding about the two j11s who slapped her butt ferociously, she had already forgotten about it in a few days of food captives.

Soon the four of Pan Rui arrived at the barracks of the 38th Regiment. After asking Lu a little, Pan Rui drove the car to the front of the headquarters.

"Pan Rui, soldier of the 58th brigade, report here!"

"Xu Lin, soldier of the 58th brigade, report here!"

"Wu Xin, soldier of the 58th brigade, report to us!"

Li Long glanced at the three people standing at the entrance of the command department, nodded slightly, and then his eyes fell on the little green-haired loli behind the three people.

I saw that little loli with her waist on, biting a lollipop, standing behind Wu Xin, also looking at herself with her head tilted.

At this time, Pan Rui said: "Report, friendly Biluo has been delivered!"

Although it is said to be a dragon, this petite body made Li Long unable to connect her with the emerald dragon, rubbing his chin and muttering, "This is the dragon the brigade commander said, right?"

The three nodded, and Little Loli also smiled, not shy. She squeezed out from behind Wu Xin, learned the postures she had learned in the Huaxia military camp these days, and saluted generously: "The Emerald Giant Dragon Bi Luo, I am happy to serve you."

Biluo is just a young giant dragon who goes out and travels, so she is not very stubborn about the concept of territory.

After Guang Shixin and Biluo conducted a series of "deals", Biluo, a foodie, was finally captured by Chinese cuisine.

Maybe she felt that she had eaten too well, and every day was a delicious food that changed her mind, and it broke through her heart in an instant.

Growing up so much, I suddenly feel that all the delicious food I have eaten before is not worth mentioning in front of a series of Chinese cuisines such as Sichuan cuisine, Cantonese cuisine, Shandong cuisine, etc. For Bi Luo, Huaxia is simply a paradise for a greedy dragon like her.

French fries, potato chips, happy water, buns, steamed buns, and flower rolls, although there are no noodles in Wowotou, but with all kinds of meat fillings, they will definitely beat those chefs in Longyu.

After a few days, Bi Luo had nothing to do except eat.

For a while, Bi Luo felt ashamed of Guang Shixin, so she proposed to Guang Shixin that she was willing to help the Chinese people in this war against the Panda Empire.

Guang Shixin originally wanted to win over Bi Luo and offer delicious food, after all, he was a dragon.

Just like a strategy game, Biluo's affection for Huaxia has reached a certain level of trust at this time, so Biluo offered to help Huaxia fight, and Guang Shixin agreed without a word.

The reconnaissance plane found an army of 200,000 people more than 130 kilometers west of the Duchy of Dehebas. Judging from the banner of the army, it should be the Duke of Berbor, the "Valkyrie" Isabella, on the southwestern border of the empire.

However, the army of the Valkyrie seemed to have received an order and stopped there.

Just met Biluo volunteering to fight, so Guang Shixin directly arranged Biluo to Momo City, the western city of the Duchy of Dehebas, to be dispatched by Li Long of the 38th Regiment.

Li Long released the real-time aerial footage captured by the reconnaissance plane, pointed to a map, and said, "This is Shuijing Town, a border town in the abyss, 134 kilometers away from the Duchy of Dehebas.

There are 200,000 imperial troops stationed here ready to enter Dehebas, Bi Luo, your mission this time is to cooperate with our army to destroy this army led by the imperial Valkyrie.

You have to show your face in front of them, create a certain degree of deterrence and panic, and let them know that even the dragon has joined our camp. "

Bi Luo leaned on her waist, and Qi Yu said proudly: "Ha! Valkyrie Isabella, the lady knows that she visited her territory once when she went to the empire for a walk last time, hum, that little girl still thinks about it. I can't get along with the old lady, just kidding."

Recalling the last time I went to the Berbor Duchy, Bi Luo was lured into the trap of the magic array by the Valkyrie, and she almost explained it there.

Although Bi Luo said how much she looked down on the Valkyrie, her body was still very honest, her little hand clenched her fist tightly, and said angrily: "I have a festival with that Valkyrie, don't worry, these 200,000 people will be handed over to the old lady, the old lady. I'll help you get it."

Li Long also did not expect that the friendly army arranged by Guang Shixin also had a holiday with the commander of the enemy army, which was a little surprised.

According to the situation learned by words and deeds, the dragon is a high-end combat power for the entire flat world.

The battle against the Valkyrie was to arrange Biluo to appear and spread an important message to the empire. Even the emerald dragon in the land of the abyss was already under the command of Huaxia at this time.

Dealing with enemies outside the Duchy of Dehebas is no better than dealing with enemies within the domain. Most of the enemies inside the domain are the imperial army composed of the conscripted Gran people, while the imperial army outside the domain is based on Panda and others. army of nations.

Those guys are not the subjects of An Rui's territory, and there is no need to hold back against them.

However, dealing with the Valkyrie's army of 200,000 is also the first battle of Huaxia against the empire's expedition to the south, so Huaxia's prestige must be played.

Bi Luo will carry all kinds of artillery shells and incorporate them into a group of armed helicopters to launch a cluster bombardment on the Imperial Army. The vehicles will defeat this army, causing them to panic and spread the danger of the Huaxia Army to the Imperial Army. every where.

After the arrangement, Bi Luo was taken to an open space.

A CPA logistics soldier said: "Miss Biluo, this is the place."

Bi Luo nodded, waved her hand, and motioned for those nearby to take a step back.

The three Pan Rui quickly understood and stepped back 10 meters.


At this time, Bi Luo raised her head, exposing her pointed teeth, and roared, like a fighter jet flying overhead at a low altitude.

The three of Pan Rui covered their ears and said in pain, "What a loud voice!!"

"Is this the Dragon Yin!?"

I saw Bi Luo's body rapidly grow larger, and the turquoise dress on her body slowly... merged with her skin, turning into cyan to green gradient scales on Bi Luo's body.

After a while, a huge body appeared in the open space, with its huge head lowered, staring at the three of Pan Rui, snorting from nostrils, hehe smiled and said, "How is it, my mother's body is not bad."

The body of course refers to the muscle lines of the giant dragon. The dragon has high magic resistance and great strength, and the outline of the entire body looks quite comfortable.

It's just that the three of them couldn't adapt to the setting of a cute little loli who suddenly turned into a giant dragon.

"Shocked! The body has grown bigger, and there is no burst of clothes!! This is unscientific!!"

Xu Lin frantically complained that, in his imagination, Bi Luo changed from a human to a dragon, and her clothes would burst.

Like Sailor Moon, the clothes exploded instantly, and when the body reached the rainbow light, the background music sounded, and when the light dissipated, the dragon should take shape.

Meow a microphone, there are no benefits, bad reviews.

The two-story-sized giant dragon in front of him is really difficult to connect with the Northeast Lolita Dragon who was full of foul language before.

At this time, the logistics staff of the cpa came over in a pickup truck, which was full of artillery shells.

Pan Rui was taken aback: "100mm artillery shells in the 08-step battle?"

A logistics staff walked up to Biluo and saluted, "Miss Biluo, this is the ammunition for you, please allow us to put the ammunition on your back."

Bi Luo nodded, obediently crawling on the ground, waiting for the support staff to install it.

Several soldiers climbed onto Biluo's body and began to put the vehicles made for Biluo on their backs, and then instructed the vehicles to hoist the ammunition into the "ammo compartment" on Biluo's back.

Bi Luo was covered in big men, and she was ready in no time.

The "ammunition compartment" is separated, but there is no need to worry about the explosion caused by the collision caused by the violent vibration during the flight.

The logisticians got off Biluo's body one after another, wiped the sweat on their forehead, and took a deep breath: "The request is to put it directly on your back, but Miss Biluo, can your claws really reach?"

Bi Luo's two front claws are short hands, and her hind legs are too big, so it looks like she can't get a cannonball at all.

Bi Luo snorted and raised her arrogant dragon head: "My mother is an emerald dragon, these guys, you must know that there is magic in this world that you don't have at all."

After speaking a spell, the warheads in the "Ammunition Pod" floated up.

The logisticians nodded with satisfaction: "It's amazing, I'll leave the fight against the Imperial Army to you, Miss Biluo."

"no problem."

As he spoke, he opened his wings, fluttered violently, grabbed the two cannonballs on the ground, and lowered his head and shouted: "Wu Xiaopang, prepare some happy water for my mother, and after my grandma returns, drink her Don't get drunk!"

After speaking, Bi Luo flew into the distance. At this time, the wz10 and wz19 aircraft groups that came from Windmill Town also flew over.

Xu Lin stared blankly at Bi Luo's back in the sky, and opened his mouth: "Wu Xiaopang, that Northeast Dragon seems to be approaching you."

Wu Xin scratched his cheek: "No way."

I only belong to the foodie alliance with the Northeast Dragon. I exchanged the experience of foodies. If I was caught by the giant dragon, what would I use to raise the giant dragon, gold