Different World Development Manual

Chapter 120: [Extras] The world where the five rogues disappeared (1)


a685, Earth.

The sudden disappearance of the five rogues shocked the entire planet.

The disappearance of the continent did not cause all kinds of disasters.

The originally vacated area was also filled up by the sudden appearance of the Martian Sea.

This kind of supernatural phenomenon that can be understood by non-human modern scientific level has immediately attracted the attention of scientists from all over the world.

Originally caught in the middle of Huaxia and Lucia, Mobei Kingdom, which was caught in the cracks to survive, finally ushered in the sea that he had not seen for a long time.

With a raised arm, the domestic king, Qiwuhai, transformed himself into the overlord of the Seven Seas.

The ambitious military expansion plan was immediately launched on Mobei Island. In order to counter the threat of foreign enemies, the commander of the Mobei Navy even shouted the slogan of one million sampans and one million rpg, in order to keep the enemy out.

The slaves of the Golden Family also played the banner of restoring the prosperity of the Mobei Empire at sea at this time.

The high-level officials of Mobei Kingdom rely on mines to order the princes to frequently sell their mineral resources to the island countries in the southeast and the island countries in the south.

At this time, Northeast Asia has also become a rivalry between three island nations.

With the disappearance of the three kingdoms of China, Lucia, and Milesian, the forces restricting Northeast Asia also disappeared.

North Korea has issued a mobilization order, and the "Koryo Armistice Agreement" was also torn up on the same day, and 1.2 million North Korea troops immediately marched toward South Korea in the south.

25.55 million North Koreans are 25.55 million soldiers.

The soldiers bravely crossed the 38th line, and the unification war of Goryeo broke out again.

When the South Goryeo government launched a war of unification in the face of North Goryeo, it also carried out a general mobilization of the whole people. A large number of troops went to the front line, and even those idols were also pulled into the army. This time is no longer a peaceful era, or Koryo Island has never been peaceful.

At the same time, South Korea gave 30,000 troops stationed in Gaomi the nationality of South Korea and enjoyed higher political and social rights than the Koreans in their own country. A reverse unification war against the north was launched.

With the naturalization of the 30,000-meter army, the army stationed in Gaomi was officially changed to the 1st Goryeo Unified Army and entered the battle.

And in the Rihe Islands in the east, the shackles that locked the neck of the madman of World War II were also smashed by the disappearance of Milliken and the collective disconnection of the five victorious countries.

A hungry beast was finally freed from under the giant who had been crushed for more than 70 years. With red eyes, he looked around.

In the waters of Northeast Asia, there are only four island nations left.

Like South Korea, the Japanese government also offered an invitation to the Japanese army stationed in Japan, allowing the Japanese army stationed in Japan to become Japanese citizens and become serious Yamato people.

Although no unequal rights were given to the Mi army, in the eyes of the 35,000-meter army, a unified Japan and the country was far more powerful than a South Korea in a war, so it was accepted from top to bottom. Naturalization invitation from Japan and the government.

All the rice troops were dispersed and reorganized into the army.

Without checks and balances, Japan and the country quickly revised the constitution, and the force between the army and the police became a national army with normal army functions again.

With the addition of the Mi army and the reorganization of the army, the Japanese army was fully and quickly recovered.

Among the four countries in the Northeast Asian Sea, Japan and Japan are probably the best prospects at this time.

The Gaojimi people of the 1st Goryeo Unified Army, who were fighting the unification war on Koryo Island, also received an invitation from the Japanese Mi people in the Japanese army.

The Japanese government has assigned them to the He tribe. Once they change their flags, they will enjoy all the treatment of the Japanese as a powerful country in the Northeast Asian seas.

Thinking of the "brilliancy" during World War II, and Japan and Japan, the earliest civilized and developed country in Asia, the senior management of the Korean Unified 1st Army has also been slightly moved.

As for the promotion of minerals in Mobei, it naturally attracted strong attention from Japan.

Japan is an island country with a small land area and limited resources.

As the five victorious countries disappeared one after another, the obstacles that stood in the way of Japan's expansion were completely gone.

Coupled with the naturalization of the 35,000-meter army, the entire Japan and the whole country fell into a feverish atmosphere of imperial revival.

The ministers of the cabinet even proposed to the monarch:

If you want to conquer the world, you must first conquer Northeast Asia.

If you want to unify Northeast Asia, you must first conquer the Mobei Kingdom.

As long as the Mobei Kingdom is won, it will give the Rihe Kingdom enough living space and resources.

After winning the Mobei country with almost zero navy, you can sell your Mobei mines to the countries in the south while watching the tigers fight. Rescue the people of both countries from fire and water.

Then integrate the three islands of Northeast Asia, establish the Eastern Empire, and let the name of the Northeast Asia One Piece resound throughout the world.

Although the disappearance of the five victorious countries made the people of Mobei Kingdom cheer, the joy did not last long.

The ambitious plan of the Seven Seas Overlord also allowed Wang Xia Qiwuhai to carry a boat to the sea to experience it.

The difference between the sea and the lake is not a star and a half, a little further away, a huge wave came down, and the poor sampan sank to the bottom of the sea.

Wang Xia Qiwuhai died before he left the apprenticeship, and there was a lot of grief in the country for a while.

However, Mobei Kingdom's motherland revitalization plan could not be carried out. From top to bottom, Mobei Kingdom did not realize their status as a marginal country in this world.

Without the foundation of industrialization, without the foundation of education, the foundation of everything that wants to be a great country is zero.

There is no light and heavy industry, only the herdsmen who rode on horses, wandering around the entire Mobei, hummed songs and praised the miracle of the disappearance of the five hooligans.

The minerals were not sold, and the abominable Japan and the country in the southeast sent a large army to block the route that did not exist in Mobei country. On the grounds of encountering Mobei country's mineral dumping, an anti-dumping investigation was launched to the Mobei country government, and investigators were sent to the island. .

"First Evolution"

Since Mobei is isolated from the Asian continent, the mainland countries cannot interfere with any actions of Japan and the country at all.

A few days later, the Japanese and the country's old skills were repeated. On the grounds that a Japanese and Japanese marine corps disappeared during the investigation, troops were sent one after another to wait for the search on Mobei Island.

The entire Mobei Island was in a panic at this time, condemning the invasion of Japan and the country one after another.

A series of requests for help were sent to North and South Korea. However, the North and South countries on the island of Korea were fighting a war of unification.

At this time, the international community was not calm either.

After the five victorious countries disappeared, the power to suppress those hooligans disappeared.

Japan and the country's bad behavior only attracted a round of condemnation from the international community, and there is no result.

The European Union headquarters in Europa also held an emergency meeting and invited heads of state and representatives from all over the world to participate, just like a sign of replacing the disappearing United Nations status.