Different World Development Manual

Chapter 122: The Sword of the Oath


In a flat-earth world, magicians are a scarce resource, let alone high-level magicians.

The classification of magicians is magic apprentice, magician, grand magician, magister, grand magus, and titled mages.

It is speculated from the mages An Rui has seen, and judged according to the level of the system.

The level of magic apprentices is about lv5-lv20.

The level of the magician is about lv15-lv35.

The level of the great magician is about lv27-lv43.

The level of mages is about lv40-lv54.

The level of the Grand Magister is about lv53-lv69.

As for the titled magician, the level is generally above lv70.

Magic apprentices lv5-lv20 and magicians lv15-lv35, this is why in the case of different levels, there are also low-level elites who can kill monsters by leaps and bounds... Bah, beyond the shackles of the level, defeating the higher-level powerhouse, to complete your promotion.

Although a Juggernaut like Nier was "boomed" by a few shots, his strength was the same as that of a titled magician, and he had a solid national strategic presence.

It's just that the powerhouses in this flat-earth world are generally high in attack and defense, and there is no absolute invincibility.

Even titled magicians and juggernauts, if they are not careful, they will be exposed to all kinds of assassination techniques that are flooded in this feudal cancer society.

A luminous cup of wine and wine in the palace looks very delicious, maybe it is also a guiding stone to send you to the underworld.

Isabella's army magicians are no better than Margaret's army magicians. After all, one is true love and the other is a true confidante.

Margaret's mage was a titled magician appointed by Norman, while Isabella's mage was a retainer she raised.

Like Karen, a great magician who has stepped into the gate of the titled magician with one and a half feet.

After receiving Isabella's order, the great magus immediately organized the magisters who accompanied the army to build a magic array together.

After all, the Berbor Duchy is the southwestern border of the Panda Empire and faces the border guard duchy of the Avalon Empire.

Although Isabella does not have the kind of top-notch mages for the time being, in terms of actual combat experience, these mages are not necessarily weaker than those mages under the direct jurisdiction of the emperor.

Each of the 6 magisters stood at a point, and surrounded the great magus in the center.

I saw the 6 people chanting incantations in unison under the guidance of the great magician in the center, and a hexagram with orange-red light suddenly emerged at the feet of the 7 magicians.

The great magus, who is located in the center of the hexagram, sang hurriedly: "Doomsday messenger from hell, please listen to my call, release your powerful demon power, help us, and fight against the evil enemy!"

Demons are generally evil, but once the mages use them, the double-standard mode will be turned on immediately, and the demons will become much cuter.

After singing, the six-pointed star array burst into a dazzling light.

A big orange-red hand stretched out from the light array, and following the will of the great magister, it grabbed towards Bi Luo in the sky.

Bi Luo was carefully throwing the cannonball on her back, and the sudden heat from below surprised Bi Luo. When she looked at it, she saw a hand that was bigger than her dragon form grabbing it.

"Devil's Claw!!?"

Looking down, I saw a six-pointed star formation below, and the 7 mages in the formation were sweating profusely. Obviously, in order to maintain this magic, the magic power in their bodies was passing by rapidly.

"This is to deal with the old lady, and directly open the big move?"

Even when Bi Luo fluttered her wings and was about to leave, there was another magic circle not far away, and a large-scale magic immediately enveloped Bi Luo.

Bi Luo's body sank, but she felt as if a mountain had suddenly appeared on her body, pressing her down so hard that she couldn't breathe.

The originally light wings suddenly became heavy.

"Damn, the mage over there actually used the 'gravity technique' on the old lady!"

Bi Luo's movements suddenly slowed down, and the demon claws below quickly grabbed it, opened her big fiery red hand, and grabbed Bi Luo on the palm of her hand.

"Damn, let go of my mother!"

The 7 mages who cast the devil's claws below also cheered: "Good job, caught that evil dragon, hurry up! Take it off! Drag it into the magic circle and kill it!"

The magic power of the mages was consumed very quickly, and half of the magic power was used just to cast the demon's claws, and they had to drag Biluo from the sky to the array to kill the remaining magic power.

This is a giant dragon, not those sub-dragons, nor those flying dragons.

If one slaughtered a giant dragon, seven people could be crowned with the honorable title of "Dragon Slayer" and let their reputation reverberate throughout the northern part of Aghanim Continent.

Not to be missed.

"One! Two! Three! Use your strength to pull that evil dragon down!!"

"Quickly set up an attack formation! Prepare to strangle!"

In Isabella's camp, more and more auxiliary magic was superimposed on Biluo's body through the array of magic circles. No matter how hard Biluo struggled, she could never escape from the demon's claw.

Bi Luo has been dragged to a height of less than 50 meters above the ground, and the magic circle of the Devil's Claw is directly below her.

On the side, there are other magic circles formed by other mages everywhere. No matter how hard Bi Luo struggled, she couldn't escape from the big hands. Bi Luo cried out in her heart.

After struggling for a while, Biluo's aura flashed and she chanted hurriedly, and the magic hand was displayed impressively.

I saw that the "ammo compartment" that was being helped on Biluo's back was untied with a "click", Biluo turned over abruptly, and the shells for the 100mm main gun on her back fell one after another.

"Rumble Rumble Rumble!"

In an instant, the magic array below exploded with sparks, and the seven magicians who were about to run out of mana didn't react, and disappeared in the explosion.

As for the other mages in the magic array, they watched in amazement as the thing dropped by the emerald dragon exploded a huge fireball on the ground, and swallowed: "God!"

The air wave of the shell explosion even directly affected the output of the magic element and magic factor, so that the effects of the various debuffs originally blessed on Bi Luo were all weakened.

A wave of air suddenly rushed Bi Luo to a higher sky, Bi Luo was overjoyed: "Saved!"

Yawen Bar

He quickly fluttered his wings, broke free from the array magic of the magicians, and rushed into the sky in a blink of an eye.

After the flames dissipated, huge craters were left behind.

Isabella looked at the empty crater with blood dripping from her heart. It was a magician that her father and grandfather had worked so hard to cultivate. It was half a foot that had already stepped into the big picture of a titled magician. Magister.

There was nothing left after the blast created by that odious emerald dragon.

The anger in Isabella's heart rose in vain, she stared at the emerald dragon in the sky, pulled out the sword with a "clang", clenched both hands, and suddenly shouted: "'The Sword of the Oath', Please grant me divine power and let me cut off all evil for this world."

As Isabella sang, her fiery red hair floated up, and her eyes shone with golden light.

The armor engraved with runes on his body also burst into light in the singing.

One by one, the runes and lines turned into a magic array, floating up, gradually converging into powerful magic, and then merging into Isabella's body.

This is the sword inherited from her ancestors, a divine gift from the hero who was summoned to this world as a hero.

Although the "Sword of Oath" no longer had the power of the hero of the past, it was enough to push Isabella's strength to the level of a swordsman.

This is also the origin of Isabella's "Valkyrie" name.

After the singing with Isabella, a faint halo bloomed on the whole person, opened his mouth, and shouted: "Magicians! Follow my orders! Form a formation and deal with the evil dragon. !"

The voice of the Valkyrie was like a god, shrouded from the air, and there was a hint of sweetness in the majesty, which made people feel inexplicably convincing and willing to serve her.

Bi Luo looked down at the shimmering holy sword in Isabella's hand, and was shocked: "Why, this... This woman is holding the 'Sword of Oath'!!"