Different World Development Manual

Chapter 123: 122 wash the floor



Suddenly, a slash flew directly from the Sword of Oath, and Bi Luo hurriedly turned over to avoid it.

Isabella commanded below: "Release Gravity! Release Binding! Release Sleepiness!..."

Following Isabella's command, the magicians quickly calmed down from the panic caused by the explosion just now, and one after another of magic shot directly from the magic array to Bi Luo in the sky.

Negative magic blessings fell from the sky one by one, hitting Bi Luo one by one.

This is no different than Biluo wandering alone in the Berbor Duchy before, when there were not so many magicians right now.

Bi Luo only felt that her body was getting heavier and heavier, and the mountain that had been weakened by the explosion of the cannonball pressed down on Bi Luo's back again.

The slow magic also made Bi Luo's body look clumsy, and the flying height dropped again and again.

The sleepiness spell released in the magic circle also made Biluo, the energetic emerald dragon, immediately feel sleepy, blinking, yawning, and appearing to be drowsy.

Several magically generated capture nets bounced up directly from the magic array below. They carried electricity that was visible to the naked eye, carried flames, and stood alone in ice.

Bi Luo shouted badly in her heart. If she was caught by these nets, her end would very likely be a slaughtered dragon under the sword of the oath.

However, she was so sleepy that Bi Luo couldn't even lift her wings to escape.



A combination of magic was released from the magic circle below, and Bi Luo turned into a blue-green flying fish in the air, flapping her wings, opening her mouth, and gasping for breath.

"Damn it, Transfiguration! It's so hard for me to breathe!"

Although the magic resistance of the giant dragon is very high, the magician below is using a magic array. After Biluo was taken by the sheep, the entire magic resistance, strength and speed plummeted.

Even if it is a flying fish, it is just a flying salted fish.

In just a few seconds, Bi Luo couldn't return to Jackie Chan.

Although a few seconds are very short, in this fast-changing battle, these few seconds are quite deadly.


When Bi Luo changed from flying fish back to dragon again, the net below had already flown up.

A large net with lightning bolts caught Biluo at once, and the electric current penetrated through Biluo's scales and began to stimulate Biluo's body "zizizi".

The drowsiness also disappeared due to the current, but the paralysis that followed still made Bi Luo's actions very difficult.

Immediately after, a catching net with flames, and a net with frost, launched an attack of ice and fire on Bi Luo.

"Ah ah ah!"

Bi Luo screamed, and was blessed by three nets and various negative magic, her body became shaky, thumping, and fell to the ground.

Isabella took the sword of oath, stepped on the war horse, and with her legs clamped, she was ready to rush over and chop off Biluo's dragon head.

When Bi Luo saw the Valkyrie who rushed over and wielded the Sword of Oath, she also cried out in her heart.

However, at this time, the magic array below and the army stationed here burst into fireballs.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh!"

"Rumble Rumble Rumble!"

The explosive magic prop thrown from the air by Biluo had already shocked and threatened Isabella, but the bursting fireballs in front of her made Isabella feel like she was in a hell.

Following the "swish, swish" flying objects, I saw a black steel monster appeared in the sky at some point.

They made a "ta-ta-ta-ta-ta" sound, as if they were breathing, and they seemed to be groaning like a beast.

The light spots that flew over with "swish, swish" burst into flames on one side of the military camp in Shuijing Town. The entire camp was like a farmland, being plowed over and over again by those black steel monsters.

Isabella grabbed the reins of the war horse: "Yo! Stop!!"

The more than ten magic arrays in the camp were destroyed in an instant, and the mages of the Berbor Duchy were mercilessly engulfed by the huge explosion.

And those imperial soldiers in the camp were running aimlessly in the explosion, and explosions were everywhere, like walls of death, they rose from the ground without any warning and ate them. Lose.

The negative magic blessed on Bi Luo disappeared with the disappearance of the ground magic array.

Bi Luo endured the pain and turned over violently. In an instant, she tore apart the three capture nets that had been caught on her body.

Turning her head to look at the dozens of steel monsters in the sky, Bi Luo remembered that Guang Shixin had told her before that it was called a helicopter.

What Bi Luo didn't expect was that those guys possessed such a powerful power.

It was like a god of death in a black robe, waving a sickle and mercilessly harvesting the imperial soldiers on the ground one by one.

After the rockets mounted on the armed helicopters composed of wz10 and wz19 were ejected, they immediately hovered in their mouths, and the cannons under the nose were aimed at the army barracks of the Imperial Army.

"chug chug chug..."

Dozens of orange-red beams shot out from the jaws of the black god of death. Although they did not have the power of rockets, they were still enough to harvest the heads of these defenseless imperial troops.

Bi Luo is very fortunate that she and Hua Xia have established a good relationship. Think about the Behemoth beast she met in the south of Alan Shield a few days ago, and think about her encounter in the land of the abyss more than 20 days ago, she has a strong power The Huaxia of China is not something that Bi Luo can provoke at will.

Even if Bi Luo is a genius that is rare in the dragon family for thousands of years, she believes that these weapons of Huaxia can easily kill her.

Looking at the Imperial Army on the ground, this is not a battle at all, but a unilateral slaughter.

Not only those guys called helicopters, it seems that every weapon in China has such a powerful, even more powerful power.

At this moment, a spot of light appeared in the sky in the distance. Bi Luo's eyesight was very good, and she found that the dense things were flying towards this side at a high speed.

Without thinking about it, she knew it was a Chinese thing, Bi Luo hurriedly flew up and hid in the sky.

"Swish swish swish!"

"Rumble Rumble Rumble!"

South of Alan's Shield, in the land of the abyss, in a certain artillery position in China.

A battalion of phz89-type 122mm 40-barrel self-propelled rockets aimed their launch pads in the northwest direction, and a battle was underway at a place more than 400 kilometers away.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

A round of rockets were fired from the launch pad, 12 phz89s were laid out on the position, and the rockets all over the sky were connected in an instant.

The sharp whistling sound flew by, and the artillery soldiers looked at the sky in the distance and muttered: "More than 200,000 imperial soldiers, tsk tsk tsk, how long will we have to bomb?"

Although this was not the first battle for this rocket artillery unit, the number of 200,000 really surprised them.

Another soldier said: "I'm afraid that if all the ammunition supply vehicles are exhausted, there is no way to eliminate all these 200,000 people."

The soldier glanced at the soldier next to him and muttered: "Will it be too cruel, if we shoot all our ammunition, wouldn't we have to plow the ground several times?"

Another soldier said helplessly: "Just consume the stock ammunition."

After the round of shelling ended, the battalion commander immediately ordered: "Load the ammunition!"

The ballistic positioning radar vehicle also began to calculate and correct the trajectory based on the data returned by the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, preparing for the next second wave of strikes.

With the crossing to the flat-terrestrial world, the country issued an emergency order, and the dispatch frequency of the Air Force was greatly reduced, after all, it was too fuel-intensive.

So much so that the big brothers in the army who have been buried in recent years have raised their heads again.

Fighter breakthrough? Bomber bombing? Too much fuel? Is the price/performance ratio not high? Not worth it

no problem.

Rocket artillery and artillery plow the ground, with a large range, strong power, beyond the visual range, proper fuel saving and money saving, and can also act as an absolute deterrent to the aborigines in other worlds.

The sky-shattering artillery fire, like the devil from hell knocking on the door, can make the earth tremble every time, no less than the large-scale earthquake magic of those titled magicians.

Isabella's barracks was completely engulfed in flames, and the army of 220,000 people was even more panicking.