Different World Development Manual

Chapter 126: Fight wit


Just when the Valkyrie's army of 220,000 was destroyed, Cape and Florence's coalition also encountered big trouble.

Duke Capet, the commander-in-chief of the coalition, suffered from food poisoning. For some reason, the duke's cook accidentally mixed a magic ingredient used to make magic potions into the ingredients.

That medicinal herb was originally fine, but it happened that the Duke's meal that night was unipod mushroom stew.

When the unipod soup and mushroom juice were confused with the boiled magic herbs, the whole food changed instantly.

Although it looks the same as the one-legged mushroom stew, even a little more fragrant, once the magic potion is mixed in, the whole food will become extremely poisonous.

The Duke of Capet was unconscious at this time, lying on the bed, foaming at the mouth and twitching,

The cook of the duke's house was also executed by the duke's personal soldiers on the grounds of revenge on the duke.

Although the cook repeatedly denied that the herb was added by himself, the soldiers speculated that because the duke pushed the cook's wife down the year before and helped the cook to give birth to a fat boy who looked a bit like the duke, so the cook held a grudge. to the Duke.

These are all open secrets in the Duchy of Capet, so much so that the cook held a grudge and took the opportunity to poison them.

It seemed that all the evidence was so correct that the personal soldiers did not allow the cook to argue any more, so they sent him to the execution ground.

Although the cook was executed, the Duke's health is now quite bad.

This is no better than trauma, and the magicians who follow the army who can heal have no good way at all.

Fortunately, there are well-trained doctors in the army who use bloodletting to release the blood mixed with toxins from the duke's body and dilute it, which can barely stabilize the duke's condition.

It's just that now the Duke's cheeks are pale and his body is weak. He is lying in a coma on the bed and can no longer serve as the commander of the coalition forces.

The trained doctor suggested that the duke be escorted back to the Duke of Capet for adoption.

All the generals of the coalition army together can only do this.

With the departure of the Duke of Capet, the command of the 550,000 army fell on the shoulders of Ollie, the eldest son of Nord, the king of Florence.

Ollie didn't expect that he was just helping Duke Capet as his deputy, and the heavy responsibility of leading the coalition suddenly fell on him.

550,000 troops, this is not 50,000 troops.

The daily cost of food and clothing for this army suddenly made Aoli's head swell.

The coalition troops were stationed in the east of Cape Duchy and the west of the Duke of Florence, and the food hoarded by several cities could temporarily supply such a huge army.

This is another disaster. Due to the negligence of the guards, fires broke out in the granaries of several cities, and all the food and grass prepared for the expedition were burned.

The fire burned in several cities all night, until dawn, when the food and grass were burned, the fire was gradually extinguished.

Aoli's first reaction was arson, otherwise it would be impossible for the granaries of several cities to catch fire at the same time.

Of course, the target of Ollie's suspicion was naturally the Demon King's army that occupied the Duchy of Dehebas.

Ollie never imagined that the Demon King's Army would have such power to stretch his tentacles so far.

Ollie immediately sent a letter to his father, King Nord.

The Duke of Capet suffered from food poisoning and his body became ill and returned to Capet to recover.

As a 23-year-old young man, he is not capable enough to lead the army of 550,000 people.

Ollie is self-aware of his own abilities. Maybe it's okay to let him fight on behalf of the Duke of Florence, but it's a big problem to let him lead the 550,000 army.


The emperor's messenger had arrived not even a day after the letter of Auli had spread.

The emperor was very dissatisfied with the long-term failure of the coalition of Capet and Florence to leave for the Duchy of Dehebas.

At this time, it was in order to fight against the summoning order of the Demon King's army. In the face of the envoy sent by the emperor, Oli, who originally planned to wait for his father's opinion before making a decision, had to let the 550,000 army set out to Dehebas ahead of schedule. The dukedom goes.

Ollie knew that if he did not move, if the emperor's dissatisfaction was aroused and the Norman emperor had an excuse for the two lords, both Florence and Capet might be punished by the emperor.

Coupled with the lack of food and grass, Oli dare not continue to settle in place.

The army began to move in batches towards the Duchy of Dehebas to the southwest.

When Nord got the news, it was already 3 days after Aoli's army of 550,000 left.

Nord smacked his mouth with the letter from Oli in his hand, and snorted coldly: "Duke Cape returned to the duchy because of food poisoning, the command of the army all falls on the head of this boy Oli. ."

The second son Weir on the side said a little jealously: "Father, if you arrange for me to go on an expedition this time, it will be the command of the 550,000 army."

Nord chuckled: "If I really sent you, would you dare to go?"

Will scratched his cheeks and smiled awkwardly: "Uh, dare not, it is clear that my uncle wants to take this opportunity to weaken the strength of the lords.

Until I get the detailed information about the Demon King's army, which is rumored to be magical, I dare not take this hot potato. "

Nord nodded with satisfaction, and then handed the letter from Ori in his hand to Will.

Will quickly checked, and saw that the expression on his face gradually solidified: "Duke Cape was poisoned with food, and the granaries in several cities were burned, tsk tsk, these two things happened too coincidentally, right

And the granary was burned at the same time, it must be man-made. "

After pondering for a moment, Will frowned, and continued: "Brother Wang thought it was the fire set by the Demon King's army in the land of the abyss

Couldn't he see that this was what Norman did to force us and Capet's coalition to leave? "

Saying that, Will raised his head and looked at Nord: "Father, what should we do now? Let Brother Wang bring our army back to replenish supplies?"

Nord shook his head gently: "No need, presumably the Norman guy had put pressure on Oli as soon as he ran out of food, forcing Oli to command the army to march towards the Duke of Dehebas. "

At this time, an old minister hurried in, waving an urgent report in his hand, and said in a panic: "Your Majesty! The big thing is bad!! The big thing is bad!"

Will pouted, while Nord smiled lightly: "Will, no accident, it should be the news of the coalition."

Sure enough, the old minister said, "Your Majesty, the army of His Royal Highness Oli has already marched towards the Duchy of Dehebas."

Weir looked at his father in astonishment, and he was really guessed by his father.

Nord stood up from the throne, walked slowly to the old minister, took the urgent report in his hand, and savored it carefully.

"Father, due to the order of His Majesty the Emperor, my son has to lead his army to the Duchy of Dehebas.

In addition, the food and grass were burned by the assassins of the Demon King's army, so that the coalition forces were short of food and grass, which was also the reason why they had to go out.

And the son is worried that if he doesn't open up for a long time, His Majesty the Emperor will blame him, and he will attack the father and the whole Florence.

In order to prevent His Majesty the Emperor from finding excuses, this is why Erchen made such a decision.

By the time you received this letter, Erchen's vanguard was probably already at war with the Demon King's army. "

Nord shook his head as he read.

Although the eldest son of Oli is mediocre, he is dedicated to himself and his territory.

If it weren't for the mediocre ability, Nord would not have sent Ori to the expedition.

But what makes Nord gratified is that, in addition to the food and the emperor's coercion, Ori led the army to attack, and there were also excuses to prevent Florence from falling. A trace of guilt that I'm sorry for Ollie.

However, this guilt is fleeting, and the law of primogeniture, which cannot be changed, has become quite a hindrance in front of the wise second son beside him.

If Florence wants to continue to be brilliant, it can only be in the hands of Will, not Oli.

Thinking of the series of disgusting tactics that Norman made in the name of righteousness, Nord pondered for a while, and then ordered: "In the name of emergency support for Florence and Cape's coalition, against the Demon King's army , suspend the implementation of the Grain Requisition Order, and transport the grain from the Grain Requisition Order to several cities in the south."

The old minister was a little worried: "What about the Norman Emperor's Grain Requisition Order?"

Weir laughed next to him: "Hahahaha, the father played a beautiful hand, and wanted to use the "Food and Grass Collection Order" to snatch our food, but we used the excuse of emergency support for the coalition to fight against the Demon King's army. The grain was collected, and the Norman emperor naturally couldn't make any more plans for our grain.

My uncle, he is shooting himself in the foot. "