Different World Development Manual

Chapter 129: Mosquito


East of Andreberg, 62 km, Hill 16.

A company of Li Long's 38th Regiment is stationed on this high ground, and the fortifications have been erected after two days of work.

Hill 16 was located along a key road leading from the outside world to Enriburg, and was also an outpost for the 38th Regiment.

The 50,000 vanguard troops of the combined forces of Florence and Capet were slowly marching on the avenue leading to Fort Anri. At this time, there were not even a single person on the avenue where many people could be seen.

Count Thomas looked at this empty avenue and snorted coldly: "After the Demon King's army captured the Duchy of Dehebas, I'm afraid it wasn't a massacre of the people of the empire in the territory, and now there is even one from Deheba. There are no civilians taken out from the Duchy of Si, tsk tsk, the methods of the Demon King’s army are really cruel.”

The adjutant said: "Lord Count, are we here to wait for the arrival of the large troops before we act?"

As the commander of the vanguard of the combined forces of Florence and Capet, Thomas would naturally not wait for the arrival of the large force at the border of Dehebas, otherwise what would his vanguard be called a vanguard

Holding the whip, he said, "Are you an idiot, we are the vanguard.

The people of the Empire of the Duchy of Dehebas are being devastated by the Demon King's army. We must speed up and enter the occupied area to save the Empire's people from the Demon King's army. "

The "fall" of the Duchy of Dehebas did not sound the alarm for the commander of the vanguard. After all, in his opinion, the Duchy of Dehebas was only the domain of a duke of salted fish, although he was a brave man, But his army was weak.

It was only natural to be easily captured by the Demon King's army.

If he were to attack the Duchy of Dehebas himself, he also believed that with the army of 50,000 people, he could easily swept the Duchy of Dehebas.

In addition, the news of the collapse of the Valkyrie army was not delivered to him in time, and the lack of information was also the reason why he underestimated the enemy.

In the sky, a spiral-wing drone was flying "buzzing", and the action of the vanguard advancing along the avenue below was completely caught in his eyes.

Thomas looked at the strange thing in the sky and wondered: "The devil mosquito of the Demon King's Army? It looks so strange.

No wings, no mouthparts. "

Thomas did not regard this small spiral-wing drone as some kind of reconnaissance device, but just regarded it as an ordinary monster brought from the abyss.

"Magician, get him down!"

"Yes, Lord Count!"

The thunder elements in the hands of the three mages quickly gathered, and in an instant, the three balls of electricity were rubbed out by the three mages.

The soldier who controlled the drone on Height 16 looked at the scene in front of him and said in surprise: "There is a magician who is rubbing the electric ball, hurry up and run. Is this the rhythm of attacking me?"

As the fighters pulled up the drone's joystick, the entire drone began to fly high into the sky and returned towards the No. 16 Highland.

Seeing that the buzzing mosquito was about to escape, Thomas quickly ordered: "Magician, shoot it down for me!"

The combined skills of the three magicians have been prepared, and a huge and dazzling electric ball is "crackling" in the hands of the magician.

I saw the mages suddenly raised their hands and threw the electric ball towards the drone in the sky.


The soldier who controlled the drone shouted, and saw a thick lightning flash appear in the camera, and then the drone displayed a "contact interruption" signal.

"Mua's, it was killed by magic!

Are all magicians in another world monsters, old discharge. "

The drone in the sky had already fallen, and several officers of the vanguard spit and cheered: "Mosquito, I have never seen a mosquito!


Quick, there is mosquito meat to eat tonight! "

The big mosquitoes from the land of the abyss, this is something they have never eaten.

The officer rushed over, picked up the drone that was struck by lightning and broken, and glanced at it: "Uh, this mosquito is a bit strange."

Plane the 4 propellers of the drone, blinking: "Is this the wings of the devil mosquito? Mouthparts? Foot? Or what?"

The products of modern technology are always so unfamiliar to those in the world of swords and magic.

Gently stroked the fuselage of the drone, feeling the skin of the devil mosquito of unknown material: "Is it the lightning of those mages just now that caused the skin of this devil mosquito to be so hard?"

He tapped again, feeling the devil mosquito in his hand: "It's a bit like the shell of a devil crab."

An officer suggested, "Would you like to tear apart the shell of this devil mosquito and see what kind of meat is inside?"

Another officer squinted his eyes and said, "Does your text contain crab shells and crab meat?"

The proposed officer shrugged his shoulders: "The monsters from the abyss are always special."

After speaking, he took out the knife, attached to the grudge, and pierced the shell of this devil mosquito with a "click".


Knocked open the shell at once, and saw that the skin of the mosquito was covered with various colored lines, as well as those unknown things.

Several officers noticed that there was a small light bulb in the Mosquito that was flashing red light, and the speed was also flashing faster and faster.

The officers wondered: "Is this the heart of the Mosquito?"

Due to the existence of professions such as mages, magicians, and warlocks, people in the flat world have a certain understanding of the structure of the human body, and they are not idiots who do not understand anything.

In their eyes, the self-detonator that flashed red light was no different from a heart.

Looking at the colored lines under the drone's casing, an officer suggested: "It should be the blood vessels of the mosquito, there is not a trace of flesh in the mosquito's body, but maybe some blood of the mosquito can be found in the blood vessels, let's To be a bloody demon mosquito?"

An idea is a good idea, but an operation is a stupid operation.

The imperial officer with extremely strong hands-on ability cut the line of the drone without saying a word, and the electric current passed through the dagger instantly and passed on to the palm of the imperial officer.

A numbness made the imperial officer's body tremble slightly, but the Dou Qi escalator, coupled with the weak current of the drone, made the officer enjoy the numbness and ridiculed: "Oh, oh, this It's an Electric Mosquito, it's electrifying me, 'wooing' me, hehehe..."

"Hoo, pooh! Disgusting."

However, when he went down, the flickering frequency of the self-detonator bulb also accelerated.

Another officer said, "Look, the Mosquito's heart beats faster."

The imperial officer who cut the line said proudly: "Look at the joke, I cut its blood vessels, and its heart beats naturally faster.

In exchange for cutting you, it's the same..."


A flame suddenly exploded in the hands of the imperial officer, and the fragments of the drone instantly pierced into the bodies of these imperial officers.

"Ah ah ah!"

An imperial officer whose eyes were blinded by fragments fell to the ground and rolled, covering his face with his hands, blood flowing from his fingers, and shouting in pain: "Damn it! It's a self-destructing mosquito!! Help! Help!"

Hearing the explosion, Thomas hurriedly looked over. It was the imperial officers who caught the mosquitoes.

Thomas immediately commanded: "Magician! Hurry up and get treatment!"

After a while, a personal soldier trotted over and reported: "General, 3 dead, 4 wounded."

Thomas rode on the warhorse, held a map, and snorted coldly: "It's really stupid, even the monsters of the Demon King's army can't deal with it."

Before the apprenticeship was successful, 3 people died first.

Thomas said with a dissatisfied face: "Order, kill all the monsters brought by the Demon King's army, so as not to explode the mosquito or something."


Thomas raised his head and looked at the hill in front of him, which was called Hill 16 by the CPA and called the Fallen Hill by the locals. The bushes and trees on the hill were clearly visible, but there was no sign of the Demon King's army.

Thomas couldn't help but scornfully said: "Hmph, the stupid Demon King's army, the Fallen Hill is the only way to get to Anri Fort. If an ambush is laid on this hill, it will definitely cause a lot of casualties to our army.

However, these idiots didn’t. As expected, the Demon King’s army was bad, and the soldiers of the Duchy of Dehebas were even worse.

Come on everyone, the Duchy of Dehebas is ahead, liberate Dehebas, after this battle, let's go back happily! "


On High No. 16, the cpa soldiers in the hidden fortifications looked down at the imperial vanguard troops that were advancing towards this side, and showed a smile: "Hey, these guys are going to enter the minefield."