Different World Development Manual

Chapter 130: Great Swordsman


The heavy cavalry composed of more than 500 large knights stood in front of the vanguard, and the large knight who proposed to Thomas was staring at the place full of light cavalry corpses in front of him.

The big knight wiped the tip of his nose with his thumb and snorted coldly: "Isn't it the inscription formation, let's watch the knights of our Cape Duchy knock you down."

As he spoke, he drew out his knight's sword, walked forward for a while, put his legs on the horse's belly, and shouted: "Great knights, with your glory, rush forward with me!

good romance novel

For the empire, for the Duke of Capet!

We vow to use the knight sword in our hands to slay all the evil forces from the abyss, and to pass on the prestige of Duke Capet to every corner of the world!

Go ahead! "

More than 500 great knights immediately charged towards the Fallen Hill.

A gorgeous heavy armor engraved with magic resistance inscriptions, coupled with their own fighting qi possession, makes them full of confidence, and they look like they are winning.

It seems that the inscription law formation that may explode at any time in front of them can break through without any effort under the joint impact of their more than 500 great knights.

On the No. 16 high ground, the soldiers climbed behind the fortifications, holding binoculars, looking at the group of heavy knights who were charging below, wondering: "Damn, so many cavalry have been killed, this group of heavy cavalry still needs Charge? Don't you die?"

Another soldier bit the rhizome of an unknown plant, held it in his mouth, and said cheerfully: "It's really decisive, I gave it for nothing."


An explosion sounded immediately after the group of heavy cavalry rushed over.

They are proud of the magic-resistant heavy armor, their arrogant arrogance, and they are completely vulnerable in front of anti-infantry mines.


With a loud explosion, a huge fireball rose up, and several great knights, together with their heavily armored warhorses, were directly blasted into the sky.

The cpa soldiers onlookers exclaimed: "I'll go, that unlucky bastard stepped on an anti-tank mine!

That's what we use to deal with the giant beasts, tsk tsk, what a pity. "

God knows if the Imperial Army will send the kind of opposing army that drives a giant beast to attack. In order to deal with such an existence, the soldiers also specially scattered a lot of anti-tank mines under the high ground.

The charge lasted for a full 4 minutes, although it was much longer than the light cavalry's charge, but the loss was much greater than that of the light cavalry.

Even the heavy cavalry composed of the great knights collapsed in morale after rushing into the minefield and dying.

The remaining half originally planned to escape back, but they had already rushed into the depths of the minefield, and there were also various trigger mines on the way back.

After a while of fighting, more than 500 great knights were wiped out.

The cpa warrior behind the fortification, biting the root of the plant, said with disdain, "Tsk, this is the 500-thousand vanguard army, I'm still wondering if they will attack a single point and finally rush out of the minefield, there are a dozen or twenty cavalrymen. Rush to the bottom of the high ground."

A soldier next to him held a telescope and observed the vanguard's position while saying: "Unless they use human lives, it is impossible to break through the minefield.

The troops from the feudal era, I don't think they should be able to... FUCK, the magic circle was found at coordinate 071! ! "

Several magic circles were set up by a group of magicians in the camp. If you want to break through the inscription magic circle of the Demon King's army, you can only rely on the magicians.

Magic things, of course, use magic to solve.

But sorry, I am an artillery, magic can't solve it.

"Mortar! Aim at the magic circle! Rapid fire!"

The soldiers on the high ground immediately put out the mortar, quickly aimed at several magic circles in the 071 area, calibrated shooting Zhu Yuan and shouted: "Load!"

At this time, a soldier next to him immediately put the mortar shell in from the muzzle, then immediately crouched down and covered his ears.

"Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!"

With a crisp sound, the shells flew out from the No.

The commander of the vanguard of the combined forces of Florence and Capet was still commanding more mages to form a magic array, but heard a whistling sound from the sky.

When I looked up, I couldn't see anything.

However, the explosion of "Boom Boom" suddenly exploded on the magic circle not far away.

Organizing large-scale magic requires a certain amount of time to chant, which is the disadvantage of magic.

But modern weapons are different. There is no shake before casting spells.

The magic circles of the magicians were only half-prepared, and the artillery fire from the sky flew in, blasting them all over the place.

The unlucky ones were directly killed by the explosion, and the lucky ones were shaken to one side by the shock wave generated by the explosion.

Crawling on the ground, looking at the crater on the magic circle with horror, there were several mutilated bodies of magicians, some of which were still burning.

Before the magicians could catch their breath, the second round of artillery bombardment also fell, and flowers exploded in the area of the magic circle, and even the nearby coalition soldiers were tragically killed.

The soldiers on the high ground stopped after five consecutive rounds of shelling.

He took a look at the binoculars and sighed: "The mua's, it's magic again, it feels disgusting, but fortunately it blew up early."

Magic is really disgusting for Huaxia who has just crossed over. Before there is a scientific understanding of magic, things like Transfiguration make the Huaxia military feel quite tricky.

It is estimated that the magic circle of the pioneer army will summon some moth magic, and the soldiers will naturally not let them succeed.

And the soldiers near the magic circle also showed a rapid decline in morale because of the sudden explosion. Some soldiers even lost their weapons and were frightened by the explosion and fled.

Thomas was first jumped by the explosion, and the magician suffered heavy casualties, but he quickly calmed down.

If those soldiers were allowed to escape, the fear of fighting against the Demon King's army would surely spread among the troops.

So Thomas immediately ordered: "Kill those deserters to me!"

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The sharpshooter in the army immediately aimed the arrow at the deserters, loosened the bowstring, and shot the bow and arrow directly on the deserters.

The arrow entwined with vindictiveness even shot through their bodies, directly pinning them to the ground.

At this time, the adjutant said: "Your Excellency General, I seem to have seen a fire flickering on the Fallen Hill just now. Could the attack just now be caused by the Demon King's army ambushing on the hill?"

Without the adjutant's reminder, Thomas can already be sure that the Demon King's army, who he thought was incompetent, had already been ambushed on the Fallen Hill, but he hadn't discovered it at all.

Thomas stared at the hill, thinking about countermeasures.

At this time, a great swordsman came over and said, "Lord Count, why don't you leave it to me, I promise in the name of the Swordsman of the Wind, that I will be able to break through the inscription formation of the Demon King's army.

And you are ready to order the army to follow my charge. "

Long Tao, the great swordsman, was a man who stepped into the threshold of the sword saint with half a foot. Thomas knew that if he appeared, everything would be solved.

Thomas nodded, and immediately began to command the army. The flags of the battle had been raised by Thomas's personal soldiers. This was the flag for the decisive battle.

The imperial soldiers looked at the flag and imagined what happened just now. There were explosions everywhere. The light cavalry and heavy cavalry were annihilated by the enemy one after another, so they could not help swallowing.

"This... is this going to launch a general attack?"

The cpa warriors on the high ground watched a strong-looking guy appear in front of the imperial army, and murmured: "Is this the gourd baby saving grandpa, one by one

If I were the opponent Thomas, I would be ruthless, just frame them and they would come up, using the number of people to break through the minefield. "

I saw the man pulled out the knife, turned into a black shadow, and ran directly towards the minefield.

"Fuck, so fast!"

He saw the knife in his hand fall, and with a "huo" sound, a slash shot out from his blade, and flew directly along the 6-meter-wide avenue below.

After the slash, the soil flew over.

The landmines laid out on the avenue exploded at the moment when they touched and slashed.

"Rumble Rumble Rumble!"

The cpa warrior exclaimed: "I, a monster was found on the 16th highland, and the danger was initially judged to be grade A!"