Different World Development Manual

Chapter 132: The end of the crossbow


The 50,000-strong coalition vanguard army was reimbursed by more than 10,000 at the beginning.

It is impossible to say that Thomas is not heartbroken.

Although 6,000 of them are the lowest level of levies, who can accept that 10,000 living lives will be gone in less than half an hour.

However, as the third wave of levies filled with buffs crossed the minefield at the cost of four-fifths of their deaths, Thomas rode on his horse and threw his fists heavily: "Good job, the inscription magic circle of the Demon King's Army. We finally broke through."

Although I couldn't see any components of the inscription circle on the ground, the bursts of fire that burst from the ground had to make Thomas, a noble born in the world of swords and magic, think that it was the inscription circle of the Demon King's army.

It had just been half an hour since the start of the battle, and it took Thomas more than 15,000 troops to open a safe passage.

Just looking back at the remaining 35,000 people, most of them showed fearful expressions on their faces.

Among them, there are more than 20,000 conscripts. They are all ordinary civilians. They have no strong bodies, no strong martial arts, and they do not know how to fight.

The only thing that can let them kill the enemy is the standard weapons in the dukedom of Capet and the dukedom of Florence, and the only thing that can protect them is the cloth and leather armor that does not have a uniform style.

The 3 phalanxes of levies had fallen on the road of the charge, and Thomas tore his throat and shouted: "Go! Rush up to the Fallen Hill and kill those Demon Kings!"

However, the levies who formed the new phalanx were still afraid after all. They thought about resisting and escaping.

But what can you do after escaping, if you become a deserter, then you will be severely punished by life in the empire.

In addition to those knights, nobles, and lords who threatened themselves with their own family members, the conscripts could only hold their weapons tremblingly and bite the bullet.

Bloodthirsty, fear dispelling, all kinds of magic blessings were on them, which made them have the courage to attack.

Although the minefield of the CPA has been opened, the fortifications on the high ground have brought another picture to the Imperial Army.

The two anti-aircraft guns that were originally used to deal with flying monsters such as flying dragons, giant dragons, and Yalongs that may appear, immediately adjusted their shooting angles, just like the anti-aircraft guns on the Lanshi Shield. Also changed.

Anti-aircraft guns are used to fight infantry, which is a big killer.

"Pong! Peng! Peng! Peng!"

Thick light spots shot down from the Fallen Hill in an instant, and as long as they were hit, the bodies of the imperial soldiers all exploded.

The battle with the Demon King's Army has also made the Imperial soldiers of the vanguard gradually realize that it has become the norm for them to break their hands and feet and even their heads to bloom.

Some of them even had a hole in their entire stomach. They lowered their heads and stared at their pierced belly in astonishment. They were limping, spitting blood from their mouths, and roaring "Hohohoho" in their throats.

Finally, he stared at his companion in disbelief, then closed his eyes and fell down.

The attack from the high ground was not just anti-aircraft guns, but the barrage woven by the machine guns also made it difficult for the imperial soldiers who rushed to the high ground.

Countless scythes of the God of Death slashed towards these imperial phalanxes, and the imperial soldiers were cut down one after another like wheat.

Thomas stared at the picture in front of him, the attack of the vanguard continued, and the magic blessing of the magician was also orderly.

Thomas gritted his teeth and scolded: "It's not a way to go on like this. Even if you can touch the foot of the Fallen Hill, you can't attack it."

The conscripts have been sent in 5 waves, and this is the life of 15,000 people.

The sixth wave is already in the state of blessing, but it is obvious that the continuous magic blessing makes the magic of the magicians pass away rapidly, and the effect of various blessings is not as good as before.

Thomas could clearly feel a tinge of fear in the levies in the sixth offensive.

At the same time, Thomas looked around, and the entire vanguard was also affected.

Although they did not charge like the unlucky levies, no one knew whether the next wave of attacks would be their turn.

There is no way to defeat the Demon King's army on the Fallen Hill, that is, a death barrier, whoever passes will turn into an undead.

However, the sixth wave of offensive was restrained by Thomas: "Stop attacking!"

Hearing this sentence, the imperial soldiers in the sixth wave of the offensive seemed to have escaped from the dead, and heaved a long sigh of relief.

They also don't know whether to thank Thomas, the demon who "enslaved" them, for showing mercy, or to thank the powerful gods of death on the Fallen Hill for letting the devil stop his terrible thoughts.

But no matter what, these 3,000 conscripts have escaped.

Thomas was staring at the Fallen Hill at this time, and after dozens of minutes of fighting, the vanguard had lost more than 18,000 people under the hill.

No matter how blessed the magician is, even the knights, minor nobles, and magicians in the army showed their fear of this battle, and they didn't want to continue to fight against the Demon King's army on the Fallen Hill.

Thomas knew that the army was like a tight string now.

Once he ordered the sixth wave, the trembling levies in the entire army, fearing that they would fall prey to the seventh wave, were bound to mutiny.

Thomas had already thought of retreating at this time. The Fallen Hill could not be conquered, and he had to meet with the large army.



With a crisp sound, the head of a mage who was blessing magic instantly turned into a watermelon and burst open, and the whole body of the mage next to him was inexplicably torn off.

Afterwards, knights and minor nobles also fell off their horses one after another, or died.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A sound was uploaded from the Fallen Hill, and Thomas was shocked. The Demon King's Army was attacking our mages and commanders with ultra-long-range magic!

As the danger befell the wizards, knights and nobles, they were no longer calm.

The knights and nobles who had been shadowed by the minefields and the barrage on the mountain before pulled the reins one after another, regardless of Thomas, the on-site commander, and ran away.

Their lives are much more expensive than conscripts. They can't die here. I have to go home and inherit my father's title!

"Sword Comes"

As the mages, knights, and nobles took the lead in fleeing, like the straw that broke the camel's back, the remaining 31,000 people in the vanguard suddenly exploded, smashing in the direction they came from like headless flies.


Thomas scolded secretly, but at this time the army had already retreated, and he could not restrain himself at all.

In addition, the Demon King's army on the Fallen Hill was killing nobles and commanders, and Thomas' own life was also threatened.

A gorgeous armor, everyone knows that he is the commander of this unit.

Lima pulled the reins, grabbed the horse's belly, turned the horse's head, and followed the large army towards the rear.


It is precisely because of Thomas's choice that a sniper in the CPA directly missed the position, and the bullet originally shot at the head directly hit Thomas on the shoulder.


Blood splattered on Thomas' cheeks, but Thomas couldn't take care of it anymore. With a scream, the personal soldiers immediately surrounded him, protected him in the middle, and hurriedly fled.

Watching the fleeing Imperial Army, the company commander stationed on Hill 16 let out a long sigh.

Just now, he has called the battalion headquarters for support. If the imperial army has two more offensives, then their company's ammunition will definitely be exhausted.

He even thought at one point that the Imperial Army would fight to the end with their company.

In that case, if the reinforcements did not arrive in time, they could only use bayonets.

Both sides were at the end of the line, but in the end, the vanguard of the Imperial Army with huge casualties was swayed.

The company chief gasped heavily and ordered, "Notify the battalion headquarters that Hill 16 was successfully repelled, killing at least 15,000 enemies.

Requesting ammo supplies, we're almost out of ammo. "
