Different World Development Manual

Chapter 1488: Time flies


With the development of social productive forces, the word "summer vacation" entered the life of the vast number of students in the Carinthia Kingdom more than ten years ago.

China not only brought civilization, progress and prosperity to the development of the Carinthian kingdom, but also brought knowledge to the Carinthians.

More than ten years ago, the King of Carinthia imitated the strategy of "books and cars on the same track" promulgated by the Qin Dynasty in the history of China, so that the whole kingdom of Carinthia adopts the Chinese system.

Despite the great obstacles in the previous years, King Carinthia was even assassinated at one point.

However, the old system and the old forces that did not conform to the historical trend were eventually swept into the garbage heap of history by the King of Carinthia.

The income from Anjiaba Oilfield was used as the financial support for the Kingdom of Carinthia in the early stage, allowing the Kingdom of Carinthia to establish this start, and it would be like having a family property that was opened.

Coupled with a lot of investment from southern Chinese people, various infrastructure construction.

So much so that Carinthia is like a baby with a golden key in her mouth. Since the founding of the country, it has been smooth and smooth all the way.

Even those old forces failed to stop the progress of the Carinthia Kingdom towards a civilized country.

July was the summer vacation, and since the war of the gods broke out, An Rui had hardly returned to the Kingdom of Carinthia.

As for Guan Lin, after the Carinthian government is fully on track.

The legendary Queen of Carinthia, Queen of the Holy Aghanim United Empire, and Prime Minister of Carinthia, took a long vacation for herself.

With the family, we headed north to the enclave of the Kingdom of Carinthia, the province of Arnotay for vacation.

Semiya, the capital of Arnotay Province, is the estuary city of the Aran River that traverses the north of the Aghanim continent. It is the largest seaport city in the landlocked country of the Kingdom of Carinthia.

At the same time, Semiya is also China's most important port in Beiyang.

A high-speed railway has been specially built from Anri Fort to the Port of Semiya, which was only started a few years ago after the establishment of the Holy Aghanim United Empire.

In the original northern continent of Aghanim, the political situation was quite turbulent.

Not to mention the internal struggles of the Panda Empire itself, the Avalon Empire in the west, and the Crimson Moon Holy See, which affects the entire northern continent, keep the northern environment in a state of constant change.

An unstable situation is naturally not favored by capital.

It is also difficult to develop the north.

If a railway is built from Huaxia to the port of Semiya, it may be destroyed by the lord war with whom, and there are even guys who steal iron to sell.

This also makes Huaxia urgently need a partner with a stable environment and a trustworthy partner from another world at the beginning of time travel.

The Duchy of Dehbas became the best choice.

Through the "hands" of Duke Dehebas, the south of the Panda Empire soon entered a period of stability and rapid development.

At the same time, a series of political actions made Duke Dehebas wear the crown of Carinthia.

A high-speed railway from Huaxia to Anribao was completed.

Later, after a large-scale war in the northern countries, the old ones continued to be smashed, and the establishment of the Holy Aghanim United Empire also allowed the northern countries to have a relatively stable under the United Empire. Development Environment.

Coupled with the highest meeting of the Aghanim Continent and the communication technology brought by China, all countries have an instant communication capability and a place for diplomatic consultation.

Under the mediation of the permanent host country, the chances of a large-scale war between countries have also been almost curbed.

Even small-scale conflicts have been reduced.

Conflict between nations is reduced, and a stable environment emerges.

After a stable environment appeared, a large amount of capital poured into these environments.

Under the investment of the Chinese state and the people, governments and people of various countries have become richer.

"Peaceful development" is the current general environment of the entire Aghanim Continent. This is an assertion from Huaxia, the permanent host country of the Aghanim Continental Congress.

With the stabilization of the political situation, the construction of the high-speed railway from Amreborg to Semiya was also started.

Guan Lin took the three little guys on the high-speed rail, and the opposite of Guan Lin was the great noble of Arnotay Province, Freya.

The former "Duchess of Arnotta", Freya, had the most prosperous territory.

With his beauty and political skills, he reached a political alliance with Norman, the emperor of the Panda Empire.

Duchess Freya even used her own body to complete the continuation for Norman.

What she seeks is for her family to continue to grow and develop.

Norman, despite his bad reputation, looked incompetent on the outside.

But Freya, who knew the simple things about Norman, knew that Norman's dull appearance was the appearance of a great emperor.

With Norman's illegitimate son "Dante", Freya will rely on Norman to get a card in the future.

It's just that things are changing too fast, and the arrival of the Chinese people has added a lot of unknowns to the entire continent.

Things can no longer develop step by step, can no longer be predicted.

The disparity in the development of civilization has caused the entire Aghanim Continent to be hit by dimensionality reduction.

Norman's "weird" life and death made Freya re-choose who to rely on.

Relying on Huaxia was her choice.

Surrender to An Rui and become An Rui's subordinate.

Freya propped her head up and looked at the constantly flashing scenery outside the window. At the age of 47, she recalled the past 18 years, and her eyes flashed with some good and bad fragments.

Guan Lin also looked at the scenery that flashed outside the window. Now, she has long since given up her 20 years at that time.

"Sister Freya, time flies, the children have grown up.

We, too, are getting old. "

The relationship between the two families is good. The children of Freya and Norman recognized An Rui as their godfather, that is, godfather.

In addition, the Authority needs the estuary of Arnotté Province, and also intends to make friends with Freya.

That's how Guan Lin and Freya's sisterhood came into being.

Although Freya is still the Duke of Arnotta, Freya has moved her family to Anri Fort, and even half of the property has been transferred.

Freya looked at Guan Lin, with an authentic northern accent, she smiled lightly: "Sister Lin, you look under 30.

It has to be said that the skin care products developed based on the life factor are good news for us women. "

The northern accent is the Chinese with the local accent of Carinthia formed in the Kingdom of Carinthia after the unified use of Chinese.

This language is called the northern accent, or the Carinthian accent, which is a dialect of Chinese.

Because of the longevity of elves, dragons, and phoenixes, scientists have conducted further research on the life factors extracted from their blood, and one of the results is the retention of the face.

Guan Lin seems to be less than 30 and often occupies a high position, which also allows Guan Lin to form a natural queen atmosphere.

Guan Lin said with a smile: "Sister Freya still looks in her early 30s, I just sigh that the children have grown up so much."

After all, Freya is the richest native woman in the world in the Carinthia Kingdom. Skin care products and cosmetics produced in China, no matter how expensive, can be bought by Freya.

Freya couldn't help nodding her head: "Yes, the children have grown up."

Now Freya and Norman's illegitimate son Dante, 16, is ready to go to high school.

And Guan Lin's two children, An Hua, are 8 years old and should be in grade 3.

An Xia is 5 years old and is about to enter primary school.

Another child, An Qi, is 14 years old, and it is time for the second year of junior high school.

However, because An Qi belongs to the level of Xueba, Guan Lin thought about it a little bit and skipped two levels for the eldest daughter and went directly to the first year of high school.

Even more so, An Qi and Dante, An Rui's godsons, became classmates.

After school starts, these two little guys will go to the middle school in Qiqi City.

Guan Lin sighed: "It would be great if Xiaohua and Xiaoxia were as smart as Xiaoqi in their studies."

Freya smiled, so why not: "Dante too."

In the private room of the 4 children, Xiao Xia leaned on Xiao Hua with a VR headset, and was taken by her brother into the virtual reality world to play games.

An Qi was holding a scientific research book and nibbled it.

Dante, who was sitting across from him, gradually became accustomed to this kind of academic hegemony from the original Alexander to giving up treatment.

Dante opened his mouth and said, "Old girl, do you know that, from the gossip I heard, Caesar is coming to our school to study."

An Qi slowly raised her head, glanced at Dante, and lowered her head again: "Caesar?" Σ(°△°)

"Why did that guy come to Huaxia to study?" ( ̄□ ̄;)