Different World Development Manual

Chapter 1491: Advance base Semiya


When the high-speed train slowly pulled into the Seminya Railway Station, Xiaohua and Xiaoxia, two little ghosts, jumped up and down and ran to the platform.

An Qi also stretched her waist and snorted, sitting in the car for a long time, and it was not very comfortable.

Dante held his head in his hands and said, "How about it, this is Seminya Railway Station, isn't it bad?"

An Qi rolled her eyes at Dante and said angrily, "This railway station is not your family's property, it was built by the state.

Ansai high-speed rail, this level is the same as in China, and there is no difference.

Moreover, China has its own port here, and there is still a lot of investment.

You, Semiya, want to fall behind, but you can't. "( ̄□ ̄;)

"Hey hey hey..."

Although Arnault was the territory of Freya, at that time, according to several reforms, personal property and administration had been completely separated.

The current Arnotay is managed by the provincial government of Arnotay, while Semiya is also managed by the city government of Semiya.

Freya can also get a little bit of red from the financial revenue of the city government, and has no actual jurisdiction.

Freya had already transferred many properties to Anriburg, and even Dante, the heir to the duke's title, was a native of Anriburg.

When he arrived at Semiya, his mother's original home base, Dante naturally had to squirm.

At this time, the train station was crowded with people. In addition to a large number of Chinese, there were also many Carinthians.

Since Carinthia was the first country on the Aghanim continent to flourish, it also led to the richest group of natives on the continent, the Carinthians.

Semiya is the most important port of Carinthia and China on the northern coastline, so there are a lot of goods here and there, as well as tourists.


Starting from the port of Semiya, to the west, is the "Queen of the North" Sissi's Kingdom of Wienchard, the Kingdom of Irnava of Barcelona, the Kingdom of Tomir of Charlemagne, etc.

These are all members of the Holy Aghanim United Empire.

To the east, there are several beast-ear countries such as the Fluffy Republic, the Ten Thousand Beast Empire, the Fluffy Empire, and the Eastern Region Empire.

Whether it is westward or eastward, the countries along the sea have undergone moderate or radical reforms because of the arrival of China.

Even in countries that do not reform, China's commodities, as well as local resources, and trade with each other have promoted exchanges between the two sides.

In addition, Semiya, an important port in the north, is the estuary of the Aran River. Whether it is to enter Carinthia and Huaxia by boat, or enter by high-speed rail or plane, it is the best choice for business travelers.

It is precisely for these reasons that people of different skin colors and languages can be seen everywhere in Semiya, a prosperous northern seaport city.

"Dante, take your younger brother and sister to Semiya for a good stroll.

If you are tired, go back to the palace to rest.

I have something to do with your godmother. "

Freya came over from behind, patted Dante's shoulder lightly, and said with a smile.

Although many industries have been transferred to Anribao, Freya still has many industries in Seminya and even the whole Arnotta.

Semiya is the capital of the Duchy of Freya, where Freya does not have a majestic castle, but a luxurious and magnificent palace.

Dante patted his chest and assured: "Mom, leave it to me, I'm half a Seminian."

As he spoke, he ran after him, held An Hua and An Xia's hands, turned his head to look at An Qi and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to the old streets of Semiya."

An Qi responded with a sound, then followed slowly, and at the same time, she opened the holographic communication on her wrist and began to search for information on Seminya Old Street.

After leaving the station, the four little guys took a taxi.

As a northern port city, Semiya has a high degree of modernization.

The whole road was full of traffic.

As Huaxia began to deploy the new energy industry before crossing, coupled with the breakthrough of controllable nuclear fusion and battery technology, the rapid development of new energy vehicles.

Even in a native city like Semiya, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles has reached 30%.

And more than half of this 30% is in the public transportation system.

"Where to go?"

"Old Street, thank you."

"Good Le~"

The taxi driver is an authentic Seminian and speaks an authentic Carinthian dialect.

Fortunately, the four small passengers in the car can understand the Carinthian dialect, so it is not a big problem.

Seminya Old Street is the most prosperous commercial pedestrian street in the old town of Seminya.

Here, there are not only the traditional cuisine of the Arnotay province, but also the delicacies and desserts of Panda, Huaxia and the member states of the Northern God.

Of course, in addition to the delicious street, it is natural to buy, buy, buy.

Since Semiya in the north is like Shanghai and Shanghai in the eastern part of China, in this city, you can find clothing and products from the northern countries of the Aghanim continent.

However, many of these clothes are now labeled as produced by China.

Clothing production, a low-cost, high-density labor manufacturing industry, is the favorite of Chinese businessmen and the local government.

On the entire Aghanim continent, the local cost is extremely high.

Therefore, almost all low-end industries such as clothing manufacturing are moving to foreign countries.

The three countries of Carinthia, Campbell and Blessing Lake have become China's three important all-weather strategic partners in the north, southwest and southeast of Aghanim continent.

Most of Huaxia's low-end industries, as well as most of its investment, flow to these three countries.

Of course, except for these three countries, all the countries on the Aghanim continent are the investment directions of Chinese businessmen.

Outside of these 3 countries, labor costs are lower in other countries.

Chinese businessmen who invest in labor-intensive industries like this kind of place.

And the local government, because of the arrival of Chinese people, made investments, built factories, created benefits, and received more tax revenue, and strongly welcomed and encouraged Chinese people to invest and build factories.

The most important thing is that when a large number of factories are established, a large number of farmers enter the factories to work.

The government has dealt with those homeless people.

In addition, Chinese people build factories and usually include food and lodging, which also solves the problem of no fixed place for these homeless people.

On the Aghanim continent, almost every country can see the shadow of Chinese merchants.

Whether it is the far west or the far east, whether it is the far north or the far south.

Chinese people, because of their strong national power, strong military force, prosperous economy, good life, and advanced civilization, in the eyes of the people of the Aghanim continent, have become the existence second only to "gods".

Even the Chinese are called "the people of the kingdom of God" by these guys.

In their opinion, everything in China can only be enjoyed by the gods.

And the people of China, aren't they the people of the kingdom of God

Therefore, the Chinese people are also very popular on the Aghanim continent.

They brought civilization, they brought wealth, they brought opportunity.

The blooming Huaxia factories have also made a large number of low-end products on the Aghanim Continent labelled as Made in China.

The taxi quickly arrived at the old street. After walking around the old street, the four brothers and sisters felt bored again.

Although the old street in Semiya is the most prosperous pedestrian street in the northern seaside, the overall modernization level is still much lower than that of Anribao and China.

Look at the traditions of the northern nations, and that's it.

The more I watched it, the more I lost my initial interest.

As the most prosperous flat world city on the Aghanim continent, Anribao is there, what is there

The four Anribao natives naturally lost their interest in continuing to shop in the old streets.

Dante asked at this time, "Angie, do you know what mom and godmother are doing?"

An Qi said casually: "I know, I went to the port to inspect the work." ( ̄ー ̄)


"Aunt Freya is the Duchess of Arnotta, and Ma Guan is the Queen of Carinthia and the Prime Minister.

The country is already preparing to move to Shandola on a large scale, and the port of Seminya is the base of the advance. With their positions and identities, it is natural for them to go to the port market to work.

Why, apart from online games and roaming the Internet all day, don't you pay much attention to international and domestic news? " ̄へ ̄

Dante scratched his head. This girl, who was 2 years younger than him, looked like a big sister. Dante said, "I only know that the battle of the gods broke out, and the water friends have all kinds of water."

Having said that, Dante suggested: "Why don't we go to Seminya Port and see them."

"Uh, okay." (〃'▽'〃)