Different World Development Manual

Chapter 1495: Resist the leaders


The preparations for the Port of Seminya did not happen immediately.

The time has entered August, and on the side of Sky World, the counterattack launched by the coalition forces went well.

Whether it is from the offensive direction of the Sibu two armies or from the offensive direction of the Hualufu three armies, there is no one in the sky world that can stop the advance of the modern army.

Hiroishixin, who was appointed a counterattack force on the one hand, looked at the area liberated by the coalition forces and thought.

The main task of the Nuwa Front Army is to rescue Qing and liberate the people enslaved by Gaia along the way.

This includes not only the Titans, but also the Angels.

Titans are often grabbed by the angels to perform manual labor, build walls, build fortifications and so on.

The huge body and good strength make these Titans a "tool" that is more cost-effective than some construction machinery under the super god.

After all, the Titan's heart has not been modified and will not believe in Gaia.

Once the coalition forces fought back against the Angels, these enslaved Titans would naturally rise up.

Have you ever seen Roman slaves helping the Romans to stabilize their foundations when the empire was collapsing

These guys can't wait to eat the next piece of meat on this corpse to fill themselves up.

The power of the earth people Although the Titans of the Land of Light, Emkispaxinyun, have seen it, and the Land of Light has also been destroyed by the angels, the power of the earth people has flowed out from the mouth of the Titans of the Land of Light.

According to word of mouth among slaves, the people on earth who can kill gods have become an important force against the sky world.

It's just that the earthlings were not able to enter the sky world on a large scale at that time, and the earthlings did not have any conflict with the sky world at that time, and even had very few intersections, so it was naturally unlikely that they would be enemies with Gaia.

However, the change of the times made the earthlings stand on the side of the Titans.

A large number of angel cities were conquered by the coalition forces led by the earthlings, and a large number of titans were liberated by the earthlings.

At this time, many leaders of the Titan Resistance Army have gathered in the headquarters of Nuwa Base.

It has to be said that Huaxia's communication capabilities are far stronger than those of the magical world. The Titan leaders directly issue orders at the headquarters, and the Titan Rebels in the distance can act at any time.

A Titan leader suggested to Guang Shixin again: "Commander Guang, why don't you kill the angels who were captured by our army?"

Another Titan leader also echoed: "That's right, the angels shouldn't stay.

Especially the group of angels guarding the city, all of them should be killed.

In this case, as long as we liberate the city, no one will dare to resist. "

Guang Shixin was a little dumbfounded. This group of Titans, whose eyes were blinded by revenge and anger, are now different from the Mongolians of the past. One word, just kill them.

Guang Shixin patiently explained to these titans: "Blindly killing can't solve any problems. Didn't you and the humans on the mainland have to move to the sky world to live because of this endless killing?

If the slaughter between you and the angels in the sky world continues, no matter who wins, there will always be one side who loses, either being enslaved like you are now, or fleeing to other worlds. "

When it comes to the war with the creatures on the ground, the Titans are also very helpless.

Documents and sung rhetoric are because humans hunted Titans and believed that the hearts of Titans had such powerful power that the friendly Titans had to flee to the sky world in order to avoid human capture.

The documentation of the Titans is not as developed as that of humans, and even human beings, judging from the indigenous countries with the strongest documentation capabilities in the Aghanim continent, may have inaccurate records in documents over 200 years old.

But what the Titans can be sure of is that a war broke out between the Titans and humans a long time ago.

It's not even just humans. After all, there are so many races living on a continent. Humans alone will never be able to drive the Titans to the sky world.

And the Titans recorded in the literature escape in order to avoid hunting, I am afraid it is not so simple.

Before I wanted to come, it should be that the Titans, a group that originally lived on land, had a completely irreconcilable conflict with other land groups.

The Titans of the 5 continents all escaped to the sky world.

God knows what the contradiction is, but according to the Titans' guesses, it must be something that cannot be tolerated by all races on the continent.

Guang Shixin went on to say: "There has been a saying in our country since ancient times, 'killing prisoners is ominous'.

We Chinese people do not kill prisoners, and our army's fine tradition is to treat prisoners of war preferentially and transform them.

These guys aren't that bad by nature, aren't they

If there is no Gaia, there will be no inexplicable faith in the hearts of the angels.

And you and the angels can still get along normally in the sky world. "

The Titan leaders pondered for a while, and it was indeed the case.

If there is no Gaia, there is no difference between the angel country and the titan country, and some angel countries have formed an alliance with the titan country.

Some countries are even made up of angels and titans.

From the perspective of Huaxia, ordinary angels are not real enemies at all. They have just been modified in their beliefs, from atheists to believers who believe in Gaia.

If it was said before, angels and Huaxia may still be like-minded friends on the issue of faith.

"Reincarnation Paradise"

Therefore, Huaxia's main method for dealing with angels is to use a round of offensive that does little damage and has a very strong effect during the battle to effectively attack the morale of the angels.

And at this time, the Titans enslaved by the angels will naturally follow suit.

Facing the internal Titan and the external CPA, no matter how firm the belief in the heart, it collapsed.

After all, in the sky world, the main force was almost taken to Shandora by Gaia.

The only ones left were the defenders of the gods, with Will and Kabuqi as the main force.

When the Huaxia people fought back, facing the flames that filled the sky, no matter how much the angel guards prayed, the gods they believed in did not appear to be really them.

Even if it is to send a servant of the gods, it is not.

Gradually, the angels began to become desperate, and slowly, their beliefs also collapsed.

The modern army is facing the army in the early period of the Cold War. The military gap of this half century has always brought the end of the battle.

The angels are not captured, what awaits them is transformation.

And a large number of Titans who resisted were joined under the command of these prestigious Titans rebel leaders.

Some of these titan leaders were monarchs, some nobles, and some true heroes.

Seeing that they all pondered the question about the angel prisoner of war, Guang Shixin also pondered another question.

Whether it was the advance from Huaxia's side or the advance from Sijiadi's side, it was undoubtedly very fast and smooth, and there was not much decent resistance along the way, which made people puzzled.

Even if the drone flew hundreds of kilometers, there was no sign of ambush by the gods in the sky world.

At this time, Concubine Diou's hologram popped out at Guang Shixin's headquarters and said, "Commander, I have obtained information on Qing.

Qing is currently being detained in a city of angels, and I have to rescue her. "

Qing is the god that the beast ears believe in on Aghanim Continent.

Failed to steal chicken with Concubine Diou, lost a handful of rice, but was caught instead.

Guang Shixin said: "Well, you go back to the base first, and the staff will immediately draw up a battle plan."


Concubine Diou didn't rush to rescue Qing. After all, after staying in China for so long, she knew that everything must have a plan, not to mention military tasks.

Acting rashly when the intelligence is inaccurate is prone to accidents.

Concubine Diou couldn't wait to return to the Nuwa strategic base, and Guang Shixin also made the next deployment to liberate the Titans and Angels.

The Titan resistance leaders also got their own battle plans, and the troops stationed in the Nuwa base also got their own plans one after another.

At the same time, in the sky, several unmanned reconnaissance planes were flying at a very fast speed towards the city of angels where Qing was imprisoned.

Hua Xia promised Concubine Diou that the god Qing must be rescued.

Moreover, rescuing Qing means that Huaxia will gain the favor of the vast number of animal ears.