Different World Development Manual

Chapter 1521: Administration's speculation


"Xue Ju, the problem has become serious."

In Xue Yang's office, Li Na's holographic screen popped up for the first time.

It was rare to see Li Na's expression become so serious, Xue Yang asked, "What's wrong?"

"The 'Gods' of the Divine Department, all their gods disappeared and became ordinary people."


What is the situation? "

Li Na pondered: "It shouldn't be attacked."

If the guys in the Spirit Division lost their power and turned into ordinary people or ordinary lifeforms, wouldn't the Spirit Division of the Time and Space Administration directly lose their combat effectiveness

"What's going on with those field workers?"

Li Na shook her head, and then in the picture, a holographic window popped out next to her, Li Na glanced quickly, and said, "The situation is not optimistic.

The field personnel who went out on the mission, like the personnel who stayed in the Administration Bureau, all lost their magical powers.

There are currently a number of field staff who have lost contact. "

The out-of-contact field personnel were apparently engaged in high-intensity operations and then lost their powers, making them unable to support the current situation.

For example, a god casts an overwhelming super magic, and it is impossible for him to face the magic released by himself after losing his power.

For example, some gods who are flying in the sky will fall directly from the sky if they lose their power. Unless a miracle happens, they will fall to their death.

Xue Yang rolled his eyes and opened the holographic windows one by one to check the situation in various places.

In less than 2 minutes, Li Na provided another message: "The Hermitage Guard, the House of Honor, and the Ministry of Magic have all called to ask if we have any clues.

Like us, the gods who cooperated with them, or worked for them, all lost their power and became ordinary people.

But I have already told our situation to that side. "

Xue Yang squinted his eyes slightly, watching the urgent warnings flying like snowflakes, opened his mouth, and asked, "What's the situation over Scarti?"

Li Na said: "Area 51 said that there was nothing unusual about surrendering to their gods."

Xue Yang snorted coldly, "It seems that this matter is probably Mickey's fault.

Mickey is now in Shandola. If he enters the spaceship and finds a certain mechanism, it is very likely to remove the power of all gods.

And even if Mickey did such a thing over there, the isolation between Shandora and the mainland of Scarti made it impossible for information to be transmitted.

Surely Area 51 doesn't know it yet, that's what the Mickey guy did.

And if there is no special action between Area 51 and Scarty, Mickey may not be reborn yet, and we are now on the first cycle of reincarnation.

What does the analytics department say? "

Li Na showed the analysis department's inference and said so: "Xue Ju, it's the same as your inference.

Just received the news that not only the gods of our 4 kingdoms have lost all their gods.

In the sky world, undead world, underground world, element world, underwater world and other places, all the gods have lost their divine power.

This is an event that has swept the entire flat world, and only Scarti is immune to it.

According to the analysis department's inference, one, Mickey entered the control room.

Two, this is what Mickey did.

Three, Mickey is in the first reincarnation. "

Xue Yang lightly tapped his finger on the table and said, "Scartie has already walked to the front.

Mickey's reincarnation is definitely set to be a long-term reincarnation, as short as a year, as long as a few years. Otherwise, judging from his psychological profile, a guy who advocates perfection will definitely link the possible events into a chain. Find all their trigger points.

We have time now, the first reincarnation, coupled with the interruption of communication between Shandora and Scarti, and the trap we laid before, can win. "

Li Na also affirmed Xue Yang's point of view. Currently in the first reincarnation, Mickey has definitely not returned.

Saying that, Xue Yang couldn't help but joke: "Li Na, isn't this what you expected

All the gods have become ordinary people, there is no supernatural power, and the humanoid self-propelled nuclear bomb has also disappeared.

What Linden Wan couldn't do, Mickey did it instead, hehe. "

Li Na shook her head at this time: "No, this is not the result I expected.

There are almost no other gods now except for the gods on the side of Scarty.

The comrades of the Spirit Division of the Administration have all lost their combat power. "

"That's why I have a headache, we, Lucia, Francie, the extraordinary power of our three families is gone.

It's really tricky if you go up against Scarti. "

Li Na said at this time: "Xue Ju, the latest news I just got came from An Rui and Diofi."


"The power of An Rui and Diofi is still there, but the gods in the realm they are responsible for appeasing have all become ordinary people, and they are asking me about the situation."

An Rui and Diofi, as the new upper gods, are working on solving the broken things after the war in God's Domain.

However, the sudden change disrupted everyone's plans.

Xue Yang was slightly taken aback and asked, "Apart from An Rui and Diofi, what other extraordinary powers exist?"

"Yuffie, Sharpie, Alan.

Nastasya of the Hermitage Guard.

Moy, Moore of the Honorary House.

They also have extraordinary powers.

According to the speculation of the analysis department, except for the hero, the demon king, and their subordinate personnel, all the supernatural powers were devastated. "

Xue Yang nodded: "That's the level zero, right

When Xiao An accidentally entered the control room before, she cleared Diofi's level to zero. "


Li Na responded and continued to report: "Lin Dengwan's condition is currently unknown, and it is impossible to get in touch with it directly, and it is not certain whether a 'higher god' like it has also become a mortal."

Xue Yang nodded slightly, and then said, "Let the intelligence personnel of Scarti pay attention to gathering the movements over there."


In addition, the existence under the supernatural has not been weakened in any way. "

Although they are not as powerful as those above the extraordinary, they can still be regarded as self-propelled tactical nuclear bombs when they walk on the street.

According to An Rui's grading system, fortunately, there are very few who are over level 70, and those who are level 90 are even rarer than giant pandas.

A current battalion can compete with a level 90 powerhouse without losing the slightest.

However, the Twelve Knights of Protecting the Country on the Administration's side will definitely be behind, once again rising from the second echelon of combat power to the first echelon.


The Administration has collected a lot of talents, from all levels.

At this time, Li Na raised a more thorny question: "Because of the loss of divine power, the water control team in the Shandola sea area may...

And our connection with there has been cut off. "

Speaking of this, Xue Yang's eyes widened.

The gods have become ordinary people, so the only useful person in the flood control team is Xianglin.

That is the cemetery of the gods, I hope a miracle happens, and their group will come through safely.

After Xue Yang arranged a series of countermeasures, he immediately arranged some tasks for Li Na.

At the same time, he rushed to the center urgently and reported his plan.

Since the gods have become ordinary people, it is a bit of a loss to continue to maintain the stability of the gods.

At present, Scarty has taken the lead in Shandola's progress, lost the ability to control water, and Huaxia, who is behind in progress, can only take other measures.

What Xue Yang meant was to bring An Rui and Diofi back to form a task force and go to Shandola for support.

At the same time, he also proposed a very buggy reinforcement plan to the general army. When the general army sees it, can they still reinforce Shandola like this

When even the final decision agreed, after all, this bug has been stuck before.

After making a series of deployments, An Rui and Diofi were the first to receive orders.

Xue Yang gave a direct order: "Xiao An, temporarily hand over the tasks in hand to other rulers, and you and Diofi will return to the bureau.

It is not that simple for the gods to lose their power.

And the Skadis have already entered the control room first, and we're a lot behind schedule. "

An Rui was also surprised when he learned the current situation: "What!!

The Skadis have entered the control room! ! ? "

Xue Yang looked at An Rui, took a deep breath, and said, "Come back first, I want to introduce you again, about Mickey..."