Different World Development Manual

Chapter 1522: Ragnarok


Holy area.

"Ah, are you leaving?"

"Master Death, you can't go!"

"You're gone, what should we do

We don't have any magic power now. "

The former gods begged to An Rui while looking at the staff of the surrounding administration.

This group of gods worried that these Chinese people, without An Rui's management, would wait for the opportunity to take revenge on their group of guys who had lost their divine power.

An Rui smiled bitterly: "It's okay, they are all good comrades.

You have to believe us, we Chinese people do things, pay attention to fairness and justice, never bully others, and never discriminate against others.

The comrades in the Administration are all trustworthy. "

Even so, the gods were still very worried.

However, there were also many field gods from the Administration, who also lost their power.

Fortunately, these guys have been educated, and they have done nothing wrong in China.

Even if he loses his divine power, he will not be discriminated against by other ordinary people.

Moreover, these guys had a hot fight with the Chinese colleagues of the Administration.

There will be a field staff who will stand up and say softly: "As you all know, I was a god before, and I have lost my power now.

But please don't worry, we're not that kind of people.

Everyone, focus first, then we will find a way to bring you to the world of ordinary people. "

The gods looked at each other, and after An Rui and Diofi expressed their intention to leave, they could only accept it.

Many of them were under the command of the Demon God and the Holy Spirit God before, and they were also worried that they would be liquidated by the former enemy of the Huaxia people.

Fortunately, after An Rui and Diofi left, the Huaxia people treated these desolate former gods as they had promised.

Losing divine power means that the supreme council, which is used to stabilize the gods and coordinate the contradictions of the gods, can be abolished.

If this divine power is permanently lost, it is possible to abolish the Supreme Council of these rogues.

However, in the opinion of the Authority, the Supreme Council will obviously exist temporarily until a final result is obtained.

Undead world.

The gods lost their powers, causing them to panic in the highest council of the undead world.

Zhengkui Daojue banged heavily on the tabletop and scolded: "Silence! Silence!"

As the dominant god of the undead world, no one dares to shake the prestige of Zhengkui Daojue, even now.

What's more, Zhengkui Daojue and Mo Qiuli next to them have a good relationship with the Chinese people.

The Chinese will support them behind them.

Zhengkui Daojue said: "Now not only our divine power has disappeared, but all the powers of the gods have also disappeared in the entire flat world.

If you want to govern the entire undead world now, I am afraid you can only rely on friends from the earth.

They have extensive experience in governance. "

The existence of gods divided the world into two worlds.

An ordinary man, a god.

The disappearance of divine power may not be unable to promote the development of a flat-earth world.

A civilization that has worked so hard to develop a little fruit is easily destroyed by the gods.

Then the world is likely to fall into a situation where civilization cannot develop for a long time.

Take Aghanim Continent as an example, the existence of gods makes illusory beliefs become real.


The confinement of theocracy on human thinking has formed the confinement of the development of civilization.

Not to mention the development of science and technology, based on magic, these flat-earth world civilizations, how can they develop magic civilizations.

Look at the present, these civilizations, these countries, one by one, just like novels, the civilization has been stagnant for thousands or even tens of thousands of years.

On Earth, the span of 2,000 years has brought about tremendous changes in human civilization.

However, in the flat earth world, the games of the devil and the hero every 300 years have made the world become what it should not be.

Shandola Sea.

The loss of divine power is also a very painful thing for Kesulu and all the sea gods who control the water.

With a little carelessness, the dangerous sea conditions in the Shandola sea area may destroy the entire team.

And now the only one who can rely on is Daedalus hero Xianglin.

But Su Lu and the gods were crammed into a fairly stable boat. Xiang Lin, who was lurking below, chanted while protecting the boat, allowing it to safely cross the Shandola Sea.

But Su Lu, wearing a raincoat and carrying the rain, leaned on the railing and shouted to Xianglin below, "Xiangzi!

Thanks for your hard work!

If you are tired, come up and rest and have something to eat! "

Xianglin looked tired, but she still managed to squeeze out a smile, shook her head and said, "No, the sea conditions are still very dangerous, I can't stop yet, we have to leave Shandola Sea as soon as possible. "

But Su Lu really wanted to jump into the sea to help Xiang Lin, but now she is just an ordinary underwater world creature without any supernatural power.

In the face of this dangerous sea called the Shandola Sea, Su Lu could not find any help.

At this time, a former god shouted: "No, there is a sea cliff ahead!

Be careful! ! "

Elsewhere in Flat Earth.

When the gods lost their power, those ordinary people came out one after another.

Some people's families have been destroyed because of their beliefs.

They hate these gods, it's just the powerful power of the gods, and those organizations, so they don't dare to happen at all.

However, now, the news that the gods lost their power, just like lightning, has been passed from the 5 earth countries one after another.

The arrival of earthlings brings convenience of communication.

Gods, they are no longer so invincible.

Many believers who originally believed in the gods, watched the highest of their beliefs fall to the altar, and the share in their hearts also collapsed.

Churches began to disintegrate, and organizations began to disintegrate.

And those ordinary people who harbored resentment towards the gods took up the weapons at hand and attacked those gods.

The gods who have lost their power are no longer able to resist these people.

One by one, god-killing organizations have arisen among the people.

Although the people of the earth have influence on the five continents, their influence is not absolute.

Even in Aghanim Continent, there are many people with hatred who form Godslayers.

They grabbed the gods, tied them to stakes, tied them with ropes, and set them on fire in the same way the church had dealt with them.

Others pushed the gods to the gallows and to the guillotine.

Some are even more straightforward, stabbing a knife directly into the heart of the god, or in the lower abdomen.

"Crash", he opened his belly, and directly swallowed and peeled the god.

The clever businessman inevitably came up with an idea to buy the corpse of the gods, sell the meat of the gods, and sell the skins of the gods.

Some craftsmen even turned their skins into purses, coats, and rugs.

For a time, the gods were all in danger.

The only thing they can do now is to seek shelter from the earthlings.

At this time in the Scadi Empire, the Ministry of Magic was protesting to Area 51.

The Minister of Magic protested: "Please, His Majesty Mickey, give an explanation, why all the gods of our four countries have lost their powers, except for the gods of yours, Scarty, who are still as usual

In such a situation, it is hard not to cast doubt on you.

Are we still our most steadfast allies? "

The interim person in charge of Area 51 said: "I'm sorry to encounter such a thing, your Majesty went to Shandola and was not in the country.

I can't answer your question either.

I can only tell you that this has nothing to do with us in Area 51, with us, Scarty.

We don't have a clue what's going on in the world.

But Your Excellency Minister, remember that the Empire and Britain are staunch allies of the same language and race, and we will definitely not do anything to harm our allies. "

Britain did not give a friendly response to Scarty's explanation.

In addition, on the one hand, it is impossible to prove that this is what Scarty did, and on the other hand, the people of Scarti don't seem to really know what is going on.

The Minister of Magic could only angrily end the fairy tale with the interim head of Area 51.

Although I don't know how the specific reason was caused, but at this time, Area 51 was in ecstasy, and the gods of the other four countries were gone.

The young soldiers of the military are even more eager to try.