Different World Development Manual

Chapter 1527: Zhendonggang Incident (3)



Another few magic bullets exploded over Zhendong City.

The influence of electromagnetic pulses has caused Zhendong City to be in a state of inability to communicate in an orderly manner.

Marine battalion commander Qi Lehu held up his binoculars, looked at the battleship shelling on the sea, and said angrily: "That's it, what role can you get by sending you a liaison officer

Can I get in touch with the people from your 42nd battalion? Can the communication be restored to me

Never mind wired or unlimited.

The battleship electromagnetically blocked Zhendong City, and we are very passive now.

The unmanned combat system has completely lost its combat capability and is now quite troublesome. "

Yan Ran was speechless, and he had nothing to do at this time.

Be a messenger, this person is running around and can't keep up with the time at all.

At this moment, a soldier shouted: "Batch commander!

Scatty Devils are starting to land! "


I saw on the sea, armored vehicles, troop carriers, and speedboats began to quickly rush towards the tidal flat.

Let's look at the tidal flats suitable for the landing of the Scarlett Devils, all of which have been ploughed over and over again by the artillery of the Seventh Fleet.

Qi Lehu put down his binoculars and said, "Forget about the naval port, we have to stop the Scadi devils from landing.

Inform the entire battalion of soldiers to immediately advance to the tidal flat suitable for the landing of the Scaadi Devils, where we will build fortifications! "


Qi Lehu said and jumped onto an armored vehicle, leaving Yan Ran standing there.

After getting in the car, Qi Lehu glanced at Yan Ran, frowned, and said, "Why are you staying there, you said that the people from the 42nd brigade detoured towards the beach.

You may not go back to report

Hurry up, get in the car and join the battle!

Our staff is very nervous, and the tidal flat cannot be lost! "


Saying that, a soldier from the land battle next to him pushed Yan Ran into the armored vehicle.

"But I'm from the 42nd brigade, I'm the contact..."

Before he could finish speaking, Qi Lehu interrupted Yan Ran unwillingly: "Mother-in-law is like a bitch.

You are the liaison officer responsible for the connection between the Navy and the 42nd Brigade.

Our marines are also the navy. Since you are in charge of contact, stay by my side. "


The armored vehicle had already started, and Qi Lehu said dissatisfiedly: "Be like a man, just do it.

Liaison Yan Ran, listen to the order! "


"Stay by my side and be responsible for battlefield liaison!"


In desperation, Yan Ran was forced to join the battle group of the Marine Battalion.

"Look at the battalion commander over there!"

Towards the Seventh Fleet in the distance, one after another missiles lifted off from the Seventh Fleet's battleship, whistled, and flew towards the distance.

"That's an anti-missile missile!"

After a moment of effort, bursts of red light flashed on the edge of the sky.

Yan Ran exclaimed excitedly, "It's our counterattack!"

However, Qi Lehu clenched his fists. The Seventh Fleet has the means to intercept missiles. Even if this wave of missile offensives is very ferocious, those missiles that pass through the missile interception will soon face the Seventh Fleet's second defense. .

An interception network composed of dense firepower.

Perhaps it was prepared, the battleship of the Scattered Devils, before leaving the port, installed a lot of close-up artillery.

The entire Seventh Fleet's anti-aircraft firepower and the output firepower of the opposite shore, the battleship is almost a circle.


"Boom rumble..."

Facing the powerful anti-aircraft firepower of the Seventh Fleet, even the rain-like missiles exploded in the sky.


A missile broke through the 7th Fleet's anti-aircraft fire and slammed into the Wisconsin ship.

A huge fireball exploded on the bow of the Wisconsin.

The splashed decks, components, and crew members fell into the sea with flames.

Qi Lehu shouted, "Nice job!"

Unfortunately, the armor of the Wisconsin is extremely heavy, and even if it is hit by a missile, it cannot be completely destroyed.

That is not a modern ship with a thin skin and a big filling, but a super battleship that has been pulled out and remodeled using modern technology.

A battleship simply cannot be destroyed at once unless it hits the keel.

The damage control on the Wisconsin immediately began to operate, extinguishing the fire and saving people.

Although the Wisconsin was not sunk, the triple turret in the front was affected.


Turret No. 1 cannot be turned! "


On the tidal flat where they may land, Qi Lehu's battalion has begun to build up an offensive one after another.

On the sea, the galloping amphibious ships kept firing on Qi Lehu's side.


Give me a bobbin! "

Qi Lehu rolled up his sleeves and shouted in a loud voice.

Yan Ran saw the soldiers next to them, all took out the anti-tank rocket launchers, and aimed at the amphibious armored combat vehicles driving on the sea.

It was at this moment that the amphibious chariot of the Scatty Devil quickly released a smoke bomb.

Suddenly, the whole sea was filled with smoke everywhere.

"I can't see it!"


At this time, the assault boat of the Scaadi Devil rushed out of the smoke at the fastest speed and was about to reach the beach.

Qi Lehu shouted: "Attack, kill those devils!"

“Da da da da…”

"Thumbs up..."

For a while, the sound of guns and guns was loud, and many Scadi devils were killed on the boat before they landed on the land.

There are not many people on Qi Lehu's side, and many soldiers died in the bombing of the military port.

At the same time, in order to cover the landing of the Scadi devils, the Seventh Fleet also frantically opened fire at various landing points.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The shells exploded at the improvised beach fortifications, and if one was not careful, a platoon would be scrapped.

The artillery fire of the warships and the attack of the amphibious vehicles almost made the soldiers unable to lift their heads.

Seeing his soldiers sacrifice one after another, Qi Lehu also reddened his eyes, roaring, angry, and cursing.

However, under the cover of the fleet's artillery fire, the amphibious combat vehicles also entered the land as the second group.

The addition of armored forces made it more difficult for the soldiers of the Marine Battalion to fight.


A round of anti-tank missiles were launched towards the armored vehicles that washed ashore. Although a few were destroyed, the remaining tanks quickly aimed their muzzles in the direction where the rockets flew.

Qi Lehu shouted, "That liaison officer, go pick up a rocket for me! Quick!"

Yan Ran hurried to change the shell, but as soon as he turned around, a shell landed where Yan Ran had just been.


The shock wave generated by the explosion directly rushed Yan Ran to the ground.

When he got up and looked behind him, the battalion commander Qi Lehu had been bombed to pieces.

Yan Ran trembled and shouted, "Ahhhh!"


At this time, several amphibious armored vehicles appeared in hidden places on the flanks of the tidal flat.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A series of shelling sounds directly completed the raid on the flank of the landing Scaadi Devil.

The sudden artillery bombardment also disrupted Scarlett's position.

The armored vehicles on the beach awkwardly turned their muzzles and aimed at the hidden amphibious armored vehicles.

Yan Ran looked over there, it was the surviving armored vehicles behind the small hill just now.

On the armored vehicle, Yan Ran even saw a familiar figure.

It was Wang Haifeng, who seemed to have taken over the position of the sacrificial comrade-in-arms and was directing the armored vehicle to launch an attack on the Scarlett Devil.

However, the armored vehicles of the Skadi Devils also began to attack the hidden marine and land soldiers, and the shells flew between the two sides "swish, swish".

And the muzzle of the seventh fleet battleship in the distance also slowly turned around.

Seeing a flash of fire, Yan Ran shouted badly.

After a while, huge fires exploded from Wang Haifeng's side.


Under the continuous fighting, there are not many naval defense forces left on several tidal flats.

Under the fierce artillery bombardment of the Seventh Fleet and the fierce attack of the Scady Landing Force, the navy and military police who first invested in the tidal flat defense were almost killed and injured, and only sporadic gunshots were left.

Yan Ran didn't know what was going on on Wang Haifeng's side, how tragic the casualties were.

But he knew that there were fewer and fewer naval fighters on the beach, and more and more Scadi devils.

If it goes on like this, the Scadi devils will completely complete the landing.

Can't go on like this.

To defend Zhendong City.

Yan Ran had only one thought in his mind at this time, that was to kill all the Scadi devils who had invaded the beach.