Different World Development Manual

Chapter 1529: Zhendonggang Incident (End)


A huge black shadow shrouded the sky above the Seventh Fleet. Tiger looked at the place where the shadow came from, and said solemnly, "Pangu Base, you lost."

According to the information currently obtained by the Scarti Empire, HX has 3 strategic bases. This is the "Pangu Strategic Base" that often appears in film and television works, and is also known as the strongest weapon of mankind.

According to the information obtained by the intelligence personnel, although Pangu Base has strong protection capabilities, powerful firepower output capabilities, and good land mobility capabilities, it does not have the ability to transmit.

The one with this teleportation capability is HX's Yama strategic support base.

The intelligence personnel spliced some information about the battle between HX and the gods collected before, and speculated that the Yama base has the ability to transmit big guys like Pangu and Nuwa to other places.

However, the intelligence personnel are sure that transmitting such a huge thing will definitely consume a huge amount of energy.

Therefore, even if the Seventh Fleet attacked Zhendong City, it would be impossible to face the existence of such a strategic base in a short period of time.

Once Zhendong City is captured, the Seventh Fleet can completely take the citizens of Zhendong City as hostages and threaten HX.

HX will certainly not launch a storm on the city.

At this time, the Seventh Fleet can rely on the shield of Zhendong City to attack everywhere, delaying HX people in various ways.

Although the idea is good, but the reality is cruel.

Looking at the high raised stone legs, Tiger's eyes were full of despair and unreasonableness: "It's transmitted so quickly, it doesn't conform to the conservation of energy at all."

At this time, in the Pangu strategic base, Qi Ye ordered: "Destroy all incoming enemies!"


Pangu raised his legs and stepped on the seventh fleet.

The muzzle was almost aimed at the Seventh Fleet in Zhendong City, and it was too late to release the magic bullet at Pangu Base.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Groups of huge water splashes were stepped on by Pangu, turned into waves, and rushed towards the surroundings.

One foot of a battleship directly stepped on the bottom of the sea, and with a "gudu", it made a muffled sound on the bottom of the sea and blew up.

The Iowa, Missouri, and Wisconsin were huge, heavy and durable bodies, like plastic toys in children's bathtubs, and were directly stepped on by Pangu to the bottom of the sea.


A ball of fire, a high water column, was blown up in an instant.

Even the New Jersey, which was about to sink, let Pangu go down.

On the aircraft carrier, Tiger looked at the Pangu base above his head and hurriedly let people fire the magic bullet.


One after another, magic bullets were fired from the remaining destroyers and flew towards Pan Gu.

However, the missile launcher and the close-up cannon below Pangu immediately opened fire.

"buzz buzz buzz..."

The interception weapon composed of electromagnetic guns easily intercepted these flying magic bullets.

The electromagnetic gun below Pangu even aimed directly at the battleship of the Seventh Fleet.

The fire control system quickly locked all the invading enemies and distributed them to the systems of each electromagnetic gun.

With a "fire", a round of electromagnetic cannons was launched directly towards the Seventh Fleet.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

On the deck of the aircraft carrier where Tiger was, several holes were instantly punched out.

The fighters on the deck were directly given a chance by the electromagnetic artillery shells, and flowers exploded on the deck.

That was originally the air power used by the Seventh Fleet to hold back the HX people in the air after they prepared to occupy Jindong City.

The aircraft carrier is not bad. The thin-skinned destroyers and frigates in the fleet are almost all pierced by an electromagnetic cannon.

Immediately afterwards, the missiles under the Pangu base were densely launched towards the Seventh Fleet.


For a time, fires exploded everywhere on the sea.


An electromagnetic cannonball directly hit the island where Tiger was located, and the entire island of the aircraft carrier was cut off.

Immediately afterwards, several missiles slammed into the aircraft carrier heavily.


The troupe's huge fireball exploded under the aircraft carrier in an instant.

The huge explosion directly sent the aircraft carrier flying from the sea, and the entire battleship was broken in half on the sea.

Ryan watched in horror what was happening on the sea. The advantage gained by the Emperor's sneak attack was pulled back in an instant after the Pangu Base joined.

The Pangu Base is like a full-level BOSS who has entered the Novice Village with a kitchen knife, and is slashing with a knife.

Scarti's most elite fleet was killed by Pangu Base in the blink of an eye.

The entire fleet is disappearing at the speed of a match burning.

Ryan on the beach looked at the Seventh Fleet. He didn't know what happened to the commander of the fleet, nor did he know what happened to the naval officers and men of the fleet, but it was estimated that they were not far from seeing God.

The landing force that lost the fire support of the battleship was also facing a serious problem at this time.

The firepower of the landing troops is not as strong as that of the HX reinforcements. In addition, the 42nd brigade of HX occupies a favorable location and can attack the landing troops in a very tricky position.

The addition of Pangu Base also boosted the morale of the defense forces in Zhendong City.

Watching soldier after soldier fall next to him, Ryan shivered, holding a gun, and curled up behind the bodies of several Skadi intruders.

His eyes were still on the sea, the behemoth, he was wanton ravaging the Seventh Fleet.

In just a few dozen seconds, seven-tenths of the battleships of the Seventh Fleet were destroyed.

Where is this battle, this is clearly a massacre.

On the side of the Pangu Base Command, a commander and fighter reported: "A distant underwater nuclear submarine activity has been detected."

As soon as the voice fell, several nuclear bombs were launched from underwater several kilometers away.

This is Tiger's trump card. It is impossible for these submarines to participate in the landing battle. Their role is to guard the periphery and hunt down the enemies who come to help.

If the situation is very critical, Tiger also instructed these guys to launch nuclear weapons directly to attack the HX people.

Tiger's idea is good, but the entire Aghanim continent is the home of the HX people, fighting inside.

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Entering the interior of the continent and wanting to raid HX, there may only be a temporary victory.

What followed was a violent countermeasure from the HX people.

Pangu did not intercept the nuclear bomb. In the flight path of the missile, one teleportation space emerged, and immediately transferred the nuclear bomb to another place.

At the same time, right in front of these submarines, a teleportation space leading to a vast land was created.

The submarines that were still within the monitoring range of Pangu just now disappeared.

At this time, the hologram of words and deeds came out in Pangu's headquarters: "I, Yama, captured the submarine of the Seventh Fleet first, and the rest of the battle is left to you.

Scady is doing these actions, I really don't know what they think. "

Qi Ye and Ran Xu were also speechless for a while. They didn't know what the Scarti people thought when they suddenly attacked HX.

In a short time, all the surface ships of the Seventh Fleet were dealt with by Pangu Base, and all the underwater ships were captured by Yama.

And the Scadi soldiers on the shore lost the support of the fleet, faced the onslaught of the 42nd Brigade, and the attack of the Pangu Base behind them, and completely lost their will to fight.

Ryan threw the gun aside early, lay on the ground, and raised his hands.

He knew that as long as he did that, the CPA would probably not attack him again.

After more than ten minutes, the gunshots on the beach gradually became sparse and disappeared.

The officers and soldiers of the 42nd Brigade surrounded them one after another.

Yan Ran rushed over with a gun, kicked the gun next to Ryan far away, and shouted, "Don't move, lie on the ground!

We treat captives well! "

The battle in Zhendong City came to an end in less than an hour, although the Seventh Fleet made a lot of preparations, attacked the military port, disrupted electronic equipment, and staged a "sneak attack on Pearl Harbor" in the name of the exercise.

Fortunately, the CPA's quick response prevented the Scarlett Devil from causing more losses to the military and civilians in Zhendong City.

Regarding Scarty's dirty, ugly and evil actions, the center and the general army held an emergency meeting.

At the same time, Xue Yang also reported his and the Administration's speculation to the center.

At this time, on the Scarti Continent on the other side of the ocean, the Scarti Empire, which had almost unified the entire continent, was undergoing a coup d’etat.

Initiated by the Emperor's faction, a coup.