Different World Development Manual

Chapter 1530: One One Two Two Incident (1)


Traveling through the 17th year of the calendar, November 22, 1 hour before the Zhendonggang incident.

The Imperial Capital of the Scady Empire, Mickey DC.

"The latest news, we have successfully seized control of the Seventh Fleet.

That guy Moz is gone.

Nothing can stop us. "

Mickey DC Mayor Doug waved his hands excitedly. For them, Tiger and other emperor factions seized control of the Seventh Fleet, which seemed like a huge victory.

In the conference room, a big boss in the capital world said: "Mayor Doug, these conservatives in the military and political circles should all give way!

If you don't give way, it should be cleaned up!

The future belongs to us and these conservatives will only stand in our way! "

The words were filled with righteous indignation, causing a lot of resonance among the group of people in the house.

Looking around, in this conference room where Mayor Doug is located, there are not well-known capitalists on Wall Street, the trusts of the empire, or the parliamentarians of the empire, and some people from the military.

And these people, without exception, are the most radical people in the Scarti Empire.

They support Mickey's various policies, and believe that as long as Mickey gets the control of the spaceship in the flat world, the entire Skadi Empire will become the master of this world.

And those who are behind the scenes will get infinite wealth and power.

These guys are the people known as the Emperor's faction.

They are located in various parts of the empire, in the military, in politics, in business and even in some other industries.

"You and I both know the Seventh Fleet's sneak attack plan.

Now that the Seventh Fleet has acted according to the established plan, in order to cooperate with the Seventh Fleet, we have to start taking action.

I propose to mobilize our men and take the entire Congress. "

A congressman said: "Even after His Majesty has ruled for so many years, Congress is still dominated by most conservatives, how to seize it

We don't have many people in politics compared to those conservative guys, and we don't have much chance of winning in Congress. "

A trustee clipped his nails, rubbed it lightly, blew it, and laughed, "Ha, are you going to take control of the Congress step by step into your own hands


House of Representatives

Perhaps you are overthinking these things.

I prefer a simpler and cruder way of operation. "

Having said that, the trustee looked at Mayor Doug and asked, "Can the National Guard handle it

We will pay here. "

From that trust's point of view, Mickey could lead them to make huge profits after capturing the spaceship.

Although there are not many people from the Emperor's faction, once the event is successful, those businessmen who are on the sidelines and swaying will also smell the taste of interests, and they will come over one after another.

In his view, Mickey not only brought a lot of military exploits to the army, but also brought a lot of wealth to them, the capitalists.

Doug glanced at the person in charge of the National Guard next to him, who nodded, and then said, "The National Guard is fine, you can drive in directly."

Doug continued: "I could just issue martial law orders.

In the case of the military, I will arrange for someone to contact you there. "

When the National Guard entered the city and entered the imperial capital, such a change would definitely attract the attention of the military.

The conservative wing of the imperial military remains neutral on these issues.

They have their scruples, but those scruples are nothing in the eyes of the Emperor.

The actions of the National Guard are likely to cause the military to enter the city and force the National Guard to leave.

Fortunately, the Emperor's faction and the military are also deeply connected. Doug has boasted so much, so naturally he has his own way.

The trust nodded and said: "You don't have to be afraid of the arrangement of funds, just take the Congress and the House of Representatives by arms, and then replace our people.

In fact, you don't have to worry about anything, most people in the country follow the wind. "

"Knock knock knock!"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the conference room.

Everyone's eyes turned to the door of the conference room. At this time, there were still people knocking on the door. Don't you know that there is an extremely important meeting going on in the conference room

Everyone present here is not low in status, and they frowned.

Doug was about to contact his secretary and scold him for what was going on.

Hearing a "boom", the door of the conference room was directly blown open.

A group of people rushed in, wearing tactical vests, helmets, and holding pistols and submachine guns: "Investigation Bureau! Hold your head in your hands! Squat down! Squat down!"

The sudden change made everyone who was still talking about it stunned.

However, this group of investigation bureaus also came for real. Seeing that the group of guys hadn't reacted yet, they rushed up and pressed the group of people to the floor.

"All squat down for me!"

The leader turned around and looked: "Good guy, Congressman, businessman, National Guard, and Mayor Doug.

It's all a bunch of people with heads and faces.

What are you doing here

Conspiracy to subvert state power

Are you the so-called imperial faction? "

Facing the dark muzzle, Doug and the others just stared coldly at the guys who arrested them, and didn't speak.

Talking at this time is pointless.

After all, in this country, raising a hand is a common practice.

The leader said: "We have received news that your intentions are wrong!

If you have something to say, come back and say it.

Take it all away! "

In two or three minutes, the big guys in this room were taken away by the Bureau of Investigation.

The person headed back to the car, the partner next to him lit a cigarette for him, and said worriedly: "This time it's all the big shots, and Mayor Doug, we..."

The leader took a breath and said, "Are you worried that the bureau can't handle it?"

After saying that, he put the gear on and slowly stepped on the accelerator.

The partner said: "They are all people with heads and faces..."


Before he finished speaking, a big truck in the shape of Optimus Prime hit him head-on.

It slammed into the driver's door fiercely, and the entire car was directly overturned and rolled out in the air.

At the same time, several armored vans drove over quickly, braked suddenly, and stopped one after another, surrounding the convoy of the Bureau of Investigation.

Baimeng Book

A guy in a suit, armed with a weapon, got out of the car.

One of them shouted, "Stop all the cars!

get off! get off!

Otherwise we will kill you! "

The detectives of the Bureau of Investigation looked at the light and heavy weapons in the hands of the thugs in suits, and stopped one after another, not daring to open fire.

That's a heavy machine gun, and that bazooka.

This firepower, what can't you do, come and fight yourself

The detectives dropped their weapons one after another, opened the car door, got out of the car and knelt on the ground with their heads in their hands.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

With a burst of gunshots, the surrendered detectives fell into a pool of blood.

This group of thugs in suits did not intend to let this group of detectives go.

"crack clap..."

Stepping on the blood, one by one, these thugs in suits slowly opened the car door and greeted the big guys in the car to get off.

"Sorry, sir, it was our dereliction of duty to put you in danger."

A trustee slapped the thug in the suit with his thick hand.


With a loud slap, blood was drawn from the face of the thug in the suit in an instant.

But even so, the thug in the suit remained dangerous, bowed respectfully, and apologized to the trustee.


The trust came out and scolded, "You bastards, I'll keep you in vain."

These guys are the bodyguards of one of the attendees.

After seeing Doug and a person in charge of the National Guard get out of the car, Natrust turned his head and asked, "The Bureau of Investigation has already touched our head, and we don't have much power there.

Two, the National Guard thing is going to bother you again. "

"no problem."

Ten minutes after the meeting was interrupted, Doug declared a state of emergency in Mickey DC and went into martial law.

At the same time, the National Guard began to enter Mickey DC in large numbers.

As usual, the citizens didn't realize what was going on at all, and the gunshots of the National Guard had already sounded in DC.